~And It All Started With a Wish...and a Quarter and a Fountain~TR link, page 32!

I can't say we've been that exact time, but we've been both before it and after. I think you'd be OK. We went the beginning of May this year and the Sunday we got there (5/1/11) was a little more crowded than I expected, but Monday and Tues. were fine. A lot of FL schools don't get out until June so maybe the locals won't be out in force. I think the weekdays will be very manageable!

Awesome, thanks!

I think it would be okay! :thumbsup2 Have you used TGM before? If not, I'd check it out for a less crowded trip. You may also get to catch the tail end of Epcot's Flower & Garden Festival, which would be really pretty! Here's next year's dates:

"The 2011 festival has ended, but the next festival will be held from March 7 to May 20, 2012."

Yeah, I used TGM for a few trips and I like him, except for relying so much on rope drops. We are not early birds (even with a baby) so that doesn't fit into what we term a "vacation. " But everyone likes to do Disney differently! Yeah, I thought about the F&G Festival. We were there in 2007 and 2008 for that and it was beautiful!

Sorry Dawn, I can't be much help with this for you. Obviously we're going in a couple of weeks and I will give you the low down on the first week of June which will probably be similar to the end of May, if that's any help! :thumbsup2

You guys have a blast!!!!!!!

I've never been in May but I've had a couple of friends who've gone before Memorial Day and they said it was fine. I'm with you- I think as long as you go before Memorial Day you'll be fine. :)

Hopefully! I'm thinking that's true.

Not that school calendars make any sense to me (and I'm a teacher) but we have never gotten a fall break in Gwinnett and as of now, we get a full week at Thanksgiving. It does make sense, in that some people travel for Thanksgiving and we used to get 3 days off, so why not make it a full week. All I know is, as a teacher, I'm grateful for a week off, though I would absolutely love a fall break in October.

Anyway, I've never gone in May but I know most schools are still in session so you guys will probably be fine. It will be warm, but better than middle of summer. B/c we get out at the end of May, I have planned several trips for the last week of May/first week of June (but have actually never made the trips..lol) and knew it wouldn't be as bad b/c a lot of northern schools go into the middle of June. As a matter fo fact, I am already planning (in my head) to go that time May/June 2012 for AJ's first trip (I'll book with you when it gets closer). My mom (and probably dad) will be going as well.


AWesome! You guys will have such a great first trip with him! He will be about 8 months old then, right? Talk to Erica - she's taken Will at various ages so she could give you advice. They really are so different from month to month! And of course every baby is different, too.

Dawn I went to Disney in May many moons ago (in 2001) and it was ok busy but not where I was getting anxious over the crowds. I also went the first week of June and that was busy.

Cool, thanks!

We've been a couple times right around the time you're talking about, departing to go back home usually on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. Here's what I can tell you---it's my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE time of year to visit! That's right! We've been in summer, fall, winter, and May is the best in my book. The weather (at least when we've gone) hasn't been unbearably humid. The temps for us have typically been in the 80s to low 90s, and some cooler evenings. The crowds are not intense yet because most southern (and other schools) haven't let out yet. Usually when we've gone the Flower and Garden Festival was still going on. If my girls weren't in elementary school and I wasn't a preschool teacher :rolleyes:, we'd always choose to go in May. Have no hesitation about going then :)

Awesome, thanks so much!

That's great if you can save money by doing the base tickets! I don't think I could pull that off because we eat at a lot of Epcot dining locations throughout our trips, and because we take advantage of EMHs a lot, and by then end of the week- we are jumping all around the parks.. but then again, we don't have a sweet little baby either!

I love the gifts with the "I love you's" very precious! :lovestruc

I got that blanket for my nephew- its was blue with Toy Story though! They are soo cute!

and I love her pigtails! She is a cutie!

