anybody else just getting started, or restarting?

I would like help in reaching my goal and sometimes cant seem to find good motivation...any tips that you can help me with?...thanks!...
loriannmtz, can you start by sitting down and writing out a list of reasons why you want to reach your goal? Is it to feel comfortable with how your clothes fit? Lower your cholesterol? Be a good example of healthy behavior for your kids? Then go over your list in the morning to start your day.

Then when I eat something I consciously think.."This is a choice. This is what I'm choosing to eat. Will this help me get to my goal? Is this going to get me what I really want? This sort of self talk really works for me, because I think a lot of the process of weight loss happens in your head. When I think about what I want in the long term, it becomes easier to turn down what I may want right now, like that cookie, or that latte at Starbucks.

Hope this helps!

I'll start with a (brief) introduction...

My name is Kristen. I'm a 38yo mother of 2 daughters (ages 9 and 7) and a full-time paramedic for the last 15 years. On December 27, 2008, I stepped on the scale and almost cried when I saw the number...188 pounds:guilty:. I'm 5'7" and I always considered myself in fairly decent shape. Unfortunately, 11 years of sitting in an ambulance, working nights, and eating mostly fast-food, along with having 2 children along the way, finally caught up to me. It was then and there that I decided to start on my quest to get back in shape.

For my "diet", I used some words of wisdom that a colleague told me many years ago..."Weight loss is easy...just burn off more calories than you take in and you will lose weight." So simple!

I started with a goal of getting down to 175 pounds by the time we left for our June 2009 WDW vacation. I did it! With the next trip planned for October 2009, I set the goal to drop another 10 pounds. I did it! But I gained 5 of it back at the Food and Wine Festival (hey, it was my birthday...can't a girl have some cake?:laughing:) By December 27, 2009, I was at 170 pounds so I'd lost 18 pounds that year:banana:.

The next trip was spring break 2010 and I set my goal at 165. I did it! The next trip wasn't until spring break 2011 so I had a lot of time to reach my next plateau so I reached for the stars...I wanted to hit 155! On December 27, 2010, I weighed in at 165 pounds. I was a little down because I knew that I still needed to lose 10 pounds in 4 months to hit my goal, but I was glad to see that I'd lost 20 pounds (and kept it off!) since starting my journey.

Spring break, April 2011...I got down to 153 pounds and for the first time in my adult life, I bought a 2-piece swimsuit AND WORE IT on our vacation at HHI:banana:. After that, I started to falter. I was in disbelief that I actually weighed 153 pounds since the lowest I could remember as an adult was 160 pounds. I started to revert back to my old "I can eat anything" and gained back about 10 pounds. UGH!! So, when I topped 160 again, it lit a fire under me and I started up with my elliptical machine and MyFitnessPal to get my calories under control again. On December 27, 2011, I weighed in at 160 pounds...28 pounds lost in 3 years.

That brings me to this year...

I've been hovering between 155 and 162 for most of the year. My exercise and calorie-counting have been very inconsistent and that's why my weight is again on a yo-yo. In August, I took up running. I was always told that I have "bad knees" and should avoid high-impact activities, but I needed a change of pace (no pun intended:laughing:) because the elliptical was getting SOOOOOO boring.

When I started running, I could run a 1/2 mile, at most, before I needed to walk. I started reading the RunDisney information and that was the best motivator ever. I told myself that I will run a Disney 5K by next year. I jumped in full-throttle and within 2 months, I was able to run a full 3 miles:woohoo:. Now that I know I can do a 5K without walking (I've ran 3 miles about 6 times already), I have upped my goal...I want to do the Food and Wine 1/2 Marathon next November.

Today, the weather was finally acceptable (38 degrees, but sunny, with a slight breeze) and I had about 3 hours to myself. I decided to go as far as I could by walking 1/4 mile and running 3/4 miles. I ended up going 7 miles:cool1:. That is the furthest distance I've ever gone and I did it at a 12:36/mile pace. Not too shabby for someone who thought 3 miles was out of reach back in August.

