9 year old Indiana girl's body found/Neighbor arrested

you also talk about whether we are more upset about a sex offender living in our neighborhood or a murderer/felon. Personally if a person is that violent shouldn't they be locked up for life. There should no need for a registry for murder. They should not be out in society. However, if we are going to parse crimes, yeah,There should be a registry for anyone who sexually assaults, murders, who has a history of violent assault ( like the guy in question), who has a history of armed robbery etc.
If you really think murderers are all locked up for life, or anything close, I don't know what to even begin to tell you. Most murderers will be released. Actual life sentences are very rare. Heck, people who've murdered more than once end up back on the street, as do most all people convicted of other violent crimes.

Registries for all crimes? Again, registries have never been shown to do any good whatsoever.

And no, that's not quite what I said on several counts.

And no, there are many more differences between sex offenses than that, same as between lots of other offenses. The lack of differentiation - and the lack of parity where there IS differentiation, like between states, just adds to the uselessness of registries and the problems of attempting to contain dangerous offenders and people who are likely to reoffend, or who pose a greater danger than others.
Do you know how many posts I see on these boards for ppl who are going to Disney and plan on getting an in room sitter so mom and dad can go have "some adult time"? Every day ppl are on here telling how they plan on going on vacation and leaving their children alone in a hotel room with a STRANGER!! Surely no child molesters work for Disney, the biggest source for children in America! That still shocks me to tell you the truth. Ppl who are so adamant that they would never leave their kid with a stranger but will go to Disney and do it multiple times.

SO YES ppl do leave their kids with strangers.

I am not defending the mom...I think this is just as much her fault as anybody's fault that it happened. She wanted to lay up in bed with her husband and sit around playing on the computer while her daughter was getting her brains bashed in because "she had the flu" There is no excuse for this mom's behavior or how she did NOT take care of her own kids.
And I am real curious of what the 2 circumstances were when the dead girl was previously abused by two other men. Maybe mom was leaving the kids with other men prior to this. Seems like she will dump her kids for any reason with anybody.

The only person, MALE I would leave my kids alone with would be my husband or their own dad. Nobody else. It's a fact that almost ALL molesters are MALE so I am not ever going to put myself in a situation to say OH GAWD I DIDN'T KNOW, HE SEEMED SO NICE, I NEVER SUSPECTED...Not going to happen to my kids, I guarantee you. Unless someone walks into my kid's school and molests them in the middle of class, you won't ever hear of my kids being abused. Because I am vigilant about them, and I take care of them myself. I have never used a sitter, male or female, for any of my kids. I take care of my own kids.

Okay...Just because people use babysitters DOES NOT mean they DO NOT take care of their kids.

You're lucky you have needed a sitter.

And also...about molesters mostly being male...That may be true...But most MALES are not molesters.
Yes, I have.

And... really? You're ok with not knowing a murderer lives next door. Or someone who eighteen times attacked and bludgeoned people in fits of anger, but someone who has done anything that will get anyone tagged with a sex offense, that should be plastered everywhere?

As for 'if it saves another child, person, etc...' no sex offender registry has ever been known to save anyone from anything.

Treating some of these offenses more seriously? Sure, I'm with you. If we can treat other offenses more seriously too. Can we not let drunk drivers walk free without taking away their licenses and throwing them behind bars for a year?

Can we not let murderers out after four years?

Cindy -

There are plenty of posts in this thread saying that this was entirely the mother's fault for moving into an area with sex offenders. The girl was not murdered by a sex offender. If people can't see that that's illogical I don't know what to say.

I'm not "letting her off the hook" I don't know what hook she's on. Does the sending the kids off for a week because she had the flu seem odd? Yeah, it does. Would I send the kids to hang around with a violent felon? No. However there are people criticizing the media for referring to him as a trusted family friend when... they apparently knew him for years and he watched the kids, apparently (as far as we know at the moment) without incident, for that time which would, yes, make him a trusted family friend.

It all smacks of distancing - 'I'd never move near sex offenders (except as some people have noted, many people do live near plenty of sex offenders), so that would never happen to my kid!!' - which... is a normal human impulse that seems to have spun quite nasty among some here, who seem not to notice some of the salient points or gloss right over them repeatedly in an effort to make this all the woman's fault that a lunatic murdered her daughter because he, who was not a registered sex offender, lived in proximity to them, so obviously, she should have known he'd probably murder her kid. Just... what?

