~ Aug 2013~ Sew what... We've gotta find a way back! Part I!!

OK...I have been resisting...but here goes.

With my second child, my OB nurse was male. His wife had just had their first baby, and he had been an ob nurse for years! It was a little strange for about 2 minutes, then...it was just a person helping out!

Hey D~ glad your ultrasound went off without a hitch. Hope touch get the results soon.

Chiara - you must be getting so excited for Thursday :-)

I am super excited I am glad now that I scheduled a real early appointment.

OK...I have been resisting...but here goes.

With my second child, my OB nurse was male. His wife had just had their first baby, and he had been an ob nurse for years! It was a little strange for about 2 minutes, then...it was just a person helping out!


Male nurses and techs don't bother me at all. I have had so many tests and procedures done I usually have more problems with females.
don't know if you will see this before your doctor appts but I will be thinking of
you both & sending prayers your way for calm nerves & wonderful test results


Thank you so much Ruthie!

Good luck with your sonogram today.

I have my big one on Thursday and I am super excited but mine is for a much more fun reason than yours.

THanks Chiara! YAY!!! I cannot wait to hear about your US - it's gonna be spectacular - I just know it! :wizard:

Good luck with your ultrasound today. Sending lots of pixiedust

Thank you Kathy!

Thank you, Ruthie!

D - I hope all goes well with the sono and you can get some answers!

Thanks Christine!

Not only would i wear them PROUDLY I will POSE for pictures! HA HA HA HA

I ALWAYS have a camera.. just a warning. not a threat...,,.


I promise to only post approved pictures...


HA HA HA HA HA HA I forgot about this...I am always equipped with a camera!!!!
this is going to be epic.
Ruffle Bloomers, paper bags, what else! i see a title forming here...

LOL - Epic for sure!

It will all turn out for the both of you... best wishes...

Thanks Mo!

Good luck with your ultrasound. I so emphisize with you with the fasting. I remember fasting for my ultrasound (which eventually found the gallstones in my gall bladder). I made the mistake of making my appointment for the Monday after Easter. Which meant me fasting all Easter Sunday.

Went over to my parents that Easter as normal. While they had ham with all the trimmings, candy and cake (because it was my nephew's birthday), I was stuck with clear water, broth and Jello. To make matters worst, the birthday boy looked at my meal and asked: "How come Aunt Kathy gets Jello?"

Happy 6th birthday, Tony. Do you want to see 7?

Of course that was 20 years ago. Technology changed a lot since then.

Glad you were able to get it all figured out... LOL about the Jello - if only you could have traded plates right?

Regarding your new camper. I'd spend some time over on the Camping Board. They'll give you a lot of advice. DH and I were looking at campers about 20 years ago. However, we had no place to store it, and our community had very strict regulations on where we can store large items. Had to sell a boat because of that. As a result, we ended up buying a timeshare.

Love the timeshare, but still wonder what if. As it is, we still tent camp at least once a year. Never seen any bears...yet.

Excellent idea about the camping board...

ROFL... Well - I could always give up my camper dream and just go back to DVC... :rolleyes1

A male ultrasound tech? That would be AWKWARD! Glad it went well, and I hope the results bring an easy treatment plan and a healthier, happier D~!

It was a bit awkward... but he was a nice guy. Thanks Oopsi!

Hopefully they find something on the ultrasound and can figure this thing out. Did you get your coffee??

I hope so too - and I hope it is an easy fix. I did get my coffee... :rolleyes1

Glad to hear it went well. I hope they can get to the bottom of what is causing the pain! Is your appt. tomorrow with your GP or a specialist?

I also survived, and the doctor was very optimistic, so I am feeling good right now. Well, my toe is bandaged and I am in pain, but emotionally I am feeling good. He said he totally understood why my dermatologist wanted the biopsy because it does look suspicious, but once he started cutting into the nail bed, he felt fairly certain he was not seeing melatin (sp? - i may have that wrong - whatever it is that they see in melanoma). I have to wait for the pathology report, which should come in hopefully by the weekend, but by next Tuesday at the latest. So for now I feel relieved, with a 10% worry that it is still something to worry about. And a little bummed that a pedicure is no where in my near future (I'm one of those who ALWAYS has her toe nails painted).

