How do you feel about DH giving you a vacuum for Mother's Day.


DIS Veteran
May 13, 2005
A friend of mine posted a pic on Facebook of the new vacuum her DH had bought her for Mother's Day. I was raised in a home, where if my Dad had given my Mom housewares he would have slept outside. Housewares were not a gift, they were a purchase that was made for the home. My DH would never by me a vacuum as a gift.

I must admit, that when I saw the pic of the vacuum, I thought to myself, "How awful" but I dare not post . My mother on the other hand is now 80 and has lost much of her filter. Apparently, she's FB friends with my friend. She posted exactly what she thought of that vacuum! While I agreed with my Mom's sentiment, I had to cringe when I saw her post.
I would like it. I would much rather have something useful than some trinket. I never have much use for jewelry, flowers and such, but give me a kitchen gadget and I am a happy gal!
Everyone and every couple is different. If she is happy and she obviously is, then that is all that matters. My husband and I tend to be "practical" gift type people. I have gotten pots and pans for Christmas and I love them!! I have also given my husband tools, work bench, chain saw etc.. as presents in the past. Personally, if I had a choice between expensive jewelry or something for the house, I would pick something for the house.... Everyone is different. Just be happy for her. :)
I received something practical from my late DH for Mother's Day many years ago. I accepted it graciously, but later I told him that in the future I never, ever want a gift that plugs in unless I specifically ask for it. He got the message :)
I would have been upset unless I had specifically ask for that vacuum. I would rather my husband spend a few dollars on a disney chamilia bead (or something similar) than spend $200 on a vacuum or any other thing that has to do with cleaning or cooking.
My mom has always been like that. She would much rather have something she will actually use than something that's just going to sit on the shelf. For her birthday this year shes asking for 16 cedar trees and a big bag of dirt for the backyard. My dad insists thats not a birthday present but that is what she WANTS.
I got a Dyson last year for Mother's Day and I was THRILLED!!! I love getting gifts that I want and that will make life easier for me and he knows I'd never spend the money if I had a choice!!!
My DH and I are complete opposites on this. I like useful gifts as presents, and he hates them. I was thinking about getting him a power drill for his bday and he said no, he would rather it just be bought as something we need for the house, not a gift. For me, on the other hand, I asked for and received a cargo net for my car trunk for my bday and was happy to get it.
Everyone's different, so you just have to know your spouse's preference!
I think it's a good idea for those who enjoy practical gifts. I would be one of those, btw! Sometimes, things you need cost enough that you don't get around to buying them for a while. Getting something I really need and want but that stretches my budget would make me happy. DH and I have separate budgets and bills, so that might be why I would like it more than someone else--it's money I don't have to spend out of my budget.

ETA: I don't really see why anyone would feel the need to post anything negative about a gift someone else got that they are happy with. What would be the point? Why try to make them unhappy with it?
Other than macaroni crafts from the kids and maybe flowers, I never viewed Mothers Day as a true gift giving holiday.

If the vacuum cleaner was one that I wanted & needed, it would be a great gesture. As in, my old one is on its last legs and the new one meets/exceeds my expectations. It keeps me from having to make the purchase and makes my life easier for the here and now.
I wouldn't be offended if DH gave me a vacuum for Mother's Day. But then again we don't really do gifts for those occasions other than maybe going out for a nice family dinner. Maybe the vacuum was something she asked for? I'm assuming since she put it up on Facebook that she was proud of it and liked it? OR did she put a comment along w/ the picture and was kind of laughing about "look what my DH got me, a vacuum?!" :lmao: If she was making light of the gift than she probably won't be bothered by your mom's comment. However, if she posted that pic and was really happy to have received that gift, I think she might get upset by your mom's post. I personally would be annoyed if I was sharing a nice picture and someone had to throw in their 2 cents in and be rude. That happens often on FB and that's why I deleted my FB... I am too sensitive of a person and little things that people say kind of bother me. lol
In our house I would have probably been the one who asked for it. I love vacations and a lot of planning and saving goes into those so I don't mind asking for or receiving practical stuff for holidays.
Our tradition for Mothers day is for me to get the hanging flower baskets for the house. I love heading to the garden centre with dh and the kids and picking them out. Nobody else cares all that much if we have hanging flower baskets, but I do, and they make me happy when I pull up to the house all summer long. We'll also do a meal out that day or they cook whatever I have picked. It's simple but it works for us:)
I say to each his own, however, I would not be happy to receive a vacuum cleaner for Mother's Day. For me, Mother's Day is a day to celebrate being a mother. Getting a vacuum is like my family telling me to go clean! I'd much rather my kids make me a card and not fight for the whole day!! If I need a vacuum, it should be a purchase for the home and not a gift. But, hey, if it excites someone else, then I'm happy for them.
If it was a Dyson Ball or something, given perhaps a few days AFTER Mothers Day - and a nice card and some flowers were given ON Mothers Day - I'd be ok with it. I guess. LOL
I'd love a vacuum from my husband. As long as he planned to be the primary operator. That would be like me buying him a lawn hose for Father's Day. Not going to happen.
ETA: I don't really see why anyone would feel the need to post anything negative about a gift someone else got that they are happy with. What would be the point? Why try to make them unhappy with it?

I personally would be annoyed if I was sharing a nice picture and someone had to throw in their 2 cents in and be rude. That happens often on FB and that's why I deleted my FB... I am too sensitive of a person and little things that people say kind of bother me. lol

As I said before I cringed when I saw Mom's comment. She really has lost her filter.
Most of the "gifts" I receive are practical items like this. Sure, I'd love a new wardrobe or something fancy, but if I get frivolous things then I can't have the items I might truly need, like a vacuum. I don't have kids so I don't celebrate Mother's Day for myself but I did get a vacuum for my birthday a few years ago. One year for Christmas I received a dremel tool to grind my dogs' nails. Exciting, I know...but I would rather have those items to make my life easier than have something fancy and still not have what I need.
If I "wanted" a nice vacuum for Mother's Day, b-day etc that would be fine. Better - if my DH was going to be the principal operator (not going to happen).

Throughout the years - I have specifically requested 2 gifts that DH was so reluctant to buy me - one was a power washer, the other a hedge trimmer. The original hedge trimmer recently bit the dust - and DH suggested getting a replacement hedge trimmer for a gift. NO - that wasn't going to work, not as a replacement. (The replacement needed to come out of general household funds - not as a gift.)

DH has a lot of leeway when it comes to gifts. He can only get me a corded appliance if I ask for it. And - in the rare instance where he forgets the rule - he needs to be gracious if I opt to return it. (After we were recently married - he got me some kind of electric razor that could be used in the shower...ICK.)


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