05/19/2013 - 05/22/2013... My DLR trip with my 3 girls. **Full Trip Report now up**


DIS Veteran
Apr 7, 2013
First... start with the cast of characters...
A: the lovely mother of my 3 girls.
KEW: 6.5..Disney veteran supreme
CEW: Turned 4 yesterday... she is jazzed to get a Disney trip for her Bday vs. for KEW's like normal.
VEW: 8 months... LOVING IT!!

Delayed departure (by 77 mintues!!!) - All 3 girls awake, happy and excited.



Leaving Phoenix on the 10..


CEW: "We are far away from home, but I don't see Disneyland anywhere!" Snacks have started.

Forgot girl's water bottles - DOH!!

VEW is the only kid sleeping.

Gas up and bathroom break at Exit 5 complete (the last full-service exit before communist

country..) Sport-topped water bottles purchased and back on the road. All three girls awake and

not angry... next stop.... Gestapo fruit checkpoint.

Activities called into action. VEW won't take formula or water bottle and is NOT a happy baby.

Pit Stop in middle of nowhere for KEW to get sick (throwing up into a cup). Changed CEW/KEW's

clothes, fed and changed VEW. Back on road after what seemed like an eternity.

KEW asleep. Wind farms in view



30 miles away and stuck in gridlock traffic :(
All 3 kids FINALLY asleep. :)

Found English language radio station - SINATRA!!! 88.1 KJAZZ

Nearly there!!!



In queue for Pirates after grabbing Indiana Jones Fast pass.

What I wouldn't give to get in here.....



There was some sort of scavenger hunt going on, lots of teams were seen.... they seemed fixated

on this map...

Haunted Mansion Queue looked longer than the 10 minutes quoted by mousewait... Decided not to

chance it as our FP return times were 12:35 - 13:35.. got kids frozen lemonades, and a snack pack

thing... A and I split a clam chowder bread bowl... let the kids feed some of it to the Disney




With lunch finished, and not wanting to push our luck, we headed to Indy to use the fast pass..
KEW LOVED it. Other than the opening where you aren't supposed to look into the diety's eyes,

she was excited and grinning EAR TO EAR... she was tall enough to ride this last trip, but the CM

working the like refused to let her in even though she was touching the bottom of the height

marker... they even made her stand in again, and she's over California Screaming tall now... I

must say, they really smoothed the ride out. It was AWESOME. I didn't even remember it being

this awesome, and so smooth. Was really jerky in 2011 last time I rode it. We were up front, and

I was the one driving!!

On the way back to Haunted Mansion, stopped here for a pic. Most of you probably get the

significance, but park goers were looking at us strangely...

In queue for Haunted Mansion. KEW is complaining her stomach is hurting again... going to be the

last ride for a bit. I took VEW, and CEW and KEW rode with A. KEW was super afraid for some

reason... the thinks the lyrics say "Tear your eyes" instead of "terrorize", and she's never been

when it was traditional HM vs. Nightmare before Christmas version...Afterwards, she was LOVING

it. VEW fell asleep on the ride in my arms. We double timed it back to the hotel as our room

was ready when we were having lunch. A nice early room...

In the room. Courtyard view. (144x room) Never had this view before. The monorail zooms by

every 5 mins or so. Kind of a trek and have to use lobby elevators, so I hope the morning goes

smoothly. KEW is in the bunk bed resting. Out on the balcony with a cold Hop Knot IPA from AZ...


I am driving to Disney in a couple of week from Phoenix and I hope we can be on the road that early! Have fun!
I am driving to Disney in a couple of week from Phoenix and I hope we can be on the road that early! Have fun!

I grew up in Queen Creek and my sis still lives there. I wish I still lived there.:)
I am so glad you are doing a live trip report :woohoo:. I hope you and your family have a great trip....I hope your little one feels better too. Can't wait to read how the rest of your trip goes :goodvibes.
Thanks for the live report...I love it! :thumbsup2 This is the same road trip I travel except my DD6 refuses to sleep on the way there! :yay: Hope your little one's tummy troubles go away! pixiedust:
Well rested and the kids feeling better, we headed into DCA through the Grand Californian Entrance. Minutes later, we were in line for Ariel's Undersea Adventure.