The upside? I have a good excuse to lay on the couch and not do any household chores today :)

Thank you, for all your good thoughts and prayers!

My appointment today is with a potential PCP... We will see how it goes.

So glad that your appointment went well, and there is very little cause for worry... Answered prayers right there... I will continue to pray that the test results come back good for you.

Bummer about your painted toes - I am much the same way... Except in the winter.

I hope you had a nice relaxing day yesterday.

Hey D~ glad your ultrasound went off without a hitch. Hope touch get the results soon.

Chiara - you must be getting so excited for Thursday

Thanks LIz!

Ditto, with the added fervent prayer that you did get get some caribou (which we don't have in my neck of the woods and I'm extremely jealous)

I had a similar sonogram for my side years ago. Nothing showed up, but my ribs ached for a while. She really dug the thing in.

Hurray for lazy days and Sewing.

I LOVE Caribou... Seriously...

This guy was very nice to my sides... not much digging at all. Thankfully... Normally it doesn't hurt at all when I am not having the pain - but I am always careful, because I still don't know what sets it off.

glad everyone survived their tests & lets all be optimistic for good
results this is turning out to be a medical week I go to Ortho Thurs for x-rays we'll see
what happens Speaking of US male I had one for xrays day this happened it was abt 3:30 am so maybe no one else on duty ? I say that because I'm sure at some
point bare ta-tas were showing but at that time of pain who cares ?

ROFL Ruthie!

I hope your ortho goes well... SOunds like Thursday is the day for appts... You have Ortho, Chiara has her ultrasound... It's gonna be a good day, I can feel it.

Met Mariannes husbands cousin & her husband (whew finally got the relationships straight)
and their Vet lovely lovely people plan is 2 or 3 teens once a week hopefully by the weekend if not the cousin & husband said they would come untill teens do

Liked the Vet very much found out she lives abt 1 mile from me ! She also runs a horse rescue I promised her someday when this behind me I will pay it forward & volunteer for her group looking forward to it

thanks for everything now I can relax,


What a RELIEF!!! So very happy for you! Marianne and her DH are just the most wonderful people - so I had no doubt that their family would be the same. Sooo very glad that things are starting to come together, and Miss Maxine will get everything taken care of. Also glad you like the Vet... It's very important to have a good Vet. :wizard:

I did get your text last night, but I did not have time to respond... I will do that today.

My parent's got their jeep after I graduated high school and I did like it better than the truck anytime I'd go home to visit!!

LOL... The girls HATE the Jeep - it "messes their hair"... Sigh. We take them out in it as often as we can. :laughing:

Glad your ultrasound went well!! Having a male isn't that weird. Out of all the ultrasounds I had to have while I was pregnant almost everyone of my big (bladder full of water) ultrasounds was done by a male. I didn't even think twice. Hope they are able to find out what's going on for you!!

Interesting... I have always had females... Thanks Sandra!


Well, as you all know... I had my U/S yesterday. Glad it went well - I think. Let me tell you - I had the WORST caffeine headache during it, and one of the things you have to do to get a good picture, is you have to inhale and hold your breath as long as possible... Man - that was PAINFUL. Poor U/S guy was working as fervently as he could to get me out of there and towards my caffeine fix. The sad part is, I normally only have one cup of coffee per day - so it's not like I drink a lot of coffee... Pretty sad that I could have such a bad headache over that.

Anyways... After my appt. I bee-lined for Caribou and had myself a super duper extra large nummy Turtle something-or-other... I had a serious conversation with myself, because I debated on going back through the drive-thru for another one after I was done at Target. :rolleyes1 In the end, I didn't do it - but if there was another Caribou in town, I certainly would have. :rolleyes1

Alli was home sick yesterday... She had a rash on her face... I wasn't all that concerned about it - until I called my neighbor the night before to see if they had any Benedryl, and she said her 7 y/o ds had the exact same thing... So, I kept Alli home yesterday just in case. She seems to be better this morning though.

Then, when I was at Target yesterday, I purchase the first season of Downton Abbey... I've been dying to see that show, and I just wanted to be sloth-like yesterday anyways... So, I came home and Alli and I proceeded to watch the first 2 episodes before I went to get my hair done... And OMG - we are so addicted - wonderful, wonderful show... There were a few spots that shocked us though. :rolleyes1

Then I went to get my hair done... I did the burgundy highlights again - I love them so much! Not sure if I will do them during the summer though? But as usual, I love my stylist and she did a great job!

