Cost for Goffy's Kitchen Breakfast?

You can prepurchase discounted tickets online at and get free shipping with the code PODCAST. They are $35.00 for adult and $16.50 for children, regular prices are $37.16 and $17.34.
You can prepurchase discounted tickets online at and get free shipping with the code PODCAST. They are $35.00 for adult and $16.50 for children, regular prices are $37.16 and $17.34.

Wow, I had no idea you can prepay for character dining on That saves us $4 a meal! Yes! Thank you! ;)
Sure! I was going to do it that way until we decided to go the AP route. The 15% discount ends up being a little bit better, so we'll just pay when we get there. But, I enjoy helping people save money when I can! ;)

We purchased Annual Passes for this year. So, since we purchased the Premium AP's, we'll get 15% off of character dining.


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