Cass, Rob & Kira - Disneyland May 2019 - "Sniff...snifff. I think I smell Wi-Fi!!!"

May 15th, Part 1

Another early morning. Sleeping Beauty didn't want to wake up today. Even after I opened the curtains, which always wakes her up, she didn't even flinch. :rolleyes1


Hello, beautiful overcast day! :worship:


Time for their breakkie!


And off to the parks!


We actually arrived before Extra Magic Hours started so we had to wait in line for a bit.



Some poor kiddo already lost their balloon :sad1:


We were lined up at the very edge of the EMH lines, so all of these people were offsite guests who would be waiting an hour to start their park adventures! :eek:

So glad we had EE that day!




With MP for Kira purchased, we went in our usual direction ::yes::


I just love this ride and this area and all of the details! I listen to this background music loop daily at home, I just love it :love:


Kira sat on a bench, keeping Rob's coffee company while Rob and I took a spin :woohoo:


This guy gets rescued at the end of the ride. Love it! :lovestruc


Raise your hands!!


Because his hands don't scan :p

That looks like an Asgardian tree, no? :rolleyes:


I see something new and cool every time we ride of Thor's future eyes :magnify: :rotfl2:



I also like this store but I think they need more GOTG: MB merch!! I wanted something but nothing really said "buy me" :worried:


Kira posing where her crush stood earlier. :rotfl:


And where the other one would stand again later still her heart :lmao:


Make sure to look in all of the windows too, such a great detail that often gets missed.




And definitely go in this store. ;)::yes::



It's not often you can get a shot of this beautiful fountain without a zillion guests in it! ::yes::


World of Color Dining Package Menu...


It was now time for some Mater :cool1:


This is such a fun ride!


Hamming it up :rotfl2:


Still in early entry phase, off to finally ride Luigi's. :thumbsup2

What a great trip report so far!!!!! Loving all your pictures and all the details. It really makes me want to talk to the Mr about a trip for the boys. Although I think we would probably visit Florida. I still have 2 non expiring tickets for Disney World that I bought through AirMIles. and a trip to Universal a we are a huge potterhead family :lovestruc :blush:

I love the story that rob posted. Everyday is a gift. Your story proves that!!!! I'm also glad you have a great Mother's day. It's been 5 yrs since we lost my DH's mom. This year was especially hard to navigate and plan the DD's wedding ( her oldest grandchild ) and our ds's highschool graduation. Just knowing that these huge milestones were happening without her physical presence there was hard, and we all thought of her on those days. Some years are easier than others. I'm just glad you were able to really really really enjoy the day spent in one of your favorite places with your adorable little family.

I need one of those Groots!!!!!!!!! I adore him. And totally would be the geeky mom wearing that as well :tilt: Seeing your pictures of the dessert makes me seriously want to attend one if we ever get another chance to go to Disney. And I know I would :love: that Incredicoaster!!!!!!! I loved every single coaster the dd and I rode in Magic Kingdom on our visit. I often watch youtube videos when'm wanting an escape from our craptastic weather and long winters we tend to get.
I found another of Cass's trip reports. Looks like you had a great trip . We were there in March for spring break with DH's family. We had a wonderful trip as well. The weather looks perfect, just like we had in March, we did get some rain for a bit, but nothing that would stop those from southern BC from going outside.
Seriously :furious:

That's too bad. I do love Bengal BBQ, but you know, everyone has different tastes! At least now you know not to both returning!

It does look pretty awesome on her! But yeah, probably too expensive for a growing girl!

Only one! Far cry from your previous WDW trips!

Yeah, I know! So many people love Bengal, I'm thinking maybe we just caught them on a bad day. 😟

I know, right? But I'm am totally okay with that since we spent SO much time on characters when she was young. ::yes::

So funny, just before I read this latest installment I was wondering how Groot was fairing and if he had fallen off at all :rotfl2: Spooky timing - I'm IN YOUR HEAD Cass :oops:

Funny in all our trips we've never tried Bengal ....have to say after your 'rave' review I think we'll give it a miss! lol

Indy is always such a cluster at the entrance....jeez people, you have a return time for a reason so just bugger off and come back when it's your time!!! Standing there, blocking the FP line is not going to make your time come up any faster!