Headed over to Goofy's Sky School and grabbed fast passes for 18:00-19:00 return time. Made a call that Mickey's Fun Wheel of DOOM looked not too bad wait-wise. Little did we know, that one person in line in front of us was saving a spot for no less than NINE other people who were apparently in line getting beers somewhere because the stream of them nudging past us in line was non-stop.. All 3 kids LOVED the fun wheel of doom rocking gondolas... my middle girl laughing UNCONTROLLABLY, and just going insane.





Awesome update!! You totally had me fooled....fulle expected you were going to dinner at BB, which would have been loveky, no doubt! However, there really isn't anything that even comes close to Club 33!!! Can't wait to see your pictures!
Loving this TR - keep it coming! What an incredibly awesome surprise for your wife :thumbsup2
Great and detailed TR! Can't wait to see the pics. Everytime I saw <insert pic> there was no pic - bummer:confused3 Glad you all had a good time - and yes, there's never enough energy!
Great and detailed TR! Can't wait to see the pics. Everytime I saw <insert pic> there was no pic - bummer:confused3 Glad you all had a good time - and yes, there's never enough energy!

I'll work on the pics on the drive back. Make the wife drive while I post-process and generally just separate the wheat from the chaff. Will probably be Thursday evening by the time I get most of them up...maybe into Friday... Just too long of days...
Whew, you all have been BUSY! Love your writing style; I almost feel like I'm there : )
In line at DCA with KEW. A and the little girls werent quite ready with the final packing and such, so KEW and I forged ahead as she was the only one of the girls who could do RSR. 12 people in line in front of me at the gate Im at. Bag check was practically nonexistent. I think the anomaly from yesterday was due to DL getting Magic Morning people AND EMH people vs. DCA being only EMH. The first party at the front of my line were refused entry (they were probably Magic Morningers), and promptly stomped off spouting Well thats stupid. The Disney spirit did not find them this fine morning. It was gray again (starting to see a theme here), and looked even more like rain. The park opened for us, and we got up to the rope at Carthay, and were promptly told that RSR was down, and would not be up until park open at 9am. Darn&. Change of plans&.
After a quick jaunt to the Pier, we jumped on Toy Story Midway Mania& it was literally walk on. I took VEW, and A took CEW/KEW. I did pretty good against VEW& I smoked her with 111,000 to her zero& ;)

After TSMM, A took KEW on Screamin, while CEW/VEW and I rode Tritons Carousel. KEW refused to go on Screamin with me because she was anxious, but she had no problems doing it with A. After we got off, I see them coming off, and KEW says&. AGAIN!!! A monster was born. I knew shed love it as shes a thrill junkie, but the first time on stuff she has a hard time overcoming. KEW and I jumped on and did it three times in a row. A took CEW/VEW on TSMM 3 times, and then headed over to Cars Land and jumped in line for RSR.
KEW and I hoofed it over double time, but had a delay as we were refused entry to Cars Land through the Wharf under the arch& ended up having to enter by Filmores. They really need to do this better with the RSR queue overflow, they shouldnt block off entry points.
RSR was apparently over an hour by this point, so with A and the little girls in line, KEW and I quickly jumped on Maters Junkyard Jamboree. It was more high speed than I was expecting, and whipped you around pretty good. Guess I understand the height thing for it whereas before I had ridden it, I was like what the heck, a height limit on something equivalent to the tea cups?

A gave up on RSR line, and went over to the Fast Pass line instead with VEW (sleeping nicely by now). I took KEW and CEW, and jumped on Flicks Flyers. Ive never been on this, and it wasnt bad. Did a quick FP return time check for Tower of Terror and decided the time wasnt quite right yet to grab them.