You know what's so funny? We aren't eating at EPCOT at all! I just wasn't interested in anything there this trip. I've done Le Cellier, Rose & Crown, Teppan Edo and Chefs de France and they were all great, but nothing I'm dying to return to. Very odd....everythign we wanted just sort of fell outside of Epcot. But I'm sure we will get our Epcot time in with the Food & Wine Festival going on! :laughing:

I have been in the middle of May in 2009- and it wasn't that crowded at all.. I actually loved it. We hardly waited in any lines. Except for the Star Tours weekend day in HS, it was insane busy.

This year ( in 2 days!!!!!!) we are going at the end of May into June.. so I'll let you know about the crowds when I get back!

I have went during the first week in Jan-the 2nd week and it wasn't crowded at all except for NY Day- after that as the days went by the part got emptier and emptier... we only had to wait in 1 line- Winne the Pooh that whole trip.

Jan is my favorite time to go because it has the least amount of crowds- but that being said- you never know how the weather will be- warmer or cold. And I don't like being at the parks when its chilly.

I hope this helps!!

Yeah, definitely let me know! Ray is a huge Star Wars fan so that will be up to him as far as going during SWW. I know he'd love it but he also hates crowds. I've never been in January but I have been in December (second week and the crowds weren't horrible yet) and the weather was CRAZY! The first day we had a monsoon, the second day it was 40 degrees, the third and fourth days were beautifuly in the 70's. Crazy!

My friend just got back and said it was mobbed..I wonder if times are a changin??

Who knows????? With Disney it's anyone's guess! But it doesn't stop us obsessive planners from trying! :laughing:
We've went to WDW during the last week of May (the week before Memorial Day) last year and this year. Honestly, the crowds are not that bad. We got to the parks right when they opened and stayed until early afternoon, went back for a swim/nap and went back out around 7 when the sun was setting. If you are smart about getting to the parks earlier, riding the big rides early (and getting fast passes for later), it's a great time to go! Memorial Day weekend is crazy though, so we usually leave by Friday to avoid the crowds and enjoy the long weekend at home. This year it was HOT, but we didn't wait in any long lines and we got to do everything we wanted (a couple times over!). Good luck with whatever you decide!
Hey, everyone! I hope you're all either enjoying your summer break or are counting the days until you start enjoying it! It is HOT here! But I'd rather be hot than cold so I won't complain.

So, the topic of this update will be to DDP or not to DDP: That is the question.

Of course I know that many of you are DDP proponents. I myself usually recommend it to clients b/c I do think most people enjoy the feeling of handing someone a card instead of cash or a credit card and not have to actually pay for anything. I did strongly consider getting the DDP for this trip....until I did the math. :teacher:

I added up the cost of the DDP for 5 nights for us (Anna, myself and Luke will be getting the DDP for free while we're at Pop so that portion of the trip doesn't count) and then I added in what we'd probably be tipping our servers and any alcohol we'd get. And then I added in what meals we'd probably be paying out of pocket for because I do have more reservations than I'd have TS credits on the DDP. So that's Total 1.

So then I added up all our meals with what I know we'd WANT to order (as opposed to what the DDP dictates us to order), along with tax and tip, added in $100 for counter service meals. That would be Total 2.

Guess what?

Total 2 was less than Total 1.

So it looks like no DDP for us. And honestly it makes sense.

1. I'd rather get an appetizer and a dessert and split those than get no appetizer and 2 desserts. And sometimes I don't even want any dessert, especially if we're going somewhere afterwards that I know will have yummy treats that I'll want to try anyway.

2. This way if we miss any meals (which is very likely with Seth) we won't feel bad. I feel with the DDP you are obligated to use up your credits and this way if we don't use it, we don't pay for it and it's no big deal.

So I have a food budget of $600 for the week - I think that will be plenty.

Now that we're inside of 4 months from the trip :-)woohoo:) I'm really starting to get into planning mode. I'm starting a list of things I'll need for the trip - I always do this but this time my list is much different....never had diapers on there before! :rotfl:

So, to all you Dissers out there that been to WDW with a baby, what am I forgetting??? List anything you can think of that may be unique or something you don't think I'd think about and I'll consider adding it to my list.