Gawarsh, those are some cute Goofy pics :goofy:

LOL! Totally! Get out of there, would ya? :p:rotfl:

Actually Groot did great that first day but then the next, not so much. I think maybe she just didn't have him on there properly. :scratchin

If you like that type of food, definitely try it. I would hate to steer you away from something you may really like. ;)

Yes, my thoughts exactly! I can't imagine what it's going to be like when Galaxy's Edge is open to those without reservations. Craziness!

Goofy was super awesome with Kira ::yes::

Finally caught back up!

What a wonderful post by your DH. Mother's Day is very special indeed. I'm sorry you didn't like Bengal BBQ...its one of my favorites but you can never go wrong with a corn dog!

Jill in CO

Yeah, I was hoping we would like it more but maybe it was just an off day for them? And you are soooo right, never can go wrong with a Disneyland corn dog :lovestruc

Looks like you all have are having an absolute blast!!!

You are making me want to go to Disneyland now. :p

Hahah, I want to go back already! 🤪 🤭

Loved this balloon pic, Cass. That's my future job at WDW....A Balloon Lady! I want to sell balloons all day long! :love:

Those Firework pics! OMG!!!!!!

I know what you were doing here! You were doing a "Kira"! :P

I know, I think of you every time I see the Disney balloons! 🥰

Yes, that's it, I was doing a Kira 😂

What a great trip report so far!!!!! Loving all your pictures and all the details. It really makes me want to talk to the Mr about a trip for the boys. Although I think we would probably visit Florida. I still have 2 non expiring tickets for Disney World that I bought through AirMIles. and a trip to Universal a we are a huge potterhead family :lovestruc :blush:

I love the story that rob posted. Everyday is a gift. Your story proves that!!!! I'm also glad you have a great Mother's day. It's been 5 yrs since we lost my DH's mom. This year was especially hard to navigate and plan the DD's wedding ( her oldest grandchild ) and our ds's highschool graduation. Just knowing that these huge milestones were happening without her physical presence there was hard, and we all thought of her on those days. Some years are easier than others. I'm just glad you were able to really really really enjoy the day spent in one of your favorite places with your adorable little family.

I need one of those Groots!!!!!!!!! I adore him. And totally would be the geeky mom wearing that as well :tilt: Seeing your pictures of the dessert makes me seriously want to attend one if we ever get another chance to go to Disney. And I know I would :love: that Incredicoaster!!!!!!! I loved every single coaster the dd and I rode in Magic Kingdom on our visit. I often watch youtube videos when'm wanting an escape from our craptastic weather and long winters we tend to get.

Ohhh, sounds like you need a trip then!! 🤩

Five years, yeah, still pretty new and fresh. Sometimes those feelings just come hard and fast 😥

I watch a lot of YT videos too, even when our weather is great! Helps with the homesickness for Disney. 😜

I found another of Cass's trip reports. Looks like you had a great trip . We were there in March for spring break with DH's family. We had a wonderful trip as well. The weather looks perfect, just like we had in March, we did get some rain for a bit, but nothing that would stop those from southern BC from going outside.

Yay, you found me 🥳

Sounds like we both had similar awesome trips. :cool1:

Is it time to go back yet??? :rolleyes1
Some poor kiddo already lost their balloon

And one parent was grumbling already!

That chicken Rob had looked so good!

We loved MMM! We watched it from the same spot both nights....I think basically right in front of the Penny Arcade.
We they showing it on the castle (scrim) too? I can't tell in your pictures. It's not easy to see though so I am glad they did it all down Main street. It was fun being able to stand right in the middle.
May 15th, Part 2

It was a good time to do Luigi's since the park hadn't opened yet to the offsite guests.




