5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 6

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I am glad you liked it! I had the local BBQ place make that sign up special for you today! ;-p
dzneprincess said:
I am glad you liked it! I had the local BBQ place make that sign up special for you today! ;-p

And if you believe that one, she's got some swampland in the Everglades that you might be interested in...

Wow... you guys have been busy this morning... I missed out on all the 'fun'... I finally gave in and took the backhoe to Christopher's room, then drove it straight into my closet to get that emptied out... took all day, but it feels good to have a clean closet with a door that opens and closes again!!

What to do, what to do... tomorrow night is the 2-hour season premiere of 24... we have concert tix in Orlando for a charity event that we are sponsoring... if I tape 24 (NO, I DON'T HAVE OR WANT A DVR), then I can't tape Desparate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. I won't have time to watch Hour 1 & Hour 2 before Hour 3 & Hour 4 are on on Monday night... I'm thinking of taping DH & GA, and just paying close attention to the "Previously on 24" part on Tuesday... oh, such are the problems of life.

Stacey... prayers and :wizard: headed your way for Jay and his family... and I complain about a messy house and too much on TV...:sad2:
scuba diver said:
We just got back from Atlanta. Seeing Sharon and Lisa at 4:30 am is not a pretty sight, but they did get into the van without any problems. Lisa slept for the next 5 hours. She thinks going to Atlanta is just a 2 hour drive!

Sharon will post all the details, but the short (Dad) version is that Lisa took 2nd place over all, 9+ on three events.

Nap time for me. :)
The details are I was 1st on the Bars (YEA!!!), 3rd on the Floor, 4th on the Beam, and did not place well on the Vault (I under rotated on the first vault and then over rotated on the 2nd vault) However, I did well enough over all to win 2nd Place in the All Around. (If my vault had been stronger I could have won this meet) - Well better luck this weekend at Disney's Wide World of Sports Meet. Good Luck to Kelly as well as she will be competing there as well.
Just picked up today's mail...

Still no kit - I'm really gonna throw a temper tantrum like a 2 year old now...

I'm whining, stomping my feet, holding my breath and DOING THE DEAD COCKROACH (on the floor, on my back,waving my arms and kicking my feet!!!) screaming....

little gymnast said:
The details are I was 1st on the Bars (YEA!!!), 3rd on the Floor, 4th on the Beam, and did not place well on the Vault (I under rotated on the first vault and then over rotated on the 2nd vault) However, I did well enough over all to win 2nd Place in the All Around. (If my vault had been stronger I could have won this meet) - Well better luck this weekend at Disney's Wide World of Sports Meet. Good Luck to Kelly as well as she will be competing there as well.

Awesome, Lisa!!! Way to go!!!
The good news in the mail - I received the 1st two discs of "West Wing" season 5!!! I'm all caught up ready to go on Sunday for 24...(I'll have to fight for TV rights since we have a weekly Extreme Homemakeover Party...) no Tivo or DVR here, either...
Monica...you're too funny. I'm not going back out until I have to go get Jordan, and I was hoping Jay would have been home by now...I called him and told him to go get the mail! I don't particularly care what else is in there, I just want my KIT !!
mickeymo said:
Just picked up today's mail...

Still no kit - I'm really gonna throw a temper tantrum like a 2 year old now...

I'm whining, stomping my feet, holding my breath and DOING THE DEAD COCKROACH (on the floor, on my back,waving my arms and kicking my feet!!!) screaming....


Me too, Me too..... :sad:

Congratulations Lisa !! :cheer2:
Hey there!
We're off the ship....

Can you believe there are actually ppl on there now sailing away again? ALREADY? They didn't even give me time to grieve my loss!

We are at Grandma Lightbulb's. Going to get some dinner then head back to the airport for the night and flying out tomorrow am. Will be back online at home sometime tomorrow night and will eventually catch up! :)

We rebooked on board. April 28, 2007. With no intention of sailing April 28, 2007. Rumor is....there will be Mediterranian cruises in Summer of 2007. We're thinking of the trans-Atlantic crossing. Thought we'd book and then transfer to that cruise when it comes out. Rumor is the first week in April is the timeframe to announce it....but OF COURSE, they can neither confirm or deny Med cruises!

