Zombie Apocalypse and Pixie Dust - A 2 week Disneymoon (PTR link 11/14)

Oh my gosh, cutest Minnie EVER!!! And how cute is that smile! She looks sooo much like Ron when she smiles, especially!

The Little People Castle is on sale at Walmart and Toysrus!!! I'm thinking of buying it now and just keeping it hidden until her birthday... though part of me wants to wait until boxing day to see if it becomes on sale again...

Well, I booked a Little Mermaid room at AoA for January back in June because I was afraid they'd be sold out. I still have it booked, and I really really want to go. Unfortunately, we are having problem with the ex agreeing to let DD13 come with us (we need her permission to take DD out of the country), so who knows if the trip will actually happen. I'm not giving up hope though!

Thank you!! I saw that in the catalog from ToysRus!! I'm thinking of getting it this weekend! I know it'll be on sale again for Black Friday but I can't handle those crowds, it's just too much :scared1: lol I think that's a great idea to get one for her birthday, I try to buy things on sale all year round too!

I hope the trip works out for you, baby's 1st Disney trip!!! Why would anyone wanna keep their child from Disney!?! :confused3 :sad2: but seriously I do hope you all get to go as a family :goodvibes

And lastly, I love her Halloween picture! Omg she's so beautiful! My Ava was Minnie Mouse too! Girls are just so sweet :love:
She is ADORABLE!!!!!

Have a fun baby-free night, and try not to worry about her too much!

Isn't she the cutest? :cutie:
Our plans for tomorrow night are going to the movies, then back at home with a bottle of wine, then SLEEPING IN the next day. :cloud9:

Oh my gosh, cutest Minnie EVER!!! And how cute is that smile! She looks sooo much like Ron when she smiles, especially!

Thank you! I'll tell Ron you think she looks like him. I agree!

Thank you!! I saw that in the catalog from ToysRus!! I'm thinking of getting it this weekend! I know it'll be on sale again for Black Friday but I can't handle those crowds, it's just too much :scared1: lol I think that's a great idea to get one for her birthday, I try to buy things on sale all year round too!

I hope the trip works out for you, baby's 1st Disney trip!!! Why would anyone wanna keep their child from Disney!?! :confused3 :sad2: but seriously I do hope you all get to go as a family :goodvibes

And lastly, I love her Halloween picture! Omg she's so beautiful! My Ava was Minnie Mouse too! Girls are just so sweet :love:

I went to TRU 3 hours after it opened and they only had one Disney castle left! And the box was open. I took it anyway, everything seemed to be there. It's dumb that they didn't have more in stock. As I was walking through the aisles one woman saw I had one and seemed upset I got one and not her. I felt a bit guilty since I'm basically buying it for next June, but the rebate was too good to pass up, and I'm sure I'm more of a Disney fan than she is. :rotfl2:

It's not that she wants to keep her child from Disney, it's just that there is a lot of bad blood between her and Ron. Anyway, looks like there might be hope for the trip after all...

Thank you! I love looking at that picture of her! Do you have a picture of Ava? I'd love to see her! Or do you prefer not to post her picture (I understand if you do).
Hi Mel,

Thank you for sharing the Halloween picture, Claudia is adorable as Minnie!

Hope you enjoyed your first baby-free night!
LOVE her outfit! Saw it on FB, but it's even cuter on here lol!

So, are you prepared for a night out? or did it happen? Howd you do?
Awww she is just too cute in her little Minnie outfit! :goodvibes Hope you enjoyed your night out!

I went to TRU 3 hours after it opened and they only had one Disney castle left! And the box was open. I took it anyway, everything seemed to be there. It's dumb that they didn't have more in stock. As I was walking through the aisles one woman saw I had one and seemed upset I got one and not her. I felt a bit guilty since I'm basically buying it for next June, but the rebate was too good to pass up, and I'm sure I'm more of a Disney fan than she is. :rotfl2:

It's not that she wants to keep her child from Disney, it's just that there is a lot of bad blood between her and Ron. Anyway, looks like there might be hope for the trip after all...