Also, anyone going to be at Pop either right before September 29th or right after October 2nd? I want to bring a coffee maker for my room but I thought about splitting the cost with someone (or maybe 2 or 3 people) and that way we can sort of hand it off to each other. ;)

As I usually do, here are some updated pictures since my last time posting. You guys have to keep up with Seth-man! :goodvibes

First, here are a few pictures from Zoo Atlanta. We went there the Saturday before Easter to see the gorillas do their Easter egg hunt. It was hilarious! They all came over the hill running like mad, like a bunch of kids!

A zookeeper putting out the eggs....


The gorillas coming over the hill....


I found one!


Me and my little monkey....


Out of all the animals we saw, I think Seth liked this best. It was just a little exhibits the kids could touch to see what gorilla hair felt like. That's Ray's sister holding him.


I know you guys have heard me talk about this before (related to AK) but I really could sit and watch them all day long!


Another really cool thing we saw while we were there was the baby Panda, Po, and his mother, Lun Lun. Po was born last year on November 3rd (Ray's birthday...that's how I remembered that). It was SO SWEET!!!!! He was nursing and just cuddling and playing with his mommy.


Seth having fun at the zoo!


continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=41324184&postcount=306
A few more random pictures.....

Ray bouncing Seth on his bed. This gives me a heart attack, by the way.


In his big boy tub....


Being silly with Daddy....


He LOVES to be outside but he's got horrible allergies. I had to take him to the doctor last month and she told me to try Zyrtec, which has worked pretty well. His little eyes get so red and I have to give him Alaway eye drops, which he and both hate! Here he is playing with a flower....


Serious about mowing the yard!


He loves this little car and one day I was pushing him around in it and looked down to see this. :rotfl2:


Here's one where he's actually awake....


This was on Memorial Day - we went to the park for a little while and spent some time on the swings. This picture cracks me up!!! :lmao:


Although you wouldn't know it from the picture above, he really did like them!


A couple of videos...

Playing with Sherman....

He's starting to pull up on things here and there....not a whole lot but he can do it. He's not crawling yet but you never know - he may skip that. I've heard of babies doing that. When he gets on his belly he tends to scoot backwards or just kind of go in circles until he gets where he wants to go!

Oh, and of course....we had a Dismeet in Atlanta last Saturday! Me (along with my mom and Seth), Memom, BrooklynnsMommy (and Brooklynn and Bella), CharlestonPrincess (and Chelsea and Connor), wigdoutdismom, wsushocker (and their son Baylor), and micnminforever met up at Town Center Mall and had lunch, then went to the Disney Store there to browse. I didn't stay for the group picture as Seth needed a nap and a bottle, but it was so fun to see everyone and to meet some of you guys for the first time. Here are a few pictures from that.

BrooklynnsMommy (Jill) and the girls heading to the Disney Store...



CharlestonPrincess (Jackie) and Seth....


Bella doing a little shopping....


Brooklynn and Seth hangin' out....


Me, Seth and wigdoutdismom (Anita)....


I love Dismeets! :grouphug:
The things I can remember being helpful when we took our then sixteen month old were:

A soft, structured carrier of some kind with buckles. We had a hip carrier and it was great for quick ups and downs and for when I was scared of the baby falling off the ride like on Peter Pan. I kept him in it the whole time lol! If you plan to carry him on your back any it's nice to have a carrier with a sleeping hood in case he falls asleep as well. Our baby fell asleep during the parade at MNSSHP and I was able to hold onto him the whole time w/o sitting him in the stroller and ticking him off because I had the carrier.

I made little "meal kits" I could throw in the diaper bag. Diposable utensils, sticky place mat and sippy. It's way too hard to clean a sippy cup w/o a dishwasher in my opinion so I avoided it whenever I could and just bought those cheapy First Years disposable ones I could throw away if I wanted. Maybe slip in some dollar store junk, stickers, giveaway crayons you've collected from restaurants or something else to play with while you wait for your food that you don't care if you lose or not.

I also made "diaper changing kits". I threw a few diapers and disposable changing pad covers, antibacterial gel and one of those slim packs of wipes and just pulled that out of the diaper bag and took that into the restroom w/ me instead of the big, honking diaper bag everytime. I will tell you though that it seems like most of the changing tables were hard metal so your padded changing pad may be better.

