From 8 to 80!Seeing the Magic through a new set of eyes-Updated7/15-NEW TR LINK pg 28

Sometimes you just need to take it slow so you can recharge! Nothing wrong with sleeping in a little.

Yum Pizzafari! Love that pizza. I wonder if you just got a bad version of the mousse that day? I don't remember the top being like that and I love that dessert!

The Wilderness Explorer thing sounds interesting. If I ever take the time to slow down a bit, I might have to try it!

Yeah for Yeti time! I cannot wait to ride it again in a few weeks!

For some reason I don't remember you going to the Nemo show much so maybe that's were you are headed next?
Haha, I love that "sleeping in" in Disney means 9am.

Oooo, sounds like you hit the sweet spot for crowd arrivals meaning everyone's arriving at the same time.

Pizza for breakfast? It's Disney so OF COURSE!

I think it's awesome you did the Wilderness Explorer game. Any CM that isn't open to adults playing needs to leave. Now.

Ah Everest. And front row, yup I dig that! And the girl in the back row of your mom's photo is hardcore! But she loses points for the Bieber shirt.

Hmmm, off to something you hadn't done since your very first trip? Festival of the Lion King? :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Yeah, Ima go with maybe Nemo.

Ahahaha yeah, I dont understand why or how sleeping in is never that long in Disney, but I JUST CAN'T DO IT!! Lol

Pizza is always a good choice for breakfast, especially when it's the deliciousness that is Disney pizza!!

Haha, it was actually a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to more Animal Kingdom time to do it! Then again, if FOLK isn't open by my May trip there'll be nothing else to do….BAHA!

I totally didn't notice that girl but she is intense, and boourns to the biebs shirt, like, just no…

Ahahahaha, oh my baby, I seriously am so sad that it's gone, but at least there's a higher chance of being in it now with them having to re-approve everyone for it. I've got an amazing recording from the final day of shows on my ipod and it's pretty much on straight repeat forever now, bahah!
Sometimes you just need to take it slow so you can recharge! Nothing wrong with sleeping in a little.

Yum Pizzafari! Love that pizza. I wonder if you just got a bad version of the mousse that day? I don't remember the top being like that and I love that dessert!

The Wilderness Explorer thing sounds interesting. If I ever take the time to slow down a bit, I might have to try it!

Yeah for Yeti time! I cannot wait to ride it again in a few weeks!

For some reason I don't remember you going to the Nemo show much so maybe that's were you are headed next?

Hahaha totally not at all! I've begun to be one of those more "relaxing" types in these past few trips, especially at deluxe resorts, like, I paid good money for that, Imma stay there! Lol.

I just wasn't a fan of the mousse, who knows? The pizza was great!

Haha, it is a lot of fun!! You've got kids with you next month, right? If they give it a try it's always a fun excuse to "tag along" a bit lol.

YETI. SO JEALOUS. As I will not be in AK at all, nor did I go last time…no folk…no ak for katt…lol.

If you guessed Finding Nemo, you were RIGHT!!

I was actually pretty excited!! I had only seen it on my first trip to the World, and have honestly been kind of avoiding it since then. I didn’t remember much, but I remembered that we as a group decided we didn’t like it, and that it was kinda crappy. Since we had two days at Animal Kingdom, and I had Mom and Anne with me, I figured we could stop and watch this time!

There were definitely some points in the first little bit that I thought the songs were a little to “theater”ey, cheesy if you will? I dunno how to describe it, but like, when a musical isn’t great and they throw a song in there instead of the character talking and it just doesn’t flow? I felt that a lot with the Nemo character…

I did highly enjoy the puppets and the way they really go all out, and take up all the theater, I like that they chose to go with this style for the show rather than something else, and the cast really is top notch!

And let’s be serious, the jelly fish were pretty sweet!

Well...until they stung little blue that is….those jerks..

Crush and the offspring are clearly the BEST parts of the show, and like, how fun would it be to be Squirt!! Totally wicked!!