Thank you! I love looking at that picture of her! Do you have a picture of Ava? I'd love to see her! Or do you prefer not to post her picture (I understand if you do).

OMG, only 1 left!!! Yay, that you got it!! Too bad for that lady, she will just have to wait :rotfl: I was at Buy Buy Baby yesterday getting a gift for a baby shower and they had them but they were $50, not on sale so I wasn't going to get it there! I did buy some other things of course :upsidedow I love Winnie the Pooh so I picked this guy up! He's so cute (and I had a coupon!)

I am glad to here it's all coming together, I see you have a ticker now!!!!!! :cheer2: pixiedust::cool1:princess:

I do have pics of her and believe me I do not mind sharing! :goodvibes

Here's a couple from our Bahamas trip a few weeks ago:



And a couple from Halloween:



My little angel, I just love her to pieces, there's no love like your child :love:

PS. Sorry if the photos are a little big, I'm new to resize on photobucket lol!
Hi Mel,

Thank you for sharing the Halloween picture, Claudia is adorable as Minnie!

Hope you enjoyed your first baby-free night!

Thank you! Our baby-free night ended up being very low-key, but we did enjoy the extra SLEEP!!

LOVE her outfit! Saw it on FB, but it's even cuter on here lol!

So, are you prepared for a night out? or did it happen? Howd you do?

Thanks! The night "out" was Saturday and ended up being more of a night "in". After dropping her off at my aunt's (which is on the complete other side of town) Ron had lunch. Then we wanted to come back in our area to watch a movie, but traffic was so bad (construction had completely closed a bridge, and reduced lanes on two others, plus it was rush hour time, yes, rush hour on a Saturday) that we ended up staying in her area to watch the movie. By the time we made it home later (there was still a bit of traffic) I had such a bad headache that we said forget it to the wine and just relaxed. Then I slept 12 HOURS!!!!

As for how did I do away from her, I was fine. Yes I missed her, but I enjoyed the relaxation and knew I was going to see her soon. :goodvibes

Awww she is just too cute in her little Minnie outfit! :goodvibes Hope you enjoyed your night out!

Thanks! I very much enjoyed my night "in". ;)

OMG, only 1 left!!! Yay, that you got it!! Too bad for that lady, she will just have to wait :rotfl: I was at Buy Buy Baby yesterday getting a gift for a baby shower and they had them but they were $50, not on sale so I wasn't going to get it there! I did buy some other things of course :upsidedow I love Winnie the Pooh so I picked this guy up! He's so cute (and I had a coupon!)

I am glad to here it's all coming together, I see you have a ticker now!!!!!! :cheer2: pixiedust::cool1:princess:

I do have pics of her and believe me I do not mind sharing! :goodvibes

Here's a couple from our Bahamas trip a few weeks ago:



And a couple from Halloween:



My little angel, I just love her to pieces, there's no love like your child :love:

PS. Sorry if the photos are a little big, I'm new to resize on photobucket lol!

Oh, I agree, the Winnie is very cute! :thumbsup2

You are the first one to notice the ticker! (The date is slightly off though, not sure why.) I'm so excited!!! I'll be doing a PTR once this TR is finished. :yay:

Ava is adorable!!!! Thank you for sharing those pictures. :goodvibes
Yay you have a trip to Disney coming up!! :goodvibes How exciting - look forward to hearing all your plans.

Emma princess: x
glad yall enjoyed your time away, our date nights NEVER go as planned! EVER!

and i knew about the trip, but WOOOOT! talk about last minute though!
I just mentioned it on my PTR! :) Can't wait to read your TR for that trip, and see how much Claudia loves her 1st WDW trip!!!

Not only will I be doing a TR, but I will also be doing a PRE-TR as soon as I finish talking about my Disneymoon. :cool1:

Yay you have a trip to Disney coming up!! :goodvibes How exciting - look forward to hearing all your plans.

