2010 Mom's Panel Results along with lists of Round 2 & 3 Participants

33 DIS members and counting is pretty impressive. I'm the only guy in the 33, not sure if that is good or bad, but considering that I'm a single parent, I guess I 'm at least part Mom too.

As far as I'm concerned, it obviously would be nice to be part of an official Disney panel, but being on this and other web boards is pretty much the same thing. I enjoy talking to fellow Disney lovers, giving and getting advice, swapping trivia and tips etc. Whether it be on an official or unofficial web site, it's the friendships and fun that makes it worthwhile.

That said:

I think we should choose a DIS representative for the Mom's panel. As the only guy I think it's my duty to suggest naked mud wrestling!! :) Just a thought.

What kind of MAN applies to be on a MOMS panel?

I mean, REALLY!

oh yeah. right. sorry. please disregard.
I submitted my answers Tuesday evening and just let it sink in a bit more yesterday .... and I really have to admit, I was not this anxious after submitting my 1st round questions. :scared1:

And, I really want to wish the other 199* moms and dads out there the BEST OF LUCK and I'm sending everyone a big dose of pixie dust pixiedust:

So...I'll be doing a lot of this :surfweb: until Oct. 27th.

*or...based on another post I saw yesterday, is it only 196? Do we really think those 3 people were serious when they said they weren't going to do the answers? That's just crazy!
I'm originally from Tifton! My parents and my husband's parents and his sister still live there. It takes a lot longer to get to Disney from New York for sure!

I got the email from Disney as well - I made it to the second round! YEA!
CBH- That's great you're from Tifton! My daughter and I just moved here in January, I work as a prosecutor in the District Attorney's Office... we love it here. I'm originally from Atlanta, but one thing that sold me on Tifton was that is was a LOT closer to WDW than Atlanta!!
Missy, Thinking about you and wishing you well!!!!!:hug:

Congrats to all the round 2 disney freaks!!:upsidedow

May the best 10 win!!!:)
Actually, there is still another round before it's whittled down to 10! more nerves, more waiting! wasn't it 32 on to round 3?
Actually, there is still another round before it's whittled down to 10! more nerves, more waiting! wasn't it 32 on to round 3?

That's what I was thinking...the 10 will be the final winners, still have to do phone interviews first, right? That's the part I was most nervous about if I'd made it through. I'm WAY better in text (well not that good obviously) than I am over the phone! But I have made it through 3 separate Cast Member phone interviews in the past so maybe I'm not so bad...haha
I submitted my answers Tuesday evening and just let it sink in a bit more yesterday .... and I really have to admit, I was not this anxious after submitting my 1st round questions. :scared1:

And, I really want to wish the other 199* moms and dads out there the BEST OF LUCK and I'm sending everyone a big dose of pixie dust pixiedust:

So...I'll be doing a lot of this :surfweb: until Oct. 27th.

*or...based on another post I saw yesterday, is it only 196? Do we really think those 3 people were serious when they said they weren't going to do the answers? That's just crazy!

Traci - I am the same way. I am excited and nervous all at once.

I keep surfing to keep myself busy. What I need to do is do this :laundy:!
I am volunteering at the kids school today so that will eat up some time. I am very fortunate that my 4th grader still wants me to come and be in her classroom 2-3 times a week. I know it will be soon that I have to drop her off 2 blocks from school. :)

I agree with the 3 people dropping out. Why would you hurt the chance of someone else who really wants to see it through to the end just to feed your ego? Ugh. I am hoping that the 3 people were just putting that out there because they were afraid of not making it to the third round or that they never really made it at all and were just playing it off to make themselves look better. Either way... :sad2:
One thing that bothers me about the 3 people dropping (aside from the fact that I think that is rather inconsiderate on their part to throw away something that means so much to others) is that even if they are so apathetic, WHY would you make that information public?? I just see the all the pain that these announcments have caused as unnecessary. Knowing that these individuals took up slots that others so greatly coveted and are now tossing them is like throwing a bucket of salt on a gaping wound. It would have been better if they'd kept the knowledge of their actions to themselves. Honestly, I just don't understand why they felt the need to declare their apathy in the midst of people who are struggling not to be devastated. It seems a bit cruel.
That said:

I think we should choose a DIS representative for the Mom's panel. As the only guy I think it's my duty to suggest naked mud wrestling!! :) Just a thought.

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :thumbsup2
At this point, I'm lurking more than posting--busy time at work, still licking my wounds :rolleyes1--but just had to respond to this! Perfect idea--you win!