I had put chicken breasts in the crockpot earlier in the day with BBQ sauce for dinner - so that's what we had... BBQ Chicken sandwiches, they were quite good.

After dinner, Alli and I watched 2 more episodes of Downton Abbey... Until V forced us to stop for a round of Mario Kart...

Good times... :woohoo:

Today will be a super crazy day...

I have my Dr. appt this morning...

V has a Dr. Appt this afternoon, and then she has an Orthodontist appt to get her retainer...

I will be in town ALL DAY... Yikes!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. :wizard:

So...with all those in town appointments, you really need to get a portable dvd player...that way you can always watch movies while you wait..of course, for us it is the kids that watch the movies...but I can see me sitting in the van watching while waiting....

when you wrote U/S I knew you meant ultrasound BUT when wrote the tech was a US male I understood US as in USA as in American as in speaks English and I was saying 'hey I had someone I could communicate with too '

the guy thing wasn't really the shocking part for me
Glad the ultrasound went ok. Oh those caffeine headaches are nasty. My goal is to kick caffeine this year. Then I want to stop ingesting sugar. Not sure I can stop the sugar because I have the biggest sweet tooth.

I wish there was a like button. I agree, you need a portable DVD player to watch your show at all your appointments.
when you wrote U/S I knew you meant ultrasound BUT when wrote the tech was a US male I understood US as in USA as in American as in speaks English and I was saying 'hey I had someone I could communicate with too '

the guy thing wasn't really the shocking part for me

I'm still giggling about this. It's sounds like something my family would do.

Of course, I come from an engineering/nursing family and one of my male cousins is a nurse, so male nurses don't make me blink at all.

Aren't parents supposed live their lives in such a way as to embarrass their teenage offspring as much as possible? I'd be taking them out in the jeep as much as possible too. But then again, I'm evil.:stir:

Here's hoping D~'s day in town went well, V takes to wearing her retainer & Alli's rash never comes back. Oh - and I hope Josh had a good day too.::yes::
Just a quick update for you all, because I know you are all waiting with baited breath. ::yes::

I had my Dr. appt today...

I weigh too much.

I eat all the right things.

I should excercise more.

My U/S came back totally normal with exception to a "couple of gall stones".

I go in tomorrow to speak with the surgeon about what my next course of action should be... Let me tell you... If they are not 110% sure that it's the "couple of gall stones" causing my pain, I am not going to allow the surgery, because I am not going to have the surgery only to find out that it's something else. Sigh.

I also go in tomorrow night for a sleep study test - I am so self conscious about my snoring, and I want to have it checked out.

Then I go back in 2 weeks to see a podiatrist for my plantar fascitis.

I also need to go back after a night of fasting for some bloodwork.

Then, hopefully I go back to meet with my "new Dr."... Who I am not sure that I love... Sigh.

I do love her nurse though... It turns out that she is the mom to one of Alli's friends from grade school... So, that was really cool. Made me feel much more comfortable.

So... The big question is... Do I keep this Dr. or not? I guess I will see how she handles this stomach pain... She was awful quick to pass it off to the surgeon for consultation, even after I told her that if it wasn't causing the pain, I wasn't having the surgery. :confused3

Anyways... Thanks for listening to my boring medical issues.

D~ <--- who really needs a nap. :faint:
Just a quick update for you all, because I know you are all waiting with baited breath. ::yes::

I had my Dr. appt today...

I weigh too much.

I eat all the right things.

I should excercise more.

My U/S came back totally normal with exception to a "couple of gall stones".

I go in tomorrow to speak with the surgeon about what my next course of action should be... Let me tell you... If they are not 110% sure that it's the "couple of gall stones" causing my pain, I am not going to allow the surgery, because I am not going to have the surgery only to find out that it's something else. Sigh.

I also go in tomorrow night for a sleep study test - I am so self conscious about my snoring, and I want to have it checked out.

Then I go back in 2 weeks to see a podiatrist for my plantar fascitis.

I also need to go back after a night of fasting for some bloodwork.

