70 to Freezing in 7 hours. A Nov/Dec 2011 trip report. Updated 4/28

Before all the rehearsal and show madness takes over I thought I’d get one more update in.

Day 4, part 7:

You are all going to hate this update because it’s mostly castle pictures :goodvibes

So anyway when I left you we were getting ready for to watch Dreams again. I went back to get Momma and asked her if she was ok to stand for another while or would she prefer to stay by the rail so she could rest against it. We were both getting pretty tired and had sore feet from all the walking but when I explained about the front of the castle she was happy to move for a better view.
I took out the poncho for a while and knelt down on it to rest my feet before the show started but the view was so much better it was worth moving and once it started to get more crowded I stood up so I wouldn’t get walked on. More Dreams pictures:









OMG the castle is on fire…

oh no wait it’s just something else added to the show because the projections, fireworks, fountains and lasers weren’t enough :rotfl:

For those that linger there’s a kind of small after show with projections probably just to amuse those that don’t want to fight their way through the stampede towards the exit.


Back to normal

And back to Christmas lights.

A friend of mine from college is now working in Disneyland Paris in one of the restaurants. She was working all the week we were there but she started texting me during Dreams to see where we were. She had just finished her shift so we agreed to meet after Dreams for a quick catch up. First we said near Discoveryland entrance but then we agreed to meet at the Storybook store. Momma had a bit of shopping to do and the CM’s have all these rules they have to obey so it was easier for her to meet there. We chatted while Momma shopped. I mentioned already some of the shops had special offers on like if you bought so much you could get something else cheaper than normal in the Storybook store if you spent 30 euro you could get this dude for 15 euro:

I wanted him so Momma bought this, which actually became my Christmas present:

So then I could get the other Christmas Duffy cheaper. Momma came out of the store and I introduced her to my friend and the three of us just stood chatting for a while and catching up. When we were nearly the last ones left on Main Street we said our goodbyes both to my friend and the park and Momma and I headed to Disney Village until the bus crowd died down.
We went into the Christmas shop because Momma wanted some glasses they had in there. There was a display table and chairs and every time I was in the shop someone was sitting on one of the chairs so being close to collapsing at this point and because the chair was already pulled away from the table display I sat. Well there was a stairs behind this area going into the next shop and while I was sitting I could hear someone going Bonjour, Bonjour, BONJOUR BONJOUR, BONJOUR, BONJOUR. (again for those that don’t know any French this would be the equivalent to someone coming over to you and just going HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, HELLO) Needless to say I didn’t look around because I would presume nobody would be speaking that rudely to me. Then a passing random dude looked at me and looked up over me which made me turn around and there was a CM standing there and the BONJOUR’S were coming from her. She started gabbling in French and well I was so shocked that her BONJOUR’S seemed to be directed at me that my reaction was eh sorry WHAT? So she went TUT JUST GET UP! At this point Momma had spotted what was going on and came over towards me I turned around and was like Momma we are leaving and stormed out. Even today I am still raging that I didn’t take the CM’s name and report her. It wasn’t the fact that she asked me to get up off the chair but the manner in which she did it; it was like oh for god’s sake why am I even dealing with this type of thing. I work in a supermarket and am dealing with customers every day and I can tell you if I spoke to one the way she spoke to me I’d be getting my marching orders five minutes later. Momma was equally shocked by the manner that the CM had and as we walked away we both said we would go back the next day to find out her name and report her. I knew I was already losing patience with the rudeness and fast so if I had of stayed in the shop I would have just let rip and they probably wouldn't have been such a good idea so it was alot easier to walk out at that point.
After picking up some drinks and snacks we headed for an over-crowded bus and back to the hotel. Tonight was our last night in Paris and we were more than ready to go home. Once we got back to our hotel room we packed our cases and took out what we needed for the airport and for the next day in general before collapsing into bed completely exhausted. We had enjoyed the Christmas stuff but the rudeness just ruined the magic.

Next up: Can we salvage this break at all?!
Love all the castle pictures. I know I would not be able to handle all the rude people though.
Love all the castle pictures. I know I would not be able to handle all the rude people though.

The rude people made it so disappointing because it just destroyed the magical feeling.

The castle was pretty though.

Happy St. Patrick's Day :goodvibes This day five years ago I was in sunny Florida with the dance school for a St. Patrick's day performance in Universal's Citywalk. Oh how I wish I was in Florida :lovestruc I will be in the local parade later with the musical society so a little bit of Disney, we might even get to see a hint of some of the costumes later :)

I am sure you would love to be in Disney RIGHT NOW! I know I would!!!

And two pics for you...since you are in Ireland AND a Princess!


I am sure you would love to be in Disney RIGHT NOW! I know I would!!!

And two pics for you...since you are in Ireland AND a Princess!

Cinderella said I should be an Irish Princess :goodvibes Love the pics

I was in our parade with the musical society. OMG our Belle needs to work in Disney and the some of the kids were scared of our Beast :rotfl:
I finished all my Disney trip dvd bits. Now to actually put it all on DVD.

