DB 1st trip to WDW!!!


Dec 8, 2012
This is my first time posting on the DISBoards; my mom absolutely loves this forum. I grew up loving WDW due to my mothers’ enthusiasm towards it. I'm very excited for my upcoming trip to WDW. It'll be my 3rd trip & DB’s first! At first he was a bit hesitant because he has a great fear of flying and just didn't seem very interested, but with little coaxing, his mind was easily changed! I’m 29 and DB is 28, it will be his Birthday while we are there which will be fun. We will be going March 2013 from the 16-22. We're going to travel by train, which I don't mind because we have a roomette. I booked our trip via AAA and we're staying at the CBR. DH's two sisters & their family will be coming as well but they will fly. I haven't been to WDW since I was about 12 so I'm very anxious. We didn't include the Dining Plan so all together with the room and park tickets w/ park hopper it was at $2,049.98 well we received an early Christmas present because in the first week of December AAA has a nice promo which knocked off almost $300 off our trip!! So after a few payments I now only owe $1,248.98 by Jan 23rd. As far as ADR we haven’t made any, this is my first time planning a trip.
The group I'm traveling with are planning on going to the cirque du soleil the day we arrive. I've never been to one of these shows, I'm wondering if it's worth the price? Also any suggestions on some good restaurants we should make ADR for? We are definitely going to Rainforest Cafe and the Hard Rock.
Maybe I should of started this by introducing myself. My name is Nikki and live in Mass. I'm 29 years old and my boyfriend of 7 years is Kevin he will be turning 29 during our trip! We will be at the CBR from March 16-22. This is us on Christmas Eve a few years ago

I'm pretty excited. I work in the Mortgage Department at a credit Union and he works in road construction.

We don't have any kids.. unless you count our two beautiful cats.


He will be 3 next month and is absolutely crazy.


She is my princess & the sweetest cat ever. She will be 3 in April.

Anyway back to the PTR. Out of the 7 years we have been together, we've never been on any offical "trips" together. We've visited a few places in the region, like Salem and we went to Twin Rivers Casino in Lincoln, RI for my Birthday one year to see Pat Benatar, which was amazing, but never went on a trip outside of our...or should I say his comfort zone. I've been to FL a few times with my family but I was always younger. I've been trying to talk him into going on a getaway trip but he never wanted to hear it! As I mentioned in my first post there is no way I'm getting him on a plane. He's never been to any kind of theme park so he really didn't know what he was missing. Kevin's sisters ( he has 6 ) always plan trips to FL and various destinations w/ their family. Last year they were telling us they are planning a trip to Disney in March and really wanted us to go. I was all for it of course and Kev just continued to nod and say "oh sure we'll go" but I knew he was just saying it to get them off his back. Well once the weather started getting warmer we all decided to goto Canopie Lake Park and he actually wanted to go! Needless to say he had an absolute blast and kept saying "wow, now I can't wait to goto WDW!" I was in shock! So I went to AAA and booked our first family vacation! There was still the issue of flying. I did a lot of researching online, looking up rental cars, buses, trains and first we decided to drive. After a few weeks of this decision we thought driving would be tough so I focused my attention to Amtrak. The prices aren't too bad and even though we'll have to leave a day before it should be alright. I really wanted to learn about people's experiences on a train without being in a sleeper ( since it was an extra ) $300 and it was of course all mixed. Well, I thought if we only got coach seats than we should be alright, the seats look comfortable enough to sleep in. So, for a few weeks I had been saving for a round trip.

On Christmas we went to visit my family and my mom (who is a WDW fanatic) gave us such a great Christmas present, she gave us the extra money so we could get a viewliner roomette! I was so thankful and a little of the stress was lifted. I went home that night and booked the tickets for the train. I'm excited to go on a train, I think it'll be a fun and interested experience. Now I have a few weeks left to pay the rest of our reservation. Money has been a little tight but we'll be fine. After that I will be able to breathe and concentrate on saving for the trip itself.