Then, hopefully I go back to meet with my "new Dr."... Who I am not sure that I love... Sigh.

I do love her nurse though... It turns out that she is the mom to one of Alli's friends from grade school... So, that was really cool. Made me feel much more comfortable.

So... The big question is... Do I keep this Dr. or not? I guess I will see how she handles this stomach pain... She was awful quick to pass it off to the surgeon for consultation, even after I told her that if it wasn't causing the pain, I wasn't having the surgery. :confused3

Anyways... Thanks for listening to my boring medical issues.

D~ <--- who really needs a nap. :faint:

So funny...I have NEVER heard of any doctor giving even a 100% guarantee and you want a 110% guarantee? LOL!

I can tell you that it was the problem causing my daughter's chest pains (even after they had her hooked up to heart monitors FOUR different times they(the ER) never thought of Gall bladder problems because she was in her early 20's); it solved my daughter in law's pains...me well, it showed that while my gall bladder was very close to causing some serious problems, it wasn't the cause of my issues... Mine was considered an emergency removal since there was some swelling in my liver and pancreas caused by the problems in my gall bladder (and the surgeon said while they decided not to do a biopsy it was definitely precancerous). The doctor said the gall bladder was masking some other problems.

The recovery isn't all that bad...just took me a while to get used to not being able to sit perfectly straight... and by the time I got used to it...I could again! The second day is the worst, and most people can go back to non strenuous work in 3-4 days...

Met Mariannes husbands cousin & her husband (whew finally got the relationships straight)
and their Vet lovely lovely people plan is 2 or 3 teens once a week hopefully by the weekend if not the cousin & husband said they would come untill teens do

Liked the Vet very much found out she lives abt 1 mile from me ! She also runs a horse rescue I promised her someday when this behind me I will pay it forward & volunteer for her group looking forward to it

thanks for everything now I can relax,


So glad y'all were finally able to meet and that things are going to work out! Julie messaged me on FB last night too :)

Well, as you all know... I had my U/S yesterday. Glad it went well - I think. Let me tell you - I had the WORST caffeine headache during it, and one of the things you have to do to get a good picture, is you have to inhale and hold your breath as long as possible... Man - that was PAINFUL. Poor U/S guy was working as fervently as he could to get me out of there and towards my caffeine fix. The sad part is, I normally only have one cup of coffee per day - so it's not like I drink a lot of coffee... Pretty sad that I could have such a bad headache over that.

Anyways... After my appt. I bee-lined for Caribou and had myself a super duper extra large nummy Turtle something-or-other... I had a serious conversation with myself, because I debated on going back through the drive-thru for another one after I was done at Target. :rolleyes1 In the end, I didn't do it - but if there was another Caribou in town, I certainly would have. :rolleyes1

Alli was home sick yesterday... She had a rash on her face... I wasn't all that concerned about it - until I called my neighbor the night before to see if they had any Benedryl, and she said her 7 y/o ds had the exact same thing... So, I kept Alli home yesterday just in case. She seems to be better this morning though.

Then, when I was at Target yesterday, I purchase the first season of Downton Abbey... I've been dying to see that show, and I just wanted to be sloth-like yesterday anyways... So, I came home and Alli and I proceeded to watch the first 2 episodes before I went to get my hair done... And OMG - we are so addicted - wonderful, wonderful show... There were a few spots that shocked us though. :rolleyes1

Then I went to get my hair done... I did the burgundy highlights again - I love them so much! Not sure if I will do them during the summer though? But as usual, I love my stylist and she did a great job!

I had put chicken breasts in the crockpot earlier in the day with BBQ sauce for dinner - so that's what we had... BBQ Chicken sandwiches, they were quite good.

After dinner, Alli and I watched 2 more episodes of Downton Abbey... Until V forced us to stop for a round of Mario Kart...

Good times... :woohoo:

Today will be a super crazy day...

I have my Dr. appt this morning...

V has a Dr. Appt this afternoon, and then she has an Orthodontist appt to get her retainer...