Tickets for our production of Beauty and the Beast went on sale on Monday as well and already the matinee show is nearly sold out! We had our first rehearsal with the set in tonight. OMG the set is huge and takes over half the stage. It was a messy rehearsal but the show is going to be amazing

4 days off means I can sneek in another update as well:

Day 5, part 1:

Saturday 10th November, 2011

Today was the day we were leaving Disneyland Paris and given the rudeness we had experienced we were ok with leaving. In WDW when it comes to leaving it normally involves a lot of kicking, screaming and crying and thats just me.

We slept in for a while this morning as we had a late flight and a whole day to do nothing. We had no park ticket left so we just took our time getting ready and finishing our packing. We missed the breakfast in the hotel so once we had checked out and stored our luggage we headed for the Disney Village. Momma wanted food there and then so she went to Earl of Sandwich and got a fruit cup and tea and then we went over to Café Mickey to wait for it to open. We had no reservation but it was a character restaurant so I wanted to see if we might be able to get in anyway.

While we were waiting Momma rang the reservation line just in case and some dude told her that they were booked up but that it opened at 12 and we could take our chances and wait if we liked. There was nobody else queuing at that point and it was 11.30 so we decided to take our chances. We took turns queuing and browsing nearby shops. I took pictures on my wanderings:

I wanted to go on the Balloon but it didnt seem to be running at that time


I wandered over towards the Rainforest café area:



I wandered down towards the nearest Vinylmation trading shop taking window pics along the way:



After that I went back to Momma in the queue as more people had started queuing. At 12 they started letting people in with reservations but there didnt seem to be that many people that had pre-booked. Also it was surprising the number of people that were attempting to ignore the no pushchair rule. It was sign-posted on the door that they werent allowed and people still tried to walk up to the door with their children in the pushchair, it seemed a bit silly really because then they had to go back to the stroller parking area and organise themselves and come back. It would have been quicker to obey the rules like lol.

Anyways after about ten minutes or so they had let everyone with a reservation in and called us up and no problem we were seated straight away for lunch. The food was expensive compared to Irish prices but it's Disney its bound to be more expensive. I loved the plates. I need plates like these:


They brought us out some mini rolls with the menu as well. We had eaten half of them before I remembered to take a picture:

Almost immediately the characters started to come out as well. First was Eeyore:

Service was very fast as well. Once Eeyore had left our food arrived. Momma got Fish and chips which was 19.99 (about 25 dollars)

And I had pizza which was 15.99 (about 20 dollars)

We shared a bottle of limited edition water which was 4.99 (about 6 dollars.) Im not really sure why it was limited edition but paying 4.99 for water seemed wrong. There was an option to have a starter or dessert, a main course and drink for a certain price but we didnt want that much food. While we ate loads of characters came by as well. After Eeyore we saw Pluto:


Mickey Mouse. We were seated near the tills or what also seemed the dumping ground for some of the dirty dishes. After Mickey took pictures with us he seemed to get bored greeting people and decided he was going to try play with the tills:


Last but not least we saw Chip and Dale:


We seemed to be seated in the right place to catch all the action because as Chip and Dale were so close to each other they started fighting with each other and eventually Dale ran off and hid behind a counter beside a CM who was keeping an eye on the characters. A couple of the characters came back to us a second time as well. We decided that although the food was expensive it was worth it because of the amount of characters, the fact we didnt have to fight a mob to see them and as Momma said it was proper food for her. I had wore my not a people person t-shirt from the 2011 WDW trip as well that morning:

This made for some funny pictures when I looked at them after because I ended up standing on the left of most characters which meant grumpy was looking towards them and it looks like hes going hump dont want to pose beside you. I may be easily amused lol! I loved the décor of the place as well and even the lights were placed to look like Hidden Mickeys:

Ive run out of picture space so have to stop lol.

Next up: Shopping time!
Your character meal at Chef Mickey's looks like fun. Those plates really are adorable! I want them, too! I love that you started off your meal with Eeyore. He's my favorite.

Sorry to see your trip is winding down and I'm sorry you encountered so many rude people during your trip. That's such a bummer.
Your character meal at Chef Mickey's looks like fun. Those plates really are adorable! I want them, too! I love that you started off your meal with Eeyore. He's my favorite.
I loved Cafe Mickey's. The characters were a bit random but it was totally worth it to see them and not fight an angry mob :rotfl:

Sorry to see your trip is winding down and I'm sorry you encountered so many rude people during your trip. That's such a bummer.
The rudeness there was unreal and so disappointing because it took from the magical Disney feel. :( Don't think we'll be rushing back to DLP anyway
I am so sorry about the rudeness in the Christmas shop...so unacceptable.

Your breakfast on your departure day looks like loads of fun (and the food looks pretty good too).

You saw a bunch of great characters. And I love your t-shirt (I must find that somewhere for my hubby...it is so him).
Cute T-shirt story. Too bad we don't get to see those pictures! ;)

What a fun place and I love the dishes too.
Great update! :)
Thanks :)

I am so sorry about the rudeness in the Christmas shop...so unacceptable.
I was a little shocked by it especially since it was coming from a CM was raging I didn't take her name and report it.

