It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!

Hi printscharming - AKA Dan! Welcome to the DIS! Just another Disney experience you and Lois can share. It is wonderful to have you join the thread. Prayers to your entire family!

I see Dan replied, but I wanted to add my thanks!:hug:

:hug: aren't you the sweetest husband EVER! wanna teach my Husband to be more like you??? :teacher:

Yes, he is!!:love:

How are things going?? Steve was being his devilish self.. Jennifer feeling better?

Hope the kids are allowing you some rest too..

Well, we got 6 inches of snow overnight on Sunday and no school on Monday and it snowed some more. Sheesh! I thought being in Virginia I would get away from the snow!:faint: The schools are on a two hour delay today.

I am getting on over to your PTR as soon as I'm finished here hopefully to hear all about your time with D~ and Josh.

I'm doing pretty well. I thought I broke a toe a couple days back, but it's doing a lot better now. The kids and I are having a lot of fun and I'm taking more time for myself than I have in past times here, so I'm only semi-exhausted!:rotfl:

Jennifer is doing pretty well. She is trying to do more this week, getting up and helping with lunches and supper as she can. The cast is pretty heavy and she gets tired quickly, but she knows she needs to get up and about to help strengthen her leg. Thanks for always asking!:hug:

Fly by to say Hi!

Prayers for your entire family - Jennifer, You, Dan & anyone else who might need it.

You asked how I was - not to bad, but I should be doing my neck/shoulder exercises more. And I'm getting old - my arthritis acts up when it rains. Another reason I should be doing my neck/shoulder exercises. :lmao:

Back to work for me.

Thanks, Ruth, for the prayers! They are much appreciated!::yes::

Arthritis is the pits!! I watched my mother suffer with that all my life. But I hear you about the exercises. It's so hard to keep with that sort of thing. But consider this a kick in the pants from a friend to get back to them! I want you feeling the best you can, my friend!:hug:

And thanks for the fly by! Have a great day!

Thank you so much! You all are so caring... what a nice family to have, we are so blessed.

Didn't I tell you these are great people? I'm glad you're finding out first hand. I miss you!!:lovestruc

Thanks for the compliment!!! Glad your getting some rest too. you outdoing yourself is not going to help Jennifer in the long run!!! :hug:

Just know your still in my thoughts and hopefully Jennifer feels better as the days go by!!

Just stopping by to say hi... I don't have much time to reply, but I wanted to let you know that Jennifer has been on my mind, and so have you. I hope its going well.


Thanks for the compliment!!! Glad your getting some rest too. you outdoing yourself is not going to help Jennifer in the long run!!! :hug:

Just know your still in my thoughts and hopefully Jennifer feels better as the days go by!!


Thanks so much! I was really wanting to be home last night. It was a long and busy day and evening. And here I am, after only 3 hours of sleep. Wide awake. I've already watched an old episode of Columbo. I'm hoping to get another hour or two soon.

I loved the photos of D~ and Josh's visit. What fun! And you got your house cleaned…I'm impressed!!!:thumbsup2

Just stopping by to say hi... I don't have much time to reply, but I wanted to let you know that Jennifer has been on my mind, and so have you. I hope its going well.


So glad you took time out of your busy day to say hi. I'm glad you're enjoying your trip. Sorry the girls couldn't beat Josh into submission to become a Disney lover.

Thanks for checking on Jennifer and me. We're getting along okay. Jen is trying to do more every day. We have a week before her next surgery, so we just wait. Wish I could speed things up for all of our sakes.
After a fun filled day at Epcot, we boarded the Monorail headed to the Grand Floridian Resort. I wish I had a photo of our next destination, but I don’t. We celebrated Charlotte’s birthday dinner at 1900 Park Fare. If you’ve never been there before, they take a family photo before you go into the dining room. Ours turned out pretty well, and of course we bought them when they brought them to us. We didn’t realize how bedraggled we all looked, but it is the only photo we have of all of us together. And I had made a special outfit for this night, but I forgot and let her wear her Frozen outfit instead. No biggie for her. I would take a picture of our picture and post it, but it’s at home and I’m still in Virginia, so maybe I’ll tack it on later if I ever get back home!