I will be in town ALL DAY... Yikes!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. :wizard:


Too funny about the U/S tech - the only time I've had a male U/S tech was when I was in college and terrified out of my mind - I'd been having horrible stomach pains, etc. But the campus doctor (a retired OB/GYN) was a nut job who tried to tell me I was pregnant (which, unless God had decided there needed to be a second immaculate conception, was entirely IMPOSSIBLE, yet the crazy man kept insisting even after I told him that) and sent me for an U/S. Yeah - talk about a difficult conversation to have with your parents :roll:

Just a quick update for you all, because I know you are all waiting with baited breath. ::yes::

I had my Dr. appt today...

I weigh too much.

I eat all the right things.

I should excercise more.

My U/S came back totally normal with exception to a "couple of gall stones".

I go in tomorrow to speak with the surgeon about what my next course of action should be... Let me tell you... If they are not 110% sure that it's the "couple of gall stones" causing my pain, I am not going to allow the surgery, because I am not going to have the surgery only to find out that it's something else. Sigh.

I also go in tomorrow night for a sleep study test - I am so self conscious about my snoring, and I want to have it checked out.

Then I go back in 2 weeks to see a podiatrist for my plantar fascitis.

I also need to go back after a night of fasting for some bloodwork.

Then, hopefully I go back to meet with my "new Dr."... Who I am not sure that I love... Sigh.

I do love her nurse though... It turns out that she is the mom to one of Alli's friends from grade school... So, that was really cool. Made me feel much more comfortable.

So... The big question is... Do I keep this Dr. or not? I guess I will see how she handles this stomach pain... She was awful quick to pass it off to the surgeon for consultation, even after I told her that if it wasn't causing the pain, I wasn't having the surgery. :confused3

Anyways... Thanks for listening to my boring medical issues.

D~ <--- who really needs a nap. :faint:

Hope the new doctor works out! And jeez! For someone who doesn't like to go to the doctor's, you sure do have a lot of medical appointments coming up!

AND . . . So glad you've started on Downton!!! Season 2 (the British version, don't ask me :confused3 what the difference is) is available for instant streaming, etc. on Amazon Prime :)
Marianne so glad you're so I can thank you from the bottom of my heart D gave me your email address but my email iffy at best Julie is a doll & Rich is charming what a lovely couple I have never been in a position of helplessness like this in my life and it was hard to accept offer of help They & vet Hillary put me in a comfortable place with that immediately Did Julie share her pictures of my beautiful girl ? thanks to you & D again....Ruthie

So glad y'all were finally able to meet and that things are going to work out! Julie messaged me on FB last night too :)

Too funny about the U/S tech - the only time I've had a male U/S tech was when I was in college and terrified out of my mind - I'd been having horrible stomach pains, etc. But the campus doctor (a retired OB/GYN) was a nut job who tried to tell me I was pregnant (which, unless God had decided there needed to be a second immaculate conception, was entirely IMPOSSIBLE, yet the crazy man kept insisting even after I told him that) and sent me for an U/S. Yeah - talk about a difficult conversation to have with your parents :roll:

Hope the new doctor works out! And jeez! For someone who doesn't like to go to the doctor's, you sure do have a lot of medical appointments coming up!

AND . . . So glad you've started on Downton!!! Season 2 (the British version, don't ask me :confused3 what the difference is) is available for instant streaming, etc. on Amazon Prime :)
D a couple of gall stones can cause that pain, also ask to be checked for gallbladder disease. The surgeon is much more versed than a go or internist my surgeon touched one spot and I jumped off the table. Please don't dismiss only a few gallstones
very true what Chiara just said my sister went through this & yes surgeon best expert opinion

So Chiara tomorrow big day all the best :goodvibes

I wasn't all girly in high school or right after so I loved having the top off the jeep!! My first car had t-tops and I always had them off!! One of the perks of living in California!! We now have a 98 Chevy Camaro which is a t-top and I love to drive it any time I can with out the tops on!!! Which isn't often cuz I'm normally carting around at least 2 kids and it's my husband's car so when I could just go by myself he's usually at work so off in the mommy mobile (van) I go!

Glad they at least found something. Hopefully if it is gallstones they are able to take care of it. Good luck with all the appointments! I also agree you need a DVD player in the car for the down time.
I don't even want to know how long it has been since I have said hello..so I will just say, saw your man and came by to wish you a

Happy Valentines Day!!!

