ONE YEAR of WDW starts NOW! Nov. 2015 WDW trip & beyond! Now with JANUARY & MAY!

Now that's what I call a Meet and Greet.

It was the best!

I really enjoyed reading your trip report(s)! I've done that drive from the Mid-Atlantic region to WDW on a few occasions, but not for a long time. Looks like you guys had a great time!

Thanks for reading! Our next drive is scheduled for our September trip, so hopefully it goes as well as last time. Although, I think we are going to leave earlier than last time.
So I have fallen woefully behind because I am a bad DISer ... but I will try to catch up and then stay on target!

We haven't seen talking Mickey yet and I have to say I have mixed feeling about it. It seems neat but also just weird. I don't know. Plus I am afraid knowing my kids they will then start asking "wait, he can talk? Why did he never talk before? And if he can talk why can't Minnie talk?", etc. ... yeah, probably just best to leave it alone.

That BBQ chicken mac n cheese looks awesome! I do love some of the "snacks" like that they have in MK - like the waffle sandwiches at Sleepy Hallow (although I think they got ride of the chicken sandwich so I should at least partially retract this statement)

That FP viewing area is kinda weird though I do feel bad that they offered that and then took it away (or, well, now are charging to sit there) I do know some people who like it for that and for the parade if they have people in their party with medical conditions to that it is hard for them to stake out a spot to wait for the parade/show to start. Seems like they need to have a policy that either everyone must sit or stand - otherwise you run the risk that people sitting get annoyed at the standers, but if no rule you can't stand I can understand wanting to stand.

Your French Bakery Breakfast looks amazing! I've seen and done lunch there but never thought about Breakfast ... might have to consider that (though we tend to do the Akershus breakfast largely for the cheesy potatoes ... oh, and I guess the princesses, but whatever - cheesy potatoes!)

The colortopia exhibit looks pretty neat and I agree with you that it is in the spirit of EPCOT (something I really hope doesn't get lost entirely)

Bummer about The Ditch not opening until noon ... but now you have put the idea in my head of wanting to "open" it some day. Tuto Gusto looks pretty good and I do like that they have the wine flights there, but yeah, does look a little pricy

The day really clear up nicely ... and solid purchases all around in the Germany pavilion ;)

I've heard lot of people say they like the Crew's Club so glad it lived up to the hype for you and your meal looked really good at Beaches N Cream

Spaceship Earth at night sure is perty!

So, was this Skipper Sam any good? ;)

Big Thunder really is tremendous at night. I've heard that a similar effect takes place with 7DMT at night, but I haven't had a chance to do that yet

I am really looking forward to checking out Harambe market - looks like some cool offerings. Plus:

Not sure if we can RIP Rivers of Light - but we can certainly #ThanksShanghai

Looks like a fun meet with Darth Vader!

Not a bad DIS'er at all! You had an excellent excuse, world traveller! I haven't commented yet, but I am following along on your Hong Kong report, thanks for the heads up!

As an adult, I really enjoyed talking Mickey, but I can see how it could be problematic with inquisitive children!
sorry I haven't been posting on your TR. I have been lurking, well really only in the last month. After our Feb. trip for the Princess 1/2 marathon, I went into Disney withdrawal and avoided the Dis.

And after reviewing where I left off on comments, my goodness I have been gone awhile. Sorry here you are being all diligent and posting updates and I'm not keeping up my end.

I swear I will get you some comments to your posts soon, but it is almost midnight and it is time for me to leave work. yeah that's right I Dis on the company time.

I will say i enjoyed the videos you guys made and I think I might be getting on of those handycams too. It just seems like a better idea than videoing with my phone or my camera.

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The real reason I have't been on the boards much lately... this lil guy takes a lot of my time

Hi there, Joben! Welcome back! I totally get the Disney withdrawal and avoiding the Dis. How dare that cutie-patootie take you away from important things like commenting on my trip report! Seriously, congrats!!!
number one F&W for me was the Belgium potato and leek waffle with beer braised beef. Frances Beef was pretty good too as they are almost the same thing, but in my book the win goes to Belgium. or the Kim Che dog, and sometimes the tuna poke, I love raw fish!!!
never saw that spicy margarita, probably because Tequila is on the lifetime ban list , though the avocado margarita is a must do when I go they had a chili infused beer at America either last year or the year before and i really enjoyed that.

