Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!

I am so jealous! I was trying to do this when we went but ran out of time and NEVER thought about using a fun fabric! I totally was making him black and had the word/sign behind him!
I am so jealous! I was trying to do this when we went but ran out of time and NEVER thought about using a fun fabric! I totally was making him black and had the word/sign behind him!

lol - I kinda copied it from a shirt I saw when we were on Daniels MAW trip back in April!!! lol!!! I had been racking my brain to figure out what to use for my shirt and then I found that in an old stash!!! I was very happy!!!!
YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!

This is adorable!!!

I'm thinking of getting an embroidery machine myself. If I got one with a 4x4 hoop, could I still do this design if I did one letter at a time and hand embroidered Mickey? I'm not sure I could afford one with a bigger hoop even though I'd love to have one. :(

Lori in East Podunk
This is adorable!!!

I'm thinking of getting an embroidery machine myself. If I got one with a 4x4 hoop, could I still do this design if I did one letter at a time and hand embroidered Mickey? I'm not sure I could afford one with a bigger hoop even though I'd love to have one. :(

Lori in East Podunk

Lori - I had to hoop 2x to do this one - once for Mickey, and once for the letters. You can do the mickey in a 4x4 - its just smaller!!!

Have you looked into home shopping network? I got my PE 770 there this summer on flex pay!!! It was the only way that I could do it!! and if you are a first time customer, you can get a coupon too!!!! It was an awesome deal for me! I also have a Brother 270 which only does 4x4 and I did love it too!!! the designs are just much smaller - but still FUN!!! Got mine off craigslist!!

Hope you can figure out a way!! They are really fun!!

Anyone have cute ideas for boys? We are doing WDW and Disney cruise in Feb. My boys are 1,2, and 5. I love the little girl dresses I've seen!! Maybe I can make one for my 2 year old niece that's going with us.

I LOVE the autograph quilt idea!!!
I really want an embroidery machine.

I did find two used ones on Craigslist-Janome350E for $500, I know most like brother on here. The other one doesn't say what brand it is but has 3 hoops, clothsetter (?), 20 memory cards with at least 14 designs on each for $900.

I also found a Brother Serger Lock 929D for $50. I don't have a serger.

What things do I need to know when buying second hand? How do I know if it's a good deal, if I can't find a model similar in a store or online?

I just don't know if I can justify the cost of one at this time.
Hello everyone! I've been lurking...but I may be around a little more this thread...we'll see! I'm power sewing for a boutique at the twins' school, AND
on December 8th, we're taking Isabel to DLand.

Uncle and I took the twins last December, and decided this year that Busy-Belle is big enough. She's only 2-1/2, but she thinks she's 5 :) My sis-in-law agrees, and thinks she'll do fine away from home for a few days :cheer2:
So...I'm thinking she'll need some princess dresses, and a autograph quilt, at the very least. I'm thinking scraps from all different Disney fabrics for that, like that beautiful twirl skirt I saw last thread. Grandma has actually agreed to make the quilt, so that's a little relief.

Sergers both broke last month, so I had to buy an emergency serger -- just the cheapest Singer at WalMart. It'll do for now. Happy sewing to me :rolleyes1
Wow! Everything looks great!

We leave in 3 days. 3. I have so much sewing left undone. Ugh. Why do I do this. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. It must be something to do with creative genes right?

So I'm simplifying a lot. Tonight I made 5 applique tees and instead of satin stitching them all just did straight stitches around the edge. Took about 4 hours off of that. Tomorrow I'm going to sew, sew, sew and likely on Thursday too. Friday is all about packing and errands for last minute items and putting together my items for the FE exchnange on our cruise. Then Saturday we leave! I am so excited. I do wish I would have started my sewing earlier though. Oh well it's about the vacations not the clothes, right? he he.
My embroidery machine came today!!!!! :woohoo: I have to pick up some thread and stabilizer in the morning, but I will be embroidering SOMETHING tomorrow!

