The Official General Hospital Thread! Sarah Brown Returns to GH!!!

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Regarding the above whited out spoiler: Carly is an idiot!!! I can not wait until she finds out that Jake is Jason's son and he kept this info from her all this time! It's going to be sweet!

I know. She is so dumb like her cousin. I can't wait though because Liz won't take her crap and she knows it. She also knows that she will become second in Jason's life and that's why she doesn't want them together. :laughing:
recap from one of Steve's PAs this weekend.

My recaps mostly from was a great show.

Steve came out on stage and first made fun of the DJ Mark who was playing Michael Jackson...he had told Mark at the Noon show to not play MJ and there he goes again. Steve nixed several songs the DJ put out there while he was taking pictures with everyone. Seems he liked the rap and dance songs but said no to Mark Anthony and some grandma songs as he called them.

He talked about no one recording the session and putting it on YouTube Josh Duhon (Logan) got in really big trouble for some of the stuff he said at a fan event and ABC bosses called him to discuss Steve didn't want that same conversation to happen with him.

Steve asked the crowd..."Can I claim Jake"....and pretty much everyone screamed yes.

He then says "Poor Lucky"

He talked about the scene after Letecia was murdered and Mac asked Jason if there was anyone he wanted protected....Steve was cute reenacted Jason in this scene..he pauses and thinks really hard then says ah No. Then he makes a funny Lucky whiney voice and says "but what about Sam".

He asked us Who wants Carly to know about baby Jake? There was a mixed response from the crowd and Steve mentioned how everyone knew in PC about Jake except of course Lucky.

He talked about Jason's relationship with Spinelli and how he loves him but has no idea what he is saying.

Steve mentioned Kate and Sonny. Talked about how you need to be careful around Sonny if you are a female in PC or you could end up preggers. He went on to talk about Alcazar and he did a pretty funny reenactment of the audio tape that Ric found under Alcazar's desk. Steve was saying..."how could this really be used as evidence in a murder trial"

He also asked us if we noticed that Alcazar only rolled his "r's" when he said Corinthos or Morgan but pretty much talked normal every other time.

Someone asked if Alcazar was really dead...Steve said noone is really ever dead on a soap anyone can come back.

He talked about Ghost Alan. He also said he doesn't watch the show at all...but happened to catch some scenes in his dressing room of Alan and Edward. He noticed that John Engle was "freezing up" during some scenes with Alan the Ghost and he talked to him about it.

Steve talked about his hair and why he's growing it out. He talked about the western in 2009 he's doing for TNT. He's leaving it as it is for now but won't be cutting it anytime soon...he may actually have to grow it out for another 6 months without cutting it before shooting the western because he doesn't want to have to wear a wig. He also won't cut it again before the western is filmed because he doesn't want to ever go through the shellacked slicked back helmut head stage.

Steve says you all saw me in jail for a week and luckily they had hair spray in jail. He mentioned that you don't really see him with other inmates but boy did he get a lot of guests in the interrogation room at PCPD and at Pentonville. He did question how Monica did not go see him.

Then he asked the crowd if he can be forgiven for breaking up with Sam right after she woke up from a coma since she broke up with him in jail....mixed reviews on that answer.

Steve let everyone know that as much as we all think he has all this clout and pull with the writers he really doesn't. He tried to get them to change Jason kissing Carly at the PC hotel fire and also when Jason broke up with Sam but the writers wouldn't change it and they pay him money so he just does what they tell him to do.

Someone asked about his scenes with Laura about Jax's rape and it looked like he was trying not to laugh. Steve explained that he had no idea Jax had been raped and didn't even know who did it before reading the script (since he doesn't watch the show) Laura told him it was Irina. Steve did admit he was trying not to crack up during that scene. He also made fun of Irina a bit mocking her accent and calling her Arnold Swartzeneggar.

Some lady screamed for him to take his shirt off...Steve made a *you are crazy face* and pretty much said "NO".

