Poly Royal Adventure.ClubLevelBaby!5/14 DIAGON ALLEY BONUS Finale 7/15

wow that is so great it worked out that you got to meet Anna & Elsa when you weren't even expecting it!

and poor Aurora ... no one cares that she is there anymore. They should just make one side be just Anna and Elsa and in the "other princess spot" put an Olaf animatronic or something

The latest I heard is that they are separating Anna and Elsa, so no second filler princess! However, I thought the interaction between the two of them was part of the fun! All I have seen of Olaf is a little figure in the FoF parade!
Oh wow what a nice unexpected meet and greet. I would never get that lucky. I will def have a fastpass for them when I take my niece.

I just read today that Anna and Elsa will be separated but in the same room starting mid June. Poor Aurora just getting booted completely. I wish they would keep them together and I agree there needs to be an Olaf!

Awesome start to your day.

I totally think they should keep them together! Why separate them? If anything this will slow the line down I would think!

Smart idea to get a FP!! I think even with an early ADR there is no guarantee!
The expressions on your face with Anna and Elsa are just pure jubilation. That's awesome you were able to stay ahead of the crowd after your CP breakfast!

We did something similar when Enchanted Tales with Belle was the hot ticket rope drop item where we left CP breakfast just in time to stay ahead of the rope drop crowd but was able to look back from the Castle and watch in fascination as the waves of people made their way down Main Street. It was quite the sight to watch back then and I'm sure it's even more impressive now with the Anna and Elsa rush.

Jubilation is not only a fantastic word, but very much describes the feeling!

The wait for EtWB is still really long now. I can't even imagine when it first opened! Getting ahead of the crowd and seeing them swarm in is really amazing! Much better to be on the "right" side!!
After our whirlwind start to the day, I went to Peter Pan and the wait was north of 30 minutes. A&E were totally worth it, but I never did get to ride PP this trip!

So I decided we could go ahead and use our first FP of the day, for Enchanted Tales with Belle. I am already a big fan of Enchanted Tales with Rob (like you aren't already following it!), so I thought I would see how this stacked up! I had never seen ETWB and I love a new-to-me “ride”.

I can’t remember how long the stand-by was, but I do remember thinking, oh yeah, that’s why I have never done this one before!

We were quickly lead to Maurice’s cottage with our FP. This was the week where the College Program Summer session was starting. We got to be grouped with about 6 College Program members, all dressed nicely and carrying matching WDW water bottles. The most fun thing about this was the leader of the CP group said to the CP/CM-in-training, “you need to volunteer to be in the show.” They seemed like a shy bunch, so it was particularly amusing seeing them prance around as spoons and forks!

The gentleman on the far left was a fine Plate. Good luck to him in the college program!


Once we entered the library, I was blown away by Lumiere!

He reminds me in some ways of the Presidents in the Hall of Presidents (not technology-wise). When other people are talking, they are still moving and reacting and are so real that way!

Belle doing her thing.


I thought the part where everyone gets their picture taken with Belle kind of goes on a long time. But I was sitting, and it was air conditioned. I am not sure if this is a must-see for me, but pretty adorable! Our “Beast” was a petite 5-6 year old girl who was very cute in her “Roar!”!

We still had about 30 minutes before our next FP window opened up. I was not starving, but I was in Fantasyland and there was a certain cupcake I had been wanting to have since 2013. I went to get one in October 2013 and the CM told me then there was “something wrong with the cupcake machine” and they did not have any that day. First of all, that was a tragedy, but secondly, I need to get me one of those machines!

So, I was going to try again this trip, and heading over to Cheshire Cafe! I needed to experience a CUPCAKE CUP! Warning, lots of icing ahead!


If you are like me and you want a little cake to go with your icing, than this is the cupcake for you! I planned on just having a few bites...but you know how that goes.


We were now looking into Tomorrowland, so I thought of another way to buy us some time. Why not check out Monster Laugh Floor? Another new-to-me “ride”!



