12 Months of Medals: My 2015 (And Beyond!) Running Challenge

Ouch! Sorry to hear that you're missing pool time (and the bike ride), and I hope it heals soon!
So, looks like I'm down at least two weeks. Stitches in my left knee to close the gash. Yay!

But, I will choose to be hopeful.

Hopefully. Once the pain from today wears off.

OUCH!!! So sorry for the fall and STITCHES. :crutches:

Hope you heal up soon!!!
Thanks, guys.

The left isn't that bad - it doesn't hurt or anything, it's just pretty awful to look at.

But man, my right knee ... yikes.

Husband said he's going to get me some neoprene sleeves to start running in. :(
EEEK! I'm pretty much one giant bruise all year round, so I can empathize with you. I guess just tell yourself that stitches is better than anything being broken. And you have a cute couch buddy in that picture to help you recover!

I think my anywhere race right now would be Disneyland Tink half. Can I also automatically be in shape for that too?
EEEK! And you have a cute couch buddy in that picture to help you recover!

That's my Baby Old Man dog. Oddly enough, he hurt his leg on Saturday morning before I left for the race ... so, we're both convalescing together.
YOWZA!! hope you are not in to much pain and don't worry you can make up the missed training without to much trouble stay off as much as possible and get well soon...the road will still be there when you are ready
Ugh! I'm sorry! I was running with my dog (large puppy!) years ago and just had the leash wrapped around my hand loosely. He saw a cat and booked it, slamming me on my face, knees and hands. A mile from home with no cell phone. And I had to catch the stupid dog before I could even go home. I admit, I bawled like a little baby, lol! I hope you heal soon!
Thanks, guys. Slowly getting more mobile, which is goal number one! I could even make it down the stairs on my own, which is a major improvement!

I think the most disappointing thing is that I was really getting into a good routine, especially in dealing with the hot weather, and I'm afraid that all those "gains" I'd been making will regress when I'm really able to get back out there in two weeks or whatever.
Thanks, guys. Slowly getting more mobile, which is goal number one! I could even make it down the stairs on my own, which is a major improvement!

I think the most disappointing thing is that I was really getting into a good routine, especially in dealing with the hot weather, and I'm afraid that all those "gains" I'd been making will regress when I'm really able to get back out there in two weeks or whatever.

you wont lose as much as you might think the body is a pretty awesome thing when it comes to muscle retention
I think the most disappointing thing is that I was really getting into a good routine, especially in dealing with the hot weather, and I'm afraid that all those "gains" I'd been making will regress when I'm really able to get back out there in two weeks or whatever.

You won't know for sure until you get back out there, but I think it won't make that much of a difference. You'll lose the training you would have gotten during these two weeks, and maybe the routine will be a little harder because you're not used to it, but a few weeks won't make you regress much. I took about 2 weeks off after my first race, and while it was hard for me to get back out there mentally, once I did, it was pretty much like I hadn't taken that break. Your body remembers all of the hard work you put in.
Training Talk: DLH Week 10, W&D Week -1ish, Dopey Week 1
Weekly guide to my training!

Get ready for the least informative training week post ever.

The Countdown: 63 Days until Disneyland; 127 Days until Wine & Dine; 188 Days until Dopey

This Week's Training Plan:
While I'm technically training and prepping to train for both the Disneyland Half and the Wine & Dine Half, the ultimate goal is Dopey. Each week, I will post my scheduled training as dictated by a hybrid Dopey Training schedule I've created combining elements of Hal Higdon's Dopey Training and Jeff Galloway's Dopey Plan.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Notes: Being hurt sucks.

What's New?
I'm going to skip a lot of the things I normally do in this journal, mostly because I need to just vent and tackle something I haven't really dealt with so far in this journey.

What's new this week is that I'm depressed. Even more than that, I'm just downright sad.

Since I got hurt on Saturday, I've tried to put on a brave face and make some jokes and act like this is no big deal. But every day, I've cried. I'm in pain, I'm borderline immobile and I'm just ... sad. I've put in so much work already, I've been trying so hard and I feel like it just doesn't matter anymore. Right now, I can't really do much. My day is structured that when I go downstairs, I'm downstairs for the day. When I go upstairs to our master level, that's it. I'm up there. It hurts that much to go up and down the stairs.

Then there comes the pain at night with drying wounds and sleeping. It's miserable. I'm barely sleeping. And then? Then I get to get up and clean these gross wounds. Ugh. Nurses and other healthcare workers have my utmost respect, because this is just nasty.

Three weeks ago, during the Jalapeno Half, I actually had a mental breakdown where I thought I wouldn't be able to do Dopey. Like, I was just being dumb and thinking that because I try hard enough means I can do it, but in reality I couldn't. I was running that day and was able to use that to fuel me to a significant PR.

Now? I have nightmares about Dopey. I'm almost certain I can't do it. I'm fairly certain I made a terrible decision and let my hubris take control and now I'm in a position that I'm just going to let people down.

