Non-scale victories


DIS Veteran
Feb 21, 2009
What positive changes are you noticing other than the number on the scale.

I'm seeing my belly pooch disappear to almost nothing when I stand.

I've also lost back fat, and my 32DD bras fit.
I had one today. My mom ate a piece of baklava. I had a Skinny Cow fudge bar. I think mine was better. So does my mom.
awesome redlight! i'm waiting to NOT feel my belly pouch in yoga class....
Last night I was lying down in bed and was running my hands down along my ribs, because I could actually feel the bumps of my ribs. :D And I washed the pants I wore to work last night, then took them into town with me and donated them to one of the clothing boxes, since they didn't even close to fit me anymore. Felt good! :thumbsup2
That little pooch of fat between my chest and armpit is completely gone! :banana:
I can zip my pants without pinching my belly with the zipper. ouch! I'm in the largest size pants I've ever needed and REFUSED to go up to the next size.
Any day when I can sit in a chair and feel the squats from the latest workout is a good day. :thumbsup2

Basically anytime I'm feeling sore I know I had a good workout. The fact that I can run for so long without giving up and right now it's the fact that I can see a good amount of muscle on my arms. :yay:
Buying smaller pants, and then a few months later they are starting to feel too big.
I'm noticing muscles building up in my upper arms. There's still some flab to work on, but I can definitely feel that they're getting more toned. It is my inspiration to keep going right now. :)
What are you doing for your arm exercises?
I'm borrowing my husband's aunt's Healthrider machine. The one I have is an older model, but you can see one here. My husband says when his aunt used it regularly, she looked like the people on the commercials being all toned. It has two sets of foot pedals on it - the lower ones let you have a cardio workout. I do that sometimes, but generally prefer my elliptical. But on the upper pedals, you're really depending on your arms to pull a lot more. I try to do a set of them about 2 - 3 times a day. Right now I'm doing 40 in each set, but I keep trying to increase how many I can do. I've been doing it for about three weeks (except on the days that I forget to :laughing: ) and I really can feel the difference in my arms.
I'm borrowing my husband's aunt's Healthrider machine. The one I have is an older model, but you can see one here. My husband says when his aunt used it regularly, she looked like the people on the commercials being all toned. It has two sets of foot pedals on it - the lower ones let you have a cardio workout. I do that sometimes, but generally prefer my elliptical. But on the upper pedals, you're really depending on your arms to pull a lot more. I try to do a set of them about 2 - 3 times a day. Right now I'm doing 40 in each set, but I keep trying to increase how many I can do. I've been doing it for about three weeks (except on the days that I forget to :laughing: ) and I really can feel the difference in my arms.

Cool! Unfortunately, I don't want to spend any money on equipment now. I have been doing pushups (inconsistently) and using small hand weights (even less consistently).
Cool! Unfortunately, I don't want to spend any money on equipment now. I have been doing pushups (inconsistently) and using small hand weights (even less consistently).
If you decide you want to get one / any other equipment in the future, I would definitely recommend checking out craigslist. So many people buy machines and use them twice, so they're practically new and a fraction of the cost. That's how I got my elliptical.
I really needed this thread this weekend. My weigh in was NOT good, and I was really down about it. I had been really great with my workouts and still lost only ONE pound. So, remembering this thread, I took a careful inventory while I was in the shower. I have CALF MUSCLES!! Very exciting. I also see muscle definition in my forearms and I can find biceps. My stomach is slightly flatter and the best part is that I have a LOT more energy!

I think it's really good to remember that the benefits of exercise and eating better don't always show up on the scale and that we need to rejoice in the other good things that come from it.
I really needed this thread this weekend. My weigh in was NOT good, and I was really down about it. I had been really great with my workouts and still lost only ONE pound. So, remembering this thread, I took a careful inventory while I was in the shower. I have CALF MUSCLES!! Very exciting. I also see muscle definition in my forearms and I can find biceps. My stomach is slightly flatter and the best part is that I have a LOT more energy!

I think it's really good to remember that the benefits of exercise and eating better don't always show up on the scale and that we need to rejoice in the other good things that come from it.
Congrats! It's really exciting to be toning up!
I really needed this thread this weekend. My weigh in was NOT good, and I was really down about it. I had been really great with my workouts and still lost only ONE pound. So, remembering this thread, I took a careful inventory while I was in the shower. I have CALF MUSCLES!! Very exciting. I also see muscle definition in my forearms and I can find biceps. My stomach is slightly flatter and the best part is that I have a LOT more energy!

I think it's really good to remember that the benefits of exercise and eating better don't always show up on the scale and that we need to rejoice in the other good things that come from it.

Losing a pound is still a loss! Great job getting calf muscles and flattening your stomach!
I'm seeing changes in my thighs. They aren't much smaller, but they are more solid and less doughy.
Feeling sorry myself and thought I'd jump online. Found myself on the boards and saw this thread. Made me smile and wanting to try harder! I have battled with shin splints since Nov and want to run a half marathon in aug 2010. I keep thinking how I'm never going to get there since everytime I get going and my runs get better then I have to take a break for rest. I finally thought I had things going great. I was running 2-3 miles every other day and this was a great thing compared to what I was able to do. I have been watching what I eat (with a bad day here and there). I have been working on every other day sometimes more. (Other than a week in Dec and Jan that I couldn't walk due to shin splints) I have been doing 8 minutes abs, buns, thighs, and arms 3 days a week. Also with some other videos. I have not lost a single pound. I go from 192-195 and have been since November. I found myself sitting in my car today while waiting my daughter to come out of dance. I started crying. Wondering if I'll ever get weight lose or any inches lost. I'm been working so hard and have no numbers to show for it. I guess call it a bad day or feeling sorry for myself. Then I read this and I thought about it. My legs do look better. I know they don't show any numbers lost but I have muscles built I've never seen before. I also keep hearing from friends how I look great and want to know how much weight I've lost. Then I have to tell them I lost nothing. It makes me feel terrible. Sometimes I think I should lie and give them a fake number. Either way I got a good smile after reading your stories about how you've seen a difference. Thanks for sharing! I'll be getting up in the morning to get to the gym.


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