A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!

So you're NOT a fan of Avatar then? ;)

I just don't understand them putting in Avatar Land. I'm glad Animal Kingdom is getting new stuff, but I would have preferred a Disney-owned IP or something 100% new that they created (Beastly Kingdom or Australia, or whatever). And is Avatar really going to have staying power? I can't see it remaining as popular as Star Wars and Harry Potter have (and will). Having Avatar in a Disney park is a head scratcher for me. :confused3
I'm really not. I saw in in the movie theater and I WILL say that to this day it was the best us of 3D I have ever experienced in a movie- very immersive and seeing it in theaters was a must because the plot is lame and without the mind blowing 3D effects there just isn't a whole lot there. I am so surprised Disney agreed to Avatar Land. It's not timeless or has a fanatical following the way Marvel., Star Wars and Harry Potter have. I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to not having Harry Potter. IDK. Hopefully some of the glow in the dark worlds they could do something really cool? Whatever. Animal Kingdom is still the park I only bother with if I'm in Disney World for more than a week so I can go there first thing and ride Everest, then Dinosaur and still feel disappointed that Dinosaur isn't nearly as good as when it was CTX and look forward to riding Indiana Jones again and then going to another theme park with my Fastpass reservations. :bored:(couldn't find the shrugging emoji so bouncy ball gets to see some action)
I'm really not. I saw in in the movie theater and I WILL say that to this day it was the best us of 3D I have ever experienced in a movie- very immersive and seeing it in theaters was a must because the plot is lame and without the mind blowing 3D effects there just isn't a whole lot there. I am so surprised Disney agreed to Avatar Land. It's not timeless or has a fanatical following the way Marvel., Star Wars and Harry Potter have. I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to not having Harry Potter. IDK. Hopefully some of the glow in the dark worlds they could do something really cool? Whatever. Animal Kingdom is still the park I only bother with if I'm in Disney World for more than a week so I can go there first thing and ride Everest, then Dinosaur and still feel disappointed that Dinosaur isn't nearly as good as when it was CTX and look forward to riding Indiana Jones again and then going to another theme park with my Fastpass reservations. :bored:(couldn't find the shrugging emoji so bouncy ball gets to see some action)
I agree about it being a knee-jerk reaction to Harry Potter, but really...Star Wars, in my mind, is really the only thing that can "compete," so to speak. I just can't see people having Avatar conventions 20+ years from now or anything like that. I know sequels are planned, but still...

I haven't been to Animal Kingdom (except for running through it) since...2014 I think. Dawa Bar!!
And is Avatar really going to have staying power? I can't see it remaining as popular as Star Wars and Harry Potter have (and will). Having Avatar in a Disney park is a head scratcher for me. :confused3

I wonder about this all the time! I liked the first movie fine - the 3D was really cool, and I always loved Pocahontas, so the storyline didn't bother me. But it's been so long since that movie came out. Does anyone even care any more? I have a hard time believing that the second (and potentially third?) movies will be nearly as successful just because it's been so much of a gap. People are used to movies where the sequels come out every year now, and it's been something like 8 years since Avatar. Seems like a weird decision to me at least, but I hope it will do well!
I wonder about this all the time! I liked the first movie fine - the 3D was really cool, and I always loved Pocahontas, so the storyline didn't bother me. But it's been so long since that movie came out. Does anyone even care any more? I have a hard time believing that the second (and potentially third?) movies will be nearly as successful just because it's been so much of a gap. People are used to movies where the sequels come out every year now, and it's been something like 8 years since Avatar. Seems like a weird decision to me at least, but I hope it will do well!
Great question. If they make a totally immersive, amazing land, I'll shut my mouth about it - if they do a good enough job maybe it doesn't matter that it's Avatar and not something else? I just don't know.

I'm trying to give Disney the benefit of the doubt, but...Avatar? Hmmmmm
** Thanks for the congrats on the INKnBURN Ambassadorship - I am super excited about it!! :) **

BACK 2 Good - Week 8 progress update

6.25 miles completed!!!

