ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Wanted to check in. My first infusion was Monday. It was ABSOLUTELY HORRID.

Oh my gosh, you poor dear! I read your experience with horror. Fran has been doing infusion therapy for 15 years or more with no experiences like that. How awful. I hope you've recovered.

I go back to my specialist Nov 28th and see what the next game plan is. I am almost afraid to try anything else.

Ask about Enbrel, Humira, or Xeljanz (pronounced Zel-janz). I'm not sure what insurance you have, and they may be pricey, but the first two are injections that you self administer and the third is a pill. They just released a once a day version.

felt kinda weird taking a drink from one bar to a different restaurant.

I would have felt weird as well. Actually taking a drink out of a bar at all is weird to me.

Definitely would go back to spend more than 5 minutes here.

I'm hoping I can convince Fran to go there in March, even for 20-30 mins.

What did I do? Well, I had fun too! I got to meet up with Cindy

How fun!

I found Anara who was dancing like a mad woman. I joined her and danced like one too.

:faint: I would have been crawling on the floor by that point.

Sheer adrenaline carried us through the evening as we'd been awake now for almost 48 hours straight.

Like I said above, I don't know how you did it. Dinner would have done me in. Belly full, go to bed.
Glad you had a nice evening at DTD (I can't call it Disney Springs yet). Great that you had a nice DIS meet. Looks like you and your daughter had a ball at the dance party! Looking forward to the post with the report on your dinner.Raglan Roadis on the list of places I want to try.

Wanted to check in. My first infusion was Monday. It was ABSOLUTELY HORRID.

I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience! Hope your doc can come up with a new plan
Well, I'm all caught up and enjoying your TR! Love the photos and the non-chronological take you are going with. Looking forward to reading along. Great job so far!
I'm looking forward to seeing Disney Springs completed. Last year I feel they were still working on it and it was PACKED to the gills with holiday crowds that I didn't get a chance to really check out the redesign.

Glad you don't flash anybody! lol
I think I made it through the night without flashing a cheek at anyone, so it's all good.

:rotfl:I would have liked to hear that story though!

Behold, the Air Pirate Mule.

That looks really good

I got to meet up with Cindy, @addictedtothemouse

So cool! I have my first DISmeet coming up very soon! :goodvibes

Sheer adrenaline carried us through the evening as we'd been awake now for almost 48 hours straight

Wow, 48 hours!! I'm impressed. Looking forward to hearing how you liked a Raglan Road. We just got to hear the band, I guess the dancers had all gone to bed by the tine we got there.

Your Disney Springs pictures are lovely. I think they did a really nice job with the refurb there.
Great update in Disney Springs we love Raglan Road so looking forward to that update. My parents are Irish. Mum from Dublin and Dad from Tipperary.

Great photos! That drink from the Hanger bar looks nice. You need to go to the Polly school of souvenir mugs coming out of your ears school. I have no shame on collecting them. Even ask for them without a drink to bring home.

Love the dance party too cute!

You must have been jaded by the end of the night. How nice to meet up with your friend for an ice cream sounds good my lady!
For all my Canadian Friends, Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you too!
Thanks for thinking of us, and I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and family time.

I love how much Americans get into's really much lower key here and one day I'd love to go actually have it with a real American family like in the movies!
Sounds like fun! How about we all show up at @Steppesister 's house? Me, @KathyM2 @pkondz @Lifelong_Dreamer anyone else? I'm sure she wouldn't mind. What a blast it would be! :p
Thanks for thinking of us, and I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and family time.

Sounds like fun! How about we all show up at @Steppesister 's house? Me, @KathyM2 @pkondz @Lifelong_Dreamer anyone else? I'm sure she wouldn't mind. What a blast it would be! :p

You KNOW you'd be welcome! And I mean it! The final count is 18 and includes 2 Exchange Students- one from Indonesia that Mikki met from OSU, and one from Bulgaria- a blind student who lives with my SIL.

Just bought my 22 pound turkey, 15 lbs of potatoes, and 5 packages of fresh cranberries. 5 assorted pies are coming, and I'm guessing we end up with 10 bottles of wine. I MAY cook up a photo scavenger hunt too.
I'm just stubborn like that

Nahhhh... I don't believe it.
"Yes I am!"
Nah. You're not.
"I am too!"
Nope. Not buying..
"I am I am I am!!!!"

Okay! Okay! Sheesh.

I'll let the photos do the talking.

