A Trip Full Of First's,Suprises's,Tears+Memories To Last A Lifetime DAY 6


Did you speak to a 'human being'
May 27, 2007
Right,i think it's about time i got on with my trippie-before a certain 2 people lynch me.x.

Please Click Here If You Need To Play Catch Up http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=33048817#post33048817 POST 67.
Me-Michelle 34yrs.Planner,Loves Disney,Tink,Seuss Landing+kid's rides.Hates Height's,Backwards Stuff,Spinning+Getting Wet,

Dh-Tony 30yrs.Likes Disney,Loves IOA,All rides-the faster the better.

Dd7-Chloe 7yrs(will be 8 over there).Loves Tink,HSM,Cinderella.Hates Spinning rides.

Dd4-Emily 4yrs.Loves Tink,HSM,Stitch,Cinderenda+Shamoose.Hates Loud noises,fireworks.
DAY 6-APRIL 6th.
I woke at 6am,and got myself ready whilst the other 3 were still snoring.I woke them at 7am,and we went down for our free breakfast in the hotel :thumbsup2.Usual all round,sausages,fried eggs,bacon,breakfast potatoes,pancakes+syrup+orange juice.
We got a Taxi($13)and arrived at Islands Of Adventure at 8-30am,plenty of time as the park did'nt open until 9am today.Tony was very excited to be going here at last-he loves the thrill rides especially Hulk :scared1:,i was also looking forward to this park as i love Seuss Landing....

We queued with the hoards of others and headed straight to Hulk which was a 15min wait time,i took the girls on Storm Force(WHY :confused3??? :laughing:).Me+Chloe tried our best to hold the wheel as still as possible to stop us from spinning,boy was that a joke.I did'nt realise just how hard it was to hold this stlll.So i had to hold on for dear life to Emily as she was sliding all over the place+nearly ended up on the floor of the ride :scared1:,whilst trying to hold on to the wheel with the other hand :laughing:,whilst trying not to throw up myself :sick:,whilst all the time Chloe was nearly wetting herself with laughter :rotfl2:.We survived this,although quite embarrisingly :laughing:.
I took the girls over to the Hulk car to have there picture done...

We then made our way to meet Spiderman.The queue was only about a 10min wait,Tony met up with us as we was nearing the front.Spiderman was absolutley fantastic with my girls :worship:,he spent time to talking to them,asking them if they had been saving the planet etc...Emily was just staring at him in awe-completley starstruck+could'nt even answer his questions :cutie:.He held her hand the whole time he was talking to them :thumbsup2.
We had the professional photo's taken,and they cost $26.58 for 2 5x7 and 4 wallet size prints,in a cardboard folder.
These are the ones i took..........


We the went into Marvel Alterniverse where Tony got a Punisher hat $21.95-what for a hat :eek:.
Tony made his way to Dr Doom,which was showing a 20min wait,whilst me+the girls wandered around the area+taking pictures along the way.We met back up+watched the mini Parade that the SuperHeroes do on there jeeps.The girls got there pictures taken with Storm,Vogue+Captain America.We then queued for Spiderman-30min wait.I love this ride,it is absoulutley amazing-BUT i never got a chance to watch-as i had Emily sitting next to me+she was crying+was pretty scared,so i removed our glasses and was cuddling+consoling her,so i missed out on the ride :sad1:.Will try again when we come back next week.
We then made our way to Seuss Landing,it was starting to get very dark by now-we waited for the Dr Seuss Show+then the heavens opened,someone came out and said the show had been postponed :sad1:.We made a dash for the Book Shop,where i got a Cat In The Hat Mug($16.95),Tony got a Grinch Mug($16.95),A pack of 4 large plastic Seuss Character Tumblers($9.95),Emily got a Cat In The Hat Beanie($12.95)Cat In The Hat Notebook+Pen($7.95)Seuss Landing Tumbler($4.95)Chloe got the same Tumbler,a VERY expensive way to keep dry :rotfl:.It only lasted about 10mins,so we made our way to One Fish,Red Fish,Two Fish,Blue Fish(i think that's right :confused3)-35min wait.Emily did'nt want to go on it :confused3,so Tony took Chloe.......