Monday: So much trouble getting out of bed today! My alarm went off and I was convinced that I didn't actually have to wake up (like it was still the weekend)...it was not. BOO!

I'm glad I got up though, because I had a good session in the weight room today. This was day 1 of week 8 of getting back into lifting, so if I lift on Wednesday and Friday like I'm planning to, that’s 8 weeks in a row with zero missed days of lifting! Big accomplishment for me.

I felt really good and strong today...especially in my legs and core - both are very important for my back to stay healthy. In particular, I think I have really improved with planks. My lifting plan calls for 2 planks on Mondays and 3 planks on Fridays at 30-60 seconds long...when I started back up it was hard for me to get to 30 seconds, and I am *that weirdo* that shakes like crazy when trying to hold a plank (I can't help it, but it's SO embarrassing and makes me crazy self-conscious!). But today I did 1 plank for 50 seconds and the second for 55 seconds...only shaking toward the end. Hooray for improving!

Tuesday: After last week's success with running, I'm bumping up each of my runs a bit (adding a whopping 1 mile to my total for this week...maybe 1.25 miles if I'm feeling especially good) and sticking with the 1:15/1:00 intervals.

This run was pretty good, but my calf/ankle area didn't feel quite as good as last week. :( My foot/ankle felt a little stiff and my calf felt...not sore, but definitely like it was really getting a workout, if that makes sense. Hard to describe but that feeling stuck with me for the rest of the day, which I didn't really love. It just felt really tired, I guess? I'm not sure what I want to do with my Thursday run just yet - either keep it at 1.75 miles or bump it up to 2 miles. I guess I'll see how I feel over the next couple of days...I HAVE been slacking on my PT exercises lately (just forgetting to do them, not actively avoiding them) so I'm going to try to be better about that this week.

I kept all of my run intervals at 5.5 MPH (10:54/mile or something) and all of my walk intervals at 3.3 MPH (18:00ish/mile). Total time for this run was 22:58, 13:07/mile pace.

One week to go until early Wine & Dine registration! Eek!!

Wednesday: T-minus 1 week until my next follow-up with Dr. Spine! I have many, many questions for him...I hope he's ready for me! :teeth:

Lifting went pretty well today. Just like Monday, I'm feeling really good and strong. My calf is feeling a lot better today...almost feels normal! :)

Random aside: I STILL have not been charged the deferral fee for GSC. :mad: The email I got said to expect my credit card to be charged in 6-8 weeks, and this is just about 6 weeks. So strange that it takes so long...I have the confirmation email, so I SHOULD be good, but I'll feel better about it going through correctly when I see that charge on my card.

Thursday: Had one of those annoying days where I woke up about 45 minutes before my alarm and couldn't get back to sleep...I HATE when that happens!

Anyhoo...another run today! This one went better than Tuesday's run, and I was feeling good enough to play with the speed a bit AND tack on an extra quarter-mile. My run intervals were at about a 10:54/mile pace for the first 10 minutes or so, 10:40ish for the next 10 minutes or so (or whatever pace 5.6 MPH on the treadmill corresponds to?) and 10:31/mile for the remainder of the run. Total time: 2 miles in 25:45, 12:53/mile pace. I stuck with the run 1:15/walk 1:00 intervals for this run and it did feel better than it did on Tuesday (although it was approximately 1,000 degrees in the treadmill room today...woof). Currently I'm undecided as to whether I want to try to extend my run intervals on Saturday or just stick with what I'm currently doing for another week? Hmm.

I've been sort of aiming to get my Tuesday/Thursday runs up to 2 miles and then stay at that distance on those days for a bit, and then solely concentrate increasing the distance of my Saturday runs (which I consider my "long runs")...so I'm there on Thursdays and I'll get there on Tuesday next week. After my appointment on Wednesday with Dr. Spine, I think (hope) I'll have a better idea of where to go from here. And then once Tink weekend is done, hopefully I'll be in a good enough place where I can add back in a 4th day of running each week.