That's all that really stands out in my mind right now, my son is 5 now so it's been a while :)
Seth is just a sweetie pie. Not sure which picture is the most precious. Enjoy they get big too quick. I think the no dining plan is good for you. We are doing it, because it might be it for us before Hannah is an adult on the tickets and such. Plus with buffets (which work with Luke being free) the kids are such a steal!
The things I can remember being helpful when we took our then sixteen month old were:

A soft, structured carrier of some kind with buckles. We had a hip carrier and it was great for quick ups and downs and for when I was scared of the baby falling off the ride like on Peter Pan. I kept him in it the whole time lol! If you plan to carry him on your back any it's nice to have a carrier with a sleeping hood in case he falls asleep as well. Our baby fell asleep during the parade at MNSSHP and I was able to hold onto him the whole time w/o sitting him in the stroller and ticking him off because I had the carrier.

I made little "meal kits" I could throw in the diaper bag. Diposable utensils, sticky place mat and sippy. It's way too hard to clean a sippy cup w/o a dishwasher in my opinion so I avoided it whenever I could and just bought those cheapy First Years disposable ones I could throw away if I wanted. Maybe slip in some dollar store junk, stickers, giveaway crayons you've collected from restaurants or something else to play with while you wait for your food that you don't care if you lose or not.

I also made "diaper changing kits". I threw a few diapers and disposable changing pad covers, antibacterial gel and one of those slim packs of wipes and just pulled that out of the diaper bag and took that into the restroom w/ me instead of the big, honking diaper bag everytime. I will tell you though that it seems like most of the changing tables were hard metal so your padded changing pad may be better.

That's all that really stands out in my mind right now, my son is 5 now so it's been a while :)

That was the one thing I thought was really dumb....metal changing places or some of them were some type of stone. my son always liked to throw his head back...i was soo afraid he was going to get a concussion. Luckily he did not!
Hey girl! :goodvibes

:thumbsup2 No DDP for us either. We will save more by one of us getting an AP and TiW card then we would on the DDP. The DDP just doesn't match our eating style. With 5 of us that would mean 5 desserts at every meal which is just obnoxious to me. :laughing: And my waistline.

Chloe and I share often and Joshua is so funny; he likes whatever Michael orders so some of that with a side of veggies pleases him. We love an appetizer or two and rarely drink soda. The kids love a virgin pina colada or shake. The DDP is too limiting on what we can order. We did find at the some of the CS places they would sub a side or salad for the dessert which was nice.


Oh, and of course....we had a Dismeet in Atlanta last Saturday! Me (along with my mom and Seth), Memom, BrooklynnsMommy (and Brooklynn and Bella), CharlestonPrincess (and Chelsea and Connor), wigdoutdismom, wsushocker (and their son Baylor), and micnminforever met up at Town Center Mall and had lunch, then went to the Disney Store there to browse. I didn't stay for the group picture as Seth needed a nap and a bottle, but it was so fun to see everyone and to meet some of you guys for the first time. Here are a few pictures from that.

Bella doing a little shopping....


I love Dismeets! :grouphug:

I wish we would have thought to get some whole group pictures before you and Elaine left. I have everybody standing around talking to each other, though, in my pictures, so I did at least get all the adults and all the kids in a few different pictures, just not posed ones.

Bella always has to have a 'puhse'. :laughing:

I love the picture of Seth asleep at the wheel! :love:

The dining plan is not for me, unless it's free. I most often drink water, not sodas or coffee, and I don't get desserts. John wants to try it for the summer trip, so they are going to add it. I'll take it when it is free, but for me personally, I can eat a lot cheaper. You did the right thing by figuring it all out and making the comparisons.
Being silly with Daddy....


This was on Memorial Day - we went to the park for a little while and spent some time on the swings. This picture cracks me up!!! :lmao:


Oh my gosh, that pic of him on Daddy's shoulders is adorable!! Definitely frame worthy!