We were seated right away and Charlotte found out they had mac and cheese and was already in heaven over it. Plus they brought her a birthday cupcake which she thoroughly enjoyed. I wish I had thought to order a real birthday cake to our table. In so many ways, I was not prepared for this trip. :sad2:

As for the adults, we all enjoyed our meal. It wasn’t anything spectacular, but it was a wide variety and plenty of it. The desserts were quite good. I didn’t get a pic of them, sorry.

Our first visitor was Cindy herself! Charlotte was thrilled! Cinderella didn't stick around very long at all, but Charlotte was happy and that's all that counts. I was sorry Prince Charming wasn’t with Cinderella. I know he isn’t always there, but I was hoping.

Here's the little shirt I did for Caroline. It took me a while to realize that is Dan's hand in the foreground!

Next up was one of the Step-sisters. I don’t know who was who, I'm ashamed to admit, but here she is. This one was actually pretty sweet. I had heard that they had toned down the meanness that these characters used to portray. That was certainly our experience.

The second Step-sister was next up. She had a little more sour disposition and immediately told Charlotte she had icing up her nose, which she absolutely did! So after a quick removal, we took some pictures.

Finally came the Step-mother and she never cracked a smile the whole time. She spent the most time with us, but Caroline never warmed up to her.

After we were finished, Emily, Josh and Caroline boarded a bus to DTD to get to their hotel. We waited for one to Magic Kingdom since the monorails weren’t running. They shut the monorails down every evening starting at 7:00 which I’m sure had something to do with the construction going on. Anyway, we had a very long wait and it was cold, but we huddled together on the bench and were just fine.

Back in the room, Charlotte had a couple of gifts to open, a bath, a couple of shows on Grandpa’s ipad and then to bed.

And thus ends "the best of times"...

I love 1900!!!! The step mother is my favorite.. She actually sat down at our table!!! I also got her to laugh with us! :lmao: the step sisters are pretty fun too..
i hope she had a wonderful Magical birthday!!! What was her favorite in MK?

Anastasia(pink), and Drizella(blue) are the sisters. :thumbsup2

Sorry your still in Virginia! I hope for a speedy recovery. You can get home to that wonderful Husband of yours!!! :lovestruc
Hi Lois! :wave: Things have finally slowed down at work so I'm all caught up on your TR. I'm pretty sure I should be able to keep up now!
WHAT FUN!!!!! I love 1900!!!! The step mother is my favorite.. She actually sat down at our table!!! I also got her to laugh with us! :lmao: the step sisters are pretty fun too.. i hope she had a wonderful Magical birthday!!! What was her favorite in MK? Anastasia(pink), and Drizella(blue) are the sisters. :thumbsup2 Sorry your still in Virginia! I hope for a speedy recovery. You can get home to that wonderful Husband of yours!!! :lovestruc
Thanks Mo.....I couldn't be with C, I am 4 Lois only!! <3 <3 <3

I love 1900!!!! The step mother is my favorite.. She actually sat down at our table!!! I also got her to laugh with us! :lmao: the step sisters are pretty fun too..
i hope she had a wonderful Magical birthday!!! What was her favorite in MK?

We completely enjoyed our 1900 Park Fare experience and it was pretty much on your recommendation that we did it, so thanks!!

As far as her favorite, it was hard to tell. Once she did something, she wanted to do it again and again. But I think she really liked meeting the characters as much as any attraction. Her favorite was Rapunzel, but she loved them all. The one attraction she didn't want to do again was POTC. That was a little too dark for her I guess.