I don't get the hysterical, illogical weirdness and it bugs. I also am, in general, bugged by the general inspecificity and ill-informed hysteria surrounding certain crimes and classes of crimes, very specifically because it makes it actually harder to identify the actually dangerous and harder to make good laws that can keep them locked up and tracked. When people want to label everyone the same, regardless of level or offense or etc., and want them all treated the same way, it becomes utterly impossible to separate out, identify, deal with, contain and legislate against the ones who really need to be dealt with and removed from society.

We need to deal with people who pose a serious, ongoing danger, better. As a country, we are *terrible* at it. We fail miserably and sex offender registries are doing the opposite of helping, as demonstrated by this thread, because people cannot separate things out. If they can't be separated or understood to have any sort of levels at all, there's no possibility to research, to write legislation, etc., to work to contain the people who need containment. This kind of thing is harming, not helping.

I was going to put "Anyone who has violently attacked another person", but I didn't want to qualify that acts done in the service to ones country would be exempt, act of defending ones home or family, would be exempt, etc. You would argue with a fence post if given the opportunity. And no, the sexual offender registry won't prove to have saved a life. But, as a parent when we moved to our current town, which is several states away from our hometown, I knew by looking at the registry who the heck to avoid like the plague if I saw them in a park.

If you think child molesters pose no serious ongoing danger then I invite you to move into the same trailer park this little girl was murdered in and let your children run free. Hell invite them over for a slumber party if you feel so safe in their company.

And furthermore, I have no interest in "understanding" them past the point of knowing where they live and work so I can avoid them. I lived a few blocks away from one, but at least I knew they were there and to keep an eye out for them. From the list we knew where RSOs worked, so if they worked at a restaurant we frequented with the kids we would either go sparingly or watch our children more vigilantly. There is no reforming a molesters brain. Once someone starts doing this, there is no stopping it. If anything it escalates, and that is probably what happened in this case in Ft. Wayne. Simply sexually harming a child was no good anymore for this guy.

If you sexually harm a child or adult you should be contained, end of story. There aren't levels to this. Sexually harm an infant, contained. Molest an 8 year old, contained. Rape a 13 year old male, contained. I don't understand what you don't get. To hurt an innocent in such an atrocious manner, as Cindy stated so well, goes across all social barriers. Even criminals deal with this loathsome behavior in their own method. As I said before, there is no reform that has proven to work save being ostracized from their prey. And even then most predators find a way to get back near their prey of choice. It's a sick and twisted category of crime.

To understand them would mean I would have to think like them and really that's a can of worms I really don't care to jump in. Abnormal Psych and Criminal Psych were enough for me in college. There isn't enough mind bleach in the world to get rid of some of the cases we had to study. What you do for fun is your own agenda.
As for that study, it does not appear to differentiate in any way between classes or types of offenders (I don't even know what OD she's using for "child molester") and just lumps them together, which is fairly well useless.

cornflake said:
We need to deal with people who pose a serious, ongoing danger, better. As a country, we are *terrible* at it. We fail miserably and sex offender registries are doing the opposite of helping, as demonstrated by this thread, because people cannot separate things out. If they can't be separated or understood to have any sort of levels at all, there's no possibility to research, to write legislation, etc., to work to contain the people who need containment. This kind of thing is harming, not helping.
You must subscribe to the Ostrich Philosophy if you think "separating things out" is going to make a big practical difference.

The facts are that people who commit crimes often commit other crimes. Factors like mental illness and sociopathic behavior are often involved. Separate it out all you want - are these people you really want to be around and have your children around? That is something people have to decide for themselves.

Underestimating Recidivism

Reliance on measures of recidivism as reflected through official criminal justice system data obviously omit offenses that are not cleared through an arrest or those that are never reported to the police. This distinction is critical in the measurement of recidivism of sex offenders. For a variety of reasons, sexual assault is a vastly underreported crime. The National Crime Victimization Surveys (Bureau of Justice Statistics) conducted in 1994, 1995, and 1998 indicate that only 32 percent (one out of three) of sexual assaults against persons 12 or older are reported to law enforcement.

A three-year longitudinal study (Kilpatrick, Edmunds, and Seymour, 1992) of 4,008 adult women found that 84 percent of respondents who identified themselves as rape victims did not report the crime to authorities. (No current studies indicate the rate of reporting for child sexual assault, although it is generally assumed that these assaults are equally underreported.) Many victims are afraid to report sexual assault to the police. They may fear that reporting will lead to the following:

further victimization by the offender;
other forms of retribution by the offender or by the offender's friends or family;
arrest, prosecution, and incarceration of an offender who may be a family member or friend and on whom the victim or others may depend;
others finding out about the sexual assault (including friends, family members, media, and the public);
not being believed; and
being traumatized by the criminal justice system response.

