A tutorial on expedia bargain fares....

Beverly Lynn

comfortably numb
Oct 17, 1999
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Learn about Expedia Bargain Fares

Looking for a great price and have a flexible schedule? Save money by booking a Bargain Fare, offered exclusively to Expedia.com customers.
What's so great about Bargain Fares?

You can save from 10% to 60% by booking a Bargain Fare. We show you the final price up front—no guessing is necessary! We negotiate directly with 20 name-brand airlines to offer you these incredible savings.

Shopping for Bargain Fares
Shopping for Bargain Fares is just like shopping for any other flight. Bargain Fares are displayed in your search results, next to branded fares, so you'll instantly see how much money you can save by booking one. The fares you see are final*—all taxes and surcharges are included.

To view the flight details, just click Choose and continue beside the Bargain Fare description, or click the Bargain Fare button at the top of the page. There are no restrictions on viewing the fare, and no time limits for making a purchase, as long as availability remains.

Keep in mind: Not all routes offer Bargain Fares, and we only show them when they offer significant savings over all other fares for that route.

Bargain Fare details
Before you purchase a Bargain Fare, you'll know your flight price, departure and return flight dates, and the maximum number of flight connections.

Complete details, including airlines and flight times, are disclosed in your itinerary immediately after your purchase.

Flights are scheduled to depart some time between 6 AM and 10 PM and do not correspond to your original search times. For example, even if you originally requested a morning departure, a Bargain Fare could depart in the evening.

A few restrictions apply to Expedia Bargain Fares: Tickets cannot be transferred, changed, or refunded; seats cannot be upgraded; and flights are ineligible for frequent flyer miles. In addition, travelers with Bargain Fare tickets cannot fly standby on other flights.

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1 adult2 adults3 adults4 adults
Going to
Returning (MM/DD/YY)

*You will be charged an additional $10.95 for paper tickets.
Expedia's Bargain Fares are exactly the same thing as what Hotwire offers. The only thing you know before submitting your credit card is the price. That's all. Just like Hotwire's fares, Priceline will beat them 99% of the time, especially if you use the free bonus money offer Priceline has had available for more than one year.

As to "To view the flight details, just click Choose and continue beside the Bargain Fare description, or click the Bargain Fare button at the top of the page....," that is very misleading because no details of your itinerary are displayed until after you purchase.
Personally I would recommend Expedia over Priceline (I can't really comment on Hotwire) Having dealt with Expedia's Customer Service agents and having heard about Priceline's it appears to me that Expedia is a much more customer oriented service. They really are a "full service" travel company as opposed to Priceline that only does the bid stuff.
CarolA, I can't argue with how you feel from a customer service perspective. I can say though that it seems foolish to me to pay more to Expedia for the exact same thing you can get for a whole lot less through Priceline. Maybe for a few dollar difference, but that's not my experience.


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