And of course, all the kids in the theater went crazy for the BUBBLES!!

Yaaaayyy! So, what was the verdict this time around? Well, I nearly cried…more than once, like FOTLK finale level of crying, but I managed to hold it in. I honestly think that it was more because Finding Nemo is such a parent/kid bonding movie, and has so many great moments that I was sitting there going “I’ve been there” “I’ve done that” to stuff Nemo had done and since I was with Mom, it was just the most amazing thing and for some reason I just got SUPER EMOTIONAL over it, bahha. Like, watching Brave with Mom, cried, if there was a Brave show, I’d be in A GLASS CAGE OF EMOTION….then again…when am I not at Disney!

Either way, I really liked the show this time around, and Anne and Mom really enjoyed it too! Anne had actually seen Finding Nemo, and Mom hadn’t so it was nice to have that flipped around lol, and Mom said she’d definitely need to see it in the near future!!
With the thoughts of the big blue world in our heads, we headed out of The Finding Nemo theater, now, don’t ask me why this next part doesn’t make complete sense, but it’s what’s in the notes/pictures, lol! Since there was a shop nearby, over in the Dinoland area, we headed into there for a little bit of a look around! I spotted a monorail pen that I really wanted but just couldn’t justify spending TEN dollars on it, no thank you, not gonna happen! Mom was nice enough to point out that Anne had been looking for something to buy me as a thank you though, and that I should probably wander away from the pens for a bit…bahaha. In my wanderings, I found something that amused me…

Those are not smarties! Lol…up here in Canada we call those Rockets, Smarties are like M & M’s…..these little differences, I tell ya, they throw me off! Soon enough we headed out of the shop, and my next destination, ASIA! IT WAS TIME TO RIDE EVEREST AGAIN!! I really wanted to, and figured I’d just jump in the single rider line this go around by myself, Mom chose to skip this go around as well…

Well, 3 rides of the mountain was better than none, right? Yeti put in his place, we moved along to something I’d been wanting to do for quite a while now, and since we had more time in Animal Kingdom, I figured it’d be a nice relaxed, air conditioned activity for all of us! We were on our way back to the Conservation Station! The coolest things about that place are definitely the procedures you might get to watch, and the petting zoo! I headed around to try and get to the petting zoo first, as it did look like it was about to start raining, and I love myself some petting zoo’s!

I liked the not so hidden Mickey in its fur! I also took a minute to grab this next picture and tweet at Lia that I tried to get a selfie with the goat, but I couldn’t get close enough, bahaha.

We spent some time checking out the animals and petting them, but most of them were in the roped off area, just chillin on their little playground, so we couldn’t really get to them. It was a nice thing to see though, the animals having their little private “I’ve grown tired of being pet, leave me alone” space, so that’s nice!

As we were leaving the petting zoo I could feel the rain starting, and really hoped it wouldn’t pick up too bad, I didn’t want to get caught in Animal Kingdom in a storm again, and we wanted to see the parade! However our next stop was inside the main building where we looked around, and Mom spotted Rafiki out for greets and said that she was getting in line, whether or not we were bhaha!

He was nice, gave us some hugs and kisses and waited patiently while Anne and the cast member tried to figure out what was going on with Mom’s camera as it wasn’t taking the picture. I’m pretty sure it was just taking video instead, but who knows!? Lol. We left the station to head back to the train and were pleased to see that the rain was slowly stopping, and also, there was AN ICE CREAM CART!! Not sure what Mom and Anne got, but I got one of the strawberry ice bars! It was super tasty! I chatted with the cast member for a bit as she had just started her college program, and we also traded some pins! Mom Anne and I grabbed a seat on one of the benches to eat and then made our way back to the train and back to Harambe!