It's a really cute ride but I prefer riding it at night.



We figured we should get one spin on Racers before everyone else gets here but the line was already 30 minutes so we opted to do single rider.


Kira ended up in the same car as me. :p


Rob ended up in the car just in front of us but he didn't know we were behind him since he had loaded at the back and we loaded at the front. We watched him go by though and I got video of him in front of us and I thought he had seen us but he hadn't.



We don't have Rob's photo because he thought we had already gone and he didn't take a photo of his picture number.



Once again, over to Pixar Pier.


And onto Kira's favourite ride. :woohoo:



We had done the stand by line because it was only 10 minutes but we also had MP so we went for a second ride. :goodvibes

Oh look, I totally lied, you CAN see Rob's shirt here! Just in one photo though :rotfl2: We were all wearing Stitch shirts that day but they both wore their hoodie shirts over them.



Finally, I convinced Kira to ride the Pixar Pal-A-Round! And she even agreed to do the swinging ones but only because she forgot how much she didn't like them :p


It wasn't long before she realized she had made a huge mistake. :rotfl2:

It didn't help that she refused to sit next to one of us so all of the weight was on our side, which makes you swing way more! After explaining this to her, she requested that her dad come and sit with her. :laughing:


Once he did that, it didn't swing much, to Kira's delight and to my sadness. :rolleyes:

I love the views from up here!


Got to see how far along they are with Emotional Whirlwind.


And a close-up of Grizzly Peak at an angle you don't see too often :thumbsup2


Then it was time for our MP for Toy Story Midway Mania where, once again, I kicked my husband's butt :P

No prizes for us I guess :scratchin


Then, our third round of Thuper babies with a MP. :cool1:


At this point, we are running out of faces to make on this ride. :rotfl:


As we passed by, I got Kira to pose with this sign and point to a word that is said OFTEN by her. :rotfl2:Apparently, lots of things are adorable to my pre-teen :p


Much to Kira's chagrin, we rode Little Mermaid next...she sat in her own clam shell because I didn't want to hear her complain and she didn't want to be near her parents, perfect! :rotfl:


As we were passing by, I wanted to show Rob and Kira an area of this park they've never seen before. Since it's no longer a smoking area, we went the back way and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery! :love:



Rob was taking photos of a nice young couple and they returned the favour :goodvibes


We had debated on doing this ride for a few days now. We knew we would get soaked though and the time was just never right to do it. We were thinking of doing it right before the park closed but we were either watching World of Color or Mickey's Mix Magic over in Disneyland Park so the timing just never worked out for this one sadly. Oh well, guess we will have to come back again. :rolleyes1


Next up was our MP for Soarin'...


But the FP line was CRAZY long so we skipped it for now...


Instead, we went and got some lunches!! :hyper:

I had been wanting to try Award Wieners for quite awhile now but I just had never made it over there. We got Kira a hot dog and Rob and I had planned to split a hot dog and then head over to Smokejumpers to split some chicken strips.

Oh. My. Dog. These were amazing!!! :love::love::love:

They used the split top buns and grilled them, which is how I grew up eating hot dogs in Montreal!! :cloud9: For awhile, they were sold in Co-Op stores but I can't find the split tops in Calgary anymore so this was a very nice treat for me! :lovestruc

Funny because Kira ended up not enjoying her hot dog because of the split top buns. :rolleyes2

We were more than happy to finish what she didn't! 🤭

The fries, however, were a different story! The filmstrip fries, as they were called, were DEEEELISH!!! ::yes:: They were devoured by all of us!!


We then walked over to Smokejumpers and got these to share....


Gone are the days where Disney's portions are large but we all really enjoyed this too! And can I just say that I LOVE that they have the ketchup and the mustard in containers so I didn't have to open 300 little packets. :rolleyes: :worship:


By the way, I mobile ordered both of these meals and saved so much time because there were super long lines in both places.

I don't know why more people don't use mobile order? :confused3

But I guess if they did, mobile order wouldn't be so awesome sooooo.....