Emma princess: x

I'm majorly excited! pixiedust: I suffered from insomnia Thursday and Friday night (which is NO fun), so I spent most of the night just thinking about this trip (which makes the time go a little faster, at least). I'll be talking about my plans in a PTR soon.

Oooooh! A trip to Disney! :banana:

:banana::banana::banana: There really is no other thing to do then to dance like a banana. :rotfl2: :banana::banana::banana:

glad yall enjoyed your time away, our date nights NEVER go as planned! EVER!

and i knew about the trip, but WOOOOT! talk about last minute though!

Same here. Our date nights never go as planned either. And I usually get upset about it, but this time I tried to go more "with the flow" and just enjoy the quietness instead of being upset about the headache.

Well, it's sort of last minute, and sort of not. I have known since before Claudia was born that I wanted to go to Disney in January, but it's only this week that the dream finally became a reality. :goodvibes
Day 13 part 4  We End The Trip The Same Way We Started It
August 23rd, 2011

After our last ride of the trip, we headed down Sunset Boulevard one last time. The clouds were just as gloomy as our mood (ok, not true, we were not *that* sad yet. Cant be that sad when you are still in a park).


We looked behind our shoulder, for one last look at the most fabulous attraction ever.


Just before we left, Ron decided to get a turkey leg.


For some reason known only to him, Ron wanted his eating a turkey leg immortalized by a PP photographer.



We sadly exited the park.


I really shouldve taken that picture at the *beginning* of our trip.


At least our day was not completely over yet. We took a bus to the TTC (which was already there for us at the stop, yay for no waiting!). We got up on the monorail platform.



We had time to kill, so we did the Epcot monorail loop. Back at the TTC we hopped on the MK resort monorail and made a loop there.


It was so nice not to quit the parks cold turkey. Instead we got a couple of final glimpse at the parks. Kinda like we started the trip. After one full loop we exited at the Polynesian. Another glimpse at a memory of our trip, Kona.


We had dinner at Captain Cooks.


After staying at Caribbean Beach and POP Century, which both have huge food courts, I was very surprised at how small the poly QS is. Ron had sushi (twice that day!).

I had an adult grilled cheese.


We both got Dole Whip ice cream for dessert (YUM), which we took down to the beach. We got a few towels from the pool on the way to dry the chairs as well as cover ourselves because for the only time EVER that trip it was slightly chilly. We spent the next hour just relaxing on the beach. I took a few pictures of resorts Id love to stay at but probably never will.



Ron spent the time playing Angry Birds on his cell phone (what he did pretty much every time we waited in line).



We tried to watch Magic Memories and You, but couldnt see much. After that we watched Wishes holding hands. It was amazing (except for the drums from the Luau that we can hear in the background).

We slowly made our way out of the Poly and took a cab home. Back at POP I watched some TV while Ron went to get a drink and play in the arcade. Then we had to face the daunting task of packing, which was not only sad, but hard to do since we were so tired. We finally got to sleep after midnight.

Buzz Lightyear
Mr Incredible
Mrs Incredible

During the entire trip we saw :
37 different characters,
6 characters twice,
43 characters total. Anybody guessed it in the pop quiz?

Up Next, The Saddest Thing Of All, Leaving
Day 14  The Saddest Thing Of All, Leaving
August 24th, 2011

I typed up this update a couple of weeks ago. Back then I wrote that I really didnt want to write this update about our last day because of a few reasons. One reason was that I had no confirmed trip planned and that meant no pre-trip report to follow. I was sad about not being in regular contact with you my wonderful readers. As you may have notice by the new ticker, that is no longer the case. Were going back in January!!! :dance3:pixiedust: Ill start a PTR as soon as this is finished.

The other reasons why I didnt want to write this update still stand. Not only is there nothing interesting to say, but I also dont want this TR to end. I just spent the last year reliving my trip with you and now Im reliving the end all over again. Boo to Disney trips having to end.