Our main plans of the second day at Animal Kingdom had been to do the things we hadn’t done, and of course, see Festival of the Lion King again, bahaha. At least, my plan was, I told the others they didn’t have to join, but they were good with that! Since the show started not long after the parade would end, we ended up finding a spot right outside Pizzafari for the parade. The oh so lovely woman beside us however had her stroller in the most awkward, and space taking up way, even though she wasn’t saving spots. I’m pretty sure she eventually moved it around so there was room for fidgeting lol, and we didn’t have to wait long for the parade!

Hey guys!
So I know there are a few of you out there reading still, I know a lot of you are probably super busy, but just wanted to give a huge thanks to Rob & Ariana as you're still here, still truckin, and still commenting!! You're the best!!

Second update; Steven, who some of you have "met" via Instagram already, and comes into play later in this combo TR and Dec's TR is down in Florida and auditioning for Disney Princes today! Send him some major pixie dust and keep him in your thoughts!! I fly down to join him Monday for a Tuesday parade audition!!

Thanks again!

I hadn’t seen Jamin Jungle in nearly two years, there’s just never time for it in my schedule, and since downloading the soundtrack to it, I was actually really excited! I remembered not really liking it the last time, but the music was super catchy and cute so I was excited to see if my opinion would change this go around!

Some of our favorite furry friends come out and Rafiki’s leading the way down the parade route! I do think it’s a neat idea how they have all of the floats being cool animals and SO MANY families riding in the parade!

From a “I want to be in entertainment” perspective, this parade was heck of a lot of confusing to me though, bahah! There were parade performers between the floats, doing choreo, and all that, and then there were other cast members who were dressed in the safari gear like the “dancers” but they would just walk and wave, and then when they came to a photopass photographer who was documenting the guests in the parade, they would get their attention and point out the camera to make sure they got good photos. Like, is that a parade performers job, or are they pulling from other staff? Weird…. I also found Aladdin/Genie’s lamp on one of the trucks!

I, obviously, had my camera out for the parade, and one of the parade performers who was walking by was all “What? You haven’t taken my picture yet!” and then proceeded to pose dramatically!

Mom’s one true love came along to say hi, and we spotted some SUPER ADORABLE details on Donald’s float!

Like, how cute is that?

Mom was definitely super into it as she was dancing along and kind of keeping up with some of the cute moves the cast members do while they’re “driving” the floats, so it was glad to see that she was into it.

And Mickey’s at the end to close it all off and make sure we all have a magical day! So, what were our thoughts on it? Mom really enjoyed it, especially because it was something really different from the other parades, and the floats are super neat. My opinion, well, it wasn’t quite that high, lol. I did enjoy it, but as a dancer, I need to see something at least semi cool choreo wise, and there just isn’t ANY in this parade. It’s not high energy, and it didn’t really keep my attention for long. I love the music, I like the idea of the floats, but I feel like they could do so much more with it, and I’m REALLY hoping that they’ll revamp it sometime while all the parades seem to be getting make overs. There’s so much potential for it! Oh well.

With the parade over, I used my weaving tactics to get us all the way down the road, into Camp Minnie Mickey and over to the FOTLK theater! Yay! We still managed to get front row seats, and of course, were in the elephant section! My love! Seriously, there is one guy who does the Elephant part/leader of the tribe and he is seriously just perfect, and funny! He adds in a little bit of extra pzazz into the show and it just makes it great, and makes me love the elephant section even more!

The show was absolutely amazing, the male bird dancer was absolutely phenomenal, and the girl was also good. The giraffe dancer this time around was so freaking amazing, watching her dance the show was more than just watching her dance, she was so into it, and had so much energy, you could just tell through her smile and eyes that she was doing something that she absolutely loved and it lasted for every second of the show and was seriously amazing. The vocals this time were SPOT on and just amazing, and I was super happy we’d had time for the show again today!

On the way out, I noticed a slightly familiar face, I’d been following a girl on tumblr who had been posting about her college program doing theater ops for FOTLK, and knew she’d be working the days I was there, so I popped over to say hello and we chatted a little bit and she was super nice and even mentioned me on tumblr in her “day summary’ thing, yay! I also found out later on after the trip from a post of hers that guys, get this, TWO OF THE BIRD DANCERS ARE MARRIED IN REAL LIFE!!!