These factors are compounded by the shame and guilt experienced by sexual assault victims, and, for many, a desire to put a tragic experience behind them. Incest victims who have experienced criminal justice involvement are particularly reluctant to report new incest crimes because of the disruption caused to their family. This complex of reasons makes it unlikely that reporting figures will change dramatically in the near future and bring recidivism rates closer to actual reoffense rates.

Several studies support the hypothesis that sexual offense recidivism rates are underreported. Marshall and Barbaree (1990) compared official records of a sample of sex offenders with "unofficial" sources of data. They found that the number of subsequent sex offenses revealed through unofficial sources was 2.4 times higher than the number that was recorded in official reports. In addition, research using information generated through polygraph examinations on a sample of imprisoned sex offenders with fewer than two known victims (on average), found that these offenders actually had an average of 110 victims and 318 offenses (Ahlmeyer, Heil, McKee, and English, 2000). Another polygraph study found a sample of imprisoned sex offenders to have extensive criminal histories, committing sex crimes for an average of 16 years before being caught (Ahlmeyer, English, and Simons, 1999).

Although some sex offenders are unique from the general criminal population (e.g., many extrafamilial child molesters), others (e.g., many rapists) possess many of the same characteristics that are associated with recidivism of general criminal behavior.

Research demonstrates that while sex offenders are much more likely to commit subsequent sexual offenses than the general criminal population, they do not exclusively commit sexual offenses. Therefore, some aspects of intervention with the general criminal population may have implications for effective management of sex offenders. Quinsey (1998) has recommended that in the absence of definitive knowledge about effective sex offender treatment, the best approach would be to structure interventions around what is known about the treatment of offenders in general.



As to distancing my children from a sexual offender, that's my job. My job is not to figure out how bad an offender he is. Same applies to letting my child hang out with a violent offender.

There is a sex offender that lives across the street ( just far away legally) from the middle and high school that my dd13 goes to. children from several neighborhoods have to walk directly by his house to get to school. Everyone is aware he lives there but their hands are tied because he has a "right" to live with his parents. The police are aware of him but their hands are tied by the courts.

He did not attack a child but rather an 18 yo woman. He stalked her, then attacked her. He was arrested, spent 3 years in jail and was released back to his parents. ( he was only 18 also) The minute he got back out he stalked her and attacked her once again. Back to jail he went but he got out in 4 years this time. This poor woman didn't stand a chance. She moved out of state to get away from him. So now he sits, his back yard facing the high school and middle school. He can watch al our young daughters walk home from school, most in groups but some alone. My daughter is not one of them.

this person was obsessed with one person but he stalked her and raped her twice and chances are he would do it again if given the chance. Does that mean he is not a threat to any other young girl. Don't know, don't care.

I trust my dd implicitly, I do not trust the situation. I doubt he will attack her but why would I even expose her to the risk. He has proved that he is dangerous and that he can relapse even after being punished.

Are you saying that I am overreacting by distancing my dd from the situation?
I was going to put "Anyone who has violently attacked another person", but I didn't want to qualify that acts done in the service to ones country would be exempt, act of defending ones home or family, would be exempt, etc. You would argue with a fence post if given the opportunity. And no, the sexual offender registry won't prove to have saved a life. But, as a parent when we moved to our current town, which is several states away from our hometown, I knew by looking at the registry who the heck to avoid like the plague if I saw them in a park.

If you think child molesters pose no serious ongoing danger
then I invite you to move into the same trailer park this little girl was murdered in and let your children run free. Hell invite them over for a slumber party if you feel so safe in their company.

Reading what I actually said would be nice.

And furthermore, I have no interest in "understanding" them past the point of knowing where they live and work so I can avoid them. I lived a few blocks away from one, but at least I knew they were there and to keep an eye out for them. From the list we knew where RSOs worked, so if they worked at a restaurant we frequented with the kids we would either go sparingly or watch our children more vigilantly. There is no reforming a molesters brain. Once someone starts doing this, there is no stopping it. If anything it escalates, and that is probably what happened in this case in Ft. Wayne. Simply sexually harming a child was no good anymore for this guy.

