Something we're not so thankful for...


DIS Veteran
Jul 12, 2010
My mother-in-law was told she was cancer free in May, but her latest scan yesterday revealed that her cancer is back. Last October she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She never told us what stage it was, but when the doctor said she should go straight to chemo without considering surgery to remove her ovaries, we figured it wasn't good. The cancer was throughout her body, but by May the chemo seemed to have worked. So here we are again, just before Thanksgiving and it's like deja vu. If anyone has any extra prayers or pixie dust laying around we could use a little. We'll be heading out tomorrow to see the family. Hopefully we can all stay positive through this latest hurdle.
my thoughts and prayers arew with you and your family..... I wish 2010 would be over soon... There are too many things going on in my family right now.... I am recovering from Fistula surgery for when dialysis is needed while I am on the list for a second kidney transplant... Mine lasted almost 21 years....

On top of that my uncle was in a serious car accident last night not even 3 blocks from my house.... A truck rear ended him at 50 miles an hour. He is home and doing okay for now....

Then my other uncle called and told me that my aunt has suffered two strokes and is in a rehab... She was doing really good and recovering from a Brain tumor.....

So in the end I am sending out as much pixie dust that I can find......
God bless everyone and have a safe thanksgiving..... :grouphug:
I am so sorry to hear this terrible news from both of you. I just posted a thread sharing some good news and will send positive vibes your way. I hope everything goes well for you and your families.:goodvibes
I'm so sorry for the sad news. It is especially hard around the holidays. Sending thoughts and prayers!

my thoughts and prayers arew with you and your family..... I wish 2010 would be over soon... There are too many things going on in my family right now...

:grouphug: Right back at cha Glampire31. pixiedust: Thank you to everyone for your positive thoughts. You've already put a smile back on my face. Here's to 2011 being a fresh start for everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving.
Worldwacky and Glampire31, I wish you strength. My thoughts are with you both and your families
I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers to both families for strength to deal with all that is happening.
WorldWacky and Glampire31: prayers sent. Hang in there, and I hope the positive shines brighter than everything else this Thanksgiving.

I just found out yesterday that a dear friend was experiencing abdominal pain over the weekend. After workups on Monday, the docs have diagnosed her with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She went in to surgery today. Her name is Susan and she is about 40 years old with two young children. Please offer up prayers and positive thoughts for Susan and her family too.

Friggin cancer! I lost a best friend in April to colorectal cancer and my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer (not sure of the original site) in May. So I get it :( But in any case, I just wanted to say that although it's hard to get news like this during the holidays, there is a silver lining in that. While it is hard to feel "thankful" with this kind of news, you can at least be thankful that the holidays have brought friends/family together to lean on each other during such hard times.

I hope that everyone is able to enjoy the holidays in the best way possible. :hug:
We think what we are suffering is bad....then we hear about someone who is worse off...

Sending lots of prayers and pixie dust. and hugs.:hug:
I just wanted to say thank you again for all of the good wishes. We had a very nice Thanksgiving at my sister-in-law's house and everyone was in good spirits. My mother-in-law is determined to do everything that she can to fight this... once again. I told her I was glad that she had that attitude because I know she could just as easily decide to throw her hands up in frustration over the whole thing. She's very stubborn and while that has been trying at times :rolleyes:, in this case I think it will be just the thing that she needs.

On a more positive (and selfish) note, my mother-in-law has always wanted to go on a cruise, but my father-in-law(who passed away from leukemia four years ago - cancer sucks) never wanted to travel. My husband has been fighting me tooth and nail about a cruise, but said I could plan one IF his mom goes with us. Now I know this will have to be much further down the line after treatment, but it could be something for us all to look forward to. I really hope she does well and again thank you all for just being there. :)


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