Will try to update you on some more things that we did/didn't do when I get home.

p.s. Did you know the average fuel consumption on a 7 day cruise is 260,000 GALLONS? WOW! If it was $1.00 a gallon, that's $260,000!!! How is DCL making money???
The details are I was 1st on the Bars (YEA!!!), 3rd on the Floor, 4th on the Beam, and did not place well on the Vault (I under rotated on the first vault and then over rotated on the 2nd vault) However, I did well enough over all to win 2nd Place in the All Around. (If my vault had been stronger I could have won this meet)

Great Job, Lisa!!!!

Kelly competes Friday. My memory isn't good........are you on Sunday? Good Luck....no matter when you compete!

justmestace said:

Sort of reminded me of Matt and Jim at Topsider's. :teeth: (you're right, he's not here to defend himself!!)
SO!!! What's wrong with that?
tchrmom said:
Great Job, Lisa!!!!

Kelly competes Friday. My memory isn't good........are you on Sunday? Good Luck....no matter when you compete!


Yes, Lisa competes next Sunday. Then it's back to a Friday meet in Lakeland (Battle of the Champions - Region 8 vs Region 5). Then she has a break until Gasparilla in Tampa at the end of February. Will Kelly be at that meet? Maybe we can work out a pre-cruise meet if you are in the area at least (I don't know how close you are to the Tropicana Center).
Gasparilla in Tampa at the end of February. Will Kelly be at that meet? Maybe we can work out a pre-cruise meet if you are in the area at least (I don't know how close you are to the Tropicana Center).

Yes.....we will be at Tropicana. We were suppose to go to S. Carolina for a meet that weekend, but they had to cancel it.

Kel will do Disney, then we go to Colorado Springs for the Pike's Peak meet, then I think we have Tropicana. I'm not sure of her time yet. Do you know Lisa's yet?

tchrmom said:
Yes.....we will be at Tropicana. We were suppose to go to S. Carolina for a meet that weekend, but they had to cancel it.

Kel will do Disney, then we go to Colorado Springs for the Pike's Peak meet, then I think we have Tropicana. I'm not sure of her time yet. Do you know Lisa's yet?


I just looked at the site and the specific times are not listed yet. Just that such a large gathering of gymnasts the meet will take place Fri 10am - Sun 5pm. I am REALLY hoping she doesn't pull a Friday time again. She already is missing school two Fridays and if she makes Regionals that's a third Friday for sure. Jim gives her such a hard time when she has to miss school. She does well in school, but he likes to tease her that "nothing gets in the way of gym - no school, etc" and she doesn't like to be teased. When I see the times posted, I will let you know.
scuba diver said:
We just got back from Atlanta. Seeing Sharon and Lisa at 4:30 am is not a pretty sight, but they did get into the van without any problems. Lisa slept for the next 5 hours. She thinks going to Atlanta is just a 2 hour drive!

Sharon will post all the details, but the short (Dad) version is that Lisa took 2nd place over all, 9+ on three events.

Nap time for me. :)
Impressive!! Way to go Lisa!! Congrats!! :teeth: :banana: :worship:
Whew!! After posting the reply to Jim announcement I had to read through many pages, missed a milestone (Congrats Amanda) and now everyone is gone!! Oh well...... such is life! ::yes::
I received both of my kits in the mail today.... One for the April cruise and one for the May cruise.....

Stacey - sent the Reservation number.....

Weather update: It's snowing up here in NY. The wind is blowing and snow is everwhere. I can't understand how it's sticking, cause it was in the 50's today. Rained all day. Hard, too. Then it just turned to snow like someone hit the switch. Supposed to get between 1-3" but I think it could be more. I just hope it's cleared up by 5:00 tomorrow. My son has his birthday party tomorrow.

OK...we can return to cruise mode or "fluff" mode, whichever.

Can someone PM me Ron Jon's website? I can't seem to find it. I'm looking for rates for before our cruise. Thanks.
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