:rotfl: That pic cracks me up too! He's like "Really Mom? Another picture?"
I think you are making a good choice with not going for the DDP. That way if things go awry with Seth, you don't have to feel bad about missing meals. Do you have APs, what about the Tables in Wonderland card?

Things I always pack with Everett- outlet covers for the hotel room, a nightlight, a stroller fan, disposable bibs (also the disposable sippys, utensils and placements mentioned above).

I also have a small white noise machine (one that came with his pack-n-play) that I bring for the room, but if Seth doesn't sleep with noise now, he wouldn't need it.

lots and lots of baby sunscreen, lock for the stroller (I choose to lock my stroller because I bring my full-sized expensive stroller- if you are bringing just an umbrella, you probably won't need this).

Swim diapers, baby nail clippers, thermometer (just in case), infant advil, oragel, and I always bring two extra changes of clothes into the parks, and I have used both of them on more than one occasion!
Great update Dawn! I, shockingly, have never done the ddp :eek::scared1: Last April was the first time I really looked into it! I wanted to do it, but when we figured our meals it was cheaper to just pay oop. This next trip for sure, since I will be alone, I will be doing the ddp! I figure that way I can try all of the different restaurants that i've always wanted to try! I cannot wait to go to the Kansas City Zoo! I've been holding my day-trip off until they open up their new sky-tram. It's basically a ski-lift that goes overtop all of the Africa exhibits, which I think is pretty cool! I still cannot believe how big Seth is getting! And Oh Goodness he is getting so active!!! I've never done a DISmeet, but I plan too! I am also hoping to one day soon meet you in person along with Jackie and her kids, Memom and her clan, and Jackie and Jasmine! Thanks for the update :)

Serious about mowing the yard!

Awww sweet boy!!!!

Although you wouldn't know it from the picture above, he really did like them!

It looks like he loved the swings!!

Oh, and of course....we had a Dismeet in Atlanta last Saturday! Me (along with my mom and Seth), Memom, BrooklynnsMommy (and Brooklynn and Bella), CharlestonPrincess (and Chelsea and Connor), wigdoutdismom, wsushocker (and their son Baylor), and micnminforever met up at Town Center Mall and had lunch, then went to the Disney Store there to browse. I didn't stay for the group picture as Seth needed a nap and a bottle, but it was so fun to see everyone and to meet some of you guys for the first time. Here are a few pictures from that.

BrooklynnsMommy (Jill) and the girls heading to the Disney Store...



CharlestonPrincess (Jackie) and Seth....


Bella doing a little shopping....


Brooklynn and Seth hangin' out....


Me, Seth and wigdoutdismom (Anita)....


I love Dismeets! :grouphug:

Aw, I really hate it I missed this!!! I wanted Hannah to meet her DIS boyfriend!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Okay, now about the part of forgetting things to take for a baby! I know you are way more organized than I am. But, of course the obvious...extra clothes!! I had taken out an outfit of Hannah's while I was making sure she had formula and baby food. Well, I forgot to put it back in. She had a blowout on our MK day during lunch and I literally had to run from Peco's Bill's to the little store behind Splash Mountain to get her a onesie and pair of pants. $40 bucks later, she was dressed! lol

But other than formula, baby food, throw away baby spoons, baby wipes, diapers, hand sanitizer, baby face wipes for messes, etc. I think that about covered it with what I took. :)
I've only done the DDP when I got it free. A couple other times I had an AP and the TIW card (well whatever it used to be called). I think you are going with the right choice, especially if it costs less.

Great photos! Sorry I missed the DIS meet as well. :(
Great photos! Sorry I missed the DIS meet as well. :(

We were looking forward to meeting you, as well. We'll do it another time, I'm sure.

Aw, I really hate it I missed this!!! I wanted Hannah to meet her DIS boyfriend!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:



What's Hollie doing now that school is out? Watching Disney movies until late at night and then sleeping late in the morning? I think that's what I might do tonight, only my Disney movie will be HGTV, and my sleeping late means I get up at 4 something instead of 3 something. :)


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