~And It All Started With a Wish...and a Quarter and a Fountain~TR link, page 32!

Hi Dawn! I just spent a week in Florida. (Flying back to IN today). We spent three full days in Key West then we spent a day at Universal. We did both parks in one day. I bought the Express pass which helped a lot, but the crowds were low. We went mainly to do Harry Potter. I can't wait to be back in september for my week at Disneys Beach Club!!!!
I'm thinking as long as it's before Memorial Day we will be good but I just don't know.

This would be my thought, too.

Our system cut down our fall break on the first draft of the calendar, but after talking it over with teachers and others, they put it back in, sort of. The kids get the week off. Teachers get three days off. However, if we want to do two in-service days in the summer, we can use those in place of the Monday and Tuesday and have that whole week. That is what I am doing. ::yes::
Hey Dawn

I think you should be ok, I think the crowds for memorial day weekend start to build the friday before memorial day. (which would be the weekend you would be leaving) I think the week OF memorial day is going to be far busier than the week before.

During our visits from 2004 - 2009 all our trips to walt disney world took place in the month of may. the latest I was ever there date wise was May 26th and I never found the crowds to be a problem. the days leading up to memorial day on touring plans are at a crowd level prediction of 5 and during memorial day weekend a crowd prediction of 8.

the only park I can possibly see giving you a problem at that time of year is hollywood studios due to stars wars weekends..however the dates of that are never firm. it could be a different weekend in 2012.

also you are a Disney veternan and you know the ins and out of the park. Maybe towards the end of your vacation just ensure you are at rope drops to ensure you get the bigger stuff out of the way.
I can't offer any advice but I am anxious to see what others say. We are thinking about going in May 2012. Jeremy's school cut spring break next year so we could get out earlier.

We always get one week for fall break however it is in September and its fair week for our county. I still can't figure out why the county fair is in September and not the summer like everyone else's. Jeremy loves the fair so I would never go away that week but boy that would be a prime time to be at Disney!

I think you'll be OK, we've been many times in May and never had any problems. We just got back, and I know its a week earlier than you'll be there, but the crowds were very manageable. I've also been for Memorial day about 3 or 4 times and it still isn't that bad even that late into May.

What you have going for you is that the Northern school systems aren't out until June, so you won't see mega crowds until then. That week in May will also be MUCH less crowded than Thanksgiving. We been for two Thanksgivings, and it is packed!

I also echo what the other have said, you know what you are doing, so you won't be trying to get in line for Dumbo at noon :scared1: or anything crazy like that, so even with higher crowds you'll do fine.

oh, and I thought I remember you were planning on staying at POR in the alligator bayou section for your next trip. We just got back and stayed there and I didn't realize it, but there are steps even up to the first floor. I guess they are trying to mimic the bayou architecture where all the houses are built on stilts, but it was a little bit of a pain with the stroller. There were only three steps so it was manageable, but I'm going to be sure to be in the mansions side next time.

The bugs were also really bad on that side- I guess because of all the bayou foliage. There were lots of yellow flies out, and I got bit a few times just standing outside the room, and I was panicked that they would get Everett.
I can't say we've been that exact time, but we've been both before it and after. I think you'd be OK. We went the beginning of May this year and the Sunday we got there (5/1/11) was a little more crowded than I expected, but Monday and Tues. were fine. A lot of FL schools don't get out until June so maybe the locals won't be out in force. I think the weekdays will be very manageable!
I think it would be okay! :thumbsup2 Have you used TGM before? If not, I'd check it out for a less crowded trip. You may also get to catch the tail end of Epcot's Flower & Garden Festival, which would be really pretty! Here's next year's dates:

"The 2011 festival has ended, but the next festival will be held from March 7 to May 20, 2012."
Sorry Dawn, I can't be much help with this for you. Obviously we're going in a couple of weeks and I will give you the low down on the first week of June which will probably be similar to the end of May, if that's any help! :thumbsup2
I've never been in May but I've had a couple of friends who've gone before Memorial Day and they said it was fine. I'm with you- I think as long as you go before Memorial Day you'll be fine. :)
Not that school calendars make any sense to me (and I'm a teacher) but we have never gotten a fall break in Gwinnett and as of now, we get a full week at Thanksgiving. It does make sense, in that some people travel for Thanksgiving and we used to get 3 days off, so why not make it a full week. All I know is, as a teacher, I'm grateful for a week off, though I would absolutely love a fall break in October.

