Dedicated to Vomit phobes on the DIS!

You sounds just like me. Maybe we should start an Emet Support Thread - I'm game if anyone else is! There's the Coping Compassion Board on here where people have threads for support & things like that - medical, mental, phobic, etc.

I'm not so much phobic about seeing the vomit or cleaning it up (although serisouly, no one enjoys that), it's the anxiety I get from the constant worry that one of them will throw up - especialy during the night (because that's when they always seem to do it - especially DS13 with reflux) - or when they're somewhere else without me. I'm also not afriad at all of myself vomiting, although I'm not a puker like my kids are. We've lived in our current house for 5 years & I've never been sick while living here. My kids vomit almost monthly, if not more.

DS13 is at a wrestling tournament all day & now I just KNOW he will catch the stomach bug from that hot, sweaty, germ-filled wrestling room. DS10 has a friend over & while I'm sure he's totally healthy, my phobic OCD brain will Lysol everything they touched while he was here. I have a lot of strange habits related to this phobia that would make you call the looney bin on me, and I know it's unreasonable to everyone else, but tell that to my phobic/OCD brain.

Yes let's do it! Alot of people that love me know all about my phobia and respect it. They may think it's a little nuts but they understand. I hate living in constant fear of this. It has taken over my life. Let me know where I should start the thread......
Yes let's do it! Alot of people that love me know all about my phobia and respect it. They may think it's a little nuts but they understand. I hate living in constant fear of this. It has taken over my life. Let me know where I should start the thread......

Start it wherever you want, but I know the folks over on the Coping & Compassion Board are sooooo nice & understanding no one judges anyone & no snarky comments are made. Very suportive group - people help each other cope with death, illness, anxiety, etc. Do you kow where to find the C&C Board? I think it's below the Community Board on the main page, or is a sub-board of Community Board.....

I'd LOVE to join that thread...keep me posted!
Thank goodness I'm not alone. I can almost make myself sick worrying about getting the stomach flu when my kids get it. I completely loose my sanity cleaning my house when they are sick. I will be up for hours disinfecting every surface they could have come into contact with even though I know it's pointless to clean AFTER the fact considering if we're gonna get it, we were more than likely already exposed.

I haven't had the flu in YEARS...knock on wood. But I also feel like a horrible parent when my kids have the flu. I hear these stories of mothers holding and cuddling their babies while they are sick with the stomach flu kissing all over them for comfort. FORGET THAT! When my kids are sick they are damn near quarantined in their rooms, with as little exposure to others as possible. I still don't even go anywhere near the bathroom when my kids are throwing up.

Thank goodness my DH can handle the vomit. We have a fair trade off...I can handle cleaning up diarrhea diapers/blowouts and that doesn't phase me which makes him just *GAG*. :lmao:

My 2 youngest had the stomach flu over Xmas vaca and I don't know why, but I honestly get MAD. Not at them but just pi**ed that they get it every year. I seriously would spend big time $$ on a vaccine if I had to to prevent that kind of flu.

I also tease that if I thought it wouldn't kill my kids I'd spray the inside of their mouths with Lysol to kill those nasty germs.:lmao::lmao:
Ladies.....I did it! Started a new thread at the Compassion and Comfort board:cool1: Please come and join!
I already found it & posted!! Thanks! We'll keep this thread for movie warnings...the other one for more in depth discussion & support!!
Thank goodness I'm not alone. I can almost make myself sick worrying about getting the stomach flu when my kids get it. I completely loose my sanity cleaning my house when they are sick. I will be up for hours disinfecting every surface they could have come into contact with even though I know it's pointless to clean AFTER the fact considering if we're gonna get it, we were more than likely already exposed.

I haven't had the flu in YEARS...knock on wood. But I also feel like a horrible parent when my kids have the flu. I hear these stories of mothers holding and cuddling their babies while they are sick with the stomach flu kissing all over them for comfort. FORGET THAT! When my kids are sick they are damn near quarantined in their rooms, with as little exposure to others as possible. I still don't even go anywhere near the bathroom when my kids are throwing up.

Thank goodness my DH can handle the vomit. We have a fair trade off...I can handle cleaning up diarrhea diapers/blowouts and that doesn't phase me which makes him just *GAG*. :lmao:

My 2 youngest had the stomach flu over Xmas vaca and I don't know why, but I honestly get MAD. Not at them but just pi**ed that they get it every year. I seriously would spend big time $$ on a vaccine if I had to to prevent that kind of flu.