Umm, yeah, mobile order sucks!! 🤫
Once again, over to Pixar Pier.
Hi Cass - I am enjoying your trip to Disneyland. I have a question about the new Pixar Pier. When I was there back in Jan 2017 there were a bunch of arcade games there and I was wondering if they still have similar games there? My sister and I spent some time there playing all the games and we have the stuffies to prove it.
Hi Cass - I am enjoying your trip to Disneyland. I have a question about the new Pixar Pier. When I was there back in Jan 2017 there were a bunch of arcade games there and I was wondering if they still have similar games there? My sister and I spent some time there playing all the games and we have the stuffies to prove it.

Yes, they still have them! They are all Pixar themed now, so even better :cool1: :thumbsup2 ::yes::
May 15th, Part 3

It was now time for our daily break and since we were right there, we headed through the Grand Californian and went the back way to our hotel. Since I was here last year, they have added this gate at the Grand's entrance, just off of Disneyland Drive. You need a Grand Californian room key to access it when entering. This kind of sucks, especially if you are staying at Paradise Pier but I understand why they needed to do it.


During our chill time, we spotted the Cinderella Coach :bride::groom:


All refreshed, we headed back to the parks and right for our dinner reservation at Carnation Cafe.


Kira and Rob split the shrimp & pasta dish...


And then Rob and I each got our own potato soup. Yum! :cloud9:


It was almost time for the Soundsational Parade, which we were not interested in seeing so we hopped on the railroad and got off at Tomorrowland.


It's pretty neat that they put all these benches up here to watch. :thumbsup2


I spied my beloved...:lovestruc


And more ham....:rotfl2:


We had a MP for Hyperspace! :yoda:


While we were waiting, the ride had shut down. We weren't sure what was going on but we stayed put. It was interesting to watch as they had to clear all of the ride vehicles off the track so there ended up being a whole crap-full of vehicles sitting there before they could restart the ride. It wasn't too long, maybe 15 minutes?



Our turn to launch into space!


My hair clip was falling out just as they took the photo :rotfl2:


And now it was time for # 10 🍦

A pineapple/raspberry swirl 😋


We had MP for Soarin' so we headed over to DCA...


We had decided that we wanted to watch World of Color once again but debated on where to watch. I had gotten us FP for it this morning on the app and I had mentioned to Rob that one day I would love to watch it from right up front. I told him that there was a potential to get quite wet there so I could do it on another trip but he said let's do it! 😝


We walked all the way down to the front and grabbed a great spot right against the railing. We ended up chatting with a Mom and her son for a while. We were all a little concerned about how wet we were going to get. I said that most likely, we would get sprayed on a little but not soaked. 🤞


We had arrived pretty early so we just camped out and waited. Kira had Wi-Fi so all was good. 🤣



The views here were the bomb!! :worship:


The show started and we loved the view from here :lovestruc











We were slightly misted on but not until almost the very end. I am soooo glad we took the chance and saw it from here, you can't beat the views!! :love:

I would definitely do this again, even if I did get wet, it would be worth it!! Just not having people in front of you is totally worth it! There were parts of the show we got to see that we had totally missed the other night! ::yes::

We were already damp so we decided to grab a MP for Splash Mountain before heading back to the hotel. We knew we would get wet on that sucker so, why the heck not? :teeth:

We did Pooh first just so we could say we did it.


Not sure if Rob was praying or sleeping :rotfl2:


It was awesome doing it at night and we got soaked! 😂 I learned to put my feet up though so my feet were dry but yeah, we were pretty wet. 😜

The one thing I hate about Splash in Disneyland is the seating. You are seated behind each other and the only thing that separates you from another person is your tiny seat back. This posed a big problem for me because the girl behind me had her knees up all the way and they were literally digging into both sides of my back. 😬 I have back problems so while this was annoying, it was also painful for me. I asked her to move them back a little but she either didn't hear me or didn't care because they were digging into me the entire ride. 🤬

Hard to see but we were pretty soaked 🤪


We walked slowly back to our hotel with no regrets. :p
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Finally, I convinced Kira to ride the Pixar Pal-A-Round!