Um, so why did I not know how hilarious this show was? I was laughing so hard! I guess I had no idea what to expect, but there were some really funny Improving going on!


I wanted to see it a second time that day, but we just did not get around to it. I wanted to know if it were just a fluke it was that funny, or if each show is really different.

We then made the short jaunt over to Space Mountain, ready to use our second FP. But, it was a ghost town. It was down! So, I then learned, you can wait for the ride to come back up and use the FP then, or use your FP at any other ride and he started naming all the ones we could use it on. I stopped him after about 5 minutes of naming things and I was like “You mean basically everything but Anna and Elsa” and he was like “Yep”.

I decided we would give it 30 minutes before we bailed. If only there were some people moving system designed by Walter Elias Disney we could use to bide our time…. Oh wait, there is!

About 2 months before the trip, Disney announced the WEDway peoplemover (TTA, whatevs) was going to be going under a refurbishment in May. When I read this, I literally gasped and said “Noooo!”...to my coldly indifferent computer screen. I think if I heard SM or many other rides were closed, I could brush it off. But WEDway is the bomb! It is more than a filler ride to me. A few weeks before the trip, I learned from one of my Facebook Communities “The World of Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Fantasy” (Shout out to Missyrose) that the refurb was going to be pushed back to June. Sorry June peeps! But, hellllllooooo WEDway!

My favorite shade of blue



I thought since SM was down that when we went through it the lights would be on! Why do I love seeing SM with the lights on? One of life’s great mysteries.

But...the lights were off! So, does this mean SM is back up?
wow that is so great it worked out that you got to meet Anna & Elsa when you weren't even expecting it!

and poor Aurora ... no one cares that she is there anymore. They should just make one side be just Anna and Elsa and in the "other princess spot" put an Olaf animatronic or something

I have to agree with this. When we went to see Elsa and Anna poor Aurora was just about begging the people that were leaving to come and visit with her. That has to be a real ego let down. We went over there and got a snap shot with her just because we felt sorry for her but it turned out to be a better picture than the one we took with the frozen girls and also one more princess I can cross off my list.
I have to agree with this. When we went to see Elsa and Anna poor Aurora was just about begging the people that were leaving to come and visit with her. That has to be a real ego let down. We went over there and got a snap shot with her just because we felt sorry for her but it turned out to be a better picture than the one we took with the frozen girls and also one more princess I can cross off my list.

ah, the "pity meet & greet" :rotfl:

glad the picture came out well at least
Aww gee Elena. Thanks for the shout out... :hug:

Ah I know EXACTLY what you mean comparing Lumiere to the presidents. You are so right. I love that Disney does this. It makes it the authentic.

Holy, look at that cupcake!!! Yowza.

The Laugh Floor is unreal. I haven't seen it for a while, but my God it's impressive... and yup... hysterical.

It will always be WEDway PeopleMover to me. But such a a bummer that the SM lights were off. It's such a treat to see them on.
I'm a huge peoplemover fan too. My daughter also loves it but for some reason she didn't understand the name the first time so she calls it the pooper,,being the awesomely inappropriate parents we are we did not correct her and now we all just call it the pooper. Last time we rode it the lights were on in space mountain which was very cool to see.
They wouldn't want me in ETwB if I was on my college program tour. I would have been hopping up and down like "me me me!!!" It's what I do currently. :rotfl2:

I totally had that cake cup! I loved it. Mmmmmmm. So good.

Monsters Laugh Floor is a must do for me. I crack up every time.

Peoplemover is a must. I would cry if I couldn't go on it.
I think you would of been wearing a blue and white dress. I bet it was you! I can't wait to see how the Poly turns out! I just have to believe it will be better than ever before (but hopefully not any more expensive!)