Your breakfast on your departure day looks like loads of fun (and the food looks pretty good too).
It was so much fun and the food was expensive but good :)

You saw a bunch of great characters. And I love your t-shirt (I must find that somewhere for my hubby...it is so him).
We did see loads of characters that morning. I got that t-shirt in one of those sounvenir shops on International drive.

Cute T-shirt story. Too bad we don't get to see those pictures! ;)
Those pictures are on facebook go lookie there ;) Momma doesn't want pics of us on here

What a fun place and I love the dishes too.

It was so much fun and yeah I wish they sold those plates :goodvibes
Well there was a stairs behind this area going into the next shop and while I was sitting I could hear someone going Bonjour, Bonjour, BONJOUR BONJOUR, BONJOUR, BONJOUR.
When I first read it, I was thinking more about Belle's song at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast, but then you just had to go and make it another rude French person story. :rotfl::rotfl2:

We shared a bottle of limited edition water which was 4.99 (about 6 dollars.) Im not really sure why it was limited edition but paying 4.99 for water seemed wrong.
I'm glad that you were able to get seated for a character meal, but the limited edition water thing cracks me up. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
When I first read it, I was thinking more about Belle's song at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast, but then you just had to go and make it another rude French person story. :rotfl::rotfl2:
:rotfl: There's one to many Bonjours for that song :) OMG it's two weeks til the show is on. I've only one more rude person story you'll be glad to know :)

I'm glad that you were able to get seated for a character meal, but the limited edition water thing cracks me up. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
Yeah I'm still not sure why it was limited edition water. I think the label might have had a picture of Mickey Mouse on it but I'm not sure that's enough to class it as limited edition like. Maybe it was limited edition because it was like 5 euro for a bottle of water that you would normally get for 50 cent in the supermarket :rotfl2:
11 days til Beauty and the Beast (12 til my birthday... I have a feeling I'm getting a Stitch pillow pal for that) :lmao:

It's getting so close now.. I just can't wait until Thursday though two weeks off work :cool1: :rotfl: There's like 8 days until the show and 9 days til my birthday now and we have rehearsal every night this week except Easter Sunday. :goodvibes Costumes arrive tomorrow as well. I don't care what I'm wearing I can't wait to see Belle's yellow dress :goodvibes
I should be asleep I have work in like 7 hours but OMG we had rehearsals and saw our costumes. I love the Village/Belle song outfit mine is very German ish. Some of them look like curtains so I guess I was lucky. I'm not really in love with the bottle opener outfit but meh. Lumiere and Cogsworth are amazing and the yellow dress is frumpy! The show is going to be amazing wish I could fly you all over to see it. I made an update as well last night:

Day 5, part 2:

So when I left you we were just finishing up in Café Mickey and heading out to properly explore the Disney Village and do our shopping:

First we went over to explore more around the Rainforest café area:

We had left all our shopping until the last day which is strange for us. We had picked up little bits here and there but not a lot partly because I could never decide what exactly it was that I wanted. So we just decided to go into every shop on the way up the street. I took pictures as I went along as well. First was World of Toys (and sweets apparently)


A bunch of Minnies:

I think this was a savings box:

This was a t-shirt design:

Next was Hollywood Pictures.



This was a night-dress I thought was cute. I love Grumpy:

Next we went to the Disney Gallery which had all the fancy pancy more expensive and breakable stuff like snow globes:


The Disney store was closed until the afternoon. I was disappointed by this because I wanted to get a certain CMs name :(

They had started to put up Christmas decorations and picture opportunities in the Disney Village as well:

This pic is kinda blurry but there was also these little huts that were selling Christmas treats and drinks like warm berry juice, horse chestnuts, lollipops, toffee apples and much more:

This one sold these merange things:

We stopped to have a lookie and planned to go back later for some. The poor girl serving though her English wasn't very good and people were asking her what was in some of them and she was trying to explain as best she could. There was one that said something about Miel. I did French in school but didn't remember Miel however I had seen Miel written on a certain Bears pots the day before so was able to help the girl out and translate Miel as Honey for the demanding customer that kept going but what is in that one lol.
We continued on our browsing after that. This was the front of the Christmas shop:

I spotted this in the Planet Hollywood shop:

I so want to go to Disneyland, California but nobody will come with me :(

We stopped at another hut to admire the lollipops and sweets. I was standing beside a lady who like myself had the camera out and was taking a picture of the treats. She saw me standing beside her and yet when she got the pictures she wanted she just walked smack bang in front of my camera. I was like thanks missus and she turned around and was like no problem. I snapped this before and walked away before I took her head off. My patience had wore seriously thin with the people in Disneyland Paris:

Buffalo Bills is another kind of evening dinner show like the Pirates show on International Drive in Florida.

We went to this with the dancers before years ago but they've added Mickey Mouse to the show since we were there. We didn't go see it this time though.

Next up: The house of goodies.
Love browsing the shops with you as you walk through Disney Village. Really? What is the matter with the people out there? She saw you doing exactly what you were doing and still she walked right in front of your camera?

One of these days I hope to get to Disneyland. But first the airfare has to go way down.

Everything seems to be coming along for the show. I hope you are going to share some photos for us to see.


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