So I have real issues with the F&W haggis. I didn't make it to the last F&W (Baby) so I only saw the veggie one and I always thought what was the point of that. I would totally try the authentic one even though I'm 99% sure i would think it was at best meh and most likely gross.

Yes, tequila is always a hate it or love it drink for people. We love it but one bad experience can certainly turn people off for life! I was glad I could try real haggis (or as real as I am going to be near) once but I don't need to search it out again.

Why is people mover always the last stop for the day in MK. probably because you sit down long enough to realize that you are really tired and then getting up is such an effort. I love that ride more than most in MK though

This! Yes, you sit down and realize, I'm tired.

Been to Boma several times but never for's on the must do list, thanks. Speaking of must do's thank you thank you for the heads up on the liberty belle, I'm totally trying this next time. That is so cool, and I agree that it is awesome how well they theme something considering 99.9% of people at the parks will never see it.

Glad I could pass along the Liberty Belle tip. I was actually amazed it worked out!

V&A!!! this is one of those places that I want to try but I'm super intimidated. we did Yachtsman after the princess 1/2 marathon on our last trip and the cost of that makes me think we probably won't do it. The yachtsman was very good but oh my it was just one of those just add the 20% and sign it and forget about it (clearly I haven't forgotten) BTW you guys looks awesome in the pics...just as fancy as the setting.

Luckily, with the wine pairing, my memories of the bill are a little fuzzy! Seriously, it was a once in a lifetime thing and I just closed my eyes and handed over the credit card. :)

So drinks in China. they do the Singapore sling I believe and that is my go to when I want a serious drink. if you haven't tried that one get it. it's a little sweet but the amount of gin they have in it totally makes up for it.

Sounds good; definitely going on the list, thanks!

you stood in line for Soarin?!?!? that's nuts. We actually did this some years ago when we were still newbies, funny enough my wife brought a charger with her and they have outlets spaced throughout the que, she was actually able to charge her phone almost completely in the two hour wait.

I know, we're nuts. But nice to know about charging, that worked out nicely for you!

Okay that ends page two of your TR, holy frijole I feel like your pages are super long. Okay I'm giving up. I will comment on new posts from here on out but I won't monopolize the space in your report for all the older stuff. I will just stop by saying I have fun reading your post even if i don't comment enough. you guys are on the same page as us when it comes to enjoying the parks (food and booze)

Thanks again for reading and commenting! And yes to the food and booze, always an important part of our trip! I do still want to head over to the Gurgling Suitcase one of these trips; I know you have recommended it.

Oh, Nigel wants me to add that the handicam we have (Sony HDR CX 405) was a great purchase. It's easy to use, reasonably priced and much better than videoing with a phone that you are worried will fall out of your hand and break.
I will say i enjoyed the videos you guys made and I think I might be getting on of those handycams too. It just seems like a better idea than videoing with my phone or my camera.

The HandyCam is fantastic. Anyone who enjoys taking a lot of video rather than just still pictures it is a must. Prices are all over the map, but ours is a lower end model and despite how good phone cameras are becoming the Sony still is nearly always better. Also, if you pop in a larger SD card you never have to worry about eating up phone storage. The things are crazy light too. I talk about it in our travel gear video, and all our other stuff we sometimes bring with us on trips. Thanks for watching too. It means a lot.
The HandyCam is fantastic. Anyone who enjoys taking a lot of video rather than just still pictures it is a must. Prices are all over the map, but ours is a lower end model and despite how good phone cameras are becoming the Sony still is nearly always better. Also, if you pop in a larger SD card you never have to worry about eating up phone storage. The things are crazy light too. I talk about it in our travel gear video, and all our other stuff we sometimes bring with us on trips. Thanks for watching too. It means a lot.