Anyway, I've never gone in May but I know most schools are still in session so you guys will probably be fine. It will be warm, but better than middle of summer. B/c we get out at the end of May, I have planned several trips for the last week of May/first week of June (but have actually never made the trips..lol) and knew it wouldn't be as bad b/c a lot of northern schools go into the middle of June. As a matter fo fact, I am already planning (in my head) to go that time May/June 2012 for AJ's first trip (I'll book with you when it gets closer). My mom (and probably dad) will be going as well.

I can't offer any advice but I am anxious to see what others say. We are thinking about going in May 2012. Jeremy's school cut spring break next year so we could get out earlier.

We always get one week for fall break however it is in September and its fair week for our county. I still can't figure out why the county fair is in September and not the summer like everyone else's. Jeremy loves the fair so I would never go away that week but boy that would be a prime time to be at Disney!


Not to hijack Dawn's PTR, but our county fair is always in September, as well. I guess b/c they assume lots of people might be on vacation in the summer and b/c the weather here in GA is horribly and horrendously hot in the summer (not that September is that much cooler). Also, I guess they get the word out better with all the kids in school.
oh, and I thought I remember you were planning on staying at POR in the alligator bayou section for your next trip. We just got back and stayed there and I didn't realize it, but there are steps even up to the first floor. I guess they are trying to mimic the bayou architecture where all the houses are built on stilts, but it was a little bit of a pain with the stroller. There were only three steps so it was manageable, but I'm going to be sure to be in the mansions side next time.

The bugs were also really bad on that side- I guess because of all the bayou foliage. There were lots of yellow flies out, and I got bit a few times just standing outside the room, and I was panicked that they would get Everett.

They do have ramps at the bayou buildings - well they did at the one we stayed at. I know b/c my mom had a scooter last time, but they just may be on the complete opposite side of your room, as ours was...
Dawn I went to Disney in May many moons ago (in 2001) and it was ok busy but not where I was getting anxious over the crowds. I also went the first week of June and that was busy.
So we are thinking about leaving the next day, Saturday, May 19th, and staying through either the next Friday or Saturday.

We've been a couple times right around the time you're talking about, departing to go back home usually on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. Here's what I can tell you---it's my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE time of year to visit! That's right! We've been in summer, fall, winter, and May is the best in my book. The weather (at least when we've gone) hasn't been unbearably humid. The temps for us have typically been in the 80s to low 90s, and some cooler evenings. The crowds are not intense yet because most southern (and other schools) haven't let out yet. Usually when we've gone the Flower and Garden Festival was still going on. If my girls weren't in elementary school and I wasn't a preschool teacher :rolleyes:, we'd always choose to go in May. Have no hesitation about going then :)
That's great if you can save money by doing the base tickets! I don't think I could pull that off because we eat at a lot of Epcot dining locations throughout our trips, and because we take advantage of EMHs a lot, and by then end of the week- we are jumping all around the parks.. but then again, we don't have a sweet little baby either!

I love the gifts with the "I love you's" very precious! :lovestruc

I got that blanket for my nephew- its was blue with Toy Story though! They are soo cute!

and I love her pigtails! She is a cutie!
I have been in the middle of May in 2009- and it wasn't that crowded at all.. I actually loved it. We hardly waited in any lines. Except for the Star Tours weekend day in HS, it was insane busy.

This year ( in 2 days!!!!!!) we are going at the end of May into June.. so I'll let you know about the crowds when I get back!

I have went during the first week in Jan-the 2nd week and it wasn't crowded at all except for NY Day- after that as the days went by the part got emptier and emptier... we only had to wait in 1 line- Winne the Pooh that whole trip.

Jan is my favorite time to go because it has the least amount of crowds- but that being said- you never know how the weather will be- warmer or cold. And I don't like being at the parks when its chilly.

I hope this helps!!
Can I get a woot-woot for under 4 months????????? :woohoo:

4 months from this very minute I will be back at Pop with a very sleepy boy who just experienced his first Disney park, Animal Kingdom, after which we will have had dinner at Boma and hit the hay early to prepare for my 5K tomorrow! :goodvibes

I think hoppers are nice to have... but boy when you are buying 4 tickets it adds up. I totally agree about forgoing. We seem to do fine just going to one park a day.

I bet! I like the flexibillity but with a baby I'm thinking we won't be spending a ton of time in the parks anyway.