If you sexually harm a child or adult you should be contained, end of story. There aren't levels to this. Sexually harm an infant, contained. Molest an 8 year old, contained. Rape a 13 year old male, contained. I don't understand what you don't get. To hurt an innocent in such an atrocious manner, as Cindy stated so well, goes across all social barriers. Even criminals deal with this loathsome behavior in their own method. As I said before, there is no reform that has proven to work save being ostracized from their prey. And even then most predators find a way to get back near their prey of choice. It's a sick and twisted category of crime.

To understand them would mean I would have to think like them and really that's a can of worms I really don't care to jump in. Abnormal Psych and Criminal Psych were enough for me in college. There isn't enough mind bleach in the world to get rid of some of the cases we had to study. What you do for fun is your own agenda.

This? Is not true - and that's the point. These people? Are going to be released from prison. That's why they're out there on some states' registries, and in some states, on no registry or notification program at all, even internal to law enforcment, because these registries have been handled so badly. Now there's nothing, happy?

They're going to get out of prison. Nearly all of them.

Know why? Because people don't want to differentiate or discuss or do anything but say 'sex offenders should be locked up or put on a registry!' Yippee. Except that's not going to happen. Yes, there are levels. There are levels of offense, there are levels of danger, there are levels of recidivism.

If we, as a society, or country, as some countries, including our northern neighbours, deal with this much better, refuse to acknowledge that this is not just one thing and that all sex offenders are the exact same thing, there is no way to lock up the ones who really, really need to be locked up or chemically altered or etc.

If you prefer to say you don't want to acknowledge that there's any difference and anyone who commits any sexual crime should be locked up forever and there should be registries for all violent offenses and all those people should probably be in jail for life too fine - but that's not reality, or even close, nor will it ever be.

I think you misunderstood me. I am very well aware that murderers are released from prison all the time. I am also aware that IMO they should not be. Therefore there should be no need for a registry for murderer. IMHO of course.

However, since they are released all the time, then I am all in favor of a registry


Why are you unwilling to answer any direct questions? You don't have to of course but......curious.

where is that grey line of acceptable vs. unacceptable in sex offenses that you talk about. I told you mine. Do you have a line?

I am also curious as to why you throw out another country as an example when you disparage the system here in the states?

What is it about the Canadian justice system that makes it preferable?
Do you know how many posts I see on these boards for ppl who are going to Disney and plan on getting an in room sitter so mom and dad can go have "some adult time"? Every day ppl are on here telling how they plan on going on vacation and leaving their children alone in a hotel room with a STRANGER!! Surely no child molesters work for Disney, the biggest source for children in America! That still shocks me to tell you the truth. Ppl who are so adamant that they would never leave their kid with a stranger but will go to Disney and do it multiple times.

SO YES ppl do leave their kids with strangers.

I am not defending the mom...I think this is just as much her fault as anybody's fault that it happened. She wanted to lay up in bed with her husband and sit around playing on the computer while her daughter was getting her brains bashed in because "she had the flu" There is no excuse for this mom's behavior or how she did NOT take care of her own kids.
And I am real curious of what the 2 circumstances were when the dead girl was previously abused by two other men. Maybe mom was leaving the kids with other men prior to this. Seems like she will dump her kids for any reason with anybody.

The only person, MALE I would leave my kids alone with would be my husband or their own dad. Nobody else. It's a fact that almost ALL molesters are MALE so I am not ever going to put myself in a situation to say OH GAWD I DIDN'T KNOW, HE SEEMED SO NICE, I NEVER SUSPECTED...Not going to happen to my kids, I guarantee you. Unless someone walks into my kid's school and molests them in the middle of class, you won't ever hear of my kids being abused. Because I am vigilant about them, and I take care of them myself. I have never used a sitter, male or female, for any of my kids. I take care of my own kids.

Bolded mine. Again, most molestations happen by men that the female victim knew. My best friend loved and trusted her husband very much. He was a police officer. She never got sitters either. Guess what, her DD was molested for years by her DH (now ex-DH). Bottom line, there are no guarantees. You can be as vigilant as you want but things can still happpen.

Do I think this mom was as vigilant as she should have been? Absolutely not. Do I think the mom should have moved her DD's into a trailer park riddled with sex offenders (regardless of the age of their victim(s)) ...no. Supposedly, the man taking care of her DD's was a close family friend that had been taking care of her dad for years. He was not on the sex offender registry (yes, I realize that could mean he has not been caught). He did have prior convictions in other states for trespassing and assault.