Anastasia(pink), and Drizella(blue) are the sisters. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the clarification. I know I should hand in my Disney fanatic button, but no chance. I'll blame it on grandkid overload. Or just plain overload!!:rotfl:

Sorry your still in Virginia! I hope for a speedy recovery. You can get home to that wonderful Husband of yours!!! :lovestruc

I will be here for nearly a month before I even have a glimmer of a chance to get back home. Usually Dan would have visited me here, but he's been crazy busy with work, even working at home nights and Saturdays. I really miss him and to tell the truth, I'm ready for some quiet. I love my family to pieces, but every once in a while, I'd like to have some quiet time when I'm not sleeping!;)

Hi Lois! :wave: Things have finally slowed down at work so I'm all caught up on your TR. I'm pretty sure I should be able to keep up now!

Hey there Adriana! Glad you're getting a break from the craziness finally! Glad to have you back!:thumbsup2

Sounds ominous! You have had such a wonderful trip until this time. I'm almost afraid to read the next post!

And I think I'm sort of dragging my feet getting it written!:rolleyes1

Love the dinner at 1900!! Too cool! ;)

Yes, it's a very nice evening and the food was really pretty good for a buffet. Have you decided to paint your own shoes? Have you decided how you're going to decorate your MB yet? I wish I'd known about that before our trip.
I hope Jennifer is feeling better. I know it is tough to be out of sorts and I'm sure she feels bad she can't do all the things she usually does with the kids. Tell her not to beat herself up over it.

You guys had a fun filled day at Epcot. Love Charlotte's Frozen outfit. Dinner with Cinderella looked like fun. I'm glad Caroline could join the fun too and her shirt is adorable. All the birthday fun for Charlotte must have been a real treat for her. What a great way to celebrate your special day.

I am getting a bit nervous for what is next....
:offtopic:Okay, this isn't about our trip, but I am so bummed!!! I pre-ordered Frozen and it arrived at my house right on the 18th. Too bad I wasn't there to open it! So, I've been trying to rent it from Redbox and I scored it on Thursday. :cool1: Jennifer and her family always have movie night on Friday, so we saved it for tonight. The kids loved it! I loved seeing it for the third time! Jennifer hated it.:scared1: Not just didn't care for it, but hated it.:faint: Where oh where did I go wrong with her????:confused3 She doesn't care for Disney anything all that much, but I thought she would love Frozen. She laughed quite a bit throughout the movie, so I was surprised she didn't like it. Ok, tantrum over.:upsidedow
Really?!? How can anyone not like Frozen? For me the music just made the movie incredible! I will say that the trolls were a little odd and to me just didn't really fit in the movie, but I could overlook that for the amazing songs! It seems like there was another part when we watched it last night that made a part of it drag, but now I can't remember what part it was. Lol. Also, I kinda wish Hans hadn't turned out to be such a bad guy. I mean, he was so dreamy in the beginning. And he really seemed to care. And then for him to do a complete 180... Sad. I'm not ready to prepare my kids for that kind of deceitfulness yet. Do you think there will be a sequel and what will that storyline be? Will Anna and Kristoff get married or will they focus more on Elsa since she seems to be the one the little girls are loving. Ahhhh. Who knows? But I loved the movie!!! In fact, that movie is what kick started me into my Disney fanaticism.
I agree, Frozen is my new fave!!!! The girls have been watching youtube vids of it since we saw it in the theater, and since we got our copy we have seen it at least 10 times! Even Greg liked it!!!!! Sorry Jennifer doesn't like it! I guess my mom is lucky that I share her Disney really is nice to have that in common. Well, at least you have that super hubs to share it with!! :goodvibes

Sorry that you are missing home (and peace....) I hope everything goes well this week and she has a speedy recovery!!!
Oh no... Jennifer didn't like Frozen??? Uh-oh...

Sheepishly, I have not seen it yet either... I have been dying to, but just never found the time. I am hoping to purchase it today, and maybe watch it tomorrow...

