Advice Please..........


Did you speak to a 'human being'
May 27, 2007
I have just had a phone call from Dd8 school to say they have a Confirmed Case of Swine Flu :eek:.
Now the advice i would like please is this----
Would you keep your child off school for the remainder of term time(DD8 breaks up 17th July)now knowing this information??.
Also would you keep a sibling off in the school next door that shares sports halls etc...(Dd4 goes to the Nursery next door).
I know to some i may sound a little OTT :laughing:,but swine Flu does worry me,i know all the ins+outs of it+that it's not as bad as everyday flu,but i would just like some advice as to whether you would keep your child home.I know it may sound silly but could you give me reasons for your answer :confused3?.
(also Dd8 friend,was sent home about an hour before we had this phone call-with temperature+shivers,his brother 4yrs is my Dd4 friend in Nursery-so we are with each other 2 times a day,Mon-Fri).
Thank you.x.

Edited Too Add(because of what Wendy said in her post)--i have mild asthma,suffer with chest infections+have recently been having a few dizzy spells-to do with my blood pressure,Dd8 has trouble controlling her temperature+it can cause her to pass out or in extreme cases, have a convulsion-although she has NOT been diagnosed with fits/epilepsy.No holidays.x.
If you have got a family holiday due in the next few weeks or any of your family has other conditions asthma/heart conditions etc then yes I would keep them off school if not I think I would keep them in school.
I would have said keep them in school however, reading your edit I would be inclined to speak to your GP.

Good luck :hug:
I would consult a doctor as asthma drops into at risk

Ive got chronic asthma, plus being pregnant Im extremely worried about getting this, and we have just had a case confirmed in the enxt village
I think I would speak to your GP and see what he recommends. I know that with asthma you will be at higher risk. If you do keep her off school she isn't really going to miss much work wise it will just be the fun stuff, ie possible school trips etc.
I agrree with everyone else and would speak to your GP for some advice x
This close to the end of term, I would definitely keep them home for the foreseeable future so you can monitor the situation. Then see your GP if you have any serious worries...

I kept my DS at home at the end of his work experience a couple of weeks ago as there was a couple of cases of swine flu reported at the company he worked at. I just couldn't see the point in risking it and wanted to keep an eye on him so he ended up just going back to school for one day...

Of course, I will use any excuse to have him around... ;)
Add me to the speak to your GP list. If you do decide to keep them off it's only 9 days they are going to miss so probably not too disruptive.

I am in the exact same position tonight. DD is in year 5 but the school extends all the way from nursery to sixth form. the confirmed case is in year 8 and at first i thought not a big deal. Then when she came home i discovered that cara sits directly behind her on the school bus, and this girl was in school this morning and got sent home later on:scared1:

I have asthma and not only that my grandfather is in intensive care right now after his heart surgery yesterday so i would never forgive myself if i were to pass this onto him. I would love to know the incubation period for swine flu, how long do you have it before symptoms develop? when do we know we are safe really?

oh decisions decisions. I think I am happy for her to be in school, but i should probably stay away from the intensive care unit. that may be the best thing to do.:confused3
We had a letter tonight to say that there is Swine Flu at my DDs' school. Although my eldest two (9 and 5) would normally stay at school, I am concerned about my DD (20 months) as young children are more vulnerable. The decision to not 'contain' was only taken last week, so the school would have been closed had this happened several days ago.:scared1:

I know it's only flu but....:sad2:
Having just had Swine Flu Michelle, I have to say our GP was fairly rubbish! (I've been with them since I was 2!)

They had to constantly phone the Flu response centre for advice. Not sure if we were their first case.:confused3

I have asthma and they gave me a slightly different dose of the 'Tamiflu' medication over a longer period of time and told me to use my preventative inhaler.

The symptoms I had of Swine Flu though didn't present themselves as chest issues.

I will try and dig out the flu response centre advice sheet, I think there was an advice line number on there and you can ask them any questions at all about it from Medical symptoms, to decisions about returning to work and school etc.

Freya was banned from the school whilst taking the 'Tamiflu' medication, even though she didn't present any symptoms after four/five days. But then she was in school probably contagious before we realised we had it.
When I phoned the school to speak to the head he already knew, as the Flu response centre had alerted them!

Love Sarah X
Hi guys work in an emergency planning office

NHS direct 1st 08454647

Department of health 08001513513

suggest you dont go direct to Drs or Hospital they take a dim view
of potential hazards walking through the door.

NHS direct are fully up to spec for all aspects of swine flu

hope everyone who has it/had it are OK
Thank you so very much everyone :hug:.

Since i wrote this thread,i went to the school office to speak to the HeadMistress,she understands how i feel-mainly for my minor helath issues.She also told me that there are 6 children awaiting test results :eek:.The school will not be closing-as that is not happening with any schools now.She also said that there is one child awaiting results in my Dd4 Nursery/School.
I asked for her opinion+she recommended i keep Dd4 off school-as she is under 5,but said that there is no real reason to keep Dd8 off :confused3.

I have since spoke to NHS Direct they have advised me to send the girls to school :confused3.NHS did say though that with my chest,asthma i 'could' get it bad :confused3,if i was to get it.

I have decided i am NOT sending my girls to school,i don't want to take the risk,i can't afford to.
I know i could or my girls can get it from going to Asda,but i am none the wiser there,but being as though there is a confirmed case,i am not taking a chance-hope that makes sense.

As for my friends boy who got sent home,he no longer has a temperature,shakes+shivers,but does have a runny nose,sore throat+cough.The NHS told her that if his symptoms rapidly get worse overnight she must phone them back.

Thanks again everyone.x.
I think considering everything you have made the right choice.
And now you can enjoy your kiddos at home for a little longer :) thats always nice :)
I think considering everything you have made the right choice.
And now you can enjoy your kiddos at home for a little longer :) thats always nice :)

Thank you,i do believe i have made the right choice-although others don't agree+think i am being OTT(Mums from the school).

There are now 4 confirmed cases at Dd8 school.x.


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