The Daily Grind ~ 9/5/12


Scrapbook Mom
Dec 28, 2005
Good morning... I have several things to accomplish this morning and then I'm off to my scraproom to get some therapy in! :woohoo:

1. boys up & DH to the office
2. :drive: DS16 to mtg
3. home and keep DS11 moving
4. :drive: DS11 to skl

5. :drive: to town for spirit wear for this week got everything he asked for for $10! clearance!!! :woohoo:
6. home to grab a small hours nap
7. start scrapping:yay:/ await notification if DS16 has a game or not.. it's POURING!
8. pick up DS11 from skl.
9. homework/snack/make dinner to warm up later

10. :drive: to DS16's game (meeting DH there)
11. home and get DS16 from skl
12 dinner
13. homework review and assistance if needed
14. a few minutes of mindless TV
15. bedtime routines

I hope everyone has a great day!
Hope those who are not feeling well are having a better day today.
Good luck to our DIS kids starting school today!!
sounds like lots of driving to me

boys to school
me to work
then we have the first day of TREAT - horseback riding therapy for boys
DH should be home so he will cook supper

get Kermit posted - still have to do the last check then cut him out
but next up is get Richard up & going

:cool1::cool1::cool1: for Kermit being done
It's easy drives though... 5 minutes each way on school runs... and the mornings.. I let DS16 drive to school... and after soccer he drives me home!

Hope you have a good day Reddy! Enjoy TREAT with the boys!
I'm working. DH brought my car to the garage to get an oil change. I drove through a puddle with his and now it sounds like he has no muffler. :headache: Ugh. I'm hoping it sounds better when it dries out.

Please keep Betsy in your thoughts today. She starts her infusion chemo this afternoon. The babies started their new daycare yesterday. They did a lot better than she did. It's so hard under normal circumstances, but she's got a lot on her plate right now. Morgan and I are going to make a lasagna and bring it over for dinner tomorrow, so she'll have one less thing to worry about.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good Morning!

Nan, have fun scrapping!
Reddy, hope the boys enjoy their horseback ridiing!
Jennifer, prayer said for Betsy.

Woke up with cramps so I decided to take the day off from work. Stayed curled in a ball for a couple hours. They are starting to subside finally. It is gray and rainy here. Kinda like my mood.

maybe curl up with a book
Julia is doing some community service this evening
meeting at 5

Hope everyone has a great day!
P&pd to.those who need.

First day of school here.
DD #1 is up, hopefully moving. Need to check on her.
Take her to bus stop, were using one a little further away so she doesn't spend an hour on the bus.
Back home.

Hopefully work out.
Get others up and ready. DD#2 asked for a ride to school today.
Work on bows.
Cut a few things.
Run to meet up with someone to buy ds some new jammies. Love the swap page. Even sold some of his old ones yesterday!
More bows
, more cutting
Hopefully get ds to take a nap
Pick up DD#1 at bus stop
Pick up DD#2 at bus stop
Girls off to dads.
Dinner-not sure yet
Run to cheer practice, sell bows. :)
Pick up girls
Bed time!
good morning!!

Megan is up and out! feeling much better and excited to start school!

Jennifer, continues prayers for Becky :hug:

P & PD to all in need!

I'm just going to enjoy my day of quiet and watch a movie!

Have a wonderful day!!!
Afternoon ladies -

Slow start this morning, hands are still hurting and they were still wrapped from last night. I can't recall if I told ya'll or not but two years ago I developed psoriasis on my palms and on the palm side of some of my fingers. I also have it on my elbows and a bit on my scalp. Derm says it could be for a variety of reasons, more than likely hormonal (thank you menopause!!) Anyway, my palms will crack and bleed with layer upon layer of skin. It goes through cycles, this being a difficult one, so I had soak my hands in epsom salt, coat them in olive oil, wrap them in gauze and wear gloves. It really does help! Olive oil is the best, along with coconut oil.

Anyway, will repeat again to night but they are doing better. Today

1) bank
2) walgreens
3) steam clean bathroom tiles

4) vacuum downstairs and stairs

Nan - glad your driving isn't far and you have time to SCRAP:)
Reddy - enjoy TREAT
Jennifer - my prayers to Betsy, sending positive vibes your way
Lisa - glad Megan is doing well
Cassey - hope u are feeling better, glad those days are behind me ::yes::

Have a great day!

Thanks ladies! Feeling a bit better but not 100%. Days like this a rare for me and just leave me wiped.
Thanks ladies! Feeling a bit better but not 100%. Days like this a rare for me and just leave me wiped.

I don't miss those days. Best doctor's appointment I ever went to was to get a Mirena. No more of that! :woohoo:

Glad you're feeling a bit better.
:thumbsup2 Megan had a great first day!

only issue is the dumb parking lot...they are trying something new and made pick up even more of a nightmare, will see how long this lasts!
Game took forever... found 2 refs that forgot to watch the game that they were reffing... left me shaking my head in amazement...
Now we are home trying to get dinner in before 10pm... gonna be a late night for my high schooler... thankfully DS11 is done with all his homework...

Night everyone!


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