Back to wait for the Dr Seuss Show,the Guy came out,started to talk+it bucketed down,once again the show was cancelled :sad2:.
We went into Snookers+Snookers where the girls shared a large M+M's chocolate covered rice krispy bar-this thing was HUGE.I had a white chocolate+raspberry cookie and Tony had a peanut butter cookie,we all shared a bottle of sprite-total $12.18.
Then straight on to Carou'seussel-30min wait.....
Rain had stopped after we had finished on here.Next was High In The Sky Trolley Ride 30min wait,which turnt out to be a 45min wait :headache:-this was a new one for us as it was'nt 'built' last time-we really enjoyed this-i was quite suprised how rickety it felt up there :scared1:.
Some pics from this ride...the view was amazing.....





We then shared a large tub of Dipping Dot's-oh my these were lovely-i think it was ClaireL who told me about these,can't wait to have more of these when we go back.We had a mixed tub-which i think was banana,strawberry,oreo,cookies+cream-$6.68.For anyone who does'nt know what i am on about they are small round balls of frozen ice cream-i think thats the best way to describe them :laughing:.
Next was Cat In The Hat-again a great ride-Emily was a little scared when she thought the piano was really going to fall on her.......



When we came off,2 lines were forming which we found out was for Cat In The Hat+The Grinch,the girls waited in line for pictures+autograph.The Grinch kept on pulling Chloe's hair+Emily just looked purely petrified of him :laughing:.She loved Cat though,he was constantly giving her cuddles....


We popped into Toon Extra where Emily bought a Curious George cuddly toy,that velcro's around her neck $18.95.
Next was If I Ran The Zoo-we spent about an hour in here before the rain hit again-this time there was no letting up-it was really,really heavy+also thuderstorms-we waited for it to slow up before we gave up on IOA at 4.20pm today+made our way to NBA City for dinner..............



This was our first time eating here+it deffinatley did'nt dissapoint.
Me--16oz Rib Eye,Garlic Mash,Green Beans+Carrots.2 pints of Coor's Lite.
Tony--Sesame Crusted Salmon,Rice,Green Beans+Carrots.2 pint's of Coor's Lite.
Chloe--Denver Nuggets,Fries,Carrot Sticks+Apple Sauce.Sprite.
Emily--Piston's Pizza,Carrot Sticks,Apple Sauce+Sprite.
We all shared a Chocolate Bomb for dessert.
Total-$80 with tip.Girls meals were free as we had a Kids Eat Free Card.
As we made our way through CityWalk we stopped off in USS Store where Chloe got a really nice Universal Studios wallet for $12.95,we just could'nt resist 2 caramel pecanbons for a snack later in the hotel-$8.93.We left Citywalk at 6.10pm and arrived back at the hotel with 20mins left of the managers reception,so 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed's for me,2 Express Checkout's for Tony(these are Cocktails by the way),Coke each for the girls+we took a cardboard tray of nacho's+dip+a cardboard tray of popcorn back up to our room(all this is free):cool1:.
Back up to the room were the girls were bathed+in bed by 8-40pm,i was showered+in bed by 9-45pm,Tony was showered+i found out the next morning that he fell asleep on the sofa+never came to bed until 12.30am.

Coming Up On Day 7-Things That Go Bump In The Night+A Rest Day.Stay Tuned :thumbsup2.x.
lovely day, I would felt ill on that ride too :sick:

your piccies show how colourful the whole place is :thumbsup2
Shame about the show being rained off twice but looks like you all had enough fun in IOA to make up for it :) :cool1:
A great day Michelle. I love the piccie of the girls doing their Spidey pose :)
Well its about time :rolleyes1 ............

.......But it was definitely worth the wait! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Another lovely day Michelle :) free breakfast is always a great way to start and I absolutely love IOA, it a tough call between that and Epcot for my favourite.

Love the pics from the High in the Sky ride, and I know what you mean about rickety!

Snookers and Snookers is so good, I could spend all day in there eating all the amazing sweets!

The girls look like they are having so much fun in all the pics :)

Can't wait for day 7, which by calculations should be done sometime in September :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Ok am i dumb, but i never knew Spiderman could speak :lmao:

Sounds like you had a fab day and lots of money spent :) ;)
Thank you everyone for reading+taking the time to post :hug:.x.

lovely day, I would felt ill on that ride too :sick:

your piccies show how colourful the whole place is :thumbsup2

That is one of the reasons why i love Seuss Landing-it is so vibrant,and beacuse there are lots of kiddy rides for me to go on :lmao:.x.

Shame about the show being rained off twice but looks like you all had enough fun in IOA to make up for it :) :cool1:
We thought at least when we went back the following week we can see the show then-but that never happened either-it was rained off :rotfl2:.x.