Yeah I watched the video and it got me thinking that the handy cam would be just as it name describes. I'm always going to take photos with my phone, but even though cameras on phones have grown leaps and bounds i'm usually disappointed or immediately delete half the pics I take...on vacation (I say that because now my phone is filled with baby pics and it is hard to delete those) I have my good camera and I got one that can take video, but I held that riding Everest while taking a video and I felt like such a goober afterwards. Then as I thought about that camera slipping out of my hands an smacking someone in the face, I decided I wouldn't do that again. so I looked into those handy cams (that same model, not too cheap but good value for the dollar and great reviews) and the samsungs

Oh and the back up phone I totally get. I don't have one but next time you are looking for one look into the BLU line of phones. they are just like the Samsung galaxy but they don't have the badge. I think they are made by the same company, or the same parts just assembled in another part of china. regardless they function just the same but they cost just north of $100. The best part is I got the BLU studio energy and it comes with a 4000 mAh battery which can last me four days on a charge. It has the expandable memory. They are only good with carriers that are international like t-mobile and ATT but you can get pay as you go accounts
So, after buying candy and such, we were in need of refreshment.


We are absolutely in love with the Oktoberfest on draft in Germany! So good!

These pics crack me up. so in my head the sequence goes Nigel returns with beer, happy. then off in the distance a horn is blown. one of those big ones like in the Ricola commercials. The next pic Nigel is thinking "My people need me"
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Uh, hi guys. So, I've been a away for a bit. Sorry about that. Between lead up to May trip (work/pack), trip, and then post-trip (work work work), I've been neglectful. But not to worry! I'm back and ready to finish up what's left of January and move on to May! Another great trip in the books! More new experiences! And this is what I tell everyone (i.e., the non-Disney people), we always have new things to do in Disney! And too many exclamation points! Okay, I am going to try and get through one more night and then our last day...all tonight! Mega posting starting now!
A genuine, bona fide Monorail ride

After DHS and having freshened up at the room, we grabbed the first bus to come by, which was Epcot. Arriving at Epcot, we hopped on the monorail over to MK.

And took the monorail to the Poly. We might be incapable of not stopping at the Tambu Lounge.


Yeah, we definitely stopped for some sticky wings and a Lapu Lapu. (Sorry for the dark pics).

After the detour (and monorail selfie)


(yikes, thumb in the pic!)

We headed to our actual destination, the California Grill. We had not been here since the remodel, so I was excited to check it out. We checked in at the desk, and they asked for our number to text us when ready. I don't remember exactly when our reservation was for, but we got our table ready text at 6:52.

First, some drinks.


I had a Napa Blue martini which is a basic dirty vodka martini with blue cheese stuffed olives (my fave!), and I *think* Nigel got a sidecar, but I can’t say that for certain.

We started with an appetizer of meatballs, three ways. Since I didn’t take a pic of the menu, and it appears they are no longer on the menu, I can’t tell you much more than they were good.


A lovely place setting and some bread and butter.



We then got some sushi, which is our usual go-to here.

We got the truffle-scented tofu roll which has avocado, jicama, quinoa, silken tofu, truffle emulsion and crispy fingerlings.

It was good but very rich, probably due to the truffle.


Also, the Dragon Roll with spicy tuna, shrimp tempura, avocado and dragon sauce. (I'm 95% certain it was the Dragon roll).


While we were there, the Star Wars fireworks started, so we went on to the balcony on the other side to watch them which was neat. No music, but still cool. And still some great views of MK. I tried to get some good photos.




Also saw the Orlando Eye!


After using TiW, we paid the check and headed out.

It was still fairly early, so we decided to spend some time at Scat Cat’s Club.


We grabbed a table and some drinks and settled in. Yep, Nigel got me the magical star cocktail. No complaints here; i love a glow cube in my drink!


Our entertainment.



This was Don Black, and he was INCREDIBLE! Seriously, he was so talented and just played a great medley of songs. Of course, pandering to Disney songs a bit, but honestly, I think his saxophone rendition of Let it Go was great.

About halfway through the set, this little kid grabbed the table in front of us, settled down with his popcorn and just enjoyed. I saw no parents (although I’m sure they were around), this kid just decided to eat his popcorn and enjoy the music, very well behaved and everything. Just struck me as cute/funny.