Despite the fact that this run was better than Tuesday's run, I'm really wondering when my foot/upper ankle/calf is going to feel normal again. My foot is still numb, and I vary between thinking I'm used to it and thinking it’s annoying. Either way, still not normal. And I was still feeling some stiffness in the upper ankle/lower calf area today while running, though that seemed to get better as I kept running.

Ah well. Big picture - I AM running. Just gotta keep focusing on that! :)

UPDATE: After wondering about it yesterday, I received an email from runDisney confirming that my GSC Deferral went through. I mean...I guess I know it did because I got the initial confirmation email, but it's a relief to have this second email (along with an email from Active.com) and know that the deferral is DEFINITELY in place and that I'm not out $305, especially after seeing that they'd assigned me a bib for this year.

In other news...I got an email from my local running store that I had $15 in credits that were about to expire, so I stopped on my way home for a little shopping!

Another pair of shoes...Brooks Adrenalines GTS 16. I'm liking the 16 version a LOT more than the 15s (which ran a half-size too small...why?). And I like having a new pair of shoes ready to go in my closet for when my current pair dies, so I'm glad to have these.

And look how pretty!

Family photo...the back-up pair, my current running pair, and my current everything else pair:

I also got a new pair of socks...my preferred brand is Balega (the Hidden Dry version). I've been wearing this type of sock for...5-6 years, maybe? And the pairs I have, have lasted about that long, but I'm noticing that the socks are starting to get thin in some areas, which is making me think holes aren't far behind. So I'm trying to replace each pair of socks one-by-one. These socks aren't cheap, but like I said, they seem to last a long time, and through 7-8 years of running I can count the number of blisters I've had since switching to these socks on one hand, so I think they're worth it.

Friday: normal Friday - didn't want to lift but made myself do it anyway. BOOM! :yay: 8 weeks in a row of lifting 3 days per week! Pretty sure this is some sort of personal record for me. Gold star.

I think next week will be a big week - gonna try to get to a yoga class! Yay.

ALSO...new House of Cards season came it today. :eek: So there goes my entire weekend!

Saturday: week 2 of post-injury running is done! Woohoo!

Hey y'all.


I think (crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, etc.) that today was our last cold day. Now I've jinxed it! 34 degrees and light wind at the time of this run. I had a long-sleeved top under my pullover, and I felt like my torso was too warm...but my neck was cold, which made me wish I'd pulled on a second tech tube.

I folded the tech tube I DID have into into a wide headband to cover my ears - I liked that way more than trying to make it into a hat.

I stuck to 1:15/1:00 intervals and I think I'll do that for Tuesday/Thursday as well. I noticed today and Thursday that I'm huffing and puffing a little less, and I didn't feel totally wrecked after today's run like I did last week. Progress!

I had that sort of "my calf is really working hard" feeling during this run, but not quite as much as Tuesday. Otherwise, it felt good. Felt good for the rest of the day too! My pace was a little slower today than it was last weekend, but I'm okay with that!


After the run we got some fun mail from INKnBURN...

Will's first INKnBURN piece - the men's Circuit Tech Shirt (which I immediately tried on...I hope this comes out in women's cut, because I cannot do men's cut shirts!):


And my Never Land 5K outfit! Phoenix Tech Shirt, Ryu skirt and Sandstone 4Arms (the sort of orange ones). Although I think I may like the Miko 4Arms (the blue/green/red ones) a little more with this outfit for the contrast? O
r maybe I should be a cool kid and wear 1 of each, like in this picture? :) Hmm...

Sunday: Lazy day. Yay!

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New shoes!!! Yay!!

Also ... yay for more running, yay for an awesome lifting streak, and yay for your GSC deferral finally going through.

To sum it up ... lots of yays this week!

If they make that Circuit pattern in some sort of long-sleeve womens shirt, that might be when I finally swallow the price and buy my first InB. I LOVE that shirt!
And if you're looking for opinions on your 5K outfit ... I'd say the Miko ones. I like the contrast of the blue against the orange shirt, especially because you're wearing a blue skirt. But that's just my opinion.
Oh man I have such a love/hate relationship with planks! I dread them like no other, but I am always amazed at the results when I consistently do them. That's awesome that you can see such tangible progress!