Why are you unwilling to answer any direct questions? You don't have to of course but......curious.

where is that grey line of acceptable vs. unacceptable in sex offenses that you talk about. I told you mine. Do you have a line?

I am also curious as to why you throw out another country as an example when you disparage the system here in the states?

What is it about the Canadian justice system that makes it preferable?

I don't know what you mean by acceptable vs. unacceptable.

Canada has passed laws that allow them to incarcerate people past sentences if they're people who are very specifically likely to pose significant dangers, among other things.
Do you know how many posts I see on these boards for ppl who are going to Disney and plan on getting an in room sitter so mom and dad can go have "some adult time"? Every day ppl are on here telling how they plan on going on vacation and leaving their children alone in a hotel room with a STRANGER!! Surely no child molesters work for Disney, the biggest source for children in America! That still shocks me to tell you the truth. Ppl who are so adamant that they would never leave their kid with a stranger but will go to Disney and do it multiple times.

SO YES ppl do leave their kids with strangers.

I am not defending the mom...I think this is just as much her fault as anybody's fault that it happened. She wanted to lay up in bed with her husband and sit around playing on the computer while her daughter was getting her brains bashed in because "she had the flu" There is no excuse for this mom's behavior or how she did NOT take care of her own kids.
And I am real curious of what the 2 circumstances were when the dead girl was previously abused by two other men. Maybe mom was leaving the kids with other men prior to this. Seems like she will dump her kids for any reason with anybody.

The only person, MALE I would leave my kids alone with would be my husband or their own dad. Nobody else. It's a fact that almost ALL molesters are MALE so I am not ever going to put myself in a situation to say OH GAWD I DIDN'T KNOW, HE SEEMED SO NICE, I NEVER SUSPECTED...Not going to happen to my kids, I guarantee you. Unless someone walks into my kid's school and molests them in the middle of class, you won't ever hear of my kids being abused. Because I am vigilant about them, and I take care of them myself. I have never used a sitter, male or female, for any of my kids. I take care of my own kids.

I don't know what you mean by acceptable vs. unacceptable.

Canada has passed laws that allow them to incarcerate people past sentences if they're people who are very specifically likely to pose significant dangers, among other things.

This is the part I don't get about the U.S. sex offender registry. Level 3 offenders, the one who's picture you see, are labeled as "likely to re-offend". Umm...if someone is likely to re-offend should they even be out of prison?
Do you know how many posts I see on these boards for ppl who are going to Disney and plan on getting an in room sitter so mom and dad can go have "some adult time"? Every day ppl are on here telling how they plan on going on vacation and leaving their children alone in a hotel room with a STRANGER!! Surely no child molesters work for Disney, the biggest source for children in America! That still shocks me to tell you the truth. Ppl who are so adamant that they would never leave their kid with a stranger but will go to Disney and do it multiple times.

SO YES ppl do leave their kids with strangers.

I am not defending the mom...I think this is just as much her fault as anybody's fault that it happened. She wanted to lay up in bed with her husband and sit around playing on the computer while her daughter was getting her brains bashed in because "she had the flu" There is no excuse for this mom's behavior or how she did NOT take care of her own kids.
And I am real curious of what the 2 circumstances were when the dead girl was previously abused by two other men. Maybe mom was leaving the kids with other men prior to this. Seems like she will dump her kids for any reason with anybody.

The only person, MALE I would leave my kids alone with would be my husband or their own dad. Nobody else. It's a fact that almost ALL molesters are MALE so I am not ever going to put myself in a situation to say OH GAWD I DIDN'T KNOW, HE SEEMED SO NICE, I NEVER SUSPECTED...Not going to happen to my kids, I guarantee you. Unless someone walks into my kid's school and molests them in the middle of class, you won't ever hear of my kids being abused. Because I am vigilant about them, and I take care of them myself. I have never used a sitter, male or female, for any of my kids. I take care of my own kids.
I'm sure that Elizabeth Smart family and Jaycee Dugard family felt the same way.

Why are you unwilling to answer any direct questions? You don't have to of course but......curious.

where is that grey line of acceptable vs. unacceptable in sex offenses that you talk about. I told you mine. Do you have a line?

I am also curious as to why you throw out another country as an example when you disparage the system here in the states?

What is it about the Canadian justice system that makes it preferable?

Cindy - Corn-nutter wouldn't answer any questions asked of them yesterday, so they sure aren't going to answer today or any other day.