Steve talked a bit about NS...good ratings and thanked everyone for watching. He was blessed to be asked to direct some of the later episodes but doing double duty over the summer on NS and GH has been stressful for everyone. Usually the summer was always a lighter filming time but with doing both shows everyone had been putting in a lot of hours...he joked his daughter has probably started HS already for all he knows he hasn't seen much of her...he said he was joking of course. He said he knows it's confusing for some to watch because the stories don't sinc from GH to NS and he talked about how that would be really hard to do especially if GH was ever pre-empted during the day. He expects NS to tape another 13 eppys.

He mentioned how wardrobe tried to get him to wear more colored T shirts. Steve says he's happy with the 3 he currently has and nixes all of wardrobes ideas for brighter colors for Jason like blue no matter how much they tell him it will go great with his eyes.

Someone asked if there was a new love interest out there on the horizon for Jason since it's over with Sam and he's already been there done that with Liz....he pretty much answered that it's not over with Liz and actually they haven't explored things fully with Liz and Jason yet.

Steve then went on to make fun of Sam and the jacuzzi scene. That she pretty much showed him the tub as if it was a prize from the price is right. He also wondered about Lucky jumping into the hot tub with his jeans on..."what kind of aquaman move was that".

He was joking with some in the audience that he much funnier than Jason and that actually Jason doesn't have much of a personality and is kind of a boring guy.

Someone asked when Jason is going to get laid again since it's been awhile. Steve said maybe Jason got lucky with Bubba in probably like hair spray. Then Steve said he had no idea when Jason was going to get lucky again....maybe sooner than later...or if you don't like that answer maybe you like maybe later than sooner...maybe you'll get an early X-mas present but don't quote me on that.

Someone asked about Jason buying Liz a charm for her charm bracelet. Since she had one when Cameron was born now she needs one for Jake too....Steve looked like he didn't really know what she was asking then he said this something they are going to sell on the ABC store? Like they did that Star necklace...that thing is everywhere.

Someone asked about Jason getting his Q memory back. Steve said if Jason got his memory back he'd shoot himself. Then he asked really what do you expect Jason to do...go and get his reindeer sweaters. Steve played both and he likes this side better.

Steve's contract is up in 2009. He's not sure what he's plans will be but he assured us he loves his job and he has no interest in being a TV or movie star. He is interested in a Tony Geary know work 2 days off 10 months.

Someone asked about him almost doing 24. Steve said he was offered a role and GH gave him permission for 3 shows but then 24 wanted to contract him for 6 or 7 and GH wouldn't give him the time to do that so he couldn't do it...he thinks it may have been Ricky Schroeder's character on the show.

Someone asks...Did you choose the barn? Steve's like what barn? Then he realizes they mean the new spoilers out at SOW and Daily news and he pretty much confirms all that.

Jason and the morality issue came up....Steve was making fun of Jason and pretty much called him a serial killer. He's like isn't someone out there keeping count aren't I up to 50 by now.

SWIPE...the lip gloss discussion. Steve says they put like 15 layers of lip gloss on the actresses and he HATES it. He doesn't like the way it feels and he doesn't want to do any scenes with pink lips or stuff on his face so instead of ignoring it or having the actress you are doing a scene with wipe it off casually in a scene he'd much rather do this....Steve reenacted the He would much prefer that they remove the gloss before a kiss scene.

Steve says he enjoys his scenes with Brad and they crack each other up all the time. He gets paid now not to laugh at Spinelli. He also runs a youth hostel with Spin, Lulu and now Georgie coming and going.

Steve talked a little about sweeps or tags. He hated doing the monkey storyline and also didn't think it was in character for Jason to kiss Carly during the PC hotel fire since they have a brother/sister relationship now.

Steve talked about little about how crazy JFK airport is and flying Jet Blue and something about a shuttle van and him being scared they were going to leave him stranded at a swamp (?)

Steve said that Liz and Jason "never really got going" and he thinks Liz deserves a chance. I think this was in response to some Jasammers.

Steve is however tired of Jason saying his life is dangerous.

Any rumors out there that Jason will be leaving the mob are FALSE. That's not happening.

He did mention Jason's new skill is giving pregnant woman C-sections. So if there's anyone out there preggers he could go get Spinelli and his i-phone.