I also just decided tonight that I need to make the kids something to wear to Princesses on Ice next week so I need to get cracking on that. I finished Veronica's mom's shirt tonight and started the applique for Alexander's shirt. Hopefully will have everything done tomorrow and be able to post some pics. I also need to decide what I'm making the toddlers for Thanksgiving since we'll be going to the ILs for dinner. Any excuse to make a cute outfit! :laughing:

Hi all! It has been a long time since I have been on here!!! Update on our 20111 trip - looks like it may be waiting :( We were looking at either going in May for the flowers, or in November/December for the Christmas decorations. We are due with baby number five in May - and we are not sure if we wil have the funds now for our November/December trip - our youngest daughter - Sam - has been in the hospital since Sunday the 31st and they still have not figured out what is going on. But I figured I will try to plan something anyways... We went to Disney on Ice the other week, so I will post pictures once we get home.

:hug: Sorry to hear about your vacation. I hope that things get better with your little one soon.

Oh - one more thing... hubby bought me a serger :cool1: I just have not taken it out of the box or learned how to use it yet.:confused3


He's 2 weeks old now.



He's gorgeous! Congrats!


Hopefully, this will be a picture of one of the autograph quilts I've done. I don't put much on the photobucket account....and I have way too much trouble getting them from Facebook....


I love that! I think I'm definitely going to give that a go next year. I usually take the autographs and make my kids a little album with the pictures of them and the character. They do look at them, but there's only so many autograph books one needs. I think they would really get a lot of use from the quilts.

YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!

I absolutely love that one. The fabric is just perfect for it.

Wow! Everything looks great!

We leave in 3 days. 3. I have so much sewing left undone. Ugh. Why do I do this. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. It must be something to do with creative genes right?

So I'm simplifying a lot. Tonight I made 5 applique tees and instead of satin stitching them all just did straight stitches around the edge. Took about 4 hours off of that. Tomorrow I'm going to sew, sew, sew and likely on Thursday too. Friday is all about packing and errands for last minute items and putting together my items for the FE exchnange on our cruise. Then Saturday we leave! I am so excited. I do wish I would have started my sewing earlier though. Oh well it's about the vacations not the clothes, right? he he.

I enjoy the art of procrastinating myself. ;) This past trip we were supposed to leave after I got off work at 3pm. I still had costumes to finish that day and we didn't end up leaving until 7pm! I say that I'm doing things differently this year, but with two toddlers and their crazy growth spurts I'm not sure how realistic my plan actually is. Good luck getting everything finished up!
I better get around to posting my Halloween outfits before page 10 comes and goes and I get sent to the principal's office. I have been reading and looking at everyone's wonderful creations (including a new baby!) but have been a wee bit busy aside from that.

Here are my Shark and Dolphin based on Easy Fits and Raglan Hoodies (and now I can make dd some horse fleece pullovers b/c the raglan hoodie is easy):



It was a little challenging sewing with some of the ginormous foam pieces but I can't complain -- dh got the foam from some packing at work so it was free! And ds's pants have no fins on them so he now has an instant pair of new pj bottoms. No clue what to do with the other large pieces -- I guess I'll save them for a while if the kids want to play dress up, but the costumes are very space occupying. And thankfully it was a little cooler on Halloween -- it's was in the 80's the week prior and dd complained about how hot the costume was during a fitting -- she still complained Hallowwen night as well, but at least it was bearable.

And these are Big Give bowling shirts I did for Michael's Big Give. I was worried about doing the small size for the one year old but it was easy and turned out so stinkin' cute. And my good ol' cheap Singer that drives me nuts with cleaning the bobbin comparment all the time has the easiest foot for doing buttonholes. I have never goofed on a single one and would like to attempt a bowling shirt without the placket.


I will definitely participate in more Big Gives in the future -- though may not have much time until after Christmas -- I am swamped with other things right now.
lol - I kinda copied it from a shirt I saw when we were on Daniels MAW trip back in April!!! lol!!! I had been racking my brain to figure out what to use for my shirt and then I found that in an old stash!!! I was very happy!!!!
When we were there in May I saw those shirts and bags too and took a picture so I could digitize it. I haven't found the perfect fabric yet though. I love the fabric you used!

