2024 Moonlight Magic

It’s truly random if you click onto the page before the live date and time. You gain no edge by clicking in 1 day or 30 mins beforehand. You could actually have an issue clicking super early in that your browser might shut the connection down with the queue it service and you may not notice until after the event set the random place in line.

I clicked in 10 mins before hand and got 4 (I think) for this event.

If you join post the event going live you get assigned place in line in the order to which you connect to the page.

i wondered since i had the page open on 3 devices, one of which i'd opened about 8 hours before the others.
and that was the one that got a much lower number.
As for connection going down - i went by each device every so often to make sure it was still open.
i had it open on my desktop computer (the one that got the best number)
and on my laptop
and on my second iphone (i use two phones, so i'm able to sacrifice one of them to this endeavor)

anyway, it was a much better outcome than the last time i tried (the hollywood studios MM)

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