Someone asked about Steve's movie "Laws of Gambling" and when that would be released. He said probably never. Right now it's sitting in his closet at work. He showed it to some people over at GH and they liked what they saw and offered him some directing on NS.

He enjoyed working with James Gandolfini and Robert Redford on the Last Castle.

Someone asked what scene he enjoyed doing more....Telling Liz Jason loved her or Telling Sam he would kill her. (I don't think he really answered this question or maybe I was busy taken pictures)

What does Steve drive?
a honda civic...since he commutes far to work. Absolutely no mini van. The family car is a Yukon. He joked that his daughter drives it actually...he's from Ohio they start their kids driving young there.

Monkey Prank with Maurice and Natalia...1/2 the audience didn't want him to re-tell the other he promised a quick recap of the events. I think we have all heard this already so I don't need to rehash.

Someone also asked about his fav football teams he mentions the Browns and Ohio state. but I did notice he didn't appreciate the person asking about the Eagles..he sorta changed topics really fast.

Someone asked if he gets noticed a lot when going out? Steve said on the east coasts yes...south not really...and on the west no one cares.

If there was another character on GH you would want to play who would it be? At first he said he didn't know...then he said he would probably do Luke's character. But he can't do disguises or accents. The only accent he can sorta do is southern. Some ask for him to do it but Steve refused.

Someone asked about the taping schedule at GH....Steve said they tape about 3 weeks in advance.

Question about Liason Chicago event...are you excited? He says yes. Someone asks when are you coming to New York? He's says I am in New York now. I did a show earlier today too...and I'm coming back on Nov 30th with Brad. (it was pretty funny). He also promised to have a Spinelli impression for us on Nov 30.

Best moments with his Kids?
He says it varies because his schedule is all over the place. Sometimes he doesn't have to be at work til Noon so he can take them out to breakfast other times he can be home by 3pm and take his daughter to ballet...awww. Then Steve quickly says enough of that girlie stuff let's go shoot something.

Audience member ask if it's awkward to go out with Becky and her Family after they've done intimate scenes? he was joking around at first saying of course it is...but later says not at all. He says he'll do anything for money except kiss Sonny.

Someone asks if he reads Message boards?
He says very rarely. he may go on after a scene has aired that's he's curious for a reaction on....such as when he broke up with Sam after she wakes up from a coma. He also says that the writers DON'T read the boards and that some posters take the soaps to the extreme but everyone has an opinion. People over at GH have their own ways through focus groups and such to gauge reactions to storylines and they don't rely on the rants on message boards to dictate story.

Someone did ask about Diane's character....he said the actress was great and he enjoyed doing scenes with this character.

He talked a little about his dad at the end....but that's all I remember for now.
Natalia Event Recap

