2 Separate 80 point contracts or 1 160 pt?

Kyle Reilly

Earning My Ears
May 30, 2015
So I did major research a few years ago, and as of the past week, have spent hours and hours. Here is my situation. I'm an hour away from Disneyland in CA. I visit all the time but want to stay at VGC a few times a year just for a night or two. I also want to visit Aulani every other year or so, and visit WDW (preferably at BLT) every other year. Is it smart to buy 160 pts at BLT on the resale market, or try and hope that I can find an 80 pt BLT and 80 pt GCV so I get 2 priority windows? I know GVC is very small, so owning there is huge, but I have not seen any small points come on the market.

What would make he most sense?
Booking VGC is hard unless you own there and because you live near DisneyLAND, then I would buy all my points there. It is pretty easy to book Hawaii and BLT at the 7 month mark and if you are worried, then you can offer to trade your VGC points for Aulani or BLT points.

Also, you can always transfer into your account BLT or Hawaii points and use them for yourself, but the key is to have at least one DVC contract and in your case it is probably VGC as the best option.
Yes, the VGC contracts are a bit big if I was going to split. So what you are saying is I could buy a VGC Contract, and I could "swap" points with a BLT person if I found one willing to swap? Then we would each get "home advantage" for the other resort for the year we swapped? I assume people would want VGC since its the only one in CA, and it would be easier to unload so to speak?

The issue is that when I stay at BLT, I want to stay the First week in December, and I know that is the craziest time. So that would be difficult at the 7 month window I would assume.
..........(snip)......The issue is that when I stay at BLT, I want to stay the First week in December, and I know that is the craziest time. So that would be difficult at the 7 month window I would assume.
Yes, if you want to stay at BLT anytime in December, you need to own there and book during the home resort priority period. The TPV and SV categories will disappear shortly after the 11 month window opens. As I recall, there was some availability at 7 months for LV this year, but it was difficult to get 5 consecutive nights during that first week.

You have a dilemma - VGC is also notoriously difficult to get once the 7 month window opens. Not sure what I would do in your situation. Lately, it's been difficult to find reasonably priced contracts for 100 points or less. I'd probably come down on the side of buying BLT since you say you only want a night or two every so often at VGC. Good luck!
I would recommend that you buy vgc... Even though it's more $$, it's harder to get in. You will likely find someone to swap BLT points with. When I look at ppl requesting swaps for BLT (one of my homes), I would be open only for vgc, VGF, aul, and maybe poly. I feel like I would be "trading up".

;). That's just one persons perspective...
As you can see by the above posts, the advice is mixed. Part of the problem is that BLT has become very popular and the high demand period from October through Marathon weekend in January it is getting more difficult to get reservations at BLT at the 7 month period. And December is the worst. So getting onto BLT will be difficult unless you won't be traveling during months mentioned. However getting into VGC is even more at it popular times, holidays, three day weekends and Southern CA School breaks. The problem with VGC is that there are so few rooms, only 48 2BR lock offs. If you really want both at specific times, I would plan to buy points at each resort for the home resort advantage. If your dates are flexible for BLT, you probably can book a lake view. Keep in mind that you cannot combine points from two resorts until the 7 month mark, so you might be buying more points than you thought.
Thank you, everyone, all good insight. I believe VGC is sold out, but if I bought BLT at Resale, does Disney still have a waiting list for VGC for 50 points or so?
So I did major research a few years ago, and as of the past week, have spent hours and hours. Here is my situation. I'm an hour away from Disneyland in CA. I visit all the time but want to stay at VGC a few times a year just for a night or two. I also want to visit Aulani every other year or so, and visit WDW (preferably at BLT) every other year. Is it smart to buy 160 pts at BLT on the resale market, or try and hope that I can find an 80 pt BLT and 80 pt GCV so I get 2 priority windows? I know GVC is very small, so owning there is huge, but I have not seen any small points come on the market.

What would make he most sense?

Would you be planning your DL trips more than 7 months out? And when would you be looking to stay there? If it's during any special events such as marathons or the CP weekend you will need to own there.

The waitlists to buy VGC direct are long. Someone even reported they aren't adding any new names but I've only seen that one report.
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Yeah with so few units, I could imagine how the wait list is. I'd like to stay there about 3 weekends a year, or maybe 2 weeks and 1 separate night. I would know them in advance, but the problem is I don't see any resale VGC units with only like 50 points, the smallest I see if 125. :-/
Yeah with so few units, I could imagine how the wait list is. I'd like to stay there about 3 weekends a year, or maybe 2 weeks and 1 separate night. I would know them in advance, but the problem is I don't see any resale VGC units with only like 50 points, the smallest I see if 125. :-/

It's not impossible to book VGC at 7 months but as I mentioned it's somewhat dependent on the weekend.

What you might consider doing is getting a smaller BLT contract and seeing how that works - and if you can use it for VGC like you wish to. Then you could continue to keep your eye out for a VGC or else might decide that you are fine with getting a second BLT contract.
I think you will see a lot of contracts at 125 since I believe that is the minimum purchase for a new contract. Anything below that would be add-ons that are now being resold, which I think would clearly be a much smaller possibility. You are not able to split contracts when you sell, so unless someone bought a 50, they would not have one to offer up.
So I did major research a few years ago, and as of the past week, have spent hours and hours. Here is my situation. I'm an hour away from Disneyland in CA. I visit all the time but want to stay at VGC a few times a year just for a night or two. I also want to visit Aulani every other year or so, and visit WDW (preferably at BLT) every other year. Is it smart to buy 160 pts at BLT on the resale market, or try and hope that I can find an 80 pt BLT and 80 pt GCV so I get 2 priority windows? I know GVC is very small, so owning there is huge, but I have not seen any small points come on the market.

What would make he most sense?
There are lots of variables and decisions that only you can make. To me I don't think it makes sense to try to buy that size contract at 2 places. You'll add a significant amount of extra cost. I assume you're looking at studios, even at 11 months out those may be very difficult at VGC but also will be difficult for BLT standard view. I'd either up the ante and go for larger (150 or so) at both or just select one and hope for the best on the other. In your described situation VGC is likely the best choice for most people between those 2. Or you could own HI. Remember you can get something at WDW with some planning but it might not be BLT.

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