Of course, we had to end the evening with something sweet!

Our last day in which we eat all the food

Ah, I love the river view from POFQ.


We were feeling a little indecisive for our last Disney breakfast. As we were waiting at the bus stop, we made a fun discovery. Exactly one year ago, we had been at Disney. As I looked at my facebook pictures showing me what we had been doing one year ago at Disney (again waiting for a bus), we realized Nigel was wearing the same shirt as the picture from one year ago! LOL.



We had picked our breakfast spot and were on our way…


…to the empty bar at Rainforest Café (AK).

Quicker than waiting for a table! Although it didn't seem that busy. We asked the bartender if we could eat there, and he said of course. We usually prefer bar seating over a table.

Menu pics:



Notice something interesting? Do you see Tonga Toast listed as a breakfast entrée?? No mention of banana stuffing though. Should Disney shut this down?!?! Infringement! (kidding).

Of course, one last* morning cocktail before ending vacation.


I got a Mai Tai, and Nigel got a Bloody Mary.

*Last in the sense that it was the last 'first of the morning' cocktail.

I ordered the breakfast sliders, which were so much food but really good. Nigel got an omelette which he said was very good. Both came with side potatoes.



I mean, nothing earth shattering but it was hot, fresh and delicious. I think we’d definitely go back.

We walked back through Africa a bit, and grabbed a seat at the Dawa bar. I believe we grabbed two Safari ambers but no pics. We hung out people watching for a bit. Then, we headed back to the buses, and here I made a colossal error. Trying to be tricky, I thought we could grab a bus to Contemporary or Poly or GFlo and then go to MK that way. Unfortunately although the bus came pretty quickly, it sat and waited for more guests. Just in case, I guess? We finally set off after some teenagers got on the bus. (guessing on age).

The teens in the back seemed to be discussing where to go next. When we got off at the Poly, I heard them saying that they were thinking of going to Disney Springs and they should ask the driver how to do that. Well, the logical answer would have been to figure that out 15 minutes ago and take the Springs bus from AK, but I’m in no position to talk considering my bus choices.

After walking into the Poly, we heard some people saying that the monorail was not operating, part of their mid-day repair schedule, I believe. Okay, no prob, we’ll take a boat. Except the boat took forever! We had just missed one, and we think with the wind and choppy water, it took the boat longer cause I swear it was about half an hour.

So, just killing time.


That's right; line formed behind us!

Proof of the wind.


I was unamused by the wind.


We finally made it!


We went over to the Tiki Room based on this pic but not sure if we went inside.


What to do after a big breakfast? Get some cheeseburger eggrolls from the cart in Adventureland, duh. I swear I didn’t eat all my potatoes at breakfast!


Attractive, I know.

We wandered around a bit. And just as we were talking about the fact that we had never seen the Diamond Horseshoe open for business, lo and behold, it was actually open! We obviously ducked inside to check it out.


This was just quick serve stuff, not the buffet that they started later on this year. I know Nigel was tempted to eat here, but we already had a 1 pm ADR that I really wanted to check out.

We were finally going to Liberty Tree Tavern! We had never been here to eat, and we really had one goal. Okay, I had one goal. I had read so many people raving about the Ooey Gooey Toffee cake that I really wanted to try it.

It was pretty crowded but a manager-type woman was keeping a pretty good eye on things and checking on moving people from waiting to their tables. Some waiting room pics.




Oh! No pic, but they had a free hot chocolate station while you waited! Very nice.


Perusing the menu.

Honestly, I was really only planning to order dessert. But I started feeling weird about just doing dessert, so we decided to get the soup and then dessert. The soup of the day was a ham and pot roast soup, and let me tell you, it was excellent!


We split the bowl of soup and really liked it. And then, it was time. The ooey gooey toffee cake. Will it live up to the hype?


YES! YES! Totally lived up to the hype! It was great. Even Nigel, who normally says anything less than pure chocolate is not a dessert, enjoyed it. In all honesty, when it arrived, it was a leeetle smaller than I had envisioned based on DIS pics, but it was actually a good size to split. We also really liked the atmosphere at LLT and would definitely come back. Although I would probably stick to lunch. I just don't think I’d be into the family style Thanksgiving meal they serve for dinner.