I think cutting your hoppers is okay. I use TGM and he advocates for one park a day. I think it allows for a more relaxing pace and cuts out so much transportation time ya know? Good choice! Looks like the trip was a lot of fun! The picture of your mom with the hair piece is cute! She looks like a fun, silly mom. :)

I like TGM except that he is so big on rope drops and we aren't the type of vacationers that like to get up so early. Even with Seth getting up early, he usually takes a bottle and the goes back to bed for a little while (on the weekends, which will be similar to our vacation schedule). But I agree about not hopping! Saves time, especially with a little one. Yeah, Mom can be silly when she's in the mood! :laughing:

So cute how Madi wrote "I love you" on each of Margot's presents. That is sweet.

I LOVE his smile!

Your plans look awesome. We are spoiled by the park hoppers, and use them a lot, but my sister is a senior in high school and went to Disney last month with a bunch of friends, and they did it as cheaply as possible -- staying offsite, no hoppers, etc. They went during spring break so I was a little worried about how their not having hoppers would work out for them, but it seemed to work out fine for them. :)

Yeah, she's a sweet girl. :)

Yeah, I've always had them for the flexibility but this trip will be so much different than the past ones....a much slower pace. So I'm thinking rushing around and park hopping won't be happening anyway. And a huge advantage of the park hoppers is EMHs at night and we definitely won't be doing those!

I like the idea of regular base tickets too. I think it will be a while before we can get park hoppers. I don't think Hollie would let us even try to leave a park if she is already there! lol

Love, love, love the Nashville pictures!!

:laughing: I bet! Thanks. :goodvibes

So nice to have that family time. :love:

As much as I like AP's and park hoppers, when money is tight, I am fine without them. I am Disney World, and I can make the most of a day in one park.

Fireworks from the Poly beach - perfectly fine with me. ::yes:: That is where we plan to be on the Fourth of July. :cool2:

Yeah, you have to make the trip work with the budget. And we need to watch our spending on this trip. We are staying deluxe but renting points so that helps. And base tickets will help with the budget.

Your 4th of July trips have inspired me to recommend fireworks from the Poly beach to many clients (and friends) when they can't get to MK for whatever reason!

Yea, it's probably best not to have park hoppers if you're not going to use them.

love the Nashville pics and the pics of Margot's birthday

You said it! :thumbsup2 Thanks! :)
Going without park hoppers will be no biggie...just being there is what counts! And, it's great that Anna and Luke now get to stay an extra day :thumbsup2

We love seeing the pictures of Seth...keep posting and just sprinkle in your trip info at the same time :laughing: :thumbsup2

Yeah, I agree. Thanks....will do!


Love the Nashville pictures and the update. I know it is hard sometimes and I know I speak for many when I say we love the real life updates and it is all related to Disney. It all either relates to the trip coming up or another one in the future if Margot and your brother and sister ever decide to go along too. It does all fit in.

Enjoy the journey and we will too. Don't give up, just update when you can and we will read.:goodvibes :hug:

Good way to look at it! :thumbsup2 Thanks.

Love the Nashville pictures! Can't believe how big Margot is getting.

Love the hidden MeMom picture! :rotfl:

Thanks! I know...she's growing so fast.

Totally agree about the park hoppers. The first few trips, we got them and soon realized they were never used. :confused3 Such a waste of money!

Love the pictures of Seth with your family. He is just adorable.

Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

I think the biggest advantage of park hoppers is for EMH and we definitely won't be doing those this trip!

Thanks! :)

I agree with everyone on the park hoppers. I think only one time we bought park hopper passes so ever since then we only do one park a day anyway that's how I plan our meals for the day.

Hope you had a wonderful first Mother's Day with the Seth man. It's great being a mom isn't it?

I laughed when someone said their ovaries hurt looking at Seth's pictures because I always say my uterus hurts when I see a baby. :lmao:

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing, at least for awhile.

Yes, ma'am...it sure is! I told Ray about the ovaries hurting comment....funny!

What a cute cake Margot had for her birthday. She's getting so big.

For a lot of our trips to WDW we've only purchased the base tickets to save money and we usually like doing one park a day.

She is SUCH a big girl! Yeah, I'm thinking base tickets is the way to go.
Great pics! I especially love the little legs! Adorable!

Thanks! His legs are chubby but so were mine when I was that age. That's where "punkin" comes from. My entire family still calls me that.