So today I'm very excited. I made my second to last payment on my reservation and now only owe $217.00. Thank goodness!! Money has been tight lately so I will be so glad to get this weight off my shoulders.
I haven't updated in a while because I've just been getting so busy lately. As of two weeks I have my trip paid off!!! It's such a relief to stop worrying about making the final payment on time. I also purchased our return train ticket back home, I didn't get a sleeper for this one because I figure it's not a huge deal if we sleep in coach seats on the way home since we can relax the rest of the weekend.

So here's some what of a layout...

My boyfriend Kevin & I are going with his two sisters and their family as I have already mentioned. His sister Beth and her husband Paul, Beth's son Kerry (22) and his girlfriend Lindsay (19). Kevin's other sister Paula and her husband Roy and their twins Nathaniel and Cristian (3) We all get along great and I am excited to spend this trip with them, I'm just a little irritated because Paula made all the ADR which doesn't bother me so much but I would of liked to have an input. Kevin & I will be there from the 15th til the 22 and his sisters will be staying until the 23, we just couldn't afford the extra $$$ or time. The reason I mention this is because originally the dinner plan for the first night was to eat at Planet Hollywood ( I really want to eat there ) but they were booked solid so we're eating at Portobella's which is fine, but now the ADR for PH is on the Friday we leave so we won't be able to eat there so I'm a little pissed about that. I think I'm going to make a ressy for the two of us for lunch or something.

So the day we arrive we are going to spend the day getting to know the resort and hang out at downtown disney. We are having dinner at Portabella and everyone is going to a Cirque du Soleil show, I am interested in seeing this but I really didn't want to drop $200 of our spending money to spend an hour watching a show we can see else where. So Kevin and I are going to check out Disney Quest while the others see the show, I think we'll enjoy it, Kevin is such a gamer so I know he'll love it.

As far as the rest of the week goes, I'm sure Paula has everything planned out like DeNiro in Meet the Parents but I remember my first trip to WDW with my parents and my grandparents, I was probably 10 and I remember my grandfather taking complete control of the entire trip and it was just no fun. We are obviously going to spend most of our time with the family but I'm not going to sacrific things that we want to do because it's not "part of the plan". Thank goodness for the shuttle buses right?? This will be Kevin's first time there and I want him to enjoy it as much as he can.

Our other ADR's are for Rainforest Cafe, T-Rex & The 50's Diner. I really like all of these so I'm excited, i'm not sure about the others but I have such a diverse appetite, I'm not really concerned about it. Kevin however is a very picky eater but he'll manage.

So as of today we have 37 days left!!!!!! I get more and more excited each day. I ordered Zumba Fitness a few weeks ago so I can get myself into shape because I WILL be in that damn pool. I wouldn't say I'm overweight but we females know when we look good and when we don't, I just want to tone up, my skin has become a bit...flabby? Lol oh well. I've done some shopping as well for summer clothing and bathing suits. Kevin & I both got a new pair of sneakers and I've bought a few pairs of flipflops.

I get so excited I can't stop talking, reading, thinking about Disney!!! I have my excel sheet for planning and packing, but of course it keeps crashing! I don't know why, I'm just going to print it out and make the changes I need.

I did our taxes and we've already received our money, Kevin wants to use some of his to fix his truck and we have to fix one thing on the car but the rest wont be touched, so we have a nice chunk of savings to start with. I'm just so happy everything is paid off so now all I have to do is keep saving for spending money. We don't have a DDP so I'd like to bring at least $2000. I'm not sure how much we will need so I'm going with a big number haha. Whatever we don't use will just be put away for a rainy day.
I am reading. How exciting to have the trip almost paid off.

Thank you for reading!!! I finally have everything paid off and a huge weight has lifted. Time creeps up on you fast when you have a "debt" to settle, I'm just glad it's over with!
Thank you for reading!!! I finally have everything paid off and a huge weight has lifted. Time creeps up on you fast when you have a "debt" to settle, I'm just glad it's over with!