And Twende, thanks so much for organizing all this. I love getting to know more DISers! :goodvibes
Just submitted my Round 2 application, headshot and all... let the waiting begin... AGAIN. Lately, I feel like all I'm doing waiting... sigh.

Good luck to everyone.
That said:

I think we should choose a DIS representative for the Mom's panel. As the only guy I think it's my duty to suggest naked mud wrestling!! :) Just a thought.

:rotfl2: Oh, I think you'd fit in perfectly with the Moms Panel! You're our kind of people! :rotfl:

I was lucky enough to be chosen for round 2 as well. Great news since I just returned from my WDW vacation on Tuesday to find out I was laid off AGAIN>>>second time in 14 months. UGH!! Anyway, does anyone know how many people made it to round 2?
That said:

I think we should choose a DIS representative for the Mom's panel. As the only guy I think it's my duty to suggest naked mud wrestling!! :) Just a thought.

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :thumbsup2
At this point, I'm lurking more than posting--busy time at work, still licking my wounds :rolleyes1--but just had to respond to this! Perfect idea--you win!

And Twende, thanks so much for organizing all this. I love getting to know more DISers! :goodvibes

Paul, I would agree to watching the naked mud wrestling as long as there is a match that has all males in it! :lmao: Also particpants must wear lime green Mickey ears during the entire match!::yes::popcorn:: Wouldn't that be a sight? :thumbsup2:rotfl::scared1:

deekaypee, I enjoy keeping the list. It is fun to get to know more about the next rounders and to watch them sweat and also succeed! :woohoo:
What kind of MAN applies to be on a MOMS panel?

I mean, REALLY!

oh yeah. right. sorry. please disregard.

Arg! The first year of this, I took it at face value- MOM'S Panel, so didn't even look at it... then I saw that some GUY had been picked... Hmmmm...


That's what I was thinking...the 10 will be the final winners, still have to do phone interviews first, right? That's the part I was most nervous about if I'd made it through. I'm WAY better in text (well not that good obviously) than I am over the phone! But I have made it through 3 separate Cast Member phone interviews in the past so maybe I'm not so bad...haha

Zanna! 3 CM interviews? So... did you become a CM? Tell the story!!!


Missy - Lots of hugs coming your way! I know how scary this can be but try not to think about it until they run the tests. My mom had a lump that turned out to be nothing. :grouphug:

Twende - Thanks for all of your hard work setting up these posts and maintaining the Round II list. You are awesome! :mickeyjum

Alamode - Hey, my in-laws are from Stoney Creek/Winona. We were just up there right before the Peach Festival. We are making are annual Christmas pilgrimage from Texas and my DS 4 is praying for snow. (He went sledding for the first time last year.) :yay:

Drop-Outs - Really?!? As one that did not make it to round II (and soooooo wanted this), you have disappointed those of us that would have gladly taken your spot. (That's my mom voice.) With that said, please drop out now if that is your intention. Let the others who really want it have a fair shot. Now, if you just said it to cover your fear of not making it, consider the fact that your auidence on DISboards probably has Moms Panel insiders reading along. :sad2:

Continued Good Luck for those who are ALL ABOUT THE MOMS PANEL!
Drop-Outs - Really?!? As one that did not make it to round II (and soooooo wanted this), you have disappointed those of us that would have gladly taken your spot. (That's my mom voice.) With that said, please drop out now if that is your intention. Let the others who really want it have a fair shot. Now, if you just said it to cover your fear of not making it, consider the fact that your auidence on DISboards probably has Moms Panel insiders reading along. :sad2:

Continued Good Luck for those who are ALL ABOUT THE MOMS PANEL![/quote]

I'm sorry. I think I accidentally responded to something posted in the other mom's panel thread here.
Ok, so I just have to say this. Since I am not one of the people who made it on to round 2 (but I am SUPER happy for those who did), I was quite upset reading a few posts on another site earlier today. I read, not 1, but 3 posts of people who have made it on to round 2 but are dropping out and never had any intention of going through with it!!!!!! One of the people said they just did it to see if they could make it past the first round, one person said they don't have time (wouldn't you know what sort of commitment was involved before you applied-I know I did), and the other "just isn't interested any longer"!!!! I am sorry to say, but I think that is horrible!!! Just think, that is 3 more people who really wanted to that could have moved on! I totally understand if something comes up out of the blue, but come on!

Ok, thank you for listening, my rant is over!

Congrats again to all those awesome moms and dads who have moved on!