Like, that’s amazing and adorable and I can’t imagine how awesome it is to get to dance with someone you love in the most amazing show in the world, like, day made!

Anyhow, after the show, which, yes, you noticed, I have no pictures of…we headed out of the park, but made sure to stop for some pictures on the way out!

We’re cute.

I'm glad you made a trip to go down for the parade auditions happen! Good luck I'm sending Pixie Dust your way!

I saw the AK parade for the first time in Dec, even though it was Christmasfied I agree there's a little something missing from it. I did like how many families got to participate though, that was awesome!

I also agree the Finding Nemo show is cool but not my favorite. I love the puppets and the cast is great but it wasn't meant to be a musical.
:woohoo: I guessed right!!

See, I think that's so cool that you liked it this time. It just goes to show how much timing can impact a person's impressions. I'm certainly not in love with the show, but I certainly do like it. And I also went crazy for the bubbles because bubbles rule!!!

Bahahahaha "Smarties". C'mon America... get with it!! They actually do sell REAL Smarties though. A friend of mine was adamant that the only place you could buy Smarties in the States was in the Canadian Pavilion at Epcot. Then I saw them at Walmart, lol.

Aww so close to a full vehicle of raised arms on EE. Apparently front row dude missed the memo. Actually he looks pretty uneasy.

OK, serious question about the petting zoo. After visiting, do you now have to answer "yes" on the customs form that you visited a farm?

Aww Katt.... :hug: for the shout out.

Ooh I didn't know he was down there auditioning!! And now your Facebook comment about the weather next week makes a ton more sense, lol. I don't know, this audition feels different, like... this is the one.

Gotta agree. Not a big fan of this parade. I did see the Xmas version, and still, not a big fan. It's ok, but just not a must see for me.

Haha, Love that front of the park photo of ya'll. ROAR!!
I'm glad you made a trip to go down for the parade auditions happen! Good luck I'm sending Pixie Dust your way!

I saw the AK parade for the first time in Dec, even though it was Christmasfied I agree there's a little something missing from it. I did like how many families got to participate though, that was awesome!

I also agree the Finding Nemo show is cool but not my favorite. I love the puppets and the cast is great but it wasn't meant to be a musical.

I'm excited and nervous! Lol. Thank you so much!!

It's fun, but it definitely needs a little more to it or something, I do hope they update it.

:woohoo: I guessed right!!

See, I think that's so cool that you liked it this time. It just goes to show how much timing can impact a person's impressions. I'm certainly not in love with the show, but I certainly do like it. And I also went crazy for the bubbles because bubbles rule!!!

Bahahahaha "Smarties". C'mon America... get with it!! They actually do sell REAL Smarties though. A friend of mine was adamant that the only place you could buy Smarties in the States was in the Canadian Pavilion at Epcot. Then I saw them at Walmart, lol.

Aww so close to a full vehicle of raised arms on EE. Apparently front row dude missed the memo. Actually he looks pretty uneasy.

OK, serious question about the petting zoo. After visiting, do you now have to answer "yes" on the customs form that you visited a farm?

Aww Katt.... :hug: for the shout out.

Ooh I didn't know he was down there auditioning!! And now your Facebook comment about the weather next week makes a ton more sense, lol. I don't know, this audition feels different, like... this is the one.

Gotta agree. Not a big fan of this parade. I did see the Xmas version, and still, not a big fan. It's ok, but just not a must see for me.

Haha, Love that front of the park photo of ya'll. ROAR!!

Yeah ya did!!

Timing really is everything, and the people who you're with, the first time we saw tiki room, no one was impressed with it, but I kinda secretly liked it, and didn't really realize til I had done it solo that the impressions other people have rub off on you as well!