I've never been fatalistic like this before in my life. I'm normally a very positive, optimistic person. But the space I'm in right now just feels weird. I can't do anything, and certainly I can't be active.

So. I'm just ... sad. I'm very sad.

This Week's Motivation/Inspiration:
I don't really have anything to share. Do you have something that currently motivates or inspires you?
I'm not going to sit here and say "you can do it Keels" (even though I believe it), because I don't think that's what you need to hear right now. I'm going to be brutally honest instead, and I hope that doesn't offend you too much.

Your situation sucks. There's no better way to say it (well, no DIS-friendly better way to say it). But you just have to deal with it and realize that it's only temporary. Find a way to get through the next few weeks, and then (hopefully) it's over.

In terms of Dopey ...
You won't know that you can definitely do Dopey until you do it. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, because it's not true. Even if you do a perfect Dopey training run, you don't know that you can do the same thing in race conditions.
From what I've read on here, I think you have the determination to put in the hours of training necessary, and I think you're trying to do that. But you don't know if that will work, or if you can keep it up after dealing with life's obstacles (like the one you're dealing with now). The only thing that you can know for sure is whether or not you're willing to try.
I've suffered from depression for about half of my life. For the most part, things go badly for me. Most of the time I don't want to bother trying something new or working towards a goal, because if I'm just going to fail, why waste my time? But sometimes I do try and I don't give up, and while I still fail a lot, some of those times I will succeed and I will reach my goal. That's something that couldn't have happened if I didn't try. I've learned that I fail more often than not. Some people have a hard time accepting failure. This is especially true of people who put in a lot of work to make sure that they always succeed. But everyone fails sometimes, and if this is a goal that you might fail to reach, you have to accept that.

Ultimately, all you can do is try. If you fail, then you know for next time either not to try again or to do things differently. And if you succeed, then you will have proved your supporters right and gotten 6 awesome medals.

In terms of what inspires me - remembering all the progress I've made.
And you've made a lot of progress in your running - once you're all healed up, you'll be able to go out there and run a few miles. A year ago you might not have been able to do that. It may be hard to remember now, but it's an accomplishment.
The thing that helps me the most when I am going through my moments of anxiety or wanting to give up is remembering something that was about 2 weeks ago or a month ago...and then realizing how much time has flown by since that thing happened and realizing how I'm no longer in that moment of sadness anymore. And that helps me. I hope that makes sense.

I have an immediate family member (well actually more than one now) that went through a very bad health issue last year and I thought my world was falling apart. It's insane how much time has flown by since his recovery and it was less than a year ago. And I wonder how much energy I wasted being in despair. But I know emotions cannot be helped and emotions mean that we care...and if we have a lot of emotions it means that we care A LOT.

You have these emotions because you care about running and your goal. And you will recover. You have a health issue that is recoverable from! That is the best thing to think of. And you will want to keep training because you care so much. And a month or so from now you can look back and say how much better you feel now then you did back then.

I'm the worst at hiding behind a smile when I'm feeling blue so I commend you for being so honest here. We all support you whether you are up or down!
Let yourself heal and let yourself be (a little) sad about it, because it does suck. But focus on all of the positive gains you have made this year. You still have time for Dopey.

What's inspiring me right now is reading about all of the newer runners here on the DIS setting goals and achieving them (including you). Running is not easy, and starting something new is scary. I'm proud of everyone here that has the courage to try. :)
Such good advice from Ariel484, roxymama and SarahDisney.

For the past month I've been following the Women's US Soccer team (as most of you probably were). What an inspiration! But your post made me think of something Abby said during an interview before they played the final game. She said something along the lines of "when you're passionate about wanting something, you take risks and one of the risks is the chance that you won't win...that would hurt but that's part of the passion that you have, it's part of the risk." I sometimes think about the chance that I may not be able to finish a race that I'm signed up for, for whatever reason (injury, being too slow, being too exhausted....you know all the negative stuff you think about sometimes) but when I think of what Abby said about taking a risk I have to agree that I'm glad i'm taking the risk instead of not trying.

You have accomplished so much in such a short time-you have inspired me. And your honesty about all of your training has helped me b/c I feel a lot of the same feelings.

Maybe you are missing the endorphins of your training and that's why you're feeling so bad. But it really doesn't matter why you're feeling the way you're feeling does it? You just want it to end. It will. And you will be stronger.

Until then, know that there are many people sending positive and healing thoughts and energy your way.
Dopey is so far in the future that it's not worth stressing over right now. Your focus should be on healing your knees and healing your mind. Yes, being injured sucks and interferes with things you want to do, but sometimes life does that. Allow yourself to be sad, but don't wallow in it. Accept the situation because it's done and you can't change it now, and once you've done that, you'll be ready to move on. Time, care, and patience will get you going again.

Can you tell my wife's a yoga teacher?


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