And I won't comment on every one, but thanks so much for posting!
I haven't seen much of it anywhere so this is a nice treat.

I think I made it through the night without flashing a cheek at anyone, so it's all good.

Wait.... Wait!
You mean... you went commando.... and wore a skirt!?!?!?

You are a brave woman.
Or should that be brazen?

Love the lights in lanterns on the water.

as we headed straight to Raglan Road for our 6:00 ADR, and checked in at 5:58.

Pretty good timing!

I have WAY too many photos for a whole chapter on that alone.

Oh, I hear that.
I have about 90 for a half day update uploaded to Pbucket.

I will say, though, that they told us it'd be a 15 wait for a table near the stage. While I wasn't going to insist on one at Coral Reef, I was willing to wait all night for one here. I mean what's the point if you can't see the dancing, eh?

I've heard lots of good things about Raglan Road but... this is the first I hear that there's dancing?

Lindsay's Hangar Bar.

This is one place that I really want to see. It just looks so cool!

I had meant to get a souvie cup from here, but felt kinda weird taking a drink from one bar to a different restaurant. In hindsight, I should have and regret it very much.

This alone is reason for a return visit.

Enjoy the photos from the coolest bar on property. Definitely would go back to spend more than 5 minutes here.

:goodvibes So glad to hear it met expectations!

What the heck is a diving suit doing in an aviation themed bar?!?!?

I got to meet up with Cindy, @addictedtothemouse !

Nice! First DISmeet in the books!

Don't lean over too far! Remember you're sans panties!

She gave me a wonderful gift when we parted ways:

A little something from her home state!

Very nice of her.

I found Anara who was dancing like a mad woman.

:laughing: This just tickles me...

I joined her and danced like one too.

... but not as much as that does!

We danced our little tootsies off for about half an hour

How on Earth did you do that with no sleep?!?

The lady witch took Zach's hat off and both kids cracked up affording nice pix of the two of them.

:laughing: Great pic!

We meandered and mosied, in no real hurry to do or go anywhere in particular.

No? Not even to bed???

Nice lines. :thumbsup2

Sheer adrenaline carried us through the evening as we'd been awake now for almost 48 hours straight.

:sad2: Get to bed!! It's not like you have to work shift work, ya know.

5 assorted pies are coming

Holy crap!!
Hm, we should discuss souvenir mugs... Unless you get a better offer. Will send you a PM soon, currently very busy. That should change soon. :goodvibes

YAY!! I did get your PM and am super excited to have a 2nd shot at Mule Cup! Thanks!!

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. When asked I say very, very rare and DH tells them, show it the grill and slap it on a plate.

I guess I am more of a Medium Girl, then- still pink, but with a nice sear on the outside. But the way your DH describes it is hilarious!

I loved eating at Coral Reef. DD just got her scuba certification and has expressed interest in diving at Disney, if she does I'll remind her to not be a loser and to interact with the diners lol.

It definitely was the highlight for the diners, especially the ones at tables near the windows. The kids ate it up like PB&J. That's so awesome that your DD got her certs! I really hope she can find an opportunity to make the happen! Does she like to travel? If so, may I HIGHLY recommend Thailand's southern coast and islands. Unbelievably beautiful! Here is a photo from the last time I was there:


I've never taken the time to watch FOW, I really need to take the time and enjoy more shows.

I do think you'd enjoy it! I kept telling my kids over and over, when they started to him or haw about something, "Does Disney do anything BAD? Have you even gone to any ride or attraction that you didn't like?!" Their answer was always no.

I cannot believe you made it to Downtown Disney that night. I would have been out by 3 pm if I had pulled an all nighter like you guys.

It was really our one and only chance to do so since we had plans for all our other days, so it was then or never. And it's always my tradition to start every trip there. Eases me into the jive of a trip, plus it's Disney fun without burning a ticket day.

Love the shot of the purple people. So cool!

I love it too; it's one of those rare, unposed genuine smiles kind of photos.

We are only paying for half of Sarah's tuition. She managed to snag a couple of scholarships to pay for the other half. She also worked during high school and saved most of her pay so that is now her "spending money". Rob and I both paid our way through school and then paid loans for ten years after. It was rough but we really did appreciate our education. During the lean years, one of my goals for after graduation was to be able to buy good toilet paper that was soft and "pleasant"; you know, the kind that does not fall apart when you use it. So I did, I bought Charmin. And then we moved into a house built in 1900 with old pipes and after having the plumper out a couple of times to clear the clogs we were told to use one-ply TP. So there went my nice toilet paper.