After LTT, we popped over to Philharmagic, which is always entertaining. Again, failed on pictures.

Although we did stop by for some castle pics.



And we’re off again. Where could we be headed next?
MOAR food and drink

Okay, yes, if your answer was another bar, you are correct. But c’mon, it’s the Brown Derby. I think this and La Cava are the two bars we most consistently visit. I love the outdoor lounge area they added to the Brown Derby. If they had not added that, I don’t think we’d visit here nearly as often.




What? Oh yes, we had just eaten. Which was my exact statement to Nigel. His counter argument was, It’s the Cobb Salad! Obviously, who can say no to that.

From the pics, it looks like we rode Toy Story Midway Mania after Brown Derby. I can’t imagine we’d wait standby, so I’m pretty sure it was FP.


I'd like to think I was the winning score, but I'm pretty sure it was Nigel. Sigh, some day I'll beat him.

So, my pictures tell me we next stopped at the Writer’s Stop.


Perhaps we worked up an appetite at TSMM?


We had to get more dessert! A regular (lame*) cookie and the carrot cake cookie. *My commentary…and those cookies are shaped weird but tasty.

When we passed by the Great Movie Ride, we saw the guide from our ride the day before, so I grabbed a pic with her. I told her that we thought she was a great guide!


After this, we took a stroll through the ‘Streets of America’ since it could likely be gone the next time we visit.






We walked around and stopped for some photopass pics.



We headed toward RnR and took a pic. But I don’t have a ride pic so I don't thing we got on.


We did get on ToT.


Probably one of my fave rides in WDW.

Remember my love of glow cubes?



Yes, I got the Blue Harvest. I now own not only the Millenium Falcon but also the Death Star. Dream big, kids. Life goals met.


Since we were getting near dusk, I decided that I wanted to camp out to have a seat/place for the Star Wars fireworks. At this time, no one knew if they were extending beyond January so I figured we should catch them for our last night.

So, here’s pictures of us waiting out.





Unfortunately, I don't really have any fireworks pics themselves. I normally take bad fireworks pics anyway. Since we were stationed right outside the DHS starbucks, we were able to make a pretty nimble escape from DHS after the fireworks. I will say the Stars Wars fireworks were great. I was definitely happy we caught them.

Owing to our nimble escape, which let’s face it, means getting out of the park as two people sans stroller, we were able to catch the first bus back to POFQ. Luckily, our bus stop was pretty close to the exit.

Since we had gone picture taking and camping out for fireworks, it's obviously time for more food, right?

Our last resort meal. A personal pizza with side salad for me and meatloaf with sides for Nigel.




And with our early flight, we had an even earlier Tragic Express.




We unhappily boarded the plane…

And bundled up for the cold awaiting us…


But, we got to come home to these great critters.


Soon, May trip recap! A little teaser...

it's funny that food and drink seems to be a big part of our vacations ... but it never comes up for you ;) (Seriously though, these updates are making me hungry!)

That's cool you could see the DHS fireworks and even the Orlando Eye from the Cali Grill. There sushi is great! (not cheap, but super great!)

I had no idea cheeseburger egg rolls were a thing at the Magic Kingdom?!?!?! There is one food truck we frequent that puts all sorts of things in egg roll form (duck confit, bacon mac n cheese, etc.) - so I think that would be right up my alley

Checking out the lounge at the Brown Derby is one of my goals for our July trip (also checking out the new Nomad lounge) - cool that they have the cobb salad there as it is pretty spectacular

Glad you got to see the star wars fireworks. I *think* they will have the new ones there when we go in July but they haven't released the schedule for July yet for firework times (I know - they can want us to make dining ADRs 6 months in advance but fine if they don't set their details 3 week out)
Dream big, kids. Life goals met.

These are pretty big dreams do you really want to set kids up to get their hopes dashed so easily

we had an even earlier Tragic Express.