Unfortunately, Thanksgiving was not diet-friendly. I had several "benders", mostly involving peanut butter sandwiches and pizza (not together....gross:crazy2:) which have set me back. I also hadn't ran in 8 days before today. I have not had the courage to step on the scale this week because I really don't want to get discouraged.

So, that's it for my "brief" introduction:wizard: Now that you're all caught up on my journey, I'd love to join all of you on your quests for a healthier lifestyle:teeth:.
Welcome Kristen! Great job with your loss thus far! I'm a newbie runner (doing C25K again) and my ultimate goal at this point is to finish the program and eventually run a Disney race. I also use MFP and that has really been a great tool for me.
Since I "ran" 7 miles yesterday, I was a little sore this morning. I had pain in my right hip for the first time since I started this running thing. I told myself that I would run this afternoon if the pain eased up. Well, it eased up a little, but the sun came out and it was almost 50 degrees so I just felt compelled to do a run. I told myself it was going to be a "wimpy" run...just 2, maybe 3 miles at the most. I am always pushing myself to go further and faster with each run so I set out this time with no expectations. My only plan was to run the entire distance after my 1/4 mile warm-up walk. I started out and never even looked at my GPS after the 1/4 mile. I ran through the subdivision and down to the trail, which I ran down and back. Then I ran around the subdivision some more. I was never winded so I just kept going. My legs and both hips were starting to get very sore so I figured I'd better call it quits. I ran the entire distance and when I got to my driveway, I looked at my GPS...I'd run 5 miles:banana:! 5 miles is the most I've ever run (without any walking) and I've only done it once. In fact, I've only gone more than 4 miles twice before today. I wonder what I will feel like tomorrow?! I have a heating pad and some ibuprofen at the ready:worship:.

I have to work tomorrow and Saturday but the weather is supposed to be beautiful with high's in the upper 50's. Since I don't go into work until 2:30pm, I should have time to squeak in a run before work. It will definitely be a shorter run because I don't want to get up too early when I have to work all night.

In January, I switch to days:scared1:. I'll be working 7A-7P so I'll have to be getting up around 4am to get an hour run in before work. I really don't want to wait until after work because I am usually too tired after a 12-hour shift. Running usually energizes me for the day so I think it will be better if I just plan on an early start.
Wow that's early! But you have to do what you have to do! My preference would be to exercise before work also but I just haven't quite gotten to that level of commitment yet. LOL Especially when the alarm goes off at 4:45 as it is!
It was a rough weekend....

I worked Friday and Saturday nights so no running on either of those days. On Saturday night, while at work, I found out that one of our supervisors (who was currently in New York with our disaster response team) suffered a life-threatening medical emergency. Nobody had any details so it was a very rough night, both at work and afterwards, because the only information we had was that it was "very serious". On Sunday afternoon, I decided to try and take my mind off of it by going for a run. I walked my 1/4 mile and then ran 2, walked 1/2 and repeated that pattern. I ended up going a total of 7.4 miles. Six miles was running and the rest was walking. With the exception of a VERY sore toe, I was impressed with myself. My average was about 12:30/mile and I didn't feel nearly as bad as I did after my previous 7 mile attempt.

When I returned home, I received word that my supervisor did not make it and he died around 7pm:sad1:. He left behind his wife and their 12-year old daughter. He was a wonderful person and saw the good in everyone. Every year, he would dress up as Santa Claus and visit all of the local hospitals and fire departments, delivering homemade cookies and treats to the staff and firefighters. He would often host "cookouts" at work, grilling up burgers and hot dogs for the on-duty crews, and allowing them to come to headquarters for a little "break". (*Normally, we are all posted throughout the city in our ambulances for our entire 12-hour shifts so any opportunity to get out of the trucks for a while is a wonderful treat.) I had worked with him just a few days before the team was deployed to New York and he was so full of excitement because he'd just shot his biggest deer ever and then won $400 at the casino. It's amazing how life can change that fast:sad:. Today will be my first day back to work since he died and it will definitely be awkward. I cannot honestly say that I was "close" to him. We were professional acquaintances only (he was one of my direct supervisors) but everyone in EMS is a family and there is still a tremendous sense of loss. It's going to be a while before everything feels back to "normal".
Oh no. I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your supervisor. He sounds like a wonderful man. My thoughts are with this family and his "work" family also.
Hi everyone! I'm back!!! Thanks for keeping this thread going. I had a rough patch and then started up again slowly. And now I am back in full force!