In queue for Chew Chew Train. Practically walk on. I remember waiting FOREVER to ride this 2 trips back, and THAT was not worth it at all. The girls sat up front, and me behind. Nice diversion, and CEW likes it. By now, A/VEW was back with our RSR Fast Passes.
A took CEW on the tuck and roll bumper cars while KEW, VEW, and I waited&CEW was loving it. It really is a shame theres so little she can ride being under 40. Next time (and Big thunder will be open to boot& Yay). The rides she could ride, she loved the heck out of& Afterwards, KEW and I decided to grab TOT FP for a 10:30-11:30 return time.. should work perfect.
The wait for TOT was posted as 15 minutes and KEW was nervous about TOT (which is weird because she LOVED it back in 2010. Didnt make it on last trip. Turns out it wasnt the drops (she loves those), but the ghost aspect of it which had her worrying. Must be the realization of death at the age shes at. At any rate, it wasnt a good experience for her, and she was practically in tears on exit. Nix using those FP&A did grab a stroller pass though, and that would come in handy later in the day for me. We trekked back to the hotel for a break and to finalize the checkout, finish the bags, and get them down into storage. I took 10 minutes afterward to run around getting hotel pics as I had no time this trip until now. Got some good ones, I REALLY love the craftsman style.
Trekked over to Redwood Creek Challenge trail and started to do the challenge for the merit badge. We couldnt find Kevins foot prints for some reason. Headed around, did the howling slides, played in the hollow logs, started to do the totem pole deciphering, and the rock slides and mystic cave. Only KEW was tall enough for the rock climb, but she was awesome at it (kid is a monkey as it is). Ran into Doug. CEW was TERRIFIED of him, and by the time KEW got near, he had to exit out the cast member exit, but did give her some nice waves which she returned and was happy about. By this time, time was running short, so we abandoned the challenge, hoping to get back later in the day and finish, but that wasnt in the cards. KEW and I have a Girl Scout Survival Camp in June for Fathers day, so a little bit of real world scouting challenge will have to suffice.

Checked in Ariels Grotto for the girls 12:00 lunch and M&G. Went downstairs with them, shot off some pics, went out to the water side seating area they were eating at which jutted out into the lagoon, got them settled, and then took off for some Daddy time. First stop for me& Cove bar. Two Tower 10 IPAs were calling my name to cut the heat, help a little bit with the pain of walking 50 miles per day, and do some general people watching and enjoying the ambiance. Really like cove bar, its an adult oasis in DCA for sure. Contemplated some of the snack type meals they offer, but decided Id rather go grab a hot dog/chips, and ride Screamin, so off I went.
I rode Screamin OVER and OVER and OVER& there was no wait, just walk out the exit, in the entrance, and back on. I got in 6 loops on it (Id text the girls and let them know what color train and what car I was in and wave to them at Ariels as I rocketed past post-launch.) They saw me 3 or 4 times. After they got out, KEW was itching to go, so she and I looped on it 5 MORE times together, and got a GREAT photo, which I used my free photo coupon for. While KEW and I were looping, A and the small girls went and rode Ariels undersea adventure, got the free lanyards over at Blue Sky Cellar, got some popcorn in an Adventureland bucket (yay, Adventureland!) and then over to Cars land to select pins from Tin Lizzys shop. By 2:30, our FP for RSR had matured, so started heading over to Cars Land with a stop for some barley soda for me on the wharf.

KEW and I are boarding RSR (yay for FP, pretty much walk-on). On the way in, I grabbed a stroller swap pass. We had a Red car, went the paint booth (I still havent gone the new tires route), and we WON! Was an awesome ride. Got out, and swapped with A. She got the new tires, and their car did NOT win. The tractors were all broken this time around. Wonder whats up with that. Doesnt seem like they are a particularly complex piece of Imagineering. Hmm.
While KEW/A were doing RSR, CEW really wanted to go do Monsters Inc., so I trekked the little girls up there. On the way, I stopped at Carthay, and made some measurements of a project I want to do. CEW, VEW, and I ended up riding it 4 times with an average of 11 minutes per round.
A showed up with some much needed food/drink. She had stopped at the Cozy cone, picked up some pretzel balls for the kids/her, and a chili con carne cone for me. The chili was alright (chili like pizza is good even when its bad), but the cone itself wasnt terribly tasty. I bet most people just pitch the cone when theyve consumed the filling. Given the relatively low volume of food, KEW and I were still hungry, so I got a chili cheese dog for me, and a hot dog for her from Wieners.