Ahahaha, yeah, they do definitely have them other places, but it still weird, get with the program, those are not smarties!

….i had never thought of that….i certainly didn't check yes, I'd totally forgotten about it by the time I was going through customs…weird..

Haha, yeah! his audition was thursday! And I really do hope it works out well, like, there has been something different since Dec, I think it's simply because Jen took the time to look at me and reignited that spark, but this being parades, it's just like, this is where I really do belong!

Hah thanks!
Just caught up on this! Great updates as usual, starting with your HS day: I love, love, love that Gaston! He was in the show I watched when I was there in July and IMO he is perfect for the role! I think it would be great to dress up as the Silly Girls for Halloween! This whole report is making me desperate to go to Disney for MNSSHP and in my head I'm thinking "Hmmm, September?" :scratchin but I know its unlikely I'll be able to save up enough for the flight. Tower of Terror is the best. Sorry you had a bit of a rotten experience at SciFi. That's so weird that the boat didn't come out and they all went on stage instead! I guess they had last minute maintenance problems or something.

I'm glad you went to see Nemo the musical again and enjoyed it. Its one of my favourite things at AK. You look like you're having so much fun on EE! I haven't been brave enough to go on it on any of my trips with my family and I certainly wasn't when I went solo lol.

I know this happened earlier in your report, but its so cool you got to meet Jack and Sally. I met them at Disneyland Paris just before Christmas and Jack was in his Sandy Claws outfit! Its my FB profile picture and will continue to be for a long time I think! All the luck in the world at your audition and have a great trip!
Hey guys!
So I know there are a few of you out there reading still, I know a lot of you are probably super busy, but just wanted to give a huge thanks to Rob & Ariana as you're still here, still truckin, and still commenting!! You're the best!!

Second update; Steven, who some of you have "met" via Instagram already, and comes into play later in this combo TR and Dec's TR is down in Florida and auditioning for Disney Princes today! Send him some major pixie dust and keep him in your thoughts!! I fly down to join him Monday for a Tuesday parade audition!!


I'm here and still reading!:wave2: I have read all your trip reports but have never commented. I follow you on Twitter & Instagram & I loved the Magic Kingdom train station picture you posted today!

Will be thinking of you tomorrow and Tuesday especially, Katt!!! I'm leaving Florida tomorrow but I'm not here for Disney-related fun this time around. I'll be sure to wave as our flights cross paths though! ;)
OK so I feel bad because you gave me a shout out and I somehow totally missed the update last week! I'm caught up now and you are on your way to WDW for the audition, good luck as always! This is going to be the one I just know it!

I was right about Nemo! I've only seen the show once myself in 2010 and I wasn't that impressed. I probably should give it another try one of these trips especially now that FOLK is closed for so long. :sad:

I have never watched the AK parade! Another thing on my list to do someday. I've never been in a hurry to see it though because the pictures just never excited me.

Hey, I saw on Facebook that you have a trip planned for May. Well I have a very tentative solo trip planned and it looks like we may cross paths for a day or two! I really am not sure if the trip is going to happen at this point but if it does, maybe we can hook up for a drink or something.
Just caught up on this! Great updates as usual, starting with your HS day: I love, love, love that Gaston! He was in the show I watched when I was there in July and IMO he is perfect for the role! I think it would be great to dress up as the Silly Girls for Halloween! This whole report is making me desperate to go to Disney for MNSSHP and in my head I'm thinking "Hmmm, September?" :scratchin but I know its unlikely I'll be able to save up enough for the flight. Tower of Terror is the best. Sorry you had a bit of a rotten experience at SciFi. That's so weird that the boat didn't come out and they all went on stage instead! I guess they had last minute maintenance problems or something.

I'm glad you went to see Nemo the musical again and enjoyed it. Its one of my favourite things at AK. You look like you're having so much fun on EE! I haven't been brave enough to go on it on any of my trips with my family and I certainly wasn't when I went solo lol.