So many faces from the past and new faces too! so glad to see everyone here!

I've been exercising about 2-3 x a week at the gym. DH and DS are going on a boyscout high adventure hike in the mountains of Utah so DH is right on board with me to go work out. LOVE that it is a team effort.

And of course the fact that they are going gave me the perfect idea of taking DD to WDW!!! :idea:

What I've done is start exercising more and I actually cut out soda... And eating out. We can eat out if we are out and about somewhere and I can have soda if we go out. However I no longer make the trip from home to go get McDonalds and then come back home and eat it. And at home I don't have soda. I've been doing that for 8 days now. Day 2 & 3 were really bad, but I am adjusting and think I'll be fine.

That's it for me now, I just wanted to post quick and thank everyone for joining in. the support makes all the difference in the world.

I'll catch up on the posts later.
Heya Vija! Glad you are back! That sounds like a great plan!

Weigh in day was today for me and I'm down 3.8 this week! :cool1: I was hoping that since the scale didn't move too much the week before that I would see a bump and I'm very pleased!

Also I started Week 4 of C25K last night. I really didn't think I'd be able to do it but I survived. My legs do feel a little wobbly today but otherwise good.

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Can I join you guys too?! I'm "restarting" again for the second time this year. I was on a roll in August, but then hit a plateau because of some health issues combined with my half marathon training going up so much in mileage.

Introduction: I'm 34, mother of a beautiful 4yo boy and have a lovely DH who works entirely too much but is very supportive and helpful! I work outside the home too and my favorite exercise time is around 6 or 7pm because I'm SO not a morning person.

History: I've had a lifelong battle to keep my weight in a healthy range, and before I had my son I let things creep up to 155. I lost about 20 pounds before I got pg, and I actually took most of the baby weight back off initially and then a bunch of things (life) happened and there I was, early summer 2012 up at 159. I made it down to 153 before my marathon training mileage got intense, and I'm down 2 more pounds since the race now that I'm not starving all the time and eating like a teenage boy!

My goal: To reach 135-140 by March in time for my spring "running season." Like a PP, i too have "bad knees" (along with bad ankles) but have found that running is actually very helpful to keep my legs strong and my knees feeling good. I think losing this extra weight will help me run more injury free and I would really enjoy that as i've found a new passion and hobby in running (specifically, half marathons). I know that this is a possible weight goal for me, as I was there for severel years after my wedding and pre- and post-baby.

My plan: Right now I'm stuck "resting" because I may have a stress fracture in my foot so I'm trying to be very vigilent about what I eat and doing whatever non-impact exercises I can right now (pilates, weights, etc). I know I should be counting calories because it works for me every single time, but I just don't have it in me right now during the holidays. So I'm trying to just keep out of restaurants, bake fewer christmas cookies, and pack my lunch. If I can get down to around 148 before Christmas, I think I can make it to my goal by march (I'm a realist, I know it's going to go up after holiday week). Once my foot is healed, I like to run and circuit train with DVD's for workouts. I ordered the Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution and did one DVD before I had to stop because of my foot.

Achievement Bonus: If I get down to my goal weight, I can FINALLY wear all the clothes that are cluttering up my closet!

Good luck to everyone!
I just found this thread and would love to join in if you have room for one more.
I started the HCG diet 5 weeks ago and have lost 20lbs. We have a trip to Disney coming right up and I hope I can maintain my loss.

I'm hoping to take off another 30lbs before our cruise in June!
Welcome to all the new posters! I bet we will get more and more as the new year rolls around, more the merrier!

