A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!

Hang in there. We all have temporary setbacks along the way. Rest and recover, and you'll be back out there before too long. Gentle yoga will help, if not for your back then your mind.
Thanks John. :) I wrote that post at probably my lowest point of the morning which maybe wasn't eh best idea. Yoga is on tap for today!
Don't worry, I'm not taking it like you "throwing me under the bus". :-) Everyone is an experiment of one, which means, what works perfectly for one person may not work for another. Part of getting better as a runner, or anything in life for that matter, is finding what balance works best for you to maximize your potential. I do believe what we planned in Phase 2 will likely work well. We can always dial back the plan if you choose to when you feel the time is right.
Okay, good. I was nervous about that. :)
So sorry your back is hurting again! :( I have had a bad cold the past few days and spent them mostly in bed, which always makes my back hurt more. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way!! :)
So sorry your back is hurting again! :( I have had a bad cold the past few days and spent them mostly in bed, which always makes my back hurt more. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way!! :)
Thank you for the kind words - and I'm so sorry that you are sick! I hope that you are feeling better soon. :)
Let's talk about something more fun than creaky backs, shall we? :)

Goodbye Money! Handmade Minnie Mouse Ears, Part 3

Yep...another post in the Handmade Minnie Mouse Ears "series." It's a doozy. :)

Way back in October (October 4, to be exact), BibbidiBobbidiBrooke opened her Etsy shop to take ears orders. This was the first time I'd ordered from her, but I'd been following her on Instagram long enough to know that her stuff would sell out in minutes. When her shop opened, it was weirdly panicky, and I went overboard: if there was something I thought I was remotely interested in, and it was available, I bought it. :eek: It was just...not good. :sad2: Not good for my bank account.

And then I waited...and waited...

For this sale she had the fabric all ready, but the ears weren't made yet. After that sale she put up some more ready-made ears (I bought a couple of pairs) and then I discovered The Bow Mama, whose ears I actually like a little better. I sold a few pairs of the BBB ears I already had on Facebook, and as I bought from The Bow Mama I realized I'd probably be selling more of the BBB ears I'd purchased in October (ugh).

Almost exactly 2 months after I went nuts on the BBB sale, my ears arrived (December 3).

I'd managed to find the link to her shop ahead of time (even though it wasn't open yet) and found a few must-get pairs. Important research. ::yes::

These are the must-gets:

On the left: West Coast Park Icons Ears (the #1 must-get - I refuse to ride Mickey's Death Wheel, and yet, I am strangely obsessed with it), East Coast Park Icons Ears and Favorite Transportation Ears (the #2 must-get)
On the right: Where's Mickey Ears and Adventure Book Ears (the most expensive pair of the bunch).

I love, love, love all of these pairs of ears! They are soooo cute! :)

And then the rest...

On the left: Fancy Black & Ivory Ears, Haunted Mansion Wallpaper Ears, and Red Sequin Ears
On the right: Midnight with Mickey Ears and Paris Ears

These are the ones I had decided to sell once I received them. I posted them in a few Facebook groups and the Midnight with Mickey and Black & Ivory Ears were gone within minutes. The other 3 pairs have had ZERO interest - which is disappointing, since the Wallpaper and Sequin ears were 2 that I was 100% set on selling (since I have similar ears from the Bow Mama). Ah well. I guess I'll worry about getting rid of them after the holidays.

Speaking of the Bow Mama (my preferred custom ears shop), at the beginning of the month she she posted a picture of Christmas Starbucks Ears! I love Christmas, I love Disney, and I love Starbucks...so these were a must-get. My first pair got lost in the mail but my second pair (which she sent to me free of charge, after taking care of filing the lost package claim with USPS - customer service right there!) arrived today. Just in time for our trip...whew!


Aren't they so cute?! :goodvibes I love how detailed her stuff is...the snowflake on the bow is such a nice little touch.

She's posted a few other teaser pictures over the past few weeks of things I really want to get from her...one I did manage to order (I'll post it here when it comes), the other, I'm not sure when she'll have on sale, as it's a seasonal (fall) item.

At this point I've decided which pairs of ears are coming with me to Disneyland (SOON!! :hyper:)...now I just need to figure out a way to pack them so they don't get destroyed! :)

Also...I unfollowed BBB on Instagram. She makes really great stuff but let's be honest, do I really need to be following 2 custom ear makers? I'm thinking not. My bank account will thank me. :upsidedow

Continued in Next Post
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Oh wow. I've been to both Etsy shops now... impressive. Now I've got to pick out a pair or two.

So many pretty things on your thread!
Sorry to hear about your back troubles, it can be so frustrating to be injured, especially when there isn't a clear cause. That's the worse, in my book.