Close I was wearing a blue ruched strapless dress. My mother had a white top with blue pants on. I bet it was us. I am going to start work on my trip report and will be posting some of the pictures we took that day. You will have to check it out and that way you will know for sure. Thanks for all your help.
Aww gee Elena. Thanks for the shout out... :hug:

Ah I know EXACTLY what you mean comparing Lumiere to the presidents. You are so right. I love that Disney does this. It makes it the authentic.

Holy, look at that cupcake!!! Yowza.

The Laugh Floor is unreal. I haven't seen it for a while, but my God it's impressive... and yup... hysterical.

It will always be WEDway PeopleMover to me. But such a a bummer that the SM lights were off. It's such a treat to see them on.

Why do we love seeing SM with the lights on?! I don't feel this way about other rides. I think seeing HM with the lights on would be depressing!
I'm a huge peoplemover fan too. My daughter also loves it but for some reason she didn't understand the name the first time so she calls it the pooper,,being the awesomely inappropriate parents we are we did not correct her and now we all just call it the pooper. Last time we rode it the lights were on in space mountain which was very cool to see.

OMG!! The Pooper! People + Mover = Pooper. Smart kid.
They wouldn't want me in ETwB if I was on my college program tour. I would have been hopping up and down like "me me me!!!" It's what I do currently. :rotfl2:

I totally had that cake cup! I loved it. Mmmmmmm. So good.

Monsters Laugh Floor is a must do for me. I crack up every time.

Peoplemover is a must. I would cry if I couldn't go on it.

You would have been such a great CM! What am I saying, you still could be!
Close I was wearing a blue ruched strapless dress. My mother had a white top with blue pants on. I bet it was us. I am going to start work on my trip report and will be posting some of the pictures we took that day. You will have to check it out and that way you will know for sure. Thanks for all your help.

Can't wait to check it out!!
When we bolted off WEDway to SM, there did not seem to be any line, but as SM’s line is basically all internal, we could not know for sure. However, they must of just opened it as the Wedway ride is not that long.

I asked Will, “Want to ride it twice?”, and he was like of course! So we skipped the FP line and went to the stand-by line. Turned out to be a true walk on!!

Here is my SM-walk-on smile to prove it.


And to keep things even, when we exited the ride, we went to the FP line which was on the right side, and I sat behind Will this time. It was actually a little longer doing FP than Stand-by this time!


And FYI, those skirts I have been wearing are running skorts. Very comfortable and you don’t have to worry about anything inappropriate being seen getting up and down on the rides!

When we went to get our Ride photo, the CM signaled to us that we needed to write down our number. I realized she was hearing impaired, and after 4 semesters of ASL in College I was ready to show off my skills! Unfortunately, I think my skills need some brushing up on as I ended up needing to write down the number anyway in the end. Doh!!

Our last FP still had about 30 mins until it would be ripe for the picking. So we headed over to Liberty Square to fulfill one of Will’s requests, ride the Liberty Belle!

We found a nice shady spot and really enjoyed the breezes and scenery. It really is amazing how quiet and peaceful it can be when just a few hundred yards away from the action!





And appropriately enough, our next FP was for the HM, right near by! I like the view of HM you get when on the boat!

HM was as fun and amazing as always. We got “stuck” twice, but it lasted about as long as it would take to transfer someone to a “doombuggy” and back so I think that was all it was. I love being “stuck” though in HM! It always seems to happen to us while we are in the beginning with the long hallway (and hidden Donald Duck!) or the Graveyard scene! Someday I hope to be stuck at the ballroom!

After we exited I was hoping to get some HM merch!


Nothing really caught my eye though. I already have an Etsy HM purse I use a lot, and a “hitchhiking ghost” antenna topper, so I guess I was all set! Oh wait, and this is the cover to my work phone.