This one just cracks me up

So don't think by my delayed posting that I wasn't waiting anxiously for you final post. I think the proof is my post about the gurgling suitcase article. Yes I had been stalking your TR to see if there had been any updates. Yes I get alerts whenever there has been a new post or comment, but you never know...computers make mistakes, I didn't want to miss anything!!! Don't judge me.

Really I was waiting until the weekend baseball series was over so I could talk some trash with you. That was a big win (sweep) for the Cards over the Bucs. I know every one is talking about the Cub this year and how great they are, but I'm worried about getting past the Pirates. I don't think the black mark is gone from the Cubs just yet. But I do hate how now that the cubs are actually good their fan base has increased then thousand fold.

Really enjoyed the TR and I'm looking forward to the next one. You guys are a lot of fun to watch on your trips and I hope some day we actually go around the same time and we can have a drink together, and trade stories.

It's killing me that I'm still at 264 days to go till our next trip. However this will be our first trip as DVC owners, and our first trip with the little guy with us. I'm actually very concerned about him coming along. What the heck do you do with a kid at WDW?!!?
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it's funny that food and drink seems to be a big part of our vacations ... but it never comes up for you ;) (Seriously though, these updates are making me hungry!)

If only we could get to more food establishments... :tongue:

That's cool you could see the DHS fireworks and even the Orlando Eye from the Cali Grill. There sushi is great! (not cheap, but super great!)

It is the best! We've actually never gotten an entree there as we just concentrate on apps and sushi.

I had no idea cheeseburger egg rolls were a thing at the Magic Kingdom?!?!?! There is one food truck we frequent that puts all sorts of things in egg roll form (duck confit, bacon mac n cheese, etc.) - so I think that would be right up my alley

They are at a cart near Jungle Cruise. Very tasty snack. That food truck sounds great!

Checking out the lounge at the Brown Derby is one of my goals for our July trip (also checking out the new Nomad lounge) - cool that they have the cobb salad there as it is pretty spectacular

Have you seen the pics of Nomad?? It looks so cool. Cannot wait to see it.

Glad you got to see the star wars fireworks. I *think* they will have the new ones there when we go in July but they haven't released the schedule for July yet for firework times (I know - they can want us to make dining ADRs 6 months in advance but fine if they don't set their details 3 week out)

Crazy Disney scheduling. I'll be interested to see what happens after summer. Will they keep Star Wars fireworks? Will AK at night only be a summer thing? :confused3
So don't think by my delayed posting that I wasn't waiting anxiously for you final post. I think the proof is my post about the gurgling suitcase article. Yes I had been stalking your TR to see if there had been any updates. Yes I get alerts whenever there has been a new post or comment, but you never know...computers make mistakes, I didn't want to miss anything!!! Don't judge me.

No judgment here! Quite flattering to have a TR stalker!

Really I was waiting until the weekend baseball series was over so I could talk some trash with you. That was a big win (sweep) for the Cards over the Bucs. I know every one is talking about the Cub this year and how great they are, but I'm worried about getting past the Pirates. I don't think the black mark is gone from the Cubs just yet. But I do hate how now that the cubs are actually good their fan base has increased then thousand fold.

Ugh, I should've seen this coming. Yeah, that series was painful for me. Let's just bond over our dislike of the Cubbies being on top this year. pirate:

Really enjoyed the TR and I'm looking forward to the next one. You guys are a lot of fun to watch on your trips and I hope some day we actually go around the same time and we can have a drink together, and trade stories.

Aw thanks! Would love to grab a drink with you and meet the missus and the little guy!

It's killing me that I'm still at 264 days to go till our next trip. However this will be our first trip as DVC owners, and our first trip with the little guy with us. I'm actually very concerned about him coming along. What the heck do you do with a kid at WDW?!!

First trip as DVC, woo hoo!! Wait, they let kids in the parks?!? :teeth:
It’s the Merry Month of May!

Here we are, kicking off the third trip in our year of Disney!

Ah, the lovely month of May. Month of new and exciting things like rivers filled with light and safaris at night and oh wait. Yep, we were a little bummed that the start dates for all the new AK events were pushed back, but obviously, we are very fortunate that we will be back sooner rather than later. And once again, it means new things to experience! We still had several new and great experiences this trip and will get to have even more to look forward to for next time. (Nomad Lounge, I’m looking at you!).