Anyways... Just stopping by to say hi. (((hugs)))

I hope Jennifer is feeling better. I know it is tough to be out of sorts and I'm sure she feels bad she can't do all the things she usually does with the kids. Tell her not to beat herself up over it.

Thanks so much, Liz! We had a day out yesterday, just the two of us and it was wonderful for her to get out of the house! We went to a book fair that was two hours away, but she tolerated the car ride quite well and did really well walking the fair. Walking is actually easier than just standing. We had lunch and then came back home. She was exhausted, but happy.

You guys had a fun filled day at Epcot. Love Charlotte's Frozen outfit. Dinner with Cinderella looked like fun. I'm glad Caroline could join the fun too and her shirt is adorable. All the birthday fun for Charlotte must have been a real treat for her. What a great way to celebrate your special day.

We did have a really fun day at Epcot. There was a bit less rain than the other days and Charlotte really seemed to enjoy herself. We didn't do as much as I would have liked, but the pace was just right for Charlotte. And of course she loved seeing Cinderella and company!

I am getting a bit nervous for what is next....

I confess I'm a bit nervous to re-live what comes next!:faint:

Really?!? How can anyone not like Frozen? For me the music just made the movie incredible! I will say that the trolls were a little odd and to me just didn't really fit in the movie, but I could overlook that for the amazing songs! It seems like there was another part when we watched it last night that made a part of it drag, but now I can't remember what part it was. Lol. Also, I kinda wish Hans hadn't turned out to be such a bad guy. I mean, he was so dreamy in the beginning. And he really seemed to care. And then for him to do a complete 180... Sad. I'm not ready to prepare my kids for that kind of deceitfulness yet. Do you think there will be a sequel and what will that storyline be? Will Anna and Kristoff get married or will they focus more on Elsa since she seems to be the one the little girls are loving. Ahhhh. Who knows? But I loved the movie!!! In fact, that movie is what kick started me into my Disney fanaticism.

I totally had Hans hooking up with Elsa until he did that 180! I was so bummed! And yes, the music is fantastic! The funny thing is, the kids and I watched it again last night and Jen and Bob joined us a little ways into it. I think she may have liked it more than she thought.

Do you have any plans to visit Disney World in the near future? I'm glad you joined the DIS…no place better to feed your fanaticism!! :goodvibes

I agree, Frozen is my new fave!!!! The girls have been watching youtube vids of it since we saw it in the theater, and since we got our copy we have seen it at least 10 times! Even Greg liked it!!!!! Sorry Jennifer doesn't like it! I guess my mom is lucky that I share her Disney really is nice to have that in common. Well, at least you have that super hubs to share it with!! :goodvibes

I do wish I could share my love of Disney with my kids! They just sort of roll their eyes and humor me. I just love that you and your Mom are enjoying planning together and share your love of all things Disney. You guys are so cute! By the way, your plans are looking really good!:thumbsup2

Sorry that you are missing home (and peace....) I hope everything goes well this week and she has a speedy recovery!!!

I'm in the home stretch here. I think one more week will get her through and I can head home. It was 70 here yesterday and it felt soooo good to get out into that warm sunshine!! Ohio is still cold, so I don't miss that!

Oh no... Jennifer didn't like Frozen??? Uh-oh...

Sheepishly, I have not seen it yet either... I have been dying to, but just never found the time. I am hoping to purchase it today, and maybe watch it tomorrow...

Anyways... Just stopping by to say hi. (((hugs)))


I hope you got out and bought Frozen so you and your family can watch it today! I don't know what it is exactly, but I just love that movie!! Certainly the songs, but I think because the characters are so well done. I love that they have flaws like all of us do. I do hope you get to see it soon!

Thanks for stopping by. Always glad to see you!:hug:
I did go out and buy it - the plan is to watch it tonight after dinner. :) Super excited!

Charlie and I loved Frozen. Watched it last night and I plan on watching it again today.

Glad to hear Jennifer gets her cast off tomorrow and I'm praying all is well.



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