Nice ears though!
Oh wow. I've been to both Etsy shops now... impressive. Now I've got to pick out a pair or two.

So many pretty things on your thread!
If you can limit yourself to 2 pairs, you are better than I am. :eek:
Sorry to hear about your back troubles, it can be so frustrating to be injured, especially when there isn't a clear cause. That's the worse, in my book.

Nice ears though!
Ah, thanks. I THINK it was a combination of things that lead to this, but thankfully I am feeling much better! I was pretty down in the dumps over it a few days ago though.

I like the ears too!...obviously since I have so many pairs. :upsidedow
Week 4 of Phase 1
December 14, 2015 - Sunday, December 20, 2015
16 miles planned, 8 miles completed

Monday, December 14: rest

Yesterday I decided to shuffle my week a bit after getting sick on Friday...today I slept in and didn't go to the gym. I think I maybe could have been okay - I feel mostly better - but with as sick as I was on Friday night, and the fact that I'm not 100% yet, I didn’t want to risk it. I need to have Saturday and Sunday off for trip-related things (!!!), so that means I'll have 4 days in a row of running this week, with no lifting. :eek: Challenge accepted!

In other news...I cannot FREAKING BELIEVE that we’'l be in Disneyland in a little over a week! :hyper: I'm excited (because, HELLO, Disneyland! And the fact that it'll be Will's first trip, so I can’t WAIT to show him around!) but nervous (because, HELLO - we'll be there over Christmas! Worst time to go!). I know we'll have fun though!

Oh hey, speaking of...since it's almost DISNEY TIME, I'm gonna toss up some Disneyland pictures in lieu of my awkward selfies. :)

To start...our hotel!


Tuesday, December 15: 4-mile run @ 13:32/mile pace


I've been stressing out over how to get all of my runs in during our trip, specifically during the Disneyland leg. Today I figured out that I would be way less stressed if I flipped my originally scheduled runs for this week (4 total) with the originally scheduled runs for next week (5 total). It'll sort of suck this week, running 5 days in a row (Tuesday - Saturday, as we're leaving town on Sunday), but I know I can do it and I'll be glad I did it next week. I'll need to shuffle some stuff around Friday/Saturday, but I think it can be done. And this way I only have 1 run scheduled for our Disneyland days.

Ideal? No. Smart? Probably not. But I know I'm way more likely to get in everything that I have scheduled during our trip this way. This is way more possible because as of yesterday around lunch time, I felt 100% better after getting sick on Saturday. So relieved!

Anyway...run #1 of 5 for the week today went pretty well. 4 miles @ 13:27/mile pace (53:47 total time). My stomach held up well, which was a relief.

After that I headed to the post office, because I sold 2 of my mystery INKnBURN shirts - the ones I really disliked the most (Chick'd and Silly Boys). Those were mailed out this morning. SO GLAD THEY ARE GONE, and I got exactly what I paid for them + shipping costs, so I didn't lose any money. :yay: #ByeFelicia

I'm hoping to get trades for the other two, and if I don't, I'll sell those as well after our trip. As people have been posting what they've received I've figured out that some of the shirts that I was hoping to get actually were sent to people, but not people that are the same size as me. People my size seemed to get the exact same ones I did, so there's not a lot of successful trading happening, which is disappointing.

Today's Disneyland picture of the day...the charming and beautiful Sleeping Beauty Castle! I know it won't be fully done up for Christmas due to the 60th, but I'm still excited to see it!


Wednesday, December 16: 4-mile run @ 12:41/mile pace

Busy busy today. Trying to get things wrapped up before I blow this popsicle stand!

Time for this run: 50:25, 12:36/mile pace.

Disneyland picture of the day...where we'll be on our first night (assuming our drive doesn't take days!):


Thursday, December 17: 5-mile run @ 12:41/mile pace planned, rest day taken

Shutting it down for the rest of the week. More info here. I've got some stuff to think about!

Disneyland picture of the day...possibly my favorite area in Disneyland. :) (Goal for this trip: more California Adventure pictures. I don't have many good ones! :()


Friday, December 18

Feeling better overall, but I think this is going to be a two steps forward, one step back kind of thing...which is frustrating. Originally I was going to go to yoga but my back was still hurting enough that I decided I couldn't do it today. Pity party for 1 instead.

Disneyland picture of the day...my girl Minnie!


Saturday, December 19

Same as yesterday - no exercise, BUT - I think I'm actually feeling better! Nervous to see what an almost 6-hour flight will do to my back, but excited for our trip (and way more excited now that I am feeling better). Also, I have my training plan all set for when I get back, so I feel better about that. ::yes:: Depending on how I feel I may try to get in a few runs during our trip, but I'm not scheduling anything right now. If I feel good enough, I'll head out...but I'm not putting too much pressure on myself.

