How early do you get up when at WDW

What time do you get up to go to the parks

  • I hit AM EMH and I am there at ropedrop

  • I intend to be there for ropedrop but never seem to quite make it.

  • We go when we get up, no early risers here

  • We hit PM EMH

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We're always up for rope drop too. I think we usually get up around 6:30. Which is soooo early for me. I'm usually late to bed, late to rise (normally I don't get up until around 11 AM). But as a pp stated I didn't spend all that money to sleep my vacation away. I can sleep when I get home. We're usually at the parks from rope drop until closing time.
We (kids and I) nearly always make rope drops, but dh usually sleeps in and meets us later. We do afternoon breaks, and make it to most PM EMH's as well, but usually can't make it all the way to park closing.

When I wake dd, I always ask if she'd rather sleep in, but she loves those early mornings. :woohoo:
we try to make it to the rope drop but its hard with my system still being three hours behind so we try but most the time doesn't happen. moving a little to slow.
:banana: we normally get up around 7am. Sometimes earlier if we have an ADR. Always excited to get to the parks. :cool1:

Maryann :surfweb:
I can't get my kids out of bed early enough to do the rope drop. They are so lazy! Just kidding, but I would love to do the rope drop when we go in 2009.
I voted for the first option because we ALWAYS hit rope drop. But we NEVER go to EMH. We AVOID the EMH parks like the plague.

We don't usually do to the AM EMH, but we're there for ropedrop.

No voting option for me. We don't go to EMH but always go to rope drop at a non-EMH park. We are near the front, if not first, of the line at the turnstyles. We need the extra hour of sleep so no EMH for us.

I could have written that same sentence!

Totally making it at rope drop. Totally skippin' EMH. Did it once at MK. Nightmare! Super crowdy!
I prefer to get there for rope drop for various reasons. I love the feeling of being able to walk around without having to make sure I'm not going to get run over (or run over someone) with every step. I also like to get lots of photos in the parks, and the lighting is different in the morning -- in fact, as far as that goes, I wish I could get in at first light.

I used to get there for rope drop more often. I get up early enough, but I need a hose and an air horn to get my wife out of bed. :rolleyes:

I get up at 5am and do my puttering. I have a morning routine that I just move forward a few hours and then once I'm showered, coffee'd, dressed and have all the gear set up and ready to go..then I wake up everyone else. Everyone else gets bathed /showered before bed so that I can just pop them into their clothes and out the door we go.

The only troubles I encounter is my girls are night owls and my boys are early birds. So at night my boys are grumpy and in the morning my girls are REALLY grumpy! LOL I'm also a night owl but I can't sleep properly away from my own bed so I sleep very little when we are away from home.
What? People actually sleep at Disney? :confused3 EMH AM, EMH PM, all rope drops - I'm there! :thumbsup2
We don't do EMH, in fact we avoid EMH parks. But we do get up early and arrive at the park at or just before opening. We find we can get so much done early.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I voted that we usually try to make ropedrop, but never do. That was the way it was last year. But, I have a feeling that this year might be a little different. My kids are a little older, and they are waking up around 7-7:30am every morning here at home. So, I'm sure this will be case as well at WDW.
we usually get there at open and switch over to whichever park has pm emh and stay til close:cool1:
We are *not* rope drop people! We have to go with what we're used to, so we don't want to get up early and rush. We plan our days accordingly to this schedule, too.
Rope Drop every day, I tend to rise early at Disney and find I can get more done in those early hours. We are not late night people though so we never close the park or anything.

We're from the west coast, so it is almost impossible to make it to ripe drop. We tried this last trip but never made it out of bed until 9 AM (6 AM our time). We did EMH at night a couple of times and it was great because there was no sun but it was busier than the daytime. It never started thinning out until after midnight which was only 9 PM our time. So we weren't very tired.
we wake up the same time at disney as we do at home - 5am - can't help it!

early breakfast, then off to an EMH park - definitely early risers here!
I'm always first up and it's always tooo early. I like it though *** I can have my shower, get ready and then wake the others up. While they are getting ready I'll go downstairs for a coffee until they are ready for breakfast.
Since we get up at 5:00 at home, we "sleep in" at WDW--6:00 or 6:30 :lmao: --and still have plenty of time to be at the parks for the rope drop. DH and I are early birds. We leave the teenagers sleeping in the room and they meet up with us around lunchtime.
I usually get up before DH and the boys and....wait for it....wait for it....

GO RUNNING! :tiptoe:

Then when I get back and everyone's ready, we leave the room, usually not later than 8 to eat breakfast. We've done the evening EMH's but not the morning.


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