ADR System Upgrade - History

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Sorry! I didn't realize there was a board for this. I should have known the DISboards would be on top of things. Thank you for the fast response. I will keep looking for new info on this thread!!:worship:
I posted this on another thread, I was able to make my ADR for Chef Mickey and CRT, but when I asked when I could make the other ADRs the CM was not sure and said to start calling at the beginning of November. So I guess I will be bugging them everyday. :goodvibes
I've made my CRT and CM as well. I wanted to make a BBB appt but was told to call back around the 21st of Nov for that too!!
Alrighty, I know I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but on 11/21 it will be everyone making reservations for several months at once, right? Is this the day the online reservations will start also? This will be a nightmare for awhile I bet!
This is the day the new system crashes. Either that or no one will be able to get through. Great planning! LOL
Alrighty, I know I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but on 11/21 it will be everyone making reservations for several months at once, right? Is this the day the online reservations will start also? This will be a nightmare for awhile I bet!

My understanding, from what I've read from Disney, is that the telephone portion will be the first to launch.

Once that is established, they will introduce the online portion.
Are we getting close to the time when we can make our ADRs for March? I don't want to miss out because of being confused as to when I can make them. :confused:
Are we getting close to the time when we can make our ADRs for March? I don't want to miss out because of being confused as to when I can make them. :confused:

As of right now the date is still November 21.

We have a sticky thread on the topic, and I moved your question to that thread. This way you should receive a subscription notification when anyone posts to it, and we'll post if the date changes.
I just made my CM and CRT ADR's this morning for our April trip :cool1: and in order to schedule the 180+ 10 I had to have my reservation number. Last two trips I didn't need that but this time they needed it. Of course, when I am calling at 6:00 in the morning, I was at hope and my ressie number is at work. The very nice CM did put me on hold and she got someone on from reservations to get my number but it did take some time. Luckily, I still got 3 CM ADR's (we are staying at the contemporary) and my CRT breakfast for the time I wanted. Just wanted to let everyone know for the 180 + 10 to have those reservation numbers handy.

Also, the CM thought (actually, she said it was more of a feeling) that they would know by the end of next week when they were going to open the ADR's back up. She thought it was going to be prior to that November 21 date but wasn't for sure.

Disney will begin implementing a new reservation system that combines dining, recreation and tour bookings.

The conversion will start on July 21, 2008 and is expected to be functioning on November 21. While this is taking place, the latest dining reservation date which can be booked in advance is January 25, 2009. Once the new system is operating, it will revert to the 180 day Advance Dining Reservation window.

The exceptions to the shortened ADR booking window are Cinderella's Royal Table, Chef Mickey's and Victoria & Albert's.

Go back to first post-You cannot currently make reservations past February 22, 2009
in order to schedule the 180+ 10
As a total newbie - never made an ADR before - please tell me what this means. We arrive on 11 August 2009. Does this mean I can call 180 days before we arrive and make ADRS for 11 August + the following 10 days? If I've understood that correctly is it best to do that or wait until 15 August and make ADRs for the whole 14 days of our stay?
Thank you!
As a total newbie - never made an ADR before - please tell me what this means. We arrive on 11 August 2009. Does this mean I can call 180 days before we arrive and make ADRS for 11 August + the following 10 days? If I've understood that correctly is it best to do that or wait until 15 August and make ADRs for the whole 14 days of our stay?
Thank you!

You understand the process perfectly. You call 180 days prior to August 11 and make reservations for the first 10 days of your stay.

If it were me I would do that, and then call back to make reservations for the last 4 days. In fact I did that when we went for two weeks in October 2007 :goodvibes
Hi all,
I've been waiting and waiting for today for what seems like months. Today is 180 days out from my arrival at the House of Mouse...which means, I should be able to make ressie's for almost my entire trip.

That being said, I just got off the phone after almost 45 minutes of being transferred from one person to the next. I called the Grand Gathering line because we are a party of 18 and they couldn't make my ressie's because we are a party of 13 or more. Doesn't that seem strange that Grand Gathering can only book ressie's for parties of 8-12. Annoying. So, they sent me to the Group Dining people, somehow I ended up at regular dining and was connected back to group dining, only to have the CM tell me that they are only booking for Chef Mickey's and CRT right now and he thinks that by 11/21 I'll be able to book.

Has anyone had this problem or did he not know what he was talking about?

Any recommendations?
They are currently upgrading the ADR system so they will not be taking reservation for anything beside Chef Mickey, Cindrella's meal and one other place I can not remember,:dance3: until 11/21. At that time the phone line will be flooded with people trying to get those ADR's. In the further you will be able to amle ADR's online from what I understand but that is still off a bit.
The PP is correct, it has to do with the upgrade.

I am going to merge this into the sticky thread about the topic. That way if there are any changes to the ADR system before 11/21 you'll be in the loop.
Which of course me!!! This is a chronic planners nightmare!! I was hoping to make all my ADR's by the end of this month, now I have to wait until 11/21...ugh! I think I might be (cough..cough..) sick from work on 11/21 since I will be on hold all day trying to make ADR's..

Does anyone know if we will be able to start making them at midnight on 11/21??

Wow... I wonder if November 21st 2008 will go down in International history as the day where people...
1. Used the most cell phone minutes ever
2. Were most likely to call out sick... talk about an economic slump.


As soon as I get the green light, I'm callin'... I'm browsing all sources for information. I'm getting those ADRs for March even if I have to be on hold most of the day.
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