I made page 6. I guess that's pretty good considering how little time I have these days. But I have good reason at least.

He's 2 weeks old now.
Awe...he is so cute! He can be buddies with my Emily...she is 6 weeks old now ;)

I haven't sewn much forever and my SIL asked me to make my niece a custom dress with embroidery matching her party invites. I was barely able to get it done this weekend for her party this weekend and now dd is begging me to make her a dress to match her party theme. So I was up last night working on a vida for her and AFTER I had attached all the but ruffles and was attaching the upper back piece I spazzed out and gashed the bodice with my serger! I had barely enough of the fabric left to replace it but now I will be spending my morning picking out topstiching, serging and basting stitches :( With both my big girl and my baby sick right now with upper respiratory and ear infections this dress is turning out to be a bigger challenge then rushing to finish customs for a trip!
Got my shirts finished for Alexander's big give - His is a Birthday shirt because it will be his birthday when he is there!!!!!


And this is a shirt I made for Bill for our trip - I want to make one for me too, but dont have a fabric I LOVE to put in it!!! lol - I'll find something!! I wanted to do the frayed edges thing, but was askeered to!!!:rotfl:

Cute birthday shirt. The princess shirt came out really nice and I like how you put the year on the Disneyland t-shirts.

Made it over and I'm done lurking... I just ordered the (DISBoutiquer recommended) Brother CS6000i from Amazon.com with Prime free 2-day shipping. C'mon Thursday!!!
Congrats on the new machine, happy sewing. Be sure to post some of your creations.

Its been soo long since was here I forgot my password... that just makes me sad:sad2:.

But life seems to be slowing down and I am loving the pics you all are posting.
I have not had time to sew since the summer and I think I posted this dress when it was completed. But here it is in action :)


you can see where this is going... right?

Well we had a blast at WDW in Aug and she wore the dress yesterday to Disney on Ice... with a turtleneck and leggings :thumbsup2. It held up great, even with the trip to Donald's boat. (forgive me if I posted the action shots before)
I have a apron in the works for my MIL. And then I am going to make myself a few handbags... yup, a few. A girl can never have to many, right?

We are planning to return to WDW in just over a year, and there is a small chance my 3 nieces might join us, along with Grandma and Grandpa ;)
If that turns out to be the plan, I might want to make a few outfits for the kids.... 4 girls (ages 9-4) and an 8 year old boy. I will be lurking for ideas. And I will try not to be a stranger :cool2:
This dress is really cute, I love the little yellow flower on the lapel. What cute pictures. Looks like she enjoyed her time at Donald's boat.

Hiya guys and gals.
I've been only lurking in the past few threads just because I felt like I couldn't keep up! Have been super busy and sick and stuff.
I'm doing the big push of sewing for our big December trip.
Looks like I will have to buy a new machine in the process too.
Don't think I will ever be buying a secondhand anything again. I've had trouble with the Bernina since I got it. I LOOOOOVE the sewing part, but I have so much trouble with the embroidery part. The bobbin thread ALWAYS shows. I've had it serviced 3 times and it will appear to work and then bobbin thread again.
Bought a new bobbin case and everything.
I think its time to stop throwing money at it and move on. :confused3
Working on several things right now. I tend to hop from one thing to another. Focusing on smocking project right now since I don't want to ruin more of my precious fabric with bad embroidery.
Sorry you are having so much trouble with your machine.

I made it !!!!!!!! YAY :cool1:

I paid my deposit today for our Disney Cruise on the Dream for the December 22 -26 cruise on the Bahamas. Now I have a real reason to start sewing so this afternoon I went to my local store and purchased some more fabric and a new set of dressmaking sissors as my other have been getting used by the husband.

Do any of you ladies have any dresses or clothes that they have made for a cruise??? If so I would love to see them as I need some ideas.