Princess Half Marathon Weekend Update: I made my FP+ picks for Princess Half Weekend, so that's something. :)

Disneyland picture of the day...yes. I want to go to there.


Sunday, December 20

Mr. A and I are off to California! :yay:

Disneyland picture of the day...the train station! Can't wait to be back here!!


Continued in Next Post
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Yay California! Have a wonderful and magical trip, and I hope that when you return your back is feeling much better and you can get back to training at your previous level and feeling awesome throughout your training!!

In terms of the plane ... try to get up and move around a bit. Or even just sit and stretch. It might be easier on your back to not just be in the same exact place and position for 6 hours.
The getting up and moving around thing is also helpful in preventing blood clots in the leg, which is a nice added bonus.
Yay California! Have a wonderful and magical trip, and I hope that when you return your back is feeling much better and you can get back to training at your previous level and feeling awesome throughout your training!!
Thanks Sarah!! I hope so too! :)

My back is feeling much better today, which is such a relief...I was afraid it was going to mess up the trip!
In terms of the plane ... try to get up and move around a bit. Or even just sit and stretch. It might be easier on your back to not just be in the same exact place and position for 6 hours.
The getting up and moving around thing is also helpful in preventing blood clots in the leg, which is a nice added bonus.
Definitely great suggestions. I'm hoping to sleep for some of the flight, but I might set alarms to get up and walk a bit every 30 minutes or so. Sitting for a long time seems to aggravate the pain more than moving around. And yeah...I'd definitely like to avoid blood clots! :eek:
My back is feeling much better today, which is such a relief...I was afraid it was going to mess up the trip!

Definitely great suggestions. I'm hoping to sleep for some of the flight, but I might set alarms to get up and walk a bit every 30 minutes or so. Sitting for a long time seems to aggravate the pain more than moving around. And yeah...I'd definitely like to avoid blood clots! :eek:

Compression socks and tights also help avoid blood clots. After my PJs, they're the first thing I put on during a flight back to the US. Also, when you get to DL, you might want to consider getting a massage. Nothing too hard or deep tissue, but firm enough to help relieve your back pain and give the muscles a chance to relax.
Hope your back recovers. I've been dealing with piriformis syndrome in my glute which makes sitting hard as it makes my back hurt. My plan for the airplane in Jan is to have my TigerBalm with me to easily keep reapplying, it really helps my pain as well as some Chinese type medicated patches. Also I'm bringing a small pillow I'm making to use to sit on or help support my back on the plane. Also, my pace has had to slow down and I have had to add walk breaks which has created some other pains so slowing your pace down very well could be messing with your form causing your back to hurt. Rest up and recover! Cute ears!
So jealous. I have yet to go to Disneyland and I really want to. I hope you have a great trip and tell us all about it when you get back.
Compression socks and tights also help avoid blood clots. After my PJs, they're the first thing I put on during a flight back to the US. Also, when you get to DL, you might want to consider getting a massage. Nothing too hard or deep tissue, but firm enough to help relieve your back pain and give the muscles a chance to relax.
We're in San Francisco for a few days before DL. I have been keeping an eye out for massage places but the ones I have seen so far look a little dicey! :eek:
Hope your back recovers. I've been dealing with piriformis syndrome in my glute which makes sitting hard as it makes my back hurt. My plan for the airplane in Jan is to have my TigerBalm with me to easily keep reapplying, it really helps my pain as well as some Chinese type medicated patches. Also I'm bringing a small pillow I'm making to use to sit on or help support my back on the plane. Also, my pace has had to slow down and I have had to add walk breaks which has created some other pains so slowing your pace down very well could be messing with your form causing your back to hurt. Rest up and recover! Cute ears!
Sorry to hear about your issues! I have that kind of pain every once in awhile - not fun at all. I hope you feel better soon!
So jealous. I have yet to go to Disneyland and I really want to. I hope you have a great trip and tell us all about it when you get back.
Thanks! We're having rotten weather in San Francisco so far but are still have a good time. :)
We're having rotten weather in San Francisco so far but are still have a good time. :)

We were in San Francisco for a few days in December 2012 (we did the opposite of what you're doing - DL then SF) ... weather for us was also not great, but it's still a pretty fun city to explore.
We were in San Francisco for a few days in December 2012 (we did the opposite of what you're doing - DL then SF) ... weather for us was also not great, but it's still a pretty fun city to explore.
The weather has been a huge downer for us, unfortunately. We still got to see a few fun things though. We leave tomorrow for Disneyland! :)


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