150 Club...care to join???

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Good morning. Back to school day today. Lots of meetings and things to do. Better get moving.

Welcome back everyone who was on vacation. I hope it was great.

Come cheer on the WISH Biggest Loser teams as we start today. I am one of the team captains. Wish my team luck. I hope we win.
Happy first day of school to all those who are glad it's here!

Dona, my DH's classes don't start til the last Monday of Sept, but as faculty, he still puts in his 40 hours at the college. DD was so happy to start school today. DS started college today, but I am not sure just how excited he is. With being 10 hours from home, my inquires get very short answers! Enjoy the rest of the day!

Mandy! That is great! As we all know, muscle does weigh more, so inches is a great way to brag! Fabulous for you!

Kat--wonderful for you too! Sometimes it is that small, emotional incident that wakes us up and gets us on the right path!

Hope everyone is having a great Sept!

Just bumping the page up.

I did finally see a turn around from the stagnat-like summer. Yay!

I just hope it keeps going!

Everyone have a great day and weekend

Hi there. I've only been posting on WISH for a week or two. I'd like to join the 150 club! I'm only 5'2 so I really need to be in the 130s, but I can't even think of that right now--too far away! I've lost down to the 150s before so I know I can do it! I've got 42lbs to get to 159! :eek:

150s--Here I come!!!

Congrats to that all those on their way! Keep it up!!! :yay:
Good morning

This weekend was pretty quiet. Football game on Fri night. DS went out with some friends and got home at 11:45 so I didn't get to bed until 12. SAt night he had a competition and didn't get in until 12:30. Last night I had to do something on the computer because it was due by midnight tonight but it was out so by the time it did get on it was 10 and by then I wanted to see the end of the Emmys so I stayed up until 10:45 when I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at 11:15 and went to bed. I plan to be in bed by 10 tonight.

My eating has been pretty good and I have worked out 6 out of the last 7 days so it has beeen pretty good. I am worried about my voice going out on me the other day. I don't want to add another doctor to my list.

Have a great day everyone.

WEndy cute picture of your son. How are you doing with him gone? I am already worried about next year when ds2 leaves but ds1 will probably be coming back (unfortunately he's the sloppier of the two)\

postesf Welcome:welcome: :welcome: We have been very quiet lately but at time we do pick up
Hello My Precious :grouphug: Friends!

I'm coming back! After we got back from our wonderful trip Sept.4th, I was just spent. And then dh's terminally ill uncle passed -- we are just now having our first "normal" week for September.

Anyway, it's not pretty on my scale.:scared1: I was feeling so depressed last night.:sad1: But, I couldn't quite bring myself to give up and be enormous, so I have to start doing the things that will take off these pounds. I decided I'm going to do WW online. Hopefully that will be inspiring and I will start to drop some weight. I've worked out three times this week, and that was a huge improvement. I have spent a ton of time "doing" sparkpeople, but I don't seem to be losing any weight. I get too wrapped up in getting points, and don't get up and move.

My weight is at an all-time high, and the 150s seem like a distant fantasy. I am ready to commit to making serious progress. I even told dh I would eat ground turkey :rotfl:

I also committed to 3 days (2 down so far) without chips, candy, cookies or crackers. Even though I eat the 100 cal kind, I figure this couldn't hurt. I eat way too many of those 100 cal packs...Anyway, I think that's long enough for me to "break" my habit of eating these things every time I turn around. I plan to reintroduce them with a rule -- one every day. I can choose 1 100-cal pack per day, but just one. If I have cookies -- no chips! And if I have popcorn, no 100 cal pack. :sad2:

When I did WW before, I filled up on junk. I ate the right amount of points, but I didn't have good nutrition. This time I am going to eat right, and not let the carbs take over!:cheer2:

Anyway, I am eager to read all the back posts while I was away and catch up. I was half afraid you guys wouldn't be here anymore -- it would just figure. Now that I am really searching for support,and ready to get moving and losing, I am so glad you guys are still going strong!