After dining, and getting the girls bathroom breaked, and cleaned up, I had that parent swap pass for TOT from before, so A said go run it. I hustled over. They were asking for single riders down in the boiler room, so I got on a good 3 cars earlier than I would have otherwise. This is the first time Ive seen the ride clearly (I wore glasses the previous times and was afraid of losing them), but this time I had some daily wear contact lens samples, so I got to see the show in the elevator and out over the park in detail. I remembered the ride itself being longer, its like they cut out a full cycle of up/down, but maybe its just perspective looking back. All told, I was walking out 15 minutes after I walked through the entrance. I did get a Happy anniversary, you picked a great hotel to stay at from one of the CMs which gave me a good laugh. I really love the set dressing in the Hollywood Tower of Terror. Art Deco is one of my things. They pull it of superbly.
While I was doing TOT, A took all the girls on Monsters one last time& then we made our way through the Buena Vista Street shops giving the girls a chance to pick out one thing each. Some really neat stuff, and I was half tempted to get the mini sculpture of Walt and Mickey from the circle out front of Elias & Co, but just couldnt justify it.
Left the hotel& with much sadness. Noticed that the valet was not charged to my room, nor was it collected at vehicle pickup. I wonder if they are going to charge me after all. Upon loading up, theres not a free spot for anything anywhere&. If we do any longer of a trip, well need to move up to a full-size SUV vs. the midsize we have. BTW, anybody know what is up with the 91? The road undulates up down up down, I see the tires on the vehicles next to us just going up/down/up/down. I can hear and feel it in mine as well. The road surface looks like its been worked but it sure wasnt to make it smooth. The LA metro traffic was HORRIBLE. Leaving in the afternoon on a weekday was a poor decision. Not any better options available though unless you give up park time. We all make our choices& So you know all those Look twice for motorcycles signs? I bet thered be a lot less schmucked motorcycle riders if CA did away with that HORRIBLE practice of lane splitting and weaving in/out of traffic. I almost schmucked 3 of them just minding my own business driving down my lane when each one roars past inches from my mirror.
Kids are all asleep. After spending too much time in grid lock, it FINALLY opened up, and I was making phenomenal time until I had to stop for fuel somewhere out by Indio. $4.59/gallon for the premium the V8 Volvo SUV we were driving drinks. Holy smokes. Its a good 60 cents cheaper right across the border in AZ for the same grade. Swapped drivers now that we are pretty much out of Cali. Let the wife drive while I catch up on the trip report.
Crossed back into friendly territory& aka AZ. ;) It is now safe to make a pit stop as KEW and VEW are up. KEW wants French fries and VEW needs some mommy time.
Back on the road&. Easily an hour and a half left to go&They should put in a high speed train directly from Down Town Phoenix to Disneyland& Id ride it.
Switched with A somewhere at a rest stop roughly 60 miles from Phoenix. She was starting to drift between the lane edges. I stepped it up a bit to get home, and pulled into the driveway at 23:13. Thirty minutes of unpacking the vehicle into the garage and necessities/perishables into the house, and its bed time&.
If my math is right, here's the final ride tally.

Screamin 15
Ariel 5
Monsters 5
Indy 4
Mansion 2
Triton 2
Jungle 2
Winnie 2
Arthur Carousel 2
Splash 2
Fun Wheel 1
Jellyfish 1
Flying Tire 1
Symphony 1
Zephyr 1
Turtle Talk 1
Dole 1
Tarzan 1
Go Coaster 1
Peter Pan 1
Lilly Belle 1
Toad 1
Dumbo 1
Alice 1
Snow White 1
Fantasy Faire 1
Small World 1
Tea Cups 1
Canal Boats 1
Castle 1
Mark Twain 1
Tiki 1
Nemo 1
Maters 1
Flicks Flyers 1
Chew Chew 1
Tuck and Roll 1


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