I also tease that if I thought it wouldn't kill my kids I'd spray the inside of their mouths with Lysol to kill those nasty germs.:lmao::lmao:

I'm with you....I cannot comfort my kids at all. If my son came to me and told me he felt like throwing up I would tell him to go to the bathroom and do it there. I'll wait in another room. The day I can stand next to them over the toilet will be the day pigs fly! If one of them get sick.....I cannot sleep a wink all night wondering when it will happen again...I am in constant panic mode. There was one time when my son was prob 3, i went into the bathroom at Applebees with him. All of a sudden I heard someone wretching in the stall next door and I nearly pulled his little arm out of its socket racing out of that bathroom. If he was going to the bathroom I would have ran out and left him in there alone. I can't help it, its the fight or flight response and I just flight! I have no control over it at all!!!!!:sad2:
Your Applebees story made me think of this past October when I was in Disney with a bunch of girl friends - we were in the bathroom at Primetime at DHS & when I came out of the stall my friend was standing up against the wall by the door. I said "you didn't have to wait for me, you could have gone back to the table." She had this look of terror on her face & said "a kid just threw up right outside this bathroom door in the hallway - I can't go out there til it's gone!" A bunch of ladies starting hanging out in the bathroom because no one wanted to have to go out & see it. Since I'm very used to vomit I volunteered to be the lookout - to see when it got cleaned up so we could leave! Thankfully Primetime got is cleaned up fast & we were all on our way.
Your Applebees story made me think of this past October when I was in Disney with a bunch of girl friends - we were in the bathroom at Primetime at DHS & when I came out of the stall my friend was standing up against the wall by the door. I said "you didn't have to wait for me, you could have gone back to the table." She had this look of terror on her face & said "a kid just threw up right outside this bathroom door in the hallway - I can't go out there til it's gone!" A bunch of ladies starting hanging out in the bathroom because no one wanted to have to go out & see it. Since I'm very used to vomit I volunteered to be the lookout - to see when it got cleaned up so we could leave! Thankfully Primetime got is cleaned up fast & we were all on our way.

There are more people than you can imagine who are affected by this....even Matt Lauer and Denise Richard suffer from emetophobia. Seems like your friend is too. Its just not usual topic of conversation to find out who is or isn't. I it comes up more people than not admit to some form of fear of vomiting. It's a disease for sure:sad2:
bumping to remind people that we need warnings........also started a support group on the comfort and compassion forum
OMG!!!!!!! I kid you not, I just got into bed and turned the TV on and the minute it comes on I see people puking. ***???? It was on NBC the show The Office. I am a magnet for that :sad2:
Heres my list of movies! by the way im the EXACT same way my boyfriend will tell me to turn my head if he knows its coming!
My sisters keeper
Training Day
Bring it On
Cheaper by the dozen
The Sandlot
Twilight Breaking Dawn
Heres my list of movies! by the way im the EXACT same way my boyfriend will tell me to turn my head if he knows its coming!
My sisters keeper
Training Day
Bring it On
Cheaper by the dozen
The Sandlot
Twilight Breaking Dawn

Which part of breaking dawn? Haven't seen that movie yet. Totally surprised me with it in the movie Water for Horses. Beware!
Movie vomit doesn't bother me as much as these reality shows that show the real stuff when you least expect it.

For those who can't watch puke of any kind, stay away from Monty Python's Meaning of Life during the Mr. Creosote scene. It's hilarious and over the top but if you're emetophobic you'll probably pass out. ;)
Which part of breaking dawn? Haven't seen that movie yet. Totally surprised me with it in the movie Water for Horses. Beware!

I dont want to ruin the movie for you if you don't know the story line or whats going to happen but you'll see it coming she'llbe at the kitchen counter eating and she'll run to the bathroom:scared:
X Files!! the last season when scully is pregant theres a few puke scenes
The Exorcist
henry fool
king pin
being john markavich
The Black Angel Vol. 1
Monty Python's Meaning of Life
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
super trooper
according to the internet!
I haven't read all the responses, but in case no one mentioned it, you might want to avoid the movies Bridesmaids and Super 8.
UPDATING! lol movies. . .:scared::crazy2::sad::sad2:

Savages -2 vomit scenes
Pitch Perfect...oh my gosh just stay away!
Problem Child 2
Saw 3
Van Wilder
Wedding Crashers
40 year old virgin
The hangover
Super Bad
8 Mile
Training Day
Hot Tub Time Machine
The absolute worst vomiting I have ever seen on television was an episode of MTV's True Life...I Have an Eating Disorder. There was a bulimic girl and she was binging and then vomiting into a sealable Rubbermaid container and keeping it in her CLOSET so her mother wouldn't see :scared:
She wouldn't empty the container, she just kept vomiting into it until it was full. Probably the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.


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