They have a stance and it is what it is. They just keep recycling their stance. They don't expand on it to help anybody else understand it.

Why are you unwilling to answer any direct questions? You don't have to of course but......curious.

where is that grey line of acceptable vs. unacceptable in sex offenses that you talk about. I told you mine. Do you have a line?

I am also curious as to why you throw out another country as an example when you disparage the system here in the states?

What is it about the Canadian justice system that makes it preferable?

I think that is just how he works....frustrating!
This is the part I don't get about the U.S. sex offender registry. Level 3 offenders, the one who's picture you see, are labeled as "likely to re-offend". Umm...if someone is likely to re-offend should they even be out of prison?

This is part of the mess of the entire registry thing.

The registry has no standardization. What's listed in your state as level 3 or whatever can be a totally different classification scheme from the next state over and the next and etc.

As well, 'likely to re-offend' isn't particularly meaningful as a generalization when it's used like that. They're likely using it as just correlated to a serious offense, but that's not necessarily the case. There can be an offender that, for a number of reasons, cannot meet that classification level, whatever it is in the particular municipality, that's way more actually dangerous.

Canada tests inmates in ways we do not (which is partially possible strictly due to the population differential), then has laws that deal with this kind of thing on a much more standardized scale, and in a way that seeks to be specific about who really poses a greater danger, identify them and, because it is so specific and backed by research, there are laws that have stood up that allow them to be locked up in ways we don't here.

As for just locking up every offender that meets a serious classification level in this country? Not going to happen, we don't have the room, the funds or the legislation to do it.
I'm sure that Elizabeth Smart family and Jaycee Dugard family felt the same way.

Those are cases of child abduction not child molestation. Totally different situations. Anybody can be abducted at any time, however unlike Jaycee Dugard my kids do not walk to school or ride a bus. I take them and pick them up. And unlike the Smart family I have a home alarm system with window sensors, so if someone makes an attempt to come into my house to abduct one of my kids the alarm will go off and we will have gun in hand to handle the situation.

So although I do not think my children will ever be molested, I also do not think they will ever be abducted, unless someone takes them while they are in school.
The only person, MALE I would leave my kids alone with would be my husband or their own dad. Nobody else. It's a fact that almost ALL molesters are MALE so I am not ever going to put myself in a situation to say OH GAWD I DIDN'T KNOW, HE SEEMED SO NICE, I NEVER SUSPECTED...Not going to happen to my kids, I guarantee you. Unless someone walks into my kid's school and molests them in the middle of class, you won't ever hear of my kids being abused. Because I am vigilant about them, and I take care of them myself. I have never used a sitter, male or female, for any of my kids. I take care of my own kids.
So not even your own father?? Or your husband's father? You know kids have been molested by thier own father, right??? So you never, ever let them out of your sight even for a second, except to go to school? I cannot imagine spending every waking second of my first 18 years with my mom, or evewn my first 10 years. I would have missed out on so much.
Grey line being where would you place the line for sex offenders where they would stay in jail for life, where they would be released and just placed on a list and where they would just be integrated into society again.

What crime warrants what punishment.

Canada's legal system is much different than America's. Lawyers do not have the same influence on law that they have in the states. if you question how laws are handled here maybe you need to look at the role lawyers have in shaping the system. Canada generally does not have a glut of lawyers that constantly manipulate the system but that is another topics that detracts from the issue of whether the mother is culpable in this little girls death
Lily gator

Yep, they don't want to back up their opinion,they parse their words, ignore what they don't want to answer, purposely misinterpreted others words and make excuses for felons and the law. Must be a lawyer.
Grey line being where would you place the line for sex offenders where they would stay in jail for life, where they would be released and just placed on a list and where they would just be integrated into society again.

What crime warrants what punishment.

Canada's legal system is much different than America's. Lawyers do not have the same influence on law that they have in the states. if you question how laws are handled here maybe you need to look at the role lawyers have in shaping the system. Canada generally does not have a glut of lawyers that constantly manipulate the system but that is another topics that detracts from the issue of whether the mother is culpable in this little girls death
I don't quite get what you mean about lawyers.

As for what crimes warrant what punishments, there are thousands of specific crimes. I don't think I can name one and say over/under life vs. release. It depends. Also, it depends on other factors - same as murder.

There are a dozen different levels of murder, but it's the same basic crime. Other things go into judging the act in a forensic setting.

What one person did in one case may be the same act that another person did in another case - doesn't mean they're equally dangerous people going forward.


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