I've had pretty good success this week. down 3.2#!!!!! I started using myfitnesspal and LOVE it! It is the easiest free online site i've used regarding logging foods. It even lets you create "meals" so it is even easier to log. The best thing I like is at the end of the day when you complete the day it tells you if you continue with the same amount of calories in 5 weeks you will weigh... and gives you a number.

It was great awareness how much I was really eating and it inspired me to try even harder, because 5 weeks will go by quickly and seeing the potential numbers was very helpful. Especially on the days that I was way over the calories. Showed that in 5 weeks there would be little change, not what I want, so it is really helping me.

How is everyone else doing?
Hi everyone.
Well, the holidays are a little tougher, but I am happy to report that my BMI calculator now says that I'm no longer "obese", but in the "overweight" range. LOL. I suppose that is something. I started at 230 in February and am down to 184. Somehow, I don't see much change in my body, despite there being exactly 20% less of me now. However, I saw a friend I hadn't seen since August and the first thing she said when she saw me was, "Oh, girl, look at your cheekbones!!!" LMBO. I just love what women notice and will comment so freely on.

The thing I miss most is my (previously) nightly glass of wine. Or beer. Or liquore (what can I say, my father was a bartender and I practically grew up in his tavern.)
Adding another 30 minutes of exercise today to earn an beer while I watch the Survivor finale tonight.

I am continuing to exercise, and tracking my daily goals on the WISH board. We have a trip to Disney on 2 January, and I hope to lose another 2 lbs by then. From there, I just want to maintain, since we're also going on a 4 day Dream cruise.
My near term goal is 175 by Feb 28. I will be having arthroscopic knee surgery on that day, and I just want to be able to maintain through that. Hoping that will be a good temporary fix to one knee; I'll have the other done sometime later in 2013. Bottom line is that I need two knees replaced, but I want to hold on that as long as possible.

I got the MyFitnessPal app for our new smartphone (first smartphone EVER!) so I can track everything when I go to Disney. I'll be cooking most meals in the room. The Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Cool thing about that app is that you can just scan the barcode on items and it will show you all the nutritional information. I'm over the moon about that one.

Hope that everyone is having a beautiful holiday season so far.
It's been 2 weeks since I last ran:sad1:. It took nearly a week for my toes to heal (they're still purple, but don't hurt) and then I caught a sinus infection that moved south and took up residence in my lungs:crazy2:. On a brighter note, I managed to drop a few pounds so I am down to 156.5 as of this morning:cool1:. If I can muster the energy, I might try for a run this afternoon, but if not, I *WILL* go out tomorrow.

UPDATE: Ok, I ran today...I was doing great!! I planned on going about 3 miles and I started out with blazing speed. I was running at a 9-minute pace:scared:. It didn't last too long because I started getting a stomach cramp:headache: but I kept running. At the 1.5 mile mark, my Garmin started beeping at me..."LOW BATTERY" :scared1:NO! If I was going to run, I wanted credit for it and I didn't want my battery dying and erasing my progress. So instead of continuing on my planned route, I headed directly back home. I still didn't do too bad. I ended up going 2.4 miles in just over 28 minutes so I maintained a sub-12 minute pace. I even walked just over a half-mile too...1/4 mile of warm-up and then about 0.35 miles after I'd ran 1.5. My toes didn't hurt at all and I was able to breathe fairly well despite still having some congestion. My Garmin is on the charger now and I am hoping for decent weather tomorrow morning.
I'm getting back on track. Previously lost 80 lbs and gained about 10 back. I refuse to let any more weight creep back on. Going to Disney for the holidays and planning to try not to gain (or as little as possible while still enjoying myself). Then will be back to working out and restarting WW when I get back home.
I am restarting today!! Got on the scale and saw an UGLY number. I was most successful on weight watchers so I bought a three month pass to see if I can do it. The challenges here were helpful before too so I am back in. Thanks!!
Good luck! The music teacher at the elementary school where I teach is doing weight watchers and is having amazing results!
We are on our second week at Disney. I'm doing my best to stick with my eating plan. It can be a little depressing to pass on some of the yummy treats down here....
I'm sure I'll be glad that I did in the long run though!:goodvibes


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