RuthIE, HUGE prayers for a speedy recovery. Marianne helped us with wish shirts at the last minute, so I am not surprised to hear she had wonderful family to step in and help you. Love your siggie...Jesus pic and USMC Mom=:love: Prayers for a speedy recovery, how painful that sounds!

Chiara, best of luck with the U/S...

D, I had my gallbladder out a longtime ago. You have gotten lots of advice, so I will not add mine, other than to say , it was a wonderful decision and I was back to a 60 hour work week (I was a traveling nurse at the time) my second week post op.

As for liking to go to doctors...I don't know anyone who likes to go, but it is a necesary part of life to keep us well. Glad to see you taking charge of your health. If you don't mesh with your doc, don't waste your time, find a new one, my 2 cents.

I must have missed the resolution, I hope the soap opera drama with the coat has been resolved. :hug:

Just got caught up after a hectic few days. D~ so glad you're getting toward the cause of your pain. I hope you like the surgeon you are consulting with and can get a good idea from him/her if your pain is caused by the stones.

I LOVE Downton Abby as well! Totally hooked! I also regularly watch the 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice. I love all those types of movies/books. It's fun you have someone who likes to watch with you.

So happy to hear the connection was made with Ruthie and the vet and Maryann's cousins. Ruthie, good luck at the ortho, and I hope your pain is better.

D~ I cannot believe how many appointments you have coming up! Truly dizzying! I'm glad you're getting things taken care of, though.

Here's been my week: My Dad fell on the ice on Saturday and injured his shoulder. He already was in pain from bursitis of the hip. On Sunday DH and I took my Mom to ER because she was bleeding profusely and Dad couldn't get out of bed. She was admitted, but is now out. Meanwhile, I started babysitting the 3month old on tuesday while Mom was still in the hospital. I called my sister and she came from Texas to help out. My sister and my Dad do not get along very well, so that hasn't been working out too well. I'm a bit frazzled. And we're supposed to leave tomorrow to go to Virginia to babysit 3 of our grandchildren while my DD and her hubby have a much needed weekend away. Phew! I'm tired just writing about it. Everything will be fine, but all your dr appointments and everything that has been happening to you just reminded me that we all have "stuff" going on, pretty much all the time. It's how we choose to deal with it that matters. You and Ruthie and many others on here inspire me to make the most of everything. So thanks! I have the best life of anyone I know, but sometimes I take on too much responsibility for others. I try to be all things to all people and then forget about myself. All this to say, thanks for the uplifting thread where I can come and see all the love and concern for one another and the funny stuff picturing adult women with ruffled bottoms! Yeah, it's like taking a happy pill to read your thread!

Oh, and can't wait to hear girl or boy for Chiara!!

Have a great weekend since I probably won't be on again for a few days!
Hi D,

Wow your have a lot of appointments. It's good that you are getting them all done. I would wait to see what the surgeon says. If you do need the surgery you are going to feel so much better afterwards! Best of luck at all of your other appointments.
So funny...I have NEVER heard of any doctor giving even a 100% guarantee and you want a 110% guarantee? LOL!

I can tell you that it was the problem causing my daughter's chest pains (even after they had her hooked up to heart monitors FOUR different times they(the ER) never thought of Gall bladder problems because she was in her early 20's); it solved my daughter in law's pains...me well, it showed that while my gall bladder was very close to causing some serious problems, it wasn't the cause of my issues... Mine was considered an emergency removal since there was some swelling in my liver and pancreas caused by the problems in my gall bladder (and the surgeon said while they decided not to do a biopsy it was definitely precancerous). The doctor said the gall bladder was masking some other problems.

The recovery isn't all that bad...just took me a while to get used to not being able to sit perfectly straight... and by the time I got used to it...I could again! The second day is the worst, and most people can go back to non strenuous work in 3-4 days...


Thanks Nini... I just want some sort of guarantee... I have head of soooo many people that have the gallbladder surgery and then their pain continues... If that happened to me - I would be so upset.

I have a serious fear of being put under... So, I just really must have some sort of guarantee that this will work.