Retirement plans, teach only online classes (I have worked since I was sixteen, I cannot imagine life without working) and volunteer projects. Fun stuff like cleaning up trails in the parks and such.

Hey Kate! we're doing the same- about half. She's works her hiney off at Dairy Queen as a shift manager, and I know appreciates her education more than most.

Your story of TP cracks me up! About 4 years ago on the DIS a bunch of us had a hilarious conversation (maybe on one of my PTRs?) about 2-ply. Too funny!
Thanks for the hugs, they are definitely appreciated and needed!

Anytime! And I mean it too. :)

I loved meeting up with you and getting to chat :hyper2:! And yes, I also hope it's a lifelong friendship. ::yes::
We didn't spend nearly enough time at DS this trip! Last trip we has rented points and stayed at Saratoga Springs with a 10 minute walk to DS. We ate dinner there several times, I loved the convenience to the different eateries.

It was a wonderful evening to be sure! I love that it has a lot to see and do without spending a ticket for. I'm kinda like @Terra Nova guy, though. I can take or leave the high end shopping- just not a big shopper like that. But I do love the new look, and especially can't WAIT to see the Edison when it opens!

I wanted soooo bad to sign your door wreath but was so tired and still had to pack, so I just dragged my tired behind back to the room. :guilty:

Really, it's oK!! By the time you would have, I'd have probably given up on it, as the 2nd or 3rd night, the wind blew all to pieces. I found one Mickey Head on the lawn around the corner! LOL!

I really like how the new Disney Springs elements turned out. I have only been there during the daytime though so haven't had the night experience. That is on my to do do list for next time. The purple figures are really cool----hope Disney continues to utilize that type of street entertainment.

I hope you get to go and see the nighttime vibe it has. The warm lighting they added gives it a soft, but upbeat touch. As for the Streetmosphere- YES! Me too. I really like to "stop and smell the roses" so to speak.
There's been a lot of good reports on Disney Springs. The atmosphere looks great. I've heard it's hard to find your way around though if you were used to Downtown Disney. I'm looking forward to seeing it one of these days, but the only thing I don't have much interest in is all the high end fashion stores that have opened up. And some of the new restaurants seem to be on the pricier side. The Hanger Bar seems like a good place for a drink, with a souvenir cup of course :p

I definitely would agree! It is, I think purposely so, a little convoluted that lends to a more wandering perusal. I think if you have a specific target, it'd be a little frustrating, especially if you are on a tight schedule. So go with an adventurer's spirit and just enjoy it. I absolutely can do without the high end stores as well. Just getting to Disney is enough of a hit for my pocketbook. There are still a ton of great places that are reasonably priced as well; don't let that scare you. You could actually get a meal in the Hangar Bar if you got a few appies.

Downtown Disney (or whatever) looks like fun...especially the dance party and hope you managed it without flashing anyone lol. Our Canadian Thanksgiving was in October lol...but thanks :) Looking forward to hearing about yours though! I love how much Americans get into's really much lower key here and one day I'd love to go actually have it with a real American family like in the movies!

Yep, I have family up in Alberta and we hear about the holiday when it rolls around. Like you say, a bit more subdued than ours. Then, again, you know us wild and crazy Americans- always over-doing stuff. ;) But hey, come on down!!!!! We'd love to toss another chair around the table! Dinner is at 4:00 on Thursday!
I would have felt weird as well. Actually taking a drink out of a bar at all is weird to me.

So, here's the deal. You'll hear it twice since it's part of the Raglan update as well:

I had JUST been served my drink when the pager went off. So, I had no choice but to take it over there. And believe it or not, it wasn't weird at all! No one gave me any 2nd glance or stink eye, so I figured it was all good. I wouldn't do it often but in that case it was just fine.

I'm hoping I can convince Fran to go there in March, even for 20-30 mins.

WAIT! I thought you didn't get anymore trips until "Casa Viejo" was cleared out!! Did I miss something?? I know I've been a bad reader lately, but...?

Like I said above, I don't know how you did it. Dinner would have done me in. Belly full, go to bed.

Disney adrenaline! It's like a magic energy pill!

Glad you had a nice evening at DTD (I can't call it Disney Springs yet). Great that you had a nice DIS meet. Looks like you and your daughter had a ball at the dance party! Looking forward to the post with the report on your dinner.Raglan Roadis on the list of places I want to try.

Nope, DTD is just easier to type DTD, but easier to say The Springs. I dunno. LOL!