Dona -- You are a working out machine! Fantastic! :cool1:

postef -- Welcome! This is a great place to get support!:hug:

Wendy -- September is a fresh start for everyone, I predict we will all be happy with how things are going by Halloween! :thumbsup2

Mandy and Kat -- You guys are leading the way! Excellent, inches gone forever!:cheer2:

So, I counted and there are 40 full days until Halloween...that's about 5 weeks. Anyone want to join me in trying to lose 10 lbs before the costumes come out? :idea:

Good Morning guys!!!

Dona--I saw you have been working out a lot!!! You go girl!!!

I am officially now under the big 200. As of this morning...199.6. Hopefully I can keep it this way until Tuesday for our BL weigh in!!! My goal of 1lb a week would put me at exactly 200 on Tuesday...so here's to hoping I stay in the 199s!!!

I'm working towards the 5K in January so that is keeping me motivated to exercise... I WILL complete it, but right now, I'm just not sure how!!! I walked 30 min yesterday and only did 1.6 miles!!! The race requirement is 15 min/mile pace... ugh!!! I've got to cut my time by 15 minutes!!! I'm trying to not get too overwhelmed w/ that as I still have over 3 months to go...but I'm just not seeing the light at the end of tunnel yet!

DH and I will walk tomorrow AM--3.2 miles. I except it to take about an hour. I'm going to time it for sure... Then we are off to Wilmington, NC for a night stay and then on Sunday to a suprise beach party for some friends 10 year anniversary party!!! Hope to keep my eating in check!!!

Hope you all have a good weekend!!!
Hello Stacie! I love your advatar! And wonderful on being under 200! I am working towards that. I will get there. It has just been a long process. As DH says, it took 8 years to get the weight on, so it may take 8 years to get it off. I have only been losing for 18 months. I don't think the sanity will stay if it takes 8 years! lol

Well, I have hit my goal on weight loss for Sept! Yay! 4 pounds! Now, I want to lose the 2.5 I gained last month! I am working on it.

Dona, I do miss him. I can't wait to visit in October. In my journal I have a link to some pictures. He is such a ham! There is one of him 3 years ago too. Amazing how fast they grow. Hmmm...you say ds1 is the sloppier. It is a toss up in our house. Both kids are about the same, only DD is more willing to pick up than DS. :goodvibes

Hey Maria. I know what you are thinking. At the end of August, I had gained 13pounds from the previous August. I have to be more focused, and it seems to work so far. DH has been great in making healthy meals. He enjoys the challenge, so I let him do it. He will even bring me dinner to make sure I don't fall off the wagon again. He just doens't want to be lonely as he gets older. I have promised to grow very old with him, and to be active. So, that's the gauntlet. DH. He is such a good man.

Everyone else, the best to you! We are having a very nice fall here in West Michigan. Hope every one else has great weather as well!


YES! I will join in a mini goal of 10 pounds.I was going to shoot for 6.5 by then, but I am willing to 'kick it up a notch!'

I did WI today. Next WI for this is 10-31. Good luck to us both!

Hi everyone. Just a short post and I will get back to everyone later.

We went college shopping on Sat and I think ds2 has decided where he is goiong. He fits their criteria and application will be going out the end of this week or the beginning of the next. I know he is very excited and very nervous. He wants to be a civil engineer with an emphasis on structural and yes he has said that it would be cool to work for Disney.

Have to go and get the day started. Be back later
Good Afternoon!

I hope everyone is doing well. It's my third full day of following WW online. So far, so good. I had great workouts this weekend. I walked a 5.2 mile trail both days.

I'm psyched because I found a way to appease ds and workout -- he loves DWTS (especially since there's a Cheetah girl this year), so I agreed to watch it with him -- but I'll be on the TM. This means I am guaranteed a workout, and I don't have to cut short my "me-time" or family time, or chore time, to do it!

I also like to watch the Biggest Loser from the TM. I am finding more and more I can watch while working out, so I'm feeling good about that. It should certainly help this winter when I can't get out. It's a great place for stuff I don't really want to take the time to watch, but I enjoy -- like Top Chef or Project Runway.