I didn't even know that had a name other than Death Trap!

Seriously though, I never really knew the name. hahahah

And a close-up of Grizzly Peak at an angle you don't see too often

That is sooooo cool!

I don't know why more people don't use mobile order?

I never used it and should have. I was kind of afraid to try it, no clue why...or I just kept forgetting it was a thing.
Our trip was definitely not a normal trip anyways, where I planned and researched and I really just went by the seat of my pants
We walked slowly back to our hotel with no regrets......the sign of a ROCKIN' day for sure :worship: :rotfl:

Forget counting dole whips (I think you said #10 in this entry), we should be counting Incredicoaster rides :oops::rotfl:
The show began and I thought it was the perfect spot to watch both the fireworks and the projections. You had to turn around though.

I think my favorite place to see the fireworks is on main street right near the Penny Arcade - that way you can enjoy the fireworks and projections!
Finally, I convinced Kira to ride the Pixar Pal-A-Round! And she even agreed to do the swinging ones but only because she forgot how much she didn't like them :p

Nope, nope! I never do that ride anymore, even the non-swinging ones! Too scary1
The fries, however, were a different story! The filmstrip fries, as they were called, were DEEEELISH!!! ::yes:: They were devoured by all of us!!
I do love those fries! The split top made me smile - The first place I had them was in Montreal and I was soo confused! But I got used to them!
By the way, I mobile ordered both of these meals and saved so much time because there were super long lines in both places.

I don't know why more people don't use mobile order? :confused3

But I guess if they did, mobile order wouldn't be so awesome sooooo.....

Umm, yeah, mobile order sucks!! 🤫
Something fun we realized - you can set up your mobile orders in advance. So for SWGE, we would set up a dinner order for around the time we entered the land. Because once it got close to dinner time all the near slots would be filled up and you'd have to wait 1 hr to get a mobile ordering time. You can cancel too at any time before you click "prepare my order"
During our chill time, we spotted the Cinderella Coach :bride::groom:

Cool! I've never seen it at Disneyland!
May 16th, Part 1

Today would be our last park day of this trip. Sadly, Disney does not sell 6 or 7-day tickets, which is such a shame because we totally would buy 7-day tickets for every trip. I checked out annual pass prices and they were just too much, about double the price of our 5-day hoppers, which would be great if we knew 100% that we would be coming back in less than a year but that's probably not going to happen. :sad2:

This day's early entry park was Disneyland and we didn't really want to take advantage of it because it's much more crowded than DCA's so we decided to sleep in a little instead.

We woke up to this gorgeous sight...rain!! :love::love::love:

Like my friend Jen, even though people say it hardly ever rains in Sunny California, I have never not had a trip to SoCal when it didn't rain. Which is totally okay by me because I adore the rain!!! :worship:

When I see this sight, it makes me soooo happy :cloud9:



We got showered and ready and headed downstairs. We had a 10:30 am reservation for breakfast so we had no choice but to head out. At that time, it was pouring out so we would be soaked in only a few seconds so we decided to grab some ponchos. I headed to the smaller store knowing they stock them but they were out of Adult sizes. Okay, off to the Fantasia store...HUGE line-up and by the time we made it up to the cashier, they were out of ponchos! :worried:

These suckers are expensive and probably only pennies to make so I don't understand why they don't stock up on these things???? :confused:

The forecast was calling for rain that Friday, so it's not like it was a surprise!! :rolleyes2


We debated a bit on what to do. By the time we had to leave, it had lightened up a bit, so we just headed out in jackets/hoodies. Thankfully the huge downpour was done so we just got a little wet, which we don't mind. We just didn't want to be soaked by the time we ate breakfast. :scared:

The rain had definitely kept the crowds away and it had totally panned out that we didn't do early entry because then we would have been sopping wet!. ::yes::