They are adding more and more dance parties to Disney parks too. We saw at least 2 in MK, and one in AK. I LOVE that! I'm a sucker for dancing in any form! A lot of people are asking for that update. I may have to find a way to slip it in sooner than I'd anticipated!

Well, I'm all caught up and enjoying your TR! Love the photos and the non-chronological take you are going with. Looking forward to reading along. Great job so far!

Glad you could spend some time here with us! Enjoy that downtime you get and feel free to mosey back anytime you can!! Your writing always brings a smile to my face.
:rotfl:I would have liked to hear that story though!

Queen Steppe: Entertaining readers for years! LOLOLOL! In all seriousness, I somehow attract funny stuff when I'm at Disney. :)

So cool! I have my first DISmeet coming up very soon! :goodvibes

Isn't that with ChunkyMonkey? I'm super excited for you guys! Enjoy your time together!

Wow, 48 hours!! I'm impressed. Looking forward to hearing how you liked a Raglan Road. We just got to hear the band, I guess the dancers had all gone to bed by the tine we got there.

Your Disney Springs pictures are lovely. I think they did a really nice job with the refurb there.

You and several others are anxious for that one. Maybe I should throw that in soon. The dancing was super amazing! You should try again to catch it!

They really did. It wasn't bad before, just so much better and picturesque now.

Great update in Disney Springs we love Raglan Road so looking forward to that update. My parents are Irish. Mum from Dublin and Dad from Tipperary.

How neat that you are fully (?) Irish! While I"m Scotch, French, English and Belgian, there is not a drop of Irish in me. But I ADORE the music and dancing from that lovely land. Thanks for sharing that!

Great photos! That drink from the Hanger bar looks nice. You need to go to the Polly school of souvenir mugs coming out of your ears school. I have no shame on collecting them. Even ask for them without a drink to bring home.

Yes, I need a crash course on how to NOT walk out of a bar without the souvie mug. This was not the first one I screwed up on. :(

Love the dance party too cute!

Everyone, including the spectators was having a blast. It was such an upbeat and fun vibe going on! It truly brought a spirit of community and brought people together; something really needed so near the negativity we've had lately.

You must have been jaded by the end of the night. How nice to meet up with your friend for an ice cream sounds good my lady!

We collapsed so hard when we got to the room. I plugged in my camera battery and phone and about died.

I'm not a HUGE ice cream fan, but it was just right for a bread pudding topping. Mmmm!
Love the dance party at Disney Springs! Great pictures too! I also would have voted for powering through Day 1, as I have been know to have interesting sleep patterns. At least I would be tired enough to sleep like a log for at least one night, which is great in my books! That's kind of what I did for my Paris trip - left home at 6pm, and didn't end up going to bed until the next day at 9pm Paris time, but it got me right on Paris time without any jet lag. Did the same on my way home - stayed up til 10 pm which for me at that time was 6 am, but got me right back on track.

Yeah, best strategy for beating time changes is to get on the new one ASAP! I don't have time to monkey around with losing fun to sleep nonsense.

Nahhhh... I don't believe it.
"Yes I am!"
Nah. You're not.
"I am too!"
Nope. Not buying..
"I am I am I am!!!!"

Okay! Okay! Sheesh.

I knew you'd see it my way. LOL!

And I won't comment on every one, but thanks so much for posting!
I haven't seen much of it anywhere so this is a nice treat.

You are welcome! We didn't go over to the "west side"; there was enough to entertain us in The Marketplace and Town Center.

Wait.... Wait!
You mean... you went commando.... and wore a skirt!?!?!?

You are a brave woman.
Or should that be brazen?

NO, no! I may be a risk taker, but I am not stupid. ;)

Love the lights in lanterns on the water.

It was rather lovely. I need something like that in my yard.

Oh, I hear that.
I have about 90 for a half day update uploaded to Pbucket.

I'll bet that took... all day. I hate PBucket these days. A lot.

I've heard lots of good things about Raglan Road but... this is the first I hear that there's dancing?

Seriously? Yeah, every hour on the hour until like 10:00. I snagged me some pretty decent photos too!! :D

This is one place that I really want to see. It just looks so cool!

I could have spent hours in there looking at all the cool stuff! It was all eye candy to a super goober like me.

This alone is reason for a return visit.

There are a lot of good reasons to go back!

What the heck is a diving suit doing in an aviation themed bar?!?!?