I know this happened earlier in your report, but its so cool you got to meet Jack and Sally. I met them at Disneyland Paris just before Christmas and Jack was in his Sandy Claws outfit! Its my FB profile picture and will continue to be for a long time I think! All the luck in the world at your audition and have a great trip!

That Gaston is literally perfect in every way lol! Though he did get topped when we went in Dec…lol. The bimbette's is totally happening for next year's mnsshp!

Awe man, you should try for a future year for Sept/halloween, it's the best time!!

AK was a great time! I'm glad that i got to nemo agian, super cute show! You should totally try out EE, I was too chicken the first trip, but it's one of my absolutely favorites now!

Thank you!!

Jack & Sally were great!!


I'm here and still reading!:wave2: I have read all your trip reports but have never commented. I follow you on Twitter & Instagram & I loved the Magic Kingdom train station picture you posted today!


Hi!! Super glad you're still here!!

Awe, thank you so much!! Haha glad you're enjoying and following along
Will be thinking of you tomorrow and Tuesday especially, Katt!!! I'm leaving Florida tomorrow but I'm not here for Disney-related fun this time around. I'll be sure to wave as our flights cross paths though! ;)

Awwe so close!! Hhaha thanks for the happy thoughts!

OK so I feel bad because you gave me a shout out and I somehow totally missed the update last week! I'm caught up now and you are on your way to WDW for the audition, good luck as always! This is going to be the one I just know it!

I was right about Nemo! I've only seen the show once myself in 2010 and I wasn't that impressed. I probably should give it another try one of these trips especially now that FOLK is closed for so long. :sad:

I have never watched the AK parade! Another thing on my list to do someday. I've never been in a hurry to see it though because the pictures just never excited me.

Hey, I saw on Facebook that you have a trip planned for May. Well I have a very tentative solo trip planned and it looks like we may cross paths for a day or two! I really am not sure if the trip is going to happen at this point but if it does, maybe we can hook up for a drink or something.

Ahahaha, no worries!! Everyone gets busy sometimes!

Nemo's great! It's at least something to do while FOLK is closed :( so freaking sad about that seriously

hahaha, it's a cute parade, but not my favorite!

YAY!! I'm totally down for that, it's possible that our dates will get extended a little bit as well, currently they're the 4-10, but we might stay to the 12, and I might fly in a day early to see a friend who's doing Star Wars stuff on the 4th!!

Right as we got to the bus stop at the front of the park, the rain was definitely picking up, good thing we were headed inside for the evening! We weren’t on a bus to French Quarter though, we were headed to Fort Wilderness! Once off the bus to the resort, and a quick check on the map, the three of us jumped on the bus that would take us back to Pioneer Hall. I didn’t know where to get off, as it had been a while, and didn’t want to miss the stop, so I asked the driver halfway through the ride and he replied kinda snarkily that he’d let me know. We did manage to make it there in one piece though.

Once there we got in the check in line and then hung around the area, there was no place to take photos still set up, which irked me as I had the pp plus and the photo was covered in it. I also noticed that I wasn’t the only grumpy one around, it seemed like three quarters of the people in the area needed a nap, or a drink, maybe both. While we were checking in the woman in front of us was complaining that she had a bad knee and the stairs would take her a while, and that she “booked this back in AUGUST” uhm…cool story, one month ago, I made these reservations a good 6 months out….and that planning paid off when we were lead into our seats and we were ONE ROW AWAY FROM THE STAGE!! AMAZING SEATS! I was feeling better already! The salad and cornbread were on the table waiting for us when we got in!

And we each ordered a sangria to go with our meals for the night, many sangrias would be needed though! Lol.

The sangria was amazing, it wasn’t crazy sweet and juice like, like some sangrias, and not too heavy on the wine taste like others, it was seriously the most amazing balance and blend! The salad was delicious, the dressing was a little too strong in some parts, but that was all okay! Finally, the cornbread, which was still warm when we got to the table, was of course, so yummy, we devoured the whole thing and I honestly wish we could have gotten more, bahha. Seriously, the food here is amazing, and we hadn’t even gotten to the main course yet! The show made its way into the building as we were wrapping up with the appetizers and had gotten another round of sangria!