Balega socks are my favorite too! I didn't know about them until my in-laws got them for me for part of birthday present. They are seriously great.

I hope you enjoy House of Cards this weekend. That show is so disturbing, but so good! I will probably watch a couple tonight and then chase it down with the final Downton Abbey to go to sleep on a happier note haha

Oh and I love both sleeves for your 5K outfit. I do think the Miko sleeves are quite a nice contrast. The colors look fantastic together!
New shoes!!! Yay!!
New shoes are so fun! Especially when they have pink on them. :)
Also ... yay for more running, yay for an awesome lifting streak, and yay for your GSC deferral finally going through.

To sum it up ... lots of yays this week!
Yep, that sums it up quite nicely! :yay:
If they make that Circuit pattern in some sort of long-sleeve womens shirt, that might be when I finally swallow the price and buy my first InB. I LOVE that shirt!
AHHH, isn't that one so pretty?! I'm always happy for the guys when stuff for them comes out (because there's way more INKnBURN stuff for women)...but I'm pretty jealous of that shirt. Some of the ladies can do men's cut, but it's SO not flattering on me...otherwise I would have bought one for myself. So I'm right there with you.
And if you're looking for opinions on your 5K outfit ... I'd say the Miko ones. I like the contrast of the blue against the orange shirt, especially because you're wearing a blue skirt. But that's just my opinion.
I am always open to suggestions, and I think I agree with you! Of course, I'm hoping not to need the sleeves for too long during the 5K...:)
Oh man I have such a love/hate relationship with planks! I dread them like no other, but I am always amazed at the results when I consistently do them. That's awesome that you can see such tangible progress!
I seriously dread them too. I just did 2 again this morning, and right before I did the first one I was just like, "...man I HATE these!" But then I realized it's not even 2 minutes out of my day (because I'm still not up to being able to hold them for a minute yet - close, but not quite there), so maybe I need to not be a baby about it. :upsidedow You're totally right about the results coming from them, though, and with my history of back issues, I just need to suck it up if it's going to make my core stronger.

I remember reading about this chick that was working up to holding a plank for 5 MINUTES. I don't think I could ever do that!!
Balega socks are my favorite too! I didn't know about them until my in-laws got them for me for part of birthday present. They are seriously great.
Yes! They are the best! It's tough to pay that much for a pair of socks but they are SO worth it. After I bought the pair I just got I looked on RunningWarehouse.com and they have them for $10 per paid, which I think is less than what I paid at my running store...so at some point I'm just going to order like 4-5 more pairs, and hopefully that'll keep me set for a few years. It's so worth it to not get blisters!
I hope you enjoy House of Cards this weekend. That show is so disturbing, but so good! I will probably watch a couple tonight and then chase it down with the final Downton Abbey to go to sleep on a happier note haha
OMG - I so agree!! We have 2 episodes left (yet, didn't have a lot planned for the weekend :upsidedow) and I have been enjoying this season a LOT more than last season. I won't post any spoilers...but it's been better, in my opinion. You're right that it's totally disturbing...but Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are SO GOOD in it! How does they make me root for the Underwoods?!

I don't watch Downton Abbey, but I know it was the finale...I hope it was good! Always tough for a beloved show to end.
Oh and I love both sleeves for your 5K outfit. I do think the Miko sleeves are quite a nice contrast. The colors look fantastic together!
I agree, I'm glad I have both sets of sleeves, but I'm definitely leaning toward Miko! From what I've heard, I probably won't actually keep them on for the entire 5K, but it'll be nice to have them. :)
Tuesday's run, I'm really wondering when my foot/upper ankle/calf is going to feel normal again. My foot is still numb, and I vary between thinking I'm used to it and thinking it’s annoying. Either way, still not normal. And I was still feeling some stiffness in the upper ankle/lower calf area today while running, though that seemed to get better as I kept running.
Hmmm, so with the whole sciatic thing, I have good days and bad days with my foot and calf on my right side, it's the same side I hurt in the past with my first sciatic issues and then injured last fall in my glute and lower back (sciatic pain). My right foot & calf are very sensitive it seems due to it, I think the nerves just get out of whack and take so long to go normal again. Hopefully yours will go back to normal sooner and not relapse, but I totally get the not normal feeling and how it's so annoying...but what I've found is running doesn't make mine any worse than just daily activities.