I was kind of bummed that I didn't pack the three Disney ponchos that we bought on our last Disneyland trip. They are just sitting in our closet doing nothing. Next time I am packing them :p

I just hate wearing them, they stick to me and get all gross and I overheat in them. I would wear a normal rain jacket but that doesn't cover your butt and thighs, so there's good and bad things about ponchos I guess. :rolleyes:



Rob's jacket was actually still wet from Splash Mountain the night before. I had tried using the blow dryer on it but the ones they have at the hotel suck! They are the cheap Conair kind. :oops: Deluxe hotels and $10 hair dryers...shame on you Disney! :earseek::sad2:


Oh look! We can see a little bit more of the Castle!!! By Saturday (or Sunday? I can't recall now) the entire scrim would be down, with only the gate still up so we missed seeing it all by a day or two. Oh well, I'm happy we got to see any of it. ::yes::


Time for our breakfast ressie. I ate here solo last year and loved the breakfast so I made sure to come back with Rob and Kira. :thumbsup2


The sad thing about Carnation Cafe is that when it rains, half of it closes. And because of the weather, people were desperate for a covered place to eat but they were full and weren't accepting walk-ins.



We checked in and got our buzzer.


We noticed that they were using part of Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor next door for extra seating. Not sure if they were doing this because the outside part was closed or if they do this every morning. I overheard some people that were being seated there complain because they weren't in "Carnation Cafe" :rolleyes2

I don't know what the big deal was? You are still getting the food and service. I could see if you really wanted an outdoor seat but no one was getting that so??? :confused3


Our buzzer went off and guess what? We were going to be sitting in Gibson Girl. LOL! :rotfl2:

I thought it was neat, a new experience for all of us. :goodvibes


My family was happy to be eating finally. Rob was excited about the menu, there were three things on it that he was debating on. He asked if we could come back here for breakfast and I had to break it to him gently that this was our last park day and we would do it on our next trip, whenever that may be. :o


I loved the views of the rainy Main Street USA! :lovestruc


Right after we ordered, all of a sudden, like a curtain had been raised, the sun came out and the rain stopped! It was so sudden and abrupt, people stopped eating and started clapping! :laughing:

It was a very surreal moment! 🤣


Just before our food came, Kira started sniffing loudly with her nose up in the air..."Sniff, sniff...I think I smell Wi-Fi!!" :lmao:

WHAAAATTTT??? "You think you SMELL Wi-Fi??? What does Wi-Fi smell like? 🤔

She just laughs at me and says "I think I smell WAFFLES!!"

Oh!! Waffles!! HAHAHAAH! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

She did, indeed, smell waffles. 🤭


I love the reflection design in the syrup 😛


Rob got this...


And this beautiful plate was all mine. 🥰😍


It was soooo delicious!! We all loved it and we were all sad that we would not be coming back for this meal tomorrow or the next day. 😥

With full bellies, we headed over to Pirates. It had been down for most of the past two days so we wanted to make sure we got one last ride today. I purposely chose the left side queue because Kira was arguing with me the other day when I chose the right-hand line that people who got into the left queue were going so much faster than us! I tried to explain to her that if you go left, it does appear that you get there faster but in reality, you had to go down quite a bit on the side of the building and it was just as fast or slow as our line. Her teenage self refused to trust in my knowledge until she saw it with her own eyes. 😏


She grudgingly conceded that I knew what I was talking about. 😜😂


I wanted to get a decent pic of this guy but I missed out....when you come upon him, he looks like a skeleton but when you pass him, he looks like a regular pirate. Such a neat effect. ::yes::


We wants the redhead...will always be said in my mind and probably aloud at this part of the ride, for the rest of my life :rolleyes2


This is my favourite scene in Pirates. I still remember seeing it as a kid, in WDW, with my parents and thinking that it was a real fire. :P




We wandered through some of the shops and came upon this shirt, I loved it!! If it came in a v-neck, I would have 100% bought it!!