There was all kinds of eclectic stuff in there. Had I ever had the chance to go to the Adventurer's Club before Disney unforgivably did away with it, I imagine I'd have seen the same funky mix of stuff. But in perfect Disney style, it all comes together to tell a story that really works.

... but not as much as that does!

It was quite a spectacle, I"m sure. Yzma, hands in the air!

How on Earth did you do that with no sleep?!?

Probably really badly. I don't care. I had fun.

Nice lines. :thumbsup2

Thanks. Exactly what I was going for.

Holy crap!!

We don't take Thanksgiving lightly.
guess I am more of a Medium Girl, then- still pink, but with a nice sear on the outside. But the way your DH describes it is hilarious!
We have a friend that tells his server, knock the horns off, wipe its....behind, and throw it on the plate. That's a little more rare than I even like! :crazy2:
It definitely was the highlight for the diners, especially the ones at tables near the windows. The kids ate it up like PB&J. That's so awesome that your DD got her certs! I really hope she can find an opportunity to make the happen! Does she like to travel? If so, may I HIGHLY recommend Thailand's southern coast and islands. Unbelievably beautiful! Here is a photo from the last time I was there:


That's so beautiful, I'll have to show her. She would like to travel, but hasn't had any opportunity to outside of the states.

I do think you'd enjoy it! I kept telling my kids over and over, when they started to him or haw about something, "Does Disney do anything BAD? Have you even gone to any ride or attraction that you didn't like?!" Their answer was always no.
Lol, no Disney doesn't do anything bad, BUT there are rides that I don't really like. I'm a weenie, I'll admit it, HM, ToT, and Dinosaur. I can do HM and ToT during the day, but can't ride and then go into the dark. :scared: Dinosaur, I think, just hurts my ears, so maybe if I had ear plugs it wouldn't be so bad.
It was a wonderful evening to be sure! I love that it has a lot to see and do without spending a ticket for. I'm kinda like @Terra Nova guy, though. I can take or leave the high end shopping- just not a big shopper like that. But I do love the new look, and especially can't WAIT to see the Edison when it opens!
I HATE shopping, when I grocery shop I get everything that I need for two weeks except bread, milk, and fresh fruits and veggies.
Edison sounds so cool. On our last universal day we went to The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium for lunch, it's 19th century steampunk and awesome chocolate!
We don't take Thanksgiving lightl
Nope, we sure don't! I never know exactly how many we're going to end up with, this year I'm thinking between 13 and 18, but 4 of them are under 5. We'll be cooking 2 turkeys, a whole ham, 2 kinds of stuffing, sweet potatoes, squash, mp w/gravy, veggies....and desserts, lol. Luckily DH makes awesome pies so it's his job to make the pies, at last count it was going to be apple, cherry, 1 dairy free pumpkin, 2 pecan, he said he's making 10 pumpkin, but I think he'll probably only make 6 regular pumpkin and possible a cinnamon free pumpkin. DD is making cheesecake and I'm making apple crisp and a cake that has the frosting baked in it. Yeah, we like dessert, lol probably a little too much. And the BEST thing is I don't have to cook for the next week. What's for breakfast? Pie. Lunch? Turkey sandwich. Dinner? Ham and sweet potatoes. :rotfl:
So, here's the deal. You'll hear it twice since it's part of the Raglan update as well:

I had JUST been served my drink when the pager went off. So, I had no choice but to take it over there. And believe it or not, it wasn't weird at all! No one gave me any 2nd glance or stink eye, so I figured it was all good. I wouldn't do it often but in that case it was just fine.

I guess in Florida you can walk around with a glass of booze, I cant imagine doing it at DTD in CA, in fact there are laws against it! :rotfl:

WAIT! I thought you didn't get anymore trips until "Casa Viejo" was cleared out!! Did I miss something?? I know I've been a bad reader lately, but...?

It's Casa Nueva, and that's not the place that needs to get cleaned out, that's the place we moved into, Casa Nueva="House New" get it? DeSoto is the place to get cleaned out. It's a 4 unit apartment building and the only one left is the three bedroom "owner's unit" in the front on the bottom floor. Still working on it. This trip in February is actually THE LAST and it's a cruise where I was able to tack on two nights at WDW, so I really don't consider it a WDW trip, more of a consolation prize for getting off the ship and not being totally depressed.

Disney adrenaline! It's like a magic energy pill!

I guess the pills effectiveness also depends on your proximity of your home to Disney. My Disney adrenaline only goes so far before I come crashing to a halt. :lmao:


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