So glad y'all were finally able to meet and that things are going to work out! Julie messaged me on FB last night too

Thank you so much Marianne for helping out and making connections! :lovestruc

Too funny about the U/S tech - the only time I've had a male U/S tech was when I was in college and terrified out of my mind - I'd been having horrible stomach pains, etc. But the campus doctor (a retired OB/GYN) was a nut job who tried to tell me I was pregnant (which, unless God had decided there needed to be a second immaculate conception, was entirely IMPOSSIBLE, yet the crazy man kept insisting even after I told him that) and sent me for an U/S. Yeah - talk about a difficult conversation to have with your parents

Yikes!!! Yah - I bet that convo was a bit awkward...

Hope the new doctor works out! And jeez! For someone who doesn't like to go to the doctor's, you sure do have a lot of medical appointments coming up!

Tell me about it... I figured that I better get it all taken care of while I have the inclination to do so... :crazy2:

AND . . . So glad you've started on Downton!!! Season 2 (the British version, don't ask me what the difference is) is available for instant streaming, etc. on Amazon Prime

I don't have Amazon Prime... But I did order Season 2 & 3 off of Ebay the other day... We loved the series so much... I've even caught Josh asking questions when he is in the livingroom "playing games on his phone"... :rotfl:

Marianne so glad you're so I can thank you from the bottom of my heart D gave me your email address but my email iffy at best Julie is a doll & Rich is charming what a lovely couple I have never been in a position of helplessness like this in my life and it was hard to accept offer of help They & vet Hillary put me in a comfortable place with that immediately Did Julie share her pictures of my beautiful girl ? thanks to you & D again....Ruthie

Just so happy that this all worked out! Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for you Ruthie!

D a couple of gall stones can cause that pain, also ask to be checked for gallbladder disease. The surgeon is much more versed than a go or internist my surgeon touched one spot and I jumped off the table. Please don't dismiss only a few gallstones

The radiologist said there was no sign of gallbladder disease, just the stones. Thankfully I meed with the surgeon this afternoon - so hopefully some of my questions will be answered.

very true what Chiara just said my sister went through this & yes surgeon best expert opinion

So Chiara tomorrow big day all the best :goodvibes


I am super excited to hear about Chiara... We find out today! WHOOT!!!

I wasn't all girly in high school or right after so I loved having the top off the jeep!! My first car had t-tops and I always had them off!! One of the perks of living in California!! We now have a 98 Chevy Camaro which is a t-top and I love to drive it any time I can with out the tops on!!! Which isn't often cuz I'm normally carting around at least 2 kids and it's my husband's car so when I could just go by myself he's usually at work so off in the mommy mobile (van) I go!

Glad they at least found something. Hopefully if it is gallstones they are able to take care of it. Good luck with all the appointments! I also agree you need a DVD player in the car for the down time.

Yah - we love going with the top off too.

I hope so too... Thank you.

I don't even want to know how long it has been since I have said hello..so I will just say, saw your man and came by to wish you a

Happy Valentines Day!!!

RuthIE, HUGE prayers for a speedy recovery. Marianne helped us with wish shirts at the last minute, so I am not surprised to hear she had wonderful family to step in and help you. Love your siggie...Jesus pic and USMC Mom=:love: Prayers for a speedy recovery, how painful that sounds!

Chiara, best of luck with the U/S...

D, I had my gallbladder out a longtime ago. You have gotten lots of advice, so I will not add mine, other than to say , it was a wonderful decision and I was back to a 60 hour work week (I was a traveling nurse at the time) my second week post op.

As for liking to go to doctors...I don't know anyone who likes to go, but it is a necesary part of life to keep us well. Glad to see you taking charge of your health. If you don't mesh with your doc, don't waste your time, find a new one, my 2 cents.

I must have missed the resolution, I hope the soap opera drama with the coat has been resolved. :hug:

JUDY!!!!!!!!! How have you all been? It's been so long! I need to get over to your TR and catch up too!

Thanks for the advice... I really appreciate it. :lovestruc

The soap opera with the coat has not been resolved - in other words - we still don't have it. :(

Just got caught up after a hectic few days. D~ so glad you're getting toward the cause of your pain. I hope you like the surgeon you are consulting with and can get a good idea from him/her if your pain is caused by the stones.

I hope so... Thank you.

I LOVE Downton Abby as well! Totally hooked! I also regularly watch the 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice. I love all those types of movies/books. It's fun you have someone who likes to watch with you.