We Nem fans had a hard time getting a word in because we aren't loud & obnoxious but Natalia recognized it & asked us if we had any questions. We asked her what storylines were her favorite she said she liked things from each of her storylines. She loved working with Chad said he's one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet, & she still wonders why they had to kill Zander off. She said couldn't they have kept him in a coma for some years until he was ready to come back. She also said how great Tyler & Maurice are. Someone asked about her current storyline & she said she doesn't know what's happening, but she is interested in knowing where everything is going. She also said Tyler doesn't like the way his character is acting, but thinks he would if he knew what was wrong with him because it's hard to portray the feelings of his character if he doesn't know what's wrong. She also talked about how upset she is that she's a Latina who can't dance. She talked about how she took dance for 12 years. She said she has no rhythm & is very upset about that. There were many who didn't make it to the event due to transportation I think she was hinting around at giving them set tours instead. A Soily fan talked about the Prism Award Maurice had gotten & she said how great that was. She had talked to Maurice not too long ago & he said she was going to be on Oprah too. I guess they will be showing one of his breakdown scenes. A fan asked if they had any input on storylines, she said she knows some that complain, but she doesn't because she works for them not the other way around. She will be having alot more scenes with Alexis & she talked about how much she loves Nancy. There were a few fans there that asked her if Emily would ever be paired with Jason she laughed & said that isn't the first time she was asked that question. She said she hopes not he's her brother. We were getting our pictures signed & my friend who loves Steve asked more questions about him. She said Steve is like her big brother. She has to make sure he doesn't know she has a date because he will most likely run the guy off. That's all I can remember for now I will have pictures soon.
BA event recap
The Boston event was wonderful! Bradford started with a Q&A, and he did a lot of running around the room and leaping and such. He seems to really be rooting for G-Spin, and said it's like the backwards version of Spinelli and Lulu, because he has to play completely oblivious to Georgie's interest in him. LL resigned for 3 months. He got a call from Jason Thompson when he was onstage, and the conversation from Bradford's end went something like this: "Say hi to EVERYONE! .... Good timing, man....It's six o'clock!.......You're ruining my event!" It was so funny. He talked about how he'll be doing events with Steve Burton, and that Steve just told him, "I'm taking you on the road". Bradford says Steve is just bringing him as his trained monkey that he'll make dance at the quiet moments of the event Somebody gave him a Magilla Gorilla DVD for his birthday, and he was really excited. He said him and Steve will make some hot chocolate and watch it together. Hmmm what else....Steve calls every new character "Larry Alcazar" and "fancies himself pretty funny". Bradford has to drink diet orange soda because: "*touches his stomach* This doesn't come naturally!" (Then he laughed and said the real issue is just not making it worse.) He got invited to SSW and is being asked to sing there. And he told a really funny story about coming home after a red eye flight, and finding a note that his stepmom had left him. It had a phone number on it, and said, "Brad, call # as Spinellli" He's completely down to earth, funny, and ENERGETIC onstage.
Then he went around to all of the tables. We were one of the last ones, so we didn't get as much time, but it was still worth it. He sat down and asked us where we were from, and before we could answer he said, "Wait,I know you!", and my sister said, "Yeah, Jen gave you the scrapbook in New Hampshire". (I think he was grateful for that because he said onstage he remembers faces but not always names ) I was just really impressed that he recognized me at all! Anyways, he came over and gave me a hug, and we got pictures, and he signed autographs. He's such a sweetie; he looks right at you when he talks to you, and he kept thanking us for coming to see him again
WOW! You are so lucky to have been able to go to these events. I love hearing about them. Thanks!
SD Annon

*Jason makes some things clear to a determined Carly.

Carly tells Liz to make things easier on Jason and stay away from him.

Emily is uncertain as to whether she should stay silent or come forward.

Lucky shows up at Sam's place and lets her know that his marriage is all but over.

Lucky and Sam once again have sex.

Lucky wants to know if this truely is all about revenge for Sam.

Liz confronts Sam about knowing the truth.

Liz tells Sam that if she wanted Lucky, she got him. Just stay away from her children. Liz leaves Sam seething.
BA event recap
The Boston event was wonderful! Bradford started with a Q&A, and he did a lot of running around the room and leaping and such. He seems to really be rooting for G-Spin, and said it's like the backwards version of Spinelli and Lulu, because he has to play completely oblivious to Georgie's interest in him. LL resigned for 3 months. He got a call from Jason Thompson when he was onstage, and the conversation from Bradford's end went something like this: "Say hi to EVERYONE! .... Good timing, man....It's six o'clock!.......You're ruining my event!" It was so funny. He talked about how he'll be doing events with Steve Burton, and that Steve just told him, "I'm taking you on the road". Bradford says Steve is just bringing him as his trained monkey that he'll make dance at the quiet moments of the event Somebody gave him a Magilla Gorilla DVD for his birthday, and he was really excited. He said him and Steve will make some hot chocolate and watch it together. Hmmm what else....Steve calls every new character "Larry Alcazar" and "fancies himself pretty funny". Bradford has to drink diet orange soda because: "*touches his stomach* This doesn't come naturally!" (Then he laughed and said the real issue is just not making it worse.) He got invited to SSW and is being asked to sing there. And he told a really funny story about coming home after a red eye flight, and finding a note that his stepmom had left him. It had a phone number on it, and said, "Brad, call # as Spinellli" He's completely down to earth, funny, and ENERGETIC onstage.
Then he went around to all of the tables. We were one of the last ones, so we didn't get as much time, but it was still worth it. He sat down and asked us where we were from, and before we could answer he said, "Wait,I know you!", and my sister said, "Yeah, Jen gave you the scrapbook in New Hampshire". (I think he was grateful for that because he said onstage he remembers faces but not always names ) I was just really impressed that he recognized me at all! Anyways, he came over and gave me a hug, and we got pictures, and he signed autographs. He's such a sweetie; he looks right at you when he talks to you, and he kept thanking us for coming to see him again