I am new to sewing even though I did sew alot years ago, so fingers crossed all I learnt is locked away in my memory banks.

I can't wait to see your lovely Christmas creations,

Have a great day

Jen :santa:
Congratulations on your cruise! I've never been on a cruise but it is on my list. There have been lots of things that would lend themselves to a cruise - pirate stuff, things with a red or navy color scheme and some things that were specific to the resturants or shows on the cruise ships.

:goodvibes Just ordered my 1st sewing machine, can't wait to get it and learn!
Congratulations - don't forget to post.

I have been lurking for a bit now and feel like jumping in. I want to make outfits for my 2 neices for their trip next Nov.of 11. What is the best
basic dress to make? I do not have an emboridery machine so any embellishments will be done by hand. Thaks for your ideas in advance
I should mention the 2 year old has special needs and has a feeding tube in her tummy so waste bands should be adjustable as far as up down. Graces big sister is 4 years old
Like others have said, the Simply Sweet dress is fairly easy and goes together quickly with lots of options - like making it a top and wearing it with matching pants or leggings.

I made page 6. I guess that's pretty good considering how little time I have these days. But I have good reason at least.

He's 2 weeks old now.
That is a pretty good reason for being away from the computer! What a sweet baby boy and a beautiful family.

YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!
Great fabric choice, I love it.

Wow! Everything looks great!

We leave in 3 days. 3. I have so much sewing left undone. Ugh. Why do I do this. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. It must be something to do with creative genes right?

So I'm simplifying a lot. Tonight I made 5 applique tees and instead of satin stitching them all just did straight stitches around the edge. Took about 4 hours off of that. Tomorrow I'm going to sew, sew, sew and likely on Thursday too. Friday is all about packing and errands for last minute items and putting together my items for the FE exchnange on our cruise. Then Saturday we leave! I am so excited. I do wish I would have started my sewing earlier though. Oh well it's about the vacations not the clothes, right? he he.
Hope you have a great time on your trip. There never seems to be enough time to get it all done but it sounds like you are on the right track.
Try again to log in - I help out on that board, and could see where you registered on 11/3.....:goodvibes cant WAIT to have you over there!!!!

YAY! It worked finally! I cant wait to get started!!! It may be after our wish trip coming up that I get started tho. I dont want to overload myself lol.
Just another question. Do you sign up to be a Big Give family, or are you invited? I was hoping someone would be so gracious enough to make our kids matching tshirts.

Everyone has great looking things! I am really excited to be a part of The Big Give! Its awesome to be able to make a child smile that has been through so much. As a mom that has been through it myself I know the emotions and tears that come with remission. You are so thankful but yet cautious because relapse is always a possibility. So any chance you get to make a child smile, we should take advantage of that moment!
I've gotten behind, but wanted to say great stuff has been posted.

Cute new baby!

Love all the t-shirts Wendy! I keep getting more ideas of things I want to make and that is not always a good thing! My family already thinks I'm crazy!

Welcome to the newbies, can't wait to see pictures of your creations!

Sorry to whoever I have missed, I have been reading along but not replying as I go, my bad!
Oh the best time is wee hours in the morning before everyone gets up. The house is still and I have time to myself.

YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!
Very cute Wendy, on saw on FB that was a Heather design. Sweet.

Anyone have cute ideas for boys? We are doing WDW and Disney cruise in Feb. My boys are 1,2, and 5. I love the little girl dresses I've seen!! Maybe I can make one for my 2 year old niece that's going with us.
As the mom of a boy and I dress Dad too, two words Bowling Shirt. It is versatile and can be used to create almost anything. Just changing the directions of the panels changes the shirt. Have fun and enjoy your trip.
I really want an embroidery machine.

I did find two used ones on Craigslist-Janome350E for $500, I know most like brother on here. The other one doesn't say what brand it is but has 3 hoops, clothsetter (?), 20 memory cards with at least 14 designs on each for $900.

I also found a Brother Serger Lock 929D for $50. I don't have a serger.