I need to look for P&P... But I need to finish DA first.

So happy to hear the connection was made with Ruthie and the vet and Maryann's cousins. Ruthie, good luck at the ortho, and I hope your pain is better.

I know, me too. :)

D~ I cannot believe how many appointments you have coming up! Truly dizzying! I'm glad you're getting things taken care of, though.

I know - it is kind of a relief... If only because I was imagining all of these things wrong with my stomach - I was really nervous about the results of the U/S -but super happy that there isn't anything wrong.

Here's been my week: My Dad fell on the ice on Saturday and injured his shoulder. He already was in pain from bursitis of the hip. On Sunday DH and I took my Mom to ER because she was bleeding profusely and Dad couldn't get out of bed. She was admitted, but is now out. Meanwhile, I started babysitting the 3month old on tuesday while Mom was still in the hospital. I called my sister and she came from Texas to help out. My sister and my Dad do not get along very well, so that hasn't been working out too well. I'm a bit frazzled. And we're supposed to leave tomorrow to go to Virginia to babysit 3 of our grandchildren while my DD and her hubby have a much needed weekend away. Phew! I'm tired just writing about it. Everything will be fine, but all your dr appointments and everything that has been happening to you just reminded me that we all have "stuff" going on, pretty much all the time. It's how we choose to deal with it that matters. You and Ruthie and many others on here inspire me to make the most of everything. So thanks! I have the best life of anyone I know, but sometimes I take on too much responsibility for others. I try to be all things to all people and then forget about myself. All this to say, thanks for the uplifting thread where I can come and see all the love and concern for one another and the funny stuff picturing adult women with ruffled bottoms! Yeah, it's like taking a happy pill to read your thread!

Oh wow Lois... Sending out huge prayers to your family right now... You have so much going on - WOW! HOpefully your sister and dad can get a long for a while longer so she can help you with some of the day to day things that you need help with. Prayers for your parents and your family, please keep us updated.

Oh, and can't wait to hear girl or boy for Chiara!!

Have a great weekend since I probably won't be on again for a few days!

Me too! And check in when you can! (((Hugs_)))


Nothing new to update since I did it yesterday...

I am a bit nervous about talking to the surgeon this afternoon.

I am also a lot nervous about the sleep study tonight... :faint:

I plan to work in my sewing room all day today - until I have to leave for the Dr. - I hope to get most of my current bag wrapped up, as I won't be home until tomorrow morning, and I need to grocery shop tomorrow too.

I hope each of you has a wonderful day -and a wonderful Valentine's day!

I am a bit nervous about talking to the surgeon this afternoon.

Bring a notebook, take LOTS of notes! Bring a list of questions so you don't forget.

I am also a lot nervous about the sleep study tonight... :faint:


To Inspire you, I couldn't resist:

Lisa has had this EEG machine on since yesterday at 11:00 and will get it off today at noon. Add her bi-pap machine (that she has slept with every night since she was five) and she was wired for sound last night, lol. You CAN do this, just think of little Lisa, she is sending you her courage badge!


Lisa had her first sleep study when she was two, and many more since then. I can't find one of her in my Photobucket account from then, so here is one from when she was 6...Lisa said to tell you to bring a favorite stuffed animal to sleep with, it will make you feel better! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 AND your favorite pillow!!


Gosh I haven't posted pics on your TR in ages!

To Inspire you, I couldn't resist:

Lisa has had this EEG machine on since yesterday at 11:00 and will get it off today at noon. Add her bi-pap machine (that she has slept with every night since she was five) and she was wired for sound last night, lol. You CAN do this, just think of little Lisa, she is sending you her courage badge!


Lisa had her first sleep study when she was two, and many more since then. I can't find one of her in my Photobucket account from then, so here is one from when she was 6...Lisa said to tell you to bring a favorite stuffed animal to sleep with, it will make you feel better! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 AND your favorite pillow!!


Gosh I haven't posted pics on your TR in ages!

Awwww... HI Lisa!!! Yes you are such an inspiration to me... Thanks for sending me courage and pictures... I was planning to bring 2 pillows - because I just need both of them to sleep... :rolleyes1

I really need to get over to your TR to catch up, it's been ages and I miss you all! :lovestruc



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