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  1. Disney Dork

    Attempted Terrorist Attack D:

    That's exactly what I was thinking when I first heard about this too. I was like "What? HOW?! Had the security people fallen asleep or something?!" D= Who knows exactly who was responsible for him being able to get onto the plane with that stuff, but I am EXTREMELY glad nothing serious...
  2. Disney Dork

    What'd you get?

    Including the stuff I opened yesterday, I got: Wii Fit A new Guitar Hero. (I don't remember which one though. D= ) Harry Potter 6 DVD Harry Potter 6 Poster 5 Shirts a Cardigan a new Coat a Scarf Earings Moon Sand a tooth brush (it's a family tradition :3) candy
  3. Disney Dork

    White Christmas??

    We had a white Christmas Eve in Texas- for the first time in 20 years. =D It was amazing. :3
  4. Disney Dork

    This makes me sick

    That has to be the most mental thing I have ever heard of anyone doing. :mad: Do I think they should get the death penalty for it tho? No. No one was killed. But life in prison? Yes. Because that kid is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life, so should they.
  5. Disney Dork

    Paranormal Activity

    My whole family actually wants to see this movie, which is an EXTREMELY rare occasion. Usually, my mom likes to stick to light, 'Romantic Comedies'. :rolleyes: I think I may have to wait until it's out on DVD to actually see it though, which I really don't mind. The last time I went to see a...
  6. Disney Dork

    It's October 15th. It's snowing. Anyone sense anything wrong?

    There is only one word to describe this time of year in Texas and that would be: "ROLLERCOASTER!" D= Seriously. It goes from being nice and warm one being in the 50's the next being warm....cold.....warm...cold....etc. And then you add the rain in there, caused by the lovely...
  7. Disney Dork


    Have any of you ever done this before? You know. When you get a naked doll base and 'paint' the clothes, shoes, hair, etc. on it? I've always wanted to know how to do that, and have tried, but never could. AND THEN! Yesterday- I WAS FINALLY ABLE TO MAKE MY FIRST DECENT ONE! It was very...
  8. Disney Dork

    The Random Thread: Inspired by the last Random Thread

    Today was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awkward. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE! being as shy as I am. And people being nice to me for no appearant reason. That's pretty strange too. D= So, when someone I don't know all that well (he's in my math class, which I...
  9. Disney Dork

    1st visit with orthodontist tomorrow - what do expect?

    awww, don't worry! You'll be fine! The most they'll do is take a picture of you smiling, take a mold of your teeth and put spacers in. The spacers aren't all that fun, but it's not that bad. It was worse for me when they first put the braces on, because I also have a VERY sensitive mouth and...
  10. Disney Dork

    Student-Teacher Boundaries.

    I don't mind it, honestly. Teacher's are human just like everyone else. I know there are some people out there tho, that think that teachers should act 'professionally' not just inside the school setting, but outside as well. This child dev. teacher said that if you're a teacher, you need to...
  11. Disney Dork

    The Random Thread: Inspired by the last Random Thread

    GUYS! LOOK WHAT I DID! =DDDDDD IT. IS. ANIMATED! I've always wanted to know how to do that...but I never could...and then I did! =DDDDD Thankyou rc&r for teaching me how. ilu. <333
  12. Disney Dork

    Do You Have Any Weird Quirks?

    - I can't sleep with the fan on. - I can't sleep without having the covers on. I feel so exposed of they're not. ;>__> - I don't share drinks. Period. I have this really wierd parinoia about slobber and back wash. - I'm a MAJOR creature of habit. You take me off my known 'path' and I...
  13. Disney Dork

    Happy Birthday!

    Hey! It's my birthday too! =D Disney World and I are awsome. :3
  14. Disney Dork

    this was cute. help?

    You know? I would give him time, just because it's near to impossible to know exactly what's going on in his life atm. And you know? What if he's not a total fan of going to a dance, but he's thinking about going because he likes you? You wouldn't know for sure unless you could read his mind...
  15. Disney Dork

    Life goes by so quick, I'm not ready for this.

    While I do understand some of what you have said, I do disagree on some points. I think it probably depends on what state you're actually attending college in, because I am taking 4 classes this semester (and I am currently attenting a com. college- will be transfering next year). All of them...
  16. Disney Dork

    Life goes by so quick, I'm not ready for this.

    There's nothing wrong with starting out at a community college, you know. Especially if you start out there to get your basics out of the way. You can take the EXACT SAME core classes (that EVERYONE has to take, university or not) at a community college for a quarter of the price it would be to...
  17. Disney Dork

    Life goes by so quick, I'm not ready for this.

    It's not that bad, honestly. I thought it was LOADS easier than the SAT when I took it (I took the PSAT the year before). It reminded me a lot of the TAKS test (the state test here in Texas) with the way it was set up. So, really, it's not that bad at all. Just don't freak yourself out too much...
  18. Disney Dork

    How high maintenance are you?

    Not really. I mean, I don't really like buying walmart clothes, because I just don't like them, but I also wouldn't be found buying a $30 dollar shirt from Hollister either. When it comes to make-up, yeah, I wear it- but I don't go over-board. I mostly just wear cover-up and and then my eye...
  19. Disney Dork

    being approached by the opposite gender

    It's not the face that matters, but the expressions on it. Otherwise, everyone would be nothing more than a mask or manikin....and that would be quite scary, to be perfectly honest with you. O___O Personalities/the person INSIDE the body is what matters the most to me. In some cases, yes...
  20. Disney Dork

    Well.. I handled that poorly..

    Awww! I'm so sorry that happened! :hug: Honestly, you WILL get your license eventually. It took me FIVE attempts at the driving portion before I finally passed and got mine. And you wanna know why? NERVES! I get soooooo scared in stressful situations like that. Add that to the fact that I am...

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