My Mom made some comment about how it was a “revue” and that it was a bunch of smaller, skit like things, and then it all kinda made sense to me on why Tanessa and I couldn’t for the life of us remember a PLOT for the show from last time. It wasn’t just the sangria, it was the fact that they were all smaller skits taking place in character…Bahaha!

The show starts with the cast all coming in from various places around the theater as they are “late” for their show as the stage coach broke down. It’s a 6 person cast split into pairs, the purple couple are mainly dancers, obviously also with vocal skills, while the yellow couple are the heavy singers, and the other two, Dolly and 6 Bits who aren’t a couple in the show, are the comedic relief of the team! I have a love for the purple couple, partially because last time the guy was SUPER attractive, and I also would kill to be Claire, like, considering vocal training just for that, bahaha. The guy from the yellow couple, pretty sure it’s Johnny, wasn’t too into the whole thing, not as enthusiastic and energetic as you’d usually expect from Disney entertainment, but once he got his solo singing in there, it was very clear why he was there! I also caught him like, eyeing me down pretty hardcore in the first number and was like “dude…I can see you…” #awkward . The show had a ton of energy in the first act, and despite the little bit of cheesiness, it was still great!

The first little bit of the show kinda wraps up as the servers start bringing out BUCKETS of fried chicken and ribs and the various side dishes to the tables. There’s smoky BBQ ribs, fried chicken, mashed potatos, beans, and corn nibblets.

There’s my plate, not the most attractive photo, that’s for sure, but oh MAN WAS IT DELICIOUS!! Like, for serious, some of the best food I’ve ever had. The ribs were smoked to perfection, not dry, not fatty, seriously perfect. Anne had the same problem as earlier in the week and thought they were too smoky for her, but I obviously loved them. She really did enjoy the fried chicken, which I personally found too greasy, but hey, we each loved something!

The greasey chicken did cause a problem during dinner too…I reached over to pick up my glass of sangria, but because my hands were so greasy, it slipped right out and ended up spilling everywhere! EMBARRASSING. Seriously. The server was quick enough to get it cleaned up, but not before Mom made a “she’s just drunk” joke, which was super uncalled for, and as someone who works in the industry, if someone says something like that, you usually aren’t allowed to serve them anymore. Needless to say, I got a little upset and Mom and she nicely poured half her sangria glass into mine, and then the server seemed to have not heard, or pretended not to, as she brought me another one anyways. Thank goodness!

As for the rest of the food, the mashed potatoes were super creamy, delicious and amazing, and the beans and corn were good, though not huge hits. During the dinner the cast came around and asked about anyone celebrating birthdays or anniversaries and I managed to catch one of them and point out Anne to her and this happened:

Super awesome!

The lights started to dim not long after that, and we had some more show and more food to conquer before the night would be over!

I caught some more dancing on video, and it just solidified my love for these two!

And just before dessert (I think? Lol) they did their own little rendition of Clementine, which of course, 6 Bits couldn’t let it go un-interrupted! I started videoing a little late, but still managed to catch some of the shenanigans!

Like…what is this show…what is happening?…hilarity, and great food and a great time, that’s what! The servers all come out on the stage right before the dessert as they’re singing about the strawberry shortcake that you’re about to get to eat! Nom!

Yeah, I don’t know if it’s just that I don’t like strawberry shortcake, or if it’s just this variety, but I wasn’t into it so much. I found it to be “meh” and kind of dry? Not my cup of tea! Though it seemed like another round of sangria for us was! Lol!

When the show started up again, they were grabbing guests out of the audience to be part of the show, there was a table near us that had a large group of young pre-teens at them who were so into the show and it was great to see one of them get picked!