Hey, Dawn! I do use the park hoppers, unlike what a lot of people said, but, of course, thats going without kids. I'm sure it is a completely different ballgame with kids (hoping we find out in about a year actually). And also, if it afforded me more time at Disney, no park hoppers would be the way to go! I'd be happy at Disney whatever way it was possible! So, I'm sure you guys will be just fine.

BTW, I love the little car thing that you have for Seth (in the photos on FB). Thats awesome!

I'm thinking our typical day there will be morning in the park, long afternoon break, dinner and then maybe return to the park for fireworks or to bed early. Exciting stuff! :laughing: So I'm positive we will be fine without the park hoppers.

As you know, we have always gone towards the beginning of June, and we have been lucky with crowds, etc. I think if you leave on May 19, you will be fine! :goodvibes

Cool, thanks!

Hi Dawn! I just spent a week in Florida. (Flying back to IN today). We spent three full days in Key West then we spent a day at Universal. We did both parks in one day. I bought the Express pass which helped a lot, but the crowds were low. We went mainly to do Harry Potter. I can't wait to be back in september for my week at Disneys Beach Club!!!!

Fun! We will be doing the Harry Potter stuff mainly when we go next year. Can't wait!

This would be my thought, too.

Our system cut down our fall break on the first draft of the calendar, but after talking it over with teachers and others, they put it back in, sort of. The kids get the week off. Teachers get three days off. However, if we want to do two in-service days in the summer, we can use those in place of the Monday and Tuesday and have that whole week. That is what I am doing. ::yes::

Oh, I'd be doing that too! I think that fall break is nice b/c you get a long break at Christmas and a log break for spring. It's nice to have one in the fall, too!

Hey Dawn

I think you should be ok, I think the crowds for memorial day weekend start to build the friday before memorial day. (which would be the weekend you would be leaving) I think the week OF memorial day is going to be far busier than the week before.

During our visits from 2004 - 2009 all our trips to walt disney world took place in the month of may. the latest I was ever there date wise was May 26th and I never found the crowds to be a problem. the days leading up to memorial day on touring plans are at a crowd level prediction of 5 and during memorial day weekend a crowd prediction of 8.

the only park I can possibly see giving you a problem at that time of year is hollywood studios due to stars wars weekends..however the dates of that are never firm. it could be a different weekend in 2012.

also you are a Disney veternan and you know the ins and out of the park. Maybe towards the end of your vacation just ensure you are at rope drops to ensure you get the bigger stuff out of the way.

THanks for the advice...it's appreciated! I agree, I think before Memorial Day we should be good. We MAY brave SWW at DHS, but we shall see. Ray would love it but he also hates crowds so that's completely up to him.

I can't offer any advice but I am anxious to see what others say. We are thinking about going in May 2012. Jeremy's school cut spring break next year so we could get out earlier.

We always get one week for fall break however it is in September and its fair week for our county. I still can't figure out why the county fair is in September and not the summer like everyone else's. Jeremy loves the fair so I would never go away that week but boy that would be a prime time to be at Disney!


Ours was always in August, right before school started, in the town I grew up in. I'm not even sure when the one here is! :laughing:

I think you'll be OK, we've been many times in May and never had any problems. We just got back, and I know its a week earlier than you'll be there, but the crowds were very manageable. I've also been for Memorial day about 3 or 4 times and it still isn't that bad even that late into May.

What you have going for you is that the Northern school systems aren't out until June, so you won't see mega crowds until then. That week in May will also be MUCH less crowded than Thanksgiving. We been for two Thanksgivings, and it is packed!

I also echo what the other have said, you know what you are doing, so you won't be trying to get in line for Dumbo at noon :scared1: or anything crazy like that, so even with higher crowds you'll do fine.

oh, and I thought I remember you were planning on staying at POR in the alligator bayou section for your next trip. We just got back and stayed there and I didn't realize it, but there are steps even up to the first floor. I guess they are trying to mimic the bayou architecture where all the houses are built on stilts, but it was a little bit of a pain with the stroller. There were only three steps so it was manageable, but I'm going to be sure to be in the mansions side next time.

The bugs were also really bad on that side- I guess because of all the bayou foliage. There were lots of yellow flies out, and I got bit a few times just standing outside the room, and I was panicked that they would get Everett.

Cool, thanks for the advice and thoughts! Oh, and the POR inquiry wasn't me. We are staying at Pop for 3 nights and then checking into VWL for the rest of the time. And then the next trip with Ray's sister and nephew we are staying off property. But thanks for the tip! :rotfl:


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