A great day Michelle. I love the piccie of the girls doing their Spidey pose :)
Thanks Mandy-Emily just could'nt get the hang of the Spidey pose-so in the end he showed her+moulded her fingers into the 'pose' for the professional photo-so it came out perfect :thumbsup2.x.

Well its about time :rolleyes1 ............

.......But it was definitely worth the wait! :banana: :banana:

Another lovely day Michelle :) free breakfast is always a great way to start and I absolutely love IOA, it a tough call between that and Epcot for my favourite.

Love the pics from the High in the Sky ride, and I know what you mean about rickety!

Snookers and Snookers is so good, I could spend all day in there eating all the amazing sweets!

The girls look like they are having so much fun in all the pics :)

Can't wait for day 7, which by calculations should be done sometime in September :rotfl2:

You cheeky-cannot repeat on the Dis :rotfl2:.
Oh free breakfast always tastes good as well :thumbsup2.I just did'nt see the point of going elsewhere to get the same thing+pay for it.We did go to a few other breakfasts-but me-i begrudged paying for it :laughing:.

Snookers+Snookers-i could spend an awful lot of money in there :worship:.Especially all the different types of fudge.

As for Day 7-it could be tomorrow :scared1: :lmao:.x.

Ok am i dumb, but i never knew Spiderman could speak :lmao:

Sounds like you had a fab day and lots of money spent :) ;)

The Spidey we see-was amazing,his voice is spot on-perfect :worship:.x.
A great day Michelle.
We love NBA too - DW says it is one of the best staeks she has ever had while in Florida - and we have had a lot of steaks. We have made sure it is factored into our next trip.
Keep the TRs coming.
It always seems to rain when I go to IOA as well.

Will make a note to try out NBA's food.
great day, we had a great bit of character interaction with spiderman at the character breakfast, he was fantastic with Matthew ! one of the best characters ever :thumbsup2
Yay, you've posted another day. I'm not one of those two people who would lynch you am I? :angel: ;)

I love the poses the girls are doing by the Hulk car. You certainly packed a lot into the day but it's a shame Emily was scared by the Spiderman ride. Did you get the pecanbons from the Cinnabon shop? That has got to be my favourite chain of shops in America. :love:

Funnily enough I had one of those 'expensive way to keep dry' moments last week - although not quite as expensive as yours.

Looking forward to day 7. :thumbsup2
great day Michelle, you have just reminded me to add dipping dots to my must get list this trip :thumbsup2
A great day apart from the rain. We love IOA but are not planning on going this trip. :sad2: I love the little super hero parade on the quad bikes. :charac4:

I wanted to try dippin dots in December but forgot. :headache:

Looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes

Well its about time :rolleyes1 ............

Did you think you could get away with that comment mister???? :sad2:

Pull your finger out will ya! And whilst your at it where are your wedding photos?????
I had one of the best character experiences ever with Spiderman, I will definitely be taking Eric to meet him when he is old enough.

I think you were super brave this day, Michelle - I was terrified on that high in the sky ride - never again!

Dippin Dots rock! I love the rainbow ones, hard to find though.

So pleased Emily got her Curious George cuddly - I remember you asking about that a while ago. Eric has taken a shine to mine.

Laur's xx
Loving your reports and photos Michelle, yet again another lovely day:thumbsup2

We are going to the NBA restuarant Adams request, tho it looks fab
Thank you so much everyone for reading+leaving your comments,much appreciated :hug:.x.

I'm not one of those two people who would lynch you am I? :angel: ;)

Did you get the pecanbons from the Cinnabon shop? That has got to be my favourite chain of shops in America. :love:

Oh no David you are an :littleangel: compared to 'THOSE 2' i am talking about-i wont give no names as that's not fair(but they did post on number 6 and 15 :lmao:).
Yes it was the Cinnabon shop :worship:.x.

I've never even watched a spiderman film :scared1:
I am not a big Superhero film person-but i really did enjy the Spiderman films :thumbsup2.x.

I think you were super brave this day, Michelle - I was terrified on that high in the sky ride - never again!

So pleased Emily got her Curious George cuddly - I remember you asking about that a while ago. Eric has taken a shine to mine.

Laur's xx
Brave :confused3-NO. Stupid-YES :lmao:.

Curious George does'nt leave her side,he sleeps in her bed,goes to the shop's,went to Legoland for the weekend+even goes to the toilet with her :laughing:.x.

We are going to the NBA restuarant Adams request, tho it looks fab

Adam won't be disappointed :thumbsup2,outside are moulded hand prints of famous Basketball players in which you can put your own hands inside-some of there hands are HUGE.x.

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