Let’s kick this off with the meme that I think describes many of us here on the DIS.


SO TRUE! (Seriously, especially true for one of our trip events! Oooh, teaser!)

And now onto to travel day.

So, we got to the airport with only a few bumps along the way. Nigel’s dad graciously dropped us off at the airport early Tuesday morning.


On time flight! And crazy local souvenirs.

(It's a shot glass for Three Mile Island).

So, I’ve been flying at least once a year since 2008. In all that time, when using a carry on, I have always used a clear gallon-sized bag for my toiletries/liquids. Now, I know that the TSA website says your liquids should be in a quart size clear bag. But in the past eight years of flights not one person has taken issue with the gallon size. Until I get Mr. Rule Stickler for our May trip. Ugh. Oh well. Goodbye half my toiletries. I pared my bag down and got through the security.


Look at that leg room! We had an exit row. Fun fact, on Allegiant, if you are sitting in an exit row, you get priority boarding! We had no clue, but they announced that they would seat all priority members and anyone in an exit row first and then go by zone. Pretty cool.

Flight went well, and soon we were landing at Sanford/Orlando airport. We walked over to the car rental center and grabbed a VW Jetta. We were on our way by 12:30 p.m. Road pics.



We decided to head to Publix first for some quick supplies, basically a pack of water bottles, mouthwash (having been sacrificed to the TSA gods), etc. On to Coronado!


I had received our room ready text as soon as we had landed and turned off the phone’s airplane mode. We had Casitas Building 1 on the second floor. We took a kind of roundabout way to get to it by elevator, but we were close to the outside staircase that was right next to the parking lot, so it was very convenient with the rental car.

We headed straight to the room and decided to get changed and head straight to the pool. The pool at Coronado is very nice, and they also have a good snack bar and regular bar. Upon arriving at the pool, food was the first order of business as we were starved.


Pretty basic, burger and nachos. Nothing earth shattering but good for a quick lunch.

Also, had to grab some drinks.


We swam around and after drying off, we started to head out. As we were walking out, they made an announcement for everyone to get out of the pool for “unscheduled maintenance.” Random. What’s even more weird is that this has happened to us before. When we stayed at Pop in May 2014, the main pool never opened because of some chemical issue, and then while we were swimming in the computer pool, they closed that one too! Maybe swimming in May is bad luck?

We headed to the main building to pick up our parking slip for the rental car. We also picked up our refillable mugs, because we have a sickness and addiction. And Nigel always says he gets his money’s worth in Powerade and coffee, which is definitely true.

After freshening up, it was time for our first park of the trip. If you watched the video we posted on Youtube, you already know where we headed, but if not, I’ll leave you hanging for now.
On time flight! And crazy local souvenirs.

(It's a shot glass for Three Mile Island).

It glowed green in the dark! As a survivor of the incident I truly can't believe I did not think of this myself.
It's a shot glass for Three Mile Island
This is crazy cool, who would have thought they still have merch for three mile island. I'm pretty sure a majority of Americans don't even know what it is.

Look at that leg room!
Is that leg room, or short legs?

We walked over to the car rental center and grabbed a VW Jetta.
Do you ever use car rentals as basically an extended test drive for the next car you purchase?

We decided to head to Publix first for some quick supplies,
Publix (and the adjacent liquor store) are one of the first things we do. We hate to leave the bubble unless we have to and try to stock up with everything we need. We try to save some cash and tend to eat breakfast and most lunches in our room. (All bets are off for F&W) The one bedrooms at OKW have an awesome kitchen and cooking is not a problem, even the studios are fine but I usually bring along an electric skillet to make eggs and hot sandwiches with. (might try a crock pot some day) the more money we save on food & booze, the more money for merch!!! I have a feeling that will become a big expense in the next 18 years or so.

f you watched the video we posted on Youtube
Yes I have seen the underground teapot (curious how that name came about) and now I'm addicted to Disney vlogs

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