and that circuit shirt is pretty cool!
Hmmm, so with the whole sciatic thing, I have good days and bad days with my foot and calf on my right side, it's the same side I hurt in the past with my first sciatic issues and then injured last fall in my glute and lower back (sciatic pain). My right foot & calf are very sensitive it seems due to it, I think the nerves just get out of whack and take so long to go normal again. Hopefully yours will go back to normal sooner and not relapse, but I totally get the not normal feeling and how it's so annoying...but what I've found is running doesn't make mine any worse than just daily activities.
As always, thank you for your input...it's nice to hear your experience with this. :) That DEFINITELY stinks that you still have occasional problems though!

I'm with you that running doesn't seem to make the pain any worse...it makes my calf feel tired afterward, but not any more painful. I'm not sure how it is for you, but the worst I feel all day is right after getting out of bed in the morning. It just feels like it has tightened up overnight or something...and sometimes it bugs me after sitting for a long time, too. :confused3 But I've googled around a bit and it sounds like it could have been WAY worse from what I have read about it happening to other people, so I'm trying to keep that in mind.
and that circuit shirt is pretty cool!
Ahhh, it is! I may need to steal that from Mr. A from time to time, even if it's too big for me. :teeth:
I'm not sure how it is for you, but the worst I feel all day is right after getting out of bed in the morning. It just feels like it has tightened up overnight or something...and sometimes it bugs me after sitting for a long time, too. :confused3 But I've googled around a bit and it sounds like it could have been WAY worse from what I have read about it happening to other people, so I'm trying to keep that in mind.
Yep, getting up in the morning is worse and sitting (standing computer desk sounds nice)! But there is hope as I recovered last time so I'm sure we both will! I'm glad you don't me posting as I don't want to sound annoying, but I find it's nice to hear other's similar issues. Yes, as long as there's no surgeries like some people than I figure it's all good!
Just a thought...

Is it possible your Brooks GTS 15s are causing some of your problems?

I used to run in the 14s. Loved them! Got the 15s when I wore out my purple/teal pair of 14s. It took me a while but I realized the 15s were giving me some horrible issues with my legs & caused me a lot of pain after running in the them. Never had that problem with the 14s!

I've moved to running in ASICS Noosa Tri which got me through this winter with no injuries and am trying the Saucony Hurricane ISO 2 now (first 2 runs - no issues!)
Yep, getting up in the morning is worse and sitting (standing computer desk sounds nice)! But there is hope as I recovered last time so I'm sure we both will! I'm glad you don't me posting as I don't want to sound annoying, but I find it's nice to hear other's similar issues. Yes, as long as there's no surgeries like some people than I figure it's all good!
Yeah, I'm debating the standing computer desk. There's a new guy in my department that got one (which was funny, because for awhile I was just wondering if it was some giant coincidence that every time I happened to walk by his cube, he just so happened to be standing - eventually I figured out that it's his desk :rotfl:), and with what I've been reading about how bad sitting is for sciatica, and really, how bad it is for people in general, I've thought about putting a request in to get one. Not long after the new guy came, another person got one, so it's not unreasonable to think they wouldn't do it for me if I asked...I'm just so lazy though!

I DEFINITELY appreciate you posting about your experience! I didn't know this was a thing until it happened to me, so it's really helpful to hear how things went/are going for you. And obviously you just finished Dopey after having it, so that gives me hope! :)

Seriously, I found some message board where people got surgery and that STILL didn't fix it, or where people had pain in both legs...so that put things in perspective.
Just a thought...