What things do I need to know when buying second hand? How do I know if it's a good deal, if I can't find a model similar in a store or online?

I just don't know if I can justify the cost of one at this time.
Hi, I would compare the going price in the store, check history of sold items on Ebay and also the stitch count on the machine. Ask about yearly maintenance on the machine. Be very careful about scams on Craigslist, I found several. The key was I used two different emails and got the same response back to both. They were in Canada relocating, etc. RUN!!!

I like Brother but that is just me. I am excited for you and can't wait to see what you get.

Hello everyone! I've been lurking...but I may be around a little more this thread...we'll see! I'm power sewing for a boutique at the twins' school, AND
on December 8th, we're taking Isabel to DLand.

Uncle and I took the twins last December, and decided this year that Busy-Belle is big enough. She's only 2-1/2, but she thinks she's 5 :) My sis-in-law agrees, and thinks she'll do fine away from home for a few days :cheer2:
So...I'm thinking she'll need some princess dresses, and a autograph quilt, at the very least. I'm thinking scraps from all different Disney fabrics for that, like that beautiful twirl skirt I saw last thread. Grandma has actually agreed to make the quilt, so that's a little relief.

Sergers both broke last month, so I had to buy an emergency serger -- just the cheapest Singer at WalMart. It'll do for now. Happy sewing to me :rolleyes1
Have a great trip and congrats on the new immediate serger. I hate when machines break. It sounds like you are very busy. Please post pictures of what you make and the quilt grandma makes.

Wow! Everything looks great!

We leave in 3 days. 3. I have so much sewing left undone. Ugh. Why do I do this. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. It must be something to do with creative genes right?

So I'm simplifying a lot. Tonight I made 5 applique tees and instead of satin stitching them all just did straight stitches around the edge. Took about 4 hours off of that. Tomorrow I'm going to sew, sew, sew and likely on Thursday too. Friday is all about packing and errands for last minute items and putting together my items for the FE exchnange on our cruise. Then Saturday we leave! I am so excited. I do wish I would have started my sewing earlier though. Oh well it's about the vacations not the clothes, right? he he.
You are so busy! You will get it all done because....well time is almost up. Yeah a trip in just a few days. Please let us see the T shirts, nothing wrong with a straight stitch at all. Good luck and you will get it done.

I better get around to posting my Halloween outfits before page 10 comes and goes and I get sent to the principal's office. I have been reading and looking at everyone's wonderful creations (including a new baby!) but have been a wee bit busy aside from that.

Here are my Shark and Dolphin based on Easy Fits and Raglan Hoodies (and now I can make dd some horse fleece pullovers b/c the raglan hoodie is easy):



It was a little challenging sewing with some of the ginormous foam pieces but I can't complain -- dh got the foam from some packing at work so it was free! And ds's pants have no fins on them so he now has an instant pair of new pj bottoms. No clue what to do with the other large pieces -- I guess I'll save them for a while if the kids want to play dress up, but the costumes are very space occupying. And thankfully it was a little cooler on Halloween -- it's was in the 80's the week prior and dd complained about how hot the costume was during a fitting -- she still complained Hallowwen night as well, but at least it was bearable.

And these are Big Give bowling shirts I did for Michael's Big Give. I was worried about doing the small size for the one year old but it was easy and turned out so stinkin' cute. And my good ol' cheap Singer that drives me nuts with cleaning the bobbin comparment all the time has the easiest foot for doing buttonholes. I have never goofed on a single one and would like to attempt a bowling shirt without the placket.


I will definitely participate in more Big Gives in the future -- though may not have much time until after Christmas -- I am swamped with other things right now.
The costumes are just amazing. Wow, you are very good to create such work! I just love the bowling shirts and the button holes are easy. Thanks for doing the gives.
I haven't sewn much forever and my SIL asked me to make my niece a custom dress with embroidery matching her party invites. I was barely able to get it done this weekend for her party this weekend and now dd is begging me to make her a dress to match her party theme. So I was up last night working on a vida for her and AFTER I had attached all the but ruffles and was attaching the upper back piece I spazzed out and gashed the bodice with my serger! I had barely enough of the fabric left to replace it but now I will be spending my morning picking out topstiching, serging and basting stitches :( With both my big girl and my baby sick right now with upper respiratory and ear infections this dress is turning out to be a bigger challenge then rushing to finish customs for a trip!
OH birdie, I am sorry about the bodice on the dress. You really do have so much going on with sick ones at home. Could someone else finish it for you? So sorry you had to take this on at a bad time. Hope the girls get felling better soon.