That is wonderful congratulations. Should be a great trip.
Alysa said:
Whatever you don't use you can save for your next trip! ;)

That's a good idea! I have an ING orange savings account setup for vacations I'll just deposit it in there :)
I'm pretty bummed out right now. Amtrak called to tell me there will be railwork being done on the day I'm due to arrive in Kissimmee, SO now we have to get off in Jacksonville which is 2 hours from Orlanda and I have no idea how I'm going to get from Jacksonville to my hotel. A taxi will cost over $100 which insane, every car service I've checked is about $200. My only option it seems is to take a taxi to the greyhound bus station which is 13 minutes away from the Amtrak station, then riding to orlando and taking a taxi to my hotel,or to the airport if we could hop on the monorail or something, I don't know. I HOPE things change but I don't know how Amtrak "rail work" works.. GAH
I checked the website today and there were two seats open on a thruway bus to Kissimmee so I called amtrak and grabbed them! Woohoo
One month to go!!! It feels like time is flying but going slow at the same time. Does that make sense?? I've already started packing things we won't need until the trip. I want to make sure I don't forget anything, though I know it's inevitable you forget SOMETHING when packing for a trip. I'm getting really excited now, I can't stop thinking about it! I have a bunch of coupons to convert DVD's to Ultraviolet, so I think I'm going to take a few movies over to Wal-Mart tomorrow and change them over so I can get them on my Kindle Fire. I've been shopping a lot too lately for the trip.
Today marks 23 days left! I've done most of my shopping for Florida weather clothing. I want to buy a nice sweatshirt for myself as I do not have one. I still have to get the smaller items for travel such as first aid items and toothpaste, all that junk. I've been tempted to start packing but it's way too early, I plan on getting a manipedi a few days before we leave and I'm going to start tanning so I don't burn too bad. I've also been doing Zumba and I've really been trying to eat better. I've been a little bummed though the past few days because I've already read so many post about things that pertain to me and videos and tips that I feel like I have nothing new to learn! I know it's just a small phase and I bet I'll be back to lurking in no time!!
I was planning on going to disney quest the first day we arrived but I didn't realize you have to pay so much to get in ;( oh well I'm sure we can find something fun to do for a few hours in downtown disney while we wait for everyone, any suggestions??
So here's some exciting news, I picked up my hotel info from AAA today woohoo!! Included were two free vouchers for Disney Quest!!! We can go after all! Awesomeeeeeee. I can't believe there's only 22 days left, I was in a funk yesterday but I'm now getting the Dis fever back! I went to Target a while ago and bought a SMASH book to bring along as a keepsake for Disney, I want to put tickets and such in it so we can always remember this vacation. I bought a cute one without really looking at the pages...and guess what? It's baby themed! UGH. I'll save it for when THAT time comes but I want to go back and get another one, they have three new ones too at Michaels. I'll probably go next week. I still have to get a bunch of travel sized stuff which I might do tomorrow. I have pulled aside all our clothes and made notes on things I need to pack that we use daily. I'm getting exciteddddddddd!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty bummed out right now. Amtrak called to tell me there will be railwork being done on the day I'm due to arrive in Kissimmee, SO now we have to get off in Jacksonville which is 2 hours from Orlanda and I have no idea how I'm going to get from Jacksonville to my hotel. A taxi will cost over $100 which insane, every car service I've checked is about $200. My only option it seems is to take a taxi to the greyhound bus station which is 13 minutes away from the Amtrak station, then riding to orlando and taking a taxi to my hotel,or to the airport if we could hop on the monorail or something, I don't know. I HOPE things change but I don't know how Amtrak "rail work" works.. GAH

Did you figure out how to get to your hotel? Since you are staying onsite, if you could get to the airport, you could use ME to get to CBR.
taylor3297 said:
Did you figure out how to get to your hotel? Since you are staying onsite, if you could get to the airport, you could use ME to get to CBR.

We are going to take a taxi from the kissimmee amtrak to our hotel
7 days left!!!!! I've got everything out that needs to be packed. I'm going to do laundry on Tuesday so we'll have clean clothes when we get home. I'm so EXCITED I can't WAIT!!!! I just need to pick up a few more things and we will be all set.


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