Is it possible your Brooks GTS 15s are causing some of your problems?

I used to run in the 14s. Loved them! Got the 15s when I wore out my purple/teal pair of 14s. It took me a while but I realized the 15s were giving me some horrible issues with my legs & caused me a lot of pain after running in the them. Never had that problem with the 14s!

I've moved to running in ASICS Noosa Tri which got me through this winter with no injuries and am trying the Saucony Hurricane ISO 2 now (first 2 runs - no issues!)
It's funny you say that, because the first time I noticed that my foot was maybe feeling weird (the day before I woke up and it was numb), I was walking around Costco in my 15s, and I starting feeling some foot tingling. It freaked me out and on my way home I stopped and bought a new pair of 16s. The 15s went right in the trash - I'd never actually run in them because from the first time they put them on, they didn't feel quite right (I ordered them online just assuming they'd be fine, since I've been running in Adrenalines since version 10 or 11 with no issues...and you know what they say when you assume...:mad:), so I was just using them as my casual walking around shoe. Apparently the 15s ran 1/2 size smaller so I'm sure that didn't help me! :sad2: I'm still SO annoyed that Brooks did that - like, I know that things change with each new version of shoe that comes out, but the SIZING? Really??

I LOVED the 14s too (wish I would have bought, like, 10 pairs when they were on clearance)...the 16s are more like the 14s. They have been feeling good!

Glad your new shoes are working for you! :)

2016 Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend - The Resort!

Or, you know...whatever it ends up being called once runDisney decides to tell us what's going on. :rolleyes2

So - I don't have much planned yet for this trip to really write about, but I just got an update that I am SUPER excited about...like, bursting at the seams excited. :hyper:


Last month when I started thinking I wanted to do this race, the first thing I did was check availability to rent points at the Boardwalk or Beach Club. At some point I really want a weekend at WDW during Food & Wine with Mr. A while staying at an Epcot resort. We love food, and we love the Epcot resorts...that would totally be right up both of our alleys. Unfortunately, this little plan of mine didn't pop into my head until after the 11-month mark - there was zero DVC availability at the Epcot resorts.

This was not entirely surprising to me - like, really, I'm not the only person in the world that thinks it would be awesome to stay at an Epcot resort during Food & Wine?! Shocking! I was asked if I wanted to keep my request on file and choose a different resort...and I did. I put a request in at my dream resort.

For anyone who doesn't know...with DVC reservations, the DVC owner has a "home resort," and they can start making reservations at their home resort 11 months before their trip date. If they want to stay at a non-home resort, they need to wait until 7 months before their trip date, and then use their points at the other resort. When I put my request in, I was told that there were no points for me to use there yet (since I was outside the 7-month window, I would need someone that owned at that resort to rent their points to me), but there WAS availability (so there were still studio rooms that hadn't been reserved).

This meant that I'd have to wait until the 7-month mark came around (April 2). In the meantime, I contacted my Travel Agent friend and asked her to make a reservation for Mr. A and me at the Yacht Club (not my dream resort, but definitely a resort I want to stay at eventually). Right location, but the price stung.

This all happened around January 20...something like that. So I had awhile to wait until I'd get word as to whether the updated point rental would work out - almost 3 months.

So imagine my surprise to have just received an email letting me know that a DVC reservation had been secured in my name...


:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


I am so freaking excited!!! It's still not cheap to stay there, exactly, but it's the same price as the Yacht Club reservation I just canceled*, except that I'm tacking on an extra day at the start. So it's cheapER.

The catch: I need to pay this reservation in full now, and it's non-refundable. With all the weirdness surrounding Wine & Dine weekend lately...who's to say the dates are going to stick?! :faint: I'm pretty sure the race weekend dates ARE set, looking at the leaked Active.com link, but after yesterday's craziness, if the race is held some other weekend, then so be it. We'll just have a fun Food & Wine/Polynesian weekend with no race.

Either way, YAY!!!!!!!!!!