These events sound so cool. I have only ever been able to drag my DH to Star Trek events, I cannot see him at GH events at all....though maybe a Kelly Monaco intimate evening might entice (unfortunately he knows her from her previous career, thanks Heff for that)
SD Annon

*Kate is upset when many don't believe her after her accident.

Sonny threatens Trevor.

Kate gets some bad news from her job.

Kate confronts Trevor but Trevor leaves her unsettled.

Sonny attempts to reassure Kate.
SD Annon

*LuLu's new living arrangments make it harder for the love lorn Spinelli.

Maxie's revenge costs a huge price for all those involved.

Scott sees a strange connection between him and Logan.

LuLu acts out which causes Spinelli more heartbreak.

Johnny is the big bad wolf to LuLu's Little Red Riding Hood.

Jason and Georgie are none to happy about LuLu's treatment of Spinelli.

After being torn to pieces by those around her Maxie turns to Daddy Mac for answers as to why she acts the way she does.
SD Annon

*Ric and Nikolas clash with one another leaving Alexis unsettled

Emily interjects when Nikolas once again shows temper with Alexis

Alexis questions whether Nikolas resents her being there

Trevor inquires about Molly's well being leaving Alexis none to happy

Ric warns his father

Nikolas implies Alexis is a bad mother

Nikolas and Alexis make peace but for how long?

Emily turns to Alexis and Liz about Nikolas's ever shifting mood swings

Sonny tells Ric that Trevor is going to use him against Sonny just like he has all Ric's life.

Trevor meets up with Johnny

Jerry bullies to get what he wants

Trevor stops by unexpectedly and almost gets Sam into hot water
SD Annon for SSW
*I know some of you are going. Feel free to copy and paste this to the SSW thread. :)

LW, Becky, Ingo, JT, JB, SR all confirmed.

(for SSW per Anon)

Thanks so much for this update. I am so excited to be going again this year and have been waiting for some kind of list to come out. It will be here before I know it, and I can't wait!

On a separate note, has anyone ever seen Steve in Long Island? I went to see Maurice there a few years ago and it was fun, but right after he practically ran out of there. No pictures, no autographs, he just left. Now I understand his whole depression thing, so I am wondering if Steve would stay around after. That would be motivation enough for me to pay $75 to see him.
Thanks so much for this update. I am so excited to be going again this year and have been waiting for some kind of list to come out. It will be here before I know it, and I can't wait!

On a separate note, has anyone ever seen Steve in Long Island? I went to see Maurice there a few years ago and it was fun, but right after he practically ran out of there. No pictures, no autographs, he just left. Now I understand his whole depression thing, so I am wondering if Steve would stay around after. That would be motivation enough for me to pay $75 to see him.

He had 3 PA's this past week. From what I read he does stay around to do autographs and pics. :)
:thumbsup2 Loved the You Tube links and the commentary from the PA's! BA does clean up nicely! Seems like a nice guy all the way around.:goodvibes I'm sure he keep things light on the set!

I haven't seen today's episode, but I'm sure Lucky and Sam are gross!:headache: Where's Helena? Maybe she can come back and kidnap one or the both of them!:rotfl:
:thumbsup2 Loved the You Tube links and the commentary from the PA's! BA does clean up nicely! Seems like a nice guy all the way around.:goodvibes I'm sure he keep things light on the set!

I haven't seen today's episode, but I'm sure Lucky and Sam are gross!:headache: Where's Helena? Maybe she can come back and kidnap one or the both of them!:rotfl:

She would probably love Sam. :laughing:
Georgie needs to wap Spinelli upside the head with his computer. He is sooooo dense.
Lucky and Sam deserve each other. I wonder how he will react when he realizes she knew Jake's true paternity and kept it from him. I bet he will forgive her.
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