After this post Ill have one or two more updates, with the souvenirs, final thoughts, and pop quiz answers. Sorry for the rambling, lets go back to the update at hand.

We got up early, finished packing.


We dropped off our luggage with bell service. Ron had breakfast while I answered a few questions about our stay at the resort with a CM who was doing a survey. We went to the arcade to use up all our points that we had left. We got 600 tickets, which I spent on more trinkets for my students. (I have a surprise box, which they can go into once a month if their behavior has been good. They loved the trinkets I got from POP!). Ron watched a few cartoon while I took pictures inside Classic Hall (the lobby).



This is the lobby and check-in counter





On the wall of the lobby they have several shadow boxes of things representing the decades.



Every day at 6pm the CM dance the hustle


More shadow boxes






Im very excited about the new Be Our Guest restaurant, though I have no interest in the menu.


Dont be fooled by my smile. I was really sad to leave. This t-shirt Im wearing was one of my souvenirs.


When it got closer to our departure time we went outside, where I took a few more pictures.


You know how they tell you to tie a brightly colored shoelace on your luggage so you can differentiate from all the other similar-looking luggage? Ill never have that problem!




I think this may have been our Magical Express bus.



Soon we were aboard Magical Express and leaving our happy place with no idea how many years it would be before we got a chance to return.
At the airport after security Ron realized that he had lost his wallet. He called Mears to file a claim since he thought it might have dropped out of his pocket on the bus (he never did find it). I have no more notes for that day, so Im guessing that Ron was pretty grumpy, our flight must have left on time, and we got an uneventful flight home. We got stuck in traffic on the way back home, which certainly did not help our mood. Its really too bad that such a great trip ended on a not so great note. I dont want to end the TR on such a sad note, so Ill be back with a couple fun updates.

Up Next, Souvenirs
:cheer2::woohoo:Yay for a return!!! The bug has bitten bad!!:rotfl: Can't wait to hear about your new plans.
LOVE your luggage!! And you are right, you won't wonder which belongs to you.
That last day is always so sad. I loved when we drove down in the summer and in Dec 2010. It was easier to drag out our departure until we just couldn't wait any longer. Can't do that when you are dependent on the ME to take you to the airport.

And on the real life, your little girl looked adorable in her halloween costume. All the firsts you have coming up are so much fun!! Enoy!! They grow so fast.
Sorry your trip ended on a bad note, but you can change that in January!!! :goodvibes

I have no doubt that Ron will be more careful with his things this time!!!

:cheer2::woohoo:Yay for a return!!! The bug has bitten bad!!:rotfl: Can't wait to hear about your new plans.
LOVE your luggage!! And you are right, you won't wonder which belongs to you.
That last day is always so sad. I loved when we drove down in the summer and in Dec 2010. It was easier to drag out our departure until we just couldn't wait any longer. Can't do that when you are dependent on the ME to take you to the airport.

And on the real life, your little girl looked adorable in her halloween costume. All the firsts you have coming up are so much fun!! Enoy!! They grow so fast.

Oh we already knew the bug had bitten us BAD. We've basically been talking about Disney every week if not every day since we came back from our first trip in 2009. :rotfl: We just had a few extra obstacles to overcome for this trip to happen. I can't wait to share those plans!!! Sooooo excited! :dance3:

Thanks, I love my luggage. My favorite flower, one of my favorite colors, and hard to miss! :thumbsup2

We live way too far to drive. We would lose at LEAST 4 days of vacation, if not 6, and would be totally exhausted. Not worth it. I wish we lived close enough for it to be an option though.

Thank you! We just had her first laugh this weekend, it was wonderful! Looking forward to all her other firsts.
your last day was so fun, and really gave me a lot to think about! and did I ever mention how much i LOVE shadow boxes? they are my disney jam! make one after every trip!

I'm SO excited that you get to go back again! Will you go the following august? 2014?


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