Ack! Why was BoardTracker visiting my profile page?

Geez... I'm up to 160 now. :confused3

There isn't anything even on there to see. :confused::confused:

Imzadi - I clicked you. Now I'm a visitor to your page, too. :smooth::magnify:

I believe I clicked on yours last night in my hunt for the poster named Boardtracker. The OP no longer had it listed on their profile so I went to the next person in the thread who said they had visited their page.
Imzadi, I visited you again. I wanted to see my name back on your list - no real reason. ;)
I know sometimes when I'm scrolling down a page using my touchpad, I sometimes accidentally "click" on someone's name and their profile shows up. So, if you see my name listed as visiting your profile, it was an accident...really...I'm not stalking you!!!;)

I have done this by accident as well! Sorry if I clicked in the wrong place...I don't even know how to check my profile
Geez... I'm up to 160 now. :confused3

There isn't anything even on there to see. :confused::confused:

Imzadi - I clicked you. Now I'm a visitor to your page, too. :smooth::magnify:

All of our numbers are going up cause we keep clicking on each other now to see who's been visited by whom. I was looking because besides the OP you and I were two that I could find that had Board Tracker on our 'current' page of visitors (even though I'd had 20-some visitors, only 2 were listed on my list :confused3 Board tracker and someone I'd never heard of...)

All so interesting......:upsidedow
now I have to post to check mine

oh, and I have accidently clicked on people, too
Wow, 45 visits. I think its interesting that so many find me interesting cause I'm not

I'm sure everyone just accidently clicked my name
I freaked out the first time I noticed someone had visited my profile. :eek: I guess I never reallized you could do it. Once I realized you could, I must admit I do it. I really only read it if they have sent me a PM question, or if it looks like they might be from my area. Maybe if their avatar catches my eye... By the way, what's it mean if someone requests you as a friend? Do you have to start chatting? Someone requested me, but I haven't responded yet.
.....By the way, what's it mean if someone requests you as a friend? Do you have to start chatting? Someone requested me, but I haven't responded yet.
I have no idea. :confused3 I have eight of those, never have replied or responded to them. I have 408 visits, I recognize a few of the names that are there, most I do not. And that BT guy/gal/thing is there too. :confused3
Set your profile to friends. Private area, except for your friends.
Hey Dan. I just saw that Boardtracker was a visitor for you too. I've never seen that one on mine. I wonder what that's all about?
I'm friends with a few people. Basically, we leave each other a "visitor message" now and then, but I don't think you have to be officially friends with someone to leave a message. It's a little bit like a simplified version of Facebook. If there are Dis'ers you like to be in touch with, it's a quick and nice way to say "hi" now and then.

I like having my friends because if I'm on the boards and want to send them a quick message or link, it's an easy way to reach them. Keep in mind that visitor messages are public so if you post one to someone then anyone reading that page can read what you wrote.
Kelly, I didn't read your messages but I checked out your page to see how it looked. I didn't realize that the DIS had those features.
Kelly, I didn't read your messages but I checked out your page to see how it looked. I didn't realize that the DIS had those features.

That's interesting because I just clicked my link and your name didn't come up as a visitor. I have 45+ visits and only a few visitors listed. I don't think that visitors are always recorded, but I don't know why or how that works. :confused3

Don't worry about reading/not reading the visitor messages. :) I figure the messages are as public as posting on a thread is so I don't say anything there that I wouldn't say here in the CB. : )
wow i had lots of visitors hmm... and some who came left rude messages ???
Werid, if i have clicked on someone profile and have offened you . i am so sorry i may have been trying to find an old post that had info i thought was important maybe ??? or must of been a wrong click..:confused3:flower3:
Hey Dan. I just saw that Boardtracker was a visitor for you too. I've never seen that one on mine. I wonder what that's all about?
I think I have been investigated a few times over the years here, Linda, LOL. :lmao: :magnify:

.....I like having my friends because if I'm on the boards and want to send them a quick message or link, it's an easy way to reach them. Keep in mind that visitor messages are public so if you post one to someone then anyone reading that page can read what you wrote.
I use PM's, or emails.

wow i had lots of visitors hmm... and some who came left rude messages ???...
I will never leave you a rude one, huck. :hug: That is so uncalled for. :sad2:
So as far a someone out of the blue requesting you as a "friend" you just ignore it or check the box that says "reject friend request". I don't want to be rude, but I'm not looking to chat or anything like Facebook. Is it weird that I care about offending this stranger/friend? :confused3 I'm only on the DIS because I'm freakishly addicted to Disney.
I've had 99 people look at mine - and I don't even have anything on there, nore do I know how to put anything on it. What is the boardtracker anyway?
Gosh, I must be boring. Only 98 people have viewed my profile. One of them was BoardTracker. I've been here forever. Bummer! I need to start working on my image. :goodvibes


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