I just saw this and I agree that stinks:mad: I cannot understand why anyone would do that to begin with. I, like so many others who applied really wanted to make it and to hear something like this just makes me angry. That is three spots gone that should have gone to someone that had their heart in the right place. What I am curious about now is how did the three answer their questions? What did they convey in their answers that caught the attention of the decision makers? I was honest and sincere in my answers and I wasn't picked, but here are three people who just did it for the heck of it.:confused3 I feel better now, thanks for letting me vent.
Zanna! 3 CM interviews? So... did you become a CM? Tell the story!!!



Oh yes! :)

Ok, I'll try to tell the abbreviated version, I tend to get longwinded. ;)

I was in college and struggling with what to major in...I felt like I was floundering (I *loved* high school and had been in all AP/Honors classes/drama/chorus but in college I felt lost) and took a semester off. Then it hit me that what I wanted to do was work for Disney. I thought working for their Reservations office would be the most fun; planning other people's vacations! So I found a college that had a Bachelors program for Travel & Tourism management and transferred. I then convinced my mom and boyfriend to also move down and work there. So in May of 1995 we all moved down, and by June we were all Cast Members!

The only thing was DRC (the reservations center) was not hiring when we interviewed. Of course I would've accepted anything just to work there, and ended up with a position in merchandise on Main Street, USA. My mom ended up in Food & Beverage at All-Star Sports and my boyfriend was at MGM in merchandise also (he later moved on to attractions and did the special effects 'inside the magic' tour with the water tank and the inside miniatures/blue screen special effects when that was still around) My mom later transferred to merchandise and worked at Mickey's Star Traders. It was fun when we could meet up on our breaks in the Tunnel :)

My first day was the 4th of July and I was in the Main St. Athletic Club. Working on one of the busiest days of the year until 2am was a trial by fire but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I LOVED it because it was an all-new store (though of course I missed the Magic Shop and Penny Arcade as did many guests that came thru!) and we had NEW costumes. They were knickers instead of the plaid skirts and dark turquoise blue sailor-collared blouses. MUCH better than the high-necked blouses and hot pink bow ties! But now those costumes are done and it's all integrated again and it's not even pink bow ties anymore.

I also worked in Disney Clothiers and later volunteered to transfer to Uptown Jewelers when management told us we had to lose a member of the Athletic Club team to move over there. I was talking to CM's a while ago though and learned that now CM's rotate throughout all the Main Street shops. One of my favorite things to do was work the outdoor cart next door in the winter because we got to wear those cool long dark green coats. :D

My other favorite part was when SpectroMagic would come by. The shops would empty out and I'd see the floats going by with their twinkling lights and watch all the guests so excited to see it for the first time. Hearing that music still brings tears to my eyes. :)

Working during the Very Merry Christmas Party was also wonderful with the snow, and we got to wear Mickey Ear Santa hats and welcome all the guests as they walked down Main Street. SO magical...I'll never forget those special memories.

I was later offered a position in a full service travel agency and decided to take it. I worked there for a while and got my associate and Master CLIA (cruise line international association) certifications and I moved up to manager there quickly. I married my boyfriend in 1996 and we had our reception at the Dolphin :) More magical memories!

After we had our first child, we moved back to Mass where we had our second child. I *thought* I was ready to try to go back to work part time and got a job at The Disney Store up in Marlboro Mass, when my youngest was a year old. I soon realized it just wasn't going to work with my husband's networking job having him on call and unpredictable hours, so I wasn't able to stay there long.

We moved BACK to Orlando in 2003, and I finally got a position at DRC in reservations in early 2004. The training for that was fabulously fun. It was 6 weeks long and you have to remember that they are hiring people that might not have ANY experience with Disney at all...so every time there was a question about the resorts or activities we (oops, they) offered, I was the first to answer. Not embarrassed to say I became the teachers pet haha!

Sadly, my first week finally on the phones, my dad got gravely ill and passed away suddenly. I was pretty devastated and took a week off...during that week, my husband's job transferred him to Tampa (he worked there during the week and would come home on the weekends, until we moved in 2005), so I had no choice but to leave that position as well. There IS a DRC office in Tampa and I recently interviewed with them again (passed the phone interview!) but realized with a new little one at home, committing to working weekends and holidays wasn't really the best for us at this point. Another reason why I didn't go through with the interview was it was the same week that Moms Panel applications went through...I knew if I got the DRC job, I would not be able to be on the Moms Panel. I guess I was a little too optimistic about making it through.

ANYway...that's my story...sorry for rambling on!! I have written more about it in my history of Disney love. I guess I haven't posted my cast member pictures on the blog, but they are on my flickr account. I should make a separate blog entry I guess. Thanks for asking, Jud and sorry to anyone I bored with this! Back to the topic at hand!! :cheer2:


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