*And how much of a jerk am I for canceling on my Travel Agent friend AGAIN?! I feel terrible...but less terrible because POLY!!!! :teeth:

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OMG that is awesome!
And if Mr. A decides he can't come and you need someone to come with you ... I'm totally available (other than the fact that I can't afford the hotel or airfare). After visiting there on my last trip (and by that I mean wanting to visit Trader Sam's and not being okay with the wait), Poly is my dream resort. I'm super jealous that you get to stay there!
Oh man that is definitely my dream resort as well!! We had breakfast at Ohana last week and my 10 year old son just kept looking around the lobby (and out the window at the beautiful pool) and said, "We just have to stay here one day, Mom! I'll do anything!" haha I hope it corresponds with Wine and Dine for you, but either way that will be an AMAZING vacation!
OMG that is awesome!
And if Mr. A decides he can't come and you need someone to come with you ... I'm totally available (other than the fact that I can't afford the hotel or airfare). After visiting there on my last trip (and by that I mean wanting to visit Trader Sam's and not being okay with the wait), Poly is my dream resort. I'm super jealous that you get to stay there!
Hahaha...thanks, I'll keep that in mind! ;) Between staying at the Poly and Food & Wine, I'm pretty sure Mr. A will make every effort to go on that trip (and also, you know...I'll be there), but if something comes up...:teeth:

Seriously, my dream resort too. I never thought we'd get to stay there.
Oh man that is definitely my dream resort as well!! We had breakfast at Ohana last week and my 10 year old son just kept looking around the lobby (and out the window at the beautiful pool) and said, "We just have to stay here one day, Mom! I'll do anything!" haha I hope it corresponds with Wine and Dine for you, but either way that will be an AMAZING vacation!
I feel like your son and I could be best friends. :thumbsup2

I told my husband that the trip is happening with or without the race and he seemed pretty surprised that I'd be okay with potentially missing the race. I'd LOVE it if the race still fell on those dates, but if it doesn't...POLY!!! :lovestruc I"ll survive.
Hopefully Disney and runDisney announce what is going on for wine and dine soon.

Awesome! Poly! I have always wanted to stay there as well.
I will need me to text me your immediate thoughts on "House of Cards" ASAP.

I finished last night.

I put a request in at my dream resort.

Polynesian is my dream resort!! Initially it was Animal Kingdom Lodge but after having my first ADR at Ohana I fell in LOVE!! Monorail benefits!!!! I'm super jealous!

Let's see...that was last summer. We did 1 day at Universal and then went on the Fantasy for a week. No report about that because that last 2 days of the trip were AWFUL: 1.) I threw my back out somehow on the last full day of the cruise, so bad that I could barely walk...2.) Mr. A came down with some sort of 24-hour flu, and 3.) our flight home got delayed, and then delayed again, and then eventually canceled due to weather (bad rain storms...apparently that was enough to screw up everything!). We were at the Orlando airport for 12 hours that day, and we kept having to re-claim our bags and go through security all over again - I think we did that 3 times total. And our luggage ended up getting soaked because it sat out in the rain. We didn't actually fly home until the last day.

Oh no it was 'that' trip! Interested to know what you thought of Universal... I went back on my Dopey trip just for one day and it was a lot busier than we're used to... I really like the Harry Potter areas and rides and The Simpsons area is something that is something you don't hear much about but I LOVE it! Still... we had 17nights and we spent only 1 day there and we were happy with that!

This year's on the left, classic Lucky Charm tech on the right:


And look how pretty!

Oh it's the 16s!!!! I didn't know they were out yet.. interested to see how you get on with them...

: normal Friday - didn't want to lift but made myself do it anyway. BOOM! :yay: 8 weeks in a row of lifting 3 days per week! Pretty sure this is some sort of personal record for me. Gold star.

Congrats on the lifting!! That's an awesome stint!

ALSO...new House of Cards season came it today. :eek: So there goes my entire weekend!

I hear ya!! I've only made it to the end of episode 4 due to crazy weekend and the fact that I only watch it with himself and he is now away until Friday BUT there will be weekend binging!


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