I just realize I also have an Etsy HM coin purse and HM earrings. Wow. This is getting embarrassing…

Changing the subject, we were starting to get really hot and were ready to cool off and get some lunch. We were going to try another new-to-us place! Before lunch though, we swung by the Kiosk at the bridge between Frontierland and Adventureland and scored our next FP for the afternoon, Splash Mountain!!
We made our way through the rapidly becoming crowded park from Liberty Square to the end of Main Street. I am so impressed with those who travel to WDW in July or August! You guys are hardcore! I was getting a little cranky and it was only in the high 80s!

Eventually we made it to The Plaza Restaurant! Will and I love ice cream (unusual right?) and I heard this would be a good place!

We were seated very close to the door, and things seemed to be pretty busy.


The Hostess who sat us said our waitress would be “Jasmine”. I said jokingly “Princess Jasmine!?!”. The Hostess said straight faced “No, Jasmine the server”. “Jasmine the server” seemed to be overworked a bit and did not once crack a smile!

There were lots of tables that needed to be cleared and people waiting.

The menu is not exceptional for Vegetarians. Will and I split the one Vegetarian choice, which is appropriately named the “Vegetarian Sandwich” (Mozzarella, hummus, pesto)

But, I knew the menu ahead of time, and that was not why I made the ADR! The sandwich was pretty tasty, but I was there for the ice cream!

When we were at the podium, checking in, they had the Mickey Sink with a description and the price. I said there was no way we would be getting that. Pretty pricey and what in the world are we going to do with a Mickey-sink??

When it came time to order dessert though, nothing sounded as good to us as the sink option, so I was all like no way, wait, yeah, ok!


It was of course delicious, and we ate it in record time! This is like the amatuer training for the Beaches and Cream Kitchen sink.

So, now we have this sink and I was kind of hoping they would take it and give you a clean one to go. Fat chance. I asked “Jasmine the server” for advice and she says people just have to wash it in the bathroom. This now solved a mystery for my as when I went to wash my hands (FYI the restroom is a “public” restroom outside the restaurant) there were little nuts in the sink which I thought was weird. Must have been from previous Mickey Sink wash-outs! Will bravely volunteered to get his hands dirty and wash it for us! We wrapped it up in a plastic bag I had and headed for the exit!

We wanted to rest and digest in the comfort of Poly so we hopped on the monorail to home! I came home to find this adorable guy!

I paid off the remainder of our balance again with gift cards, and Will went to the GCH. He made a 10 minute video of the waterfall for me which he is making into a looping video. He says this way the waterfall will never end for me. :lovestruc

Since it was our last day, we soaked up the resort and relaxed. When we had cleaned up, reapplied sunscreen from head to toe, we felt brave enough to venture back into the kingdom!

We got to board Monorail Red!!! My favorite! Monorail Red was Express only last trip and now was on the Resort loop. Yay!

Yep, I prefer the red monorail, just like how I think the red M&Ms taste the best!


I always forget about the multiple parades in MK. Of course I knew about the Festival of the Fantasy Parade (and admittedly watched the whole thing live the first day!) but forgot we would be re-entering the park around 3pm...when the parade was starting! Opps! Since at this point the only spots to enjoy the parade would be in really sunny spots, we decided to forgo it. Will is not really into parades, and I like them, but am self conscious about my height. Anyway, we decided instead to shop while we waited for Main Street to clear up! Wohoo! Will got fun things for his work colleagues (magnetic chip clips). We also got a Monorail mug for his brother.

Then we found ourselves in Uptown Jewelers. Will kept saying “You need this purse”. I love this man. He tries so hard to get me to buy nice things to wear!! With the music of the parade and the joy in that moment, I thought, OK! Let’s do it!!

I love this purse so much and I am so glad Will talked me into it!


It is super-sturdy!!

And to show my tiny HM coin purse some love.

The CM wrapped the purse up very nicely and I felt it was safe and secure in my backpack, because we were heading to a wet and wild ride!

Splash Mountain!
Is your Mickey sink proudly displayed or stored away? I would have thought they would have given you a new one, also. Or at least washed it out for you.

Very cute purse!

Why have I never seen the cupcake cup!? Looks yummy!


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