Caution: Coca Cola place in Epcot

My husband drinks his coffee black to with no sweetener and he likes Beverly. I guess if you like bitter stuff, Beverly is for you! I, on the other hand like sweet stuff so I hate Beverly.

I had one young man point one selection and say "what ever you do, do not drink this"

So of coarse I drank it ... I didn't think it was anything ... gave some to my wife, she made a nasty face and said "that's bitter".

I drink coffee plain too.

Starbucks killed my bitter taste buds ... :lmao:

The food court coffee didn't help either.
I snapped a picture of DS(3) as he took a sip of Beverly. I was expecting/hoping for a good reaction. Turns out he liked it?!?

:rotfl2: Same for my DD (now 13) she had some health issues, and we stopped at club cool for some cool air and maybe some watermelon soda - She knew Beverly was/is bitter -

she insisted we fill a water bottle with the stuff!!! :confused3 she swears it helped her settle her stomach!!
it does sound like heat rash like someone a few posts ago said since they had the same kinda thing, just wierd that it was only where the soda splashed and happened pretty soon afterwards. Today the spots are just about gone, thank goodness but they were REALLY red during my trip. thanks for all your responses.
EXACTLY what I was going to say!

And speaking of Club Station Cool, here's a story:

We've been going for years, and my group of friends has always loved the Japanese Vegibeta (sp?). One of my friends is obsessed with it.

A few years back, I thought I'd try to buy him a case of it for Christmas. Disney, of course, can't or won't sell it. I called a Coke distributor and they told me that they'd never heard of it, and that it probably wasn't sold in the US at all. They told me my only hope would be to go to Japan, or to maybe check a Japanese grocery in New York City. I pretty much gave up.

Then, this year, we actually went to Japan. My friend was psyched and started looking for it immediately. It was nowhere to be found in the endless rows of vending machines that they have (literally, everywhere). We asked a few people, and they'd never heard of it.

We ended up meeting up with a Japanese college buddy who lives outside of Tokyo. He'd also never heard of it, but did some research. Turns out that it was sold in Japan only briefly in the 80's or 90's!!!

What is Disney trying to pull! This is a fraud! (I'm kidding).

But it leads me to wonder about the other brands they sell (Beverly, etc...). Has anyone ever found any of them in their respective countries???

DH goes to Shanghai a lot and I've always asked him for the Smart Watermelon. Like you, he hasn't been able to find it, nor has he found anyone who's familiar with that flavor. However, he did find and bring back a Smart Green Apple flavor, that was delicious. I've noticed that over the last few years, Club Cool is always out of Smart Watermelon, leading me to wonder if, like the Japanese drink, the Watermelon flavor is something that maybe was offered briefly, but is now unavailable. I wish they'd change to the green apple-that was good!

The other thing I just remembered is the Mexican offering, Manzanita diet apple. We live 15 minutes from the Mexican border, and have been over to Mexico several times to visit family. Down in Monterey, we asked for Manzanita diet, and although Manzanita is widely available, no one we've talked to has ever seen the diet version.
OHH Smart Watermelon, how I long for you! Apparently the 'Smart' drinks in China are all different flavors, none of which you can buy online (I tried, unsuccesfully). I get cravings, oh how I get cravings. It was so bad last month, I went down for the day, spent an hour drinking Smart Watermelon. *sigh*

:love:Smart Watermelon:love:

I took my DBF there during his first visit to the World this past week and he absolutely LOVED Beverly.:confused3
A former colleague of mine had a bottle ob Beverly that he brought back from Italy on his desk. It came in a very pretty heavy glass bottle and it was bright red.


The Beverly soda was bright red,or the bottle was bright red,if the soda itself was red it's more proof of my conspiracy theory that the Beverly at Club Cool is a rogue soda put in there to get a reaction from tourists.I know I saw in a Food Network or Travel Channel show a bottle of Beverly clearly being red not the clear horrible tasting stuff at Club Cool.
Don't laugh, but I love Beverly :) Reminds me of tonic, maybe I should add a little vodka...
Don't laugh, but I love Beverly :) Reminds me of tonic, maybe I should add a little vodka...

I totally agree with this, except that I was thinking that some gin would make it perfect. If I'm at a bar or club and not drinking alcohol, I usually get a tonic and lime since I hate the sweet drinks, and the Beverly reminded me a lot of that, just more bitter. Being a coffee drinker, bitter isn't a bad thing.
The Beverly soda was bright red,or the bottle was bright red,if the soda itself was red it's more proof of my conspiracy theory that the Beverly at Club Cool is a rogue soda put in there to get a reaction from tourists.I know I saw in a Food Network or Travel Channel show a bottle of Beverly clearly being red not the clear horrible tasting stuff at Club Cool.

I could not tell for sure if it was the soda or the bottle that was red as it was just sitting on his desk as a decoration and was never opened, but I always thought that the bottle was clear glass and the soda was red.

Don't laugh, but I love Beverly :) Reminds me of tonic, maybe I should add a little vodka...

This reminds me, in Italy they DO Beverly as a mixer with alcohol. DH has been in Italy several times and he's only seen Beverly at bars and lounges.
It does make you wonder, though, just how popular some of these drinks really are, or did Coke (or Disney) just try and find some of the most interesting drinks that they could, regardless of whether or not they were just some regional little drink that not many know about, just to get a better reaction.

I suppose that if Disney Paris had one of these booths set up, they could represent the United States by offering the drink Moxie, or some other regional drink that would get a strong reaction, but not many know about it. (and believe me, Moxie would definitely get a strong, almost Beverely like reaction).
Not that I'm an expert on Coke products, but I can tell you this.....I had the same exact thing on my legs when I went to WDW, it was on the inside part of my ankles. It itched really bad, even burned at one point, the only thing that would make it stop hurting was getting into cool air conditioning and putting my legs up, when I got home and was able to just sit for a few days it stopped getting worse and then it made bruise like places where the welts were and it eventually faded away. It sucked but I didn't allow it to take away from my trip.
I did happen to look it up online and found exactly what this pp said about it, that it was a heat rash. Sorry it happened to you, but I guess a lot of people experience this in the humid, hot tropical sorts of climates.

This also happens to me just about every time we go to WDW. It is so itchy and annoying and looks really really bad. One time I had it so bad it creeped up to my face! I was freaking out a little bit at that one. It usually bruises because of all of the itching that you do.
This thread has taught me that pretty much everything cleans batteries and that some people actually like Beverly. And it started because of a rash!

By the way, my clumsy self has spilled Diet Pepsi and Coke Zero on myself plenty of times. No rash yet!
So now I want to try Beverly and all the others... but I'm allergic to corn so no corn syrup - anyone know if they offer diet versions? Because my rash would be killer...
They don't have diet versions. My dad's a diabetic and can't drink them either. Although you might want to check and see if there's a way to get an ingredient list, because if any are manufactured outside the states, there might be a chance that one maybe uses cane sugar or another sweetener rather than corn syrup. Worth a shot at least


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