I actually meant to go back and buy it for my oldest brother but I totally forgot. 😣


This shop in Frontierland has the same light fixtures that Wilderness Lodge has 😍


Close-up of the Castle for the last time.


And another gorgeous tree 🥰

I think my favorite place to see the fireworks is on main street right near the Penny Arcade

That's where we watched!

which is such a shame because we totally would buy 7-day tickets

Yes! I still don't get why they don't have an longer option.....well I know their reason...but I don't agree with it.

I have never not had a trip to SoCal when it didn't rain

Tell me about it!

They are just sitting in our closet doing nothing

You should probably check on with them so they aren't bored. Then promise them they can go on vacation next time!

"I think I smell WAFFLES!!"

That is hilarious!

We wants the redhead...will always be said in my mind

Yes!!!! Next time we go together (and there will be a next time) we should shout it out loud!
Hi Cass! Caught up again. For your question about missed activities, I seem to forget the Dole Whips, and my family never wants to see fireworks, parades or light shows. I am always frustrated by that, and some day in going to just go rogue and stay for them.

Such a great vacay over too soon! The sun coming out so suddenly, and the overcast mornings are SoCal classic!

So funny about the "go left.". Jim's uncle who lived there and grew up at DLR, taught us to always go left when the line splits! It is even in my top sheet. LOL. It feels right to us too. :duck:
May 16th, Part 2

Next up was our MP for Hyperspace and we almost got to the boarding area and we watched someone get sick as they got out of the vehicle. This, of course, stopped the ride once again. Kira was NOT happy and she was just saying that it had better not shut down again. :rolleyes2 😂


We decided to wait it out.


This poor lady who had to clean the mess got a huge applause from all of us :cool1: Talk about recognition and gratitude that she probably doesn't usually get! :rotfl2:


This would be our second-to-last spin on the glorious Star Wars-themed ride this trip.


Next was our MP for Buzz.


Maybe she's Googling "How to beat Zurg"? :rotfl:



Next up, we headed over to IASW so we can say we rode it once. ::yes::



I don't know why but seeing the CM's up there in their little stands with umbrellas makes me laugh every time. :lmao: It's soooo....'60's :rotfl2:


I love how they've trimmed the trees to fit into the building! :thumbsup2


Like many others, my first thought was ...."Hmmm, I don't think they've sailed on DCL" :rolleyes1:teeth:


How did I never realize they actually have a nod to us Canadians on this ride? :scratchin


Of course, we pointed out all of the Disney characters :p






We found this cute little duck doing some weird stuff in the bushes. He kept digging his beak into the dirt, looked like he was searching for something. It was pretty cute.


Can you guess where we were heading to next? :rolleyes2


#11 🍦 and # 12 🍦 🤗

Our favourite combination, strawberry and pineapple . :cool1:


We sauntered on over to DCA to ride Incredicoaster one last time this trip. We were all sad about that. :sad:



Rob grabbed a Cookie Num Num to go....



Then we made a plan. Kira wanted chicken strips which are from Smokejumpers and Rob and I wanted Award Wieners again so I mobile ordered hers and Rob and Kira went to pick it up and while they were doing that, I mobile ordered the hot dogs and we met up at the seating area of Award Wieners. :p


They got there before me and she started eating so when I joined her, I asked her if she had taken a pic before she started and I got the face in that photo above. :rolleyes:

Clearly no so here's her food, minus a chicken strip :rotfl2:


And here's mine and Rob's glorious lunch! :love:


And then we split the delicious cookie! We were all quite full though and we couldn't finish it. :sad2:


I had to make a pit stop at the bathroom so I snuck a photo of this guy for Kira :p


We headed out of the park and I took a photo of this which is right in the center of the Esplanade between the two parks.


On the way back to the hotel, we went through the Disney store again...yes, happy, indeed! :lovestruc


They had so many awesome t-shirt designs but they were all in the regular box-type unisex shirts. I wish they had some options for ladies cut and v-necks.


Back to the hotel for one last midday break.

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