And as soon as the next audience member came out Mom of course made a comment that it clearly should have been me doing that part, bahaha, one day! One day it will be!

The story near the end has something to do with Davy Crockett and all the adventuring that he did in the olden days, but that’s about all I got for you.

And they dress an old guy up like a tooth fairy…

After the audience members return to their seats, everyone else is invited to participate with the washboards that they hand out all over the dining room to get everyone in on the fun!

And with that the show was over! We had no bill to settle as it was all paid before hand, when the reservation was made, so we made our way out of the theatre! At some point I thought I had lost Anne and Mom on our way to the washroom, but it did result in me having a lovely conversation with a manager looking cast member who was standing outside the door. We chatted for a bit about dinner theatre, as I do currently work at one, and how impressive it was that they pumped out 3 shows a night and still managed to keep the food fresh and tasty and the entertainment energetic and awesome! Along the way into the washroom once I’d found Mom and Anne we ran into the girl who was the can-can dancer in the show and we complimented her many times, she was great, baha! So, what are the final thoughts on the Hoop De Doo Revue??

$60.00 each

We did pay out of pocket for this meal as I didn’t want to waste two dining plan credits on it. Also I booked way before the free dining promotion was released, so there’s that too. I know I could have switched it over to credits afterwards, but that’s just too much work and then we’d get more food later with those credits!

Food: 5/5
-Food was all fresh and hot and super delicious tonight!
-Cornbread on the table was still warm!
-Despite me not liking the chicken and Anne not liking the ribs, we still found something in the meal that we LOVED
-Potatoes were super creamy and delicious without tasting like they had enough dairy to kill me lol
-Sangria was the best! The wine flavouring and the juice parts blended together perfectly!
-The strawberry shortcake wasn’t the greatest, but I knew I wouldn’t like it so I filled up on everything else!

Service: 5/5
-Our sever was quick and to the point and awesome with the refills, ESPECIALLY after I spilt my drink and Mom made the “drunk” crack, it was lovely that she brought me another one
-She was enthusiastic enough, but nothing too crazy to be overboard for us, so that was fantastic!
-With the cornbread and salad on the table when you come in, it speeds up a whole lot during the pre show time, and since all the other items being dropped off are incorporated in the show it gets all the food out pretty quick!

Ambiance: 5/5
-We were seated literally a ROW away from the stage, and it was fantastic!!
-The show comes right out into the audience and the cast comes in from the doors, so it really is all around you, including up on the balconies, they do their best to involve absolutely everyone!
-The show is the main part of the ambiance obviously, and it was amazing.

Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend the HDDR for anyone and everyone! Like, seriously, it was SUCH a fun night both times that I’ve seen it. The price is totally worth it, we paid the 60 and got main floor, category one seats, with all you can drink and all you can eat, it was absolutely WONDERFUL and so much fun for everyone involved!

Mom, Anne and I headed out of Fort Wilderness via the boat dock and ended up making some friends on the boat! A family of three, with a girl say, around 11, and us all chatted. We’d all clearly had a bit of sangria during the show and made friends pretty quickly talking about each other and Disney entertainment and all. Mom did pull a BIG no no and say out loud “she’s auditioned to be a princess/wants to be a princess” to which I quickly tried to cover her speaking up by saying “part of Disney entertainment” there was a kid around! Lol.

We docked over at the Magic Kingdom and took the bus back to French Quarter where the bar was the next thing we hit, naturally! The bartender was also named Shelly and had made friends with the ladies earlier in the week and was super awesome to chat with. I got another sangria here and it was WAY too wine tasting for me, especially after the ones we’d had at the show! I took a peek around the pool and took some pictures of some fun things over there!

Like how cute, I can tie up my horse! Lawl.

The pool decorations at FQ are seriously the best, I’m so sad that I never got into it to swim! After one last drink at the bar Mom Anne and I headed back to the room and started to get ready for bed, we had another park day ahead of us and today had been a great day!



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