Dona-- Wow! It is great that ds2 has already made his choice. It sounds like he found a fantastic fit. You must feel good about that! :goodvibes

Wendy-- I really think 10 lbs. is doable. It's two a week, and if I pay attention, I can pretty much do that. Of course, that means I can't have mindless eating, or not work out, but I really want to go into November 10 lbs. lighter! :banana:

Stacie-- Congratulations on reaching Onderland!I know it was a huge boost for you to mark that milestone. I have no doubt you will pick up speed as you get used to walking. Don't push yourself too hard too soon. I bet it will come naturally. :cool1:

Ok, I set my weigh in day as Friday, so I have about 3 more days to lose, lose, lose before the first reckoning :rotfl:

Hiya girls!! I haven't been on a in a few weeks. Everyone sounds like they are doing great!!

tbstein-Congrats on hitting your goal for September!!:cloud9:

postesf- That is fantastic that you are now in the 100's!! What an accomplishment

Worfiedoodles-Way to go with the WW! Keep up the hard work!!

I am still hovering...Somedays its 151 and others its 149 (like today!!!) What I really need is to up my physical activity and get back on track. My calorie level has been too high, although not high enough to gain. October 1st the girls and I go back on a strict 1200 calorie level here at JC. It should be interesting!!!
Good Afternoon!

Still chugging away with the WW online. I'm also getting great workouts in. I walked to DWTS Monday and Tuesday, so I did four days in a row of at least 5 miles. I'm taking today off -- I had a total of seven days in a row, and I need a break!

I'm eager to see what happens friday, and a little nervous. I don't have high expectations, but I know I'll feel so defeated if I don't lose something...My scale only registers half pounds, so I guess I need to get one that's more exact. I'm not sure that would really help me feel better, though.

I'm trying to come up with a reward for losing my first 5 lbs. I don't want it to be enormous, but it seems like I should mark it with something -- and not food! I'm trying to be optimistic. I'm hoping for that in the next few weeks, and I really, really want to lose 10 lbs. before Halloween...Any suggestions for a good reward?

Mandy -- I admire your dedication. It sounds like you are determined and optimistic!:cheer2:

Dona-- How's it goin'? Are you having good weather for walking?:yay:

Wendy -- How is dd adjusting to life without her big brother? October is almost here!:goodvibes

Stacie-- How did the weekend turn out? It sounds like it must have been fun:woohoo:

I'm going to watch my taped BL episode when I get home. I wish that was on every week!:happytv:

Great losses to all!
Hi everyone!

I am back from my WDW trip. I have basically taken September completely off, and 15-26 was in WDW on the DDP so I have gained back about 8-9 lbs of my loss. I had planned on at most a 10 lb gain so I am pretty satisfied and ready to get back on the losing wagon.

My restart day is Monday, and I am definitely in for the 10 lb goal by the end of October. I will take my starting weight from this morning and go from there.
Today was my first weigh in with WW Online. I followed the Plan and did my workouts -- and I lost 3lbs! I am so excited!

Ok, now my goal is to keep those off and lose seven more before Halloween. I know we will get there together!

Hi Guys!

Happy October!

Just checking in, to see how everyone is doing. I did one 5-miler this weekend, and an hour walking on the TM last night. I'll have 1.5 hrs tonight for the Biggest Loser. Still eating in my Points range, so far - so good.

How is everyone? Any plans for Columbus Day weekend? We are going to Plimoth Plantation (it's a recreated village) on Saturday, if dh feels well. He's fighting a cold.

Have great workouts and eat well!
Hi. No big plans for the weekend dh is camping at a camporee at the State Police headQuarters. Ds2 has a footbal game on Friday, SAT on Sat morning, a competition on Sat evening and a parade on Sunday. He can lie around al day Monday but I am back to work.

Anyone else?
Hi girls :) No big plans for the weekend. I weighed in today and am down to 148!!! I am so excited. Now it's time to start working out! lol. Hope you girls have a great week and keep up the great work!!
Great job Mandy!!

I am back on track as of yesterday, following a disastrous diet-wise, yet very fun September that included 12 days at WDW.

I will weigh-in on Friday to figure how how much damage I did!

No Columbus Day plans here... Monday is a bank holiday, and I write banking software, so they use these holiday weekends for upgrades. I just get to be on call, whee!
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