I found this FREE cup and can cozy pattern from kwik sew last night and thought I would pass it along since everyone was talking about them yesterday.
Oh thank you so very much!!!!!:hug:
I decided I will try and post pictures more often again! I just unloaded the camera and here are two shirts I made for a big give. I love the way they turned out.


And here is a dress I made for the little sister of a boy in Dallas' cub scout den. She was so sweet and wants to learn how to sew (she is 6) and was quite chatty during a camping trip we went on. She was very interested in what I was doing and how I did it. I was cutting the patterns while there.


I must get back to work now. I have loved all the halloween costumes posted and outfits in general. I know I don't come over here nearly as often since we can all chat on facebook and I follow along that way. I also need to make an effort and find alot of you on facebook.
Here are a few other things Ive done. Let me know if you guys think they would be cool to gift as well!

Name Pillows, can get very creative with all the fabric choices:[/




Some hairclips:
I tried shrinking the pics a little but they are still huge. Sorry about that!
YAY!!! Got my shirt done for Disneyland!!!

Love the fabric. I prob. would have done just boring old black, but I like this much much more.

I better get around to posting my Halloween outfits before page 10 comes and goes and I get sent to the principal's office. I have been reading and looking at everyone's wonderful creations (including a new baby!) but have been a wee bit busy aside from that.

Here are my Shark and Dolphin based on Easy Fits and Raglan Hoodies (and now I can make dd some horse fleece pullovers b/c the raglan hoodie is easy):



It was a little challenging sewing with some of the ginormous foam pieces but I can't complain -- dh got the foam from some packing at work so it was free! And ds's pants have no fins on them so he now has an instant pair of new pj bottoms. No clue what to do with the other large pieces -- I guess I'll save them for a while if the kids want to play dress up, but the costumes are very space occupying. And thankfully it was a little cooler on Halloween -- it's was in the 80's the week prior and dd complained about how hot the costume was during a fitting -- she still complained Hallowwen night as well, but at least it was bearable.

And these are Big Give bowling shirts I did for Michael's Big Give. I was worried about doing the small size for the one year old but it was easy and turned out so stinkin' cute. And my good ol' cheap Singer that drives me nuts with cleaning the bobbin comparment all the time has the easiest foot for doing buttonholes. I have never goofed on a single one and would like to attempt a bowling shirt without the placket.


I will definitely participate in more Big Gives in the future -- though may not have much time until after Christmas -- I am swamped with other things right now.

Cool. Amazing what you can do with the raglan and the Easy Fits. (I did a penguin, you did these, Heather sue did a killer whale)

Also, great bowling shirts, I love that pattern.

I decided I will try and post pictures more often again! I just unloaded the camera and here are two shirts I made for a big give. I love the way they turned out.


And here is a dress I made for the little sister of a boy in Dallas' cub scout den. She was so sweet and wants to learn how to sew (she is 6) and was quite chatty during a camping trip we went on. She was very interested in what I was doing and how I did it. I was cutting the patterns while there.


I must get back to work now. I have loved all the halloween costumes posted and outfits in general. I know I don't come over here nearly as often since we can all chat on facebook and I follow along that way. I also need to make an effort and find alot of you on facebook.

Awesome P and F. so sweet of you to make a dress for the little girl. It is nice when someone is interested like that. We have a neighbour girl that is the same. If she is playing with DS she has to come see what I am making.

And thanks for posting pics on here too. (sometimes I go to your etsy account just to see all the great stuff you do)
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