Which is best second week in May or last week in September?

Our annual trip is usually the Wednesday after Memorial Day for a week including last year and it was mid 80’s and not that bad humidity wise. This year we are going 2nd week of May for our DS Senior trip, so we are hoping for a little bit better but it’s almost guaranteed better than September.
Just check the schedule with May first. I think they do a lot of the Cheerleading competitions then and they are busy during those times.
I seen a crowd calendar online that has each event listed for 2025. Hopefully it’s right.
We were there in May a couple of years ago and the weather was hot and it was fairly crowded but clearly not as HOT as you find later in the year. We didn't notice any large crowds due to those cheering competitions which were going on while we were there. They mostly practice or have their competitions during the day so not as likely to be at the parks. Unless you are staying somewhere they are which are probably some of the budget hotels, I doubt you will notice any difference.
Which would be better weather and crowd wise? We are planning for 2025. I know the second week of May starts with mother day. We will arrive on Mother’s Day and not go to the parks. I know September is hurricane season, but do temps cool down any the last week?
It will be a lot less crowded in September. There will be a lot less rain in May. Take your choice. :)
I have been checking the weather this past week since it is the time we will go next year. It’s been in the 90’s all week mostly over 90 ugh! Now I’m second guessing May🤷🏻‍♀️
I have been checking the weather this past week since it is the time we will go next year. It’s been in the 90’s all week mostly over 90 ugh! Now I’m second guessing May🤷🏻‍♀️
Please don't base your decision on that. We live in central Fl, very close to the parks. The weather changes greatly and you can't expect next year's weather to be the same as this year.
I have been at both times. As everyone said September will be hot, humid, and chance for bad weather will be higher. There will be lower crowds and food and wine festival and Halloween parties will be happening (which is why we went ) it was so hot I could not enjoy any food or drinks, I just wanted water and shade.

We went in May for flower and garden festival. We did not get the heavy rain but honestly it was hot (90s every day) but not quite as humid as September. It was still too hot for me to really eat and drink and enjoy the festival.

I would pick May over September but I have learned I am more of a winter Disney person. I am from New England so that may be a factor.
May is a good pick but one big question when do the cheerleaders come in? I know its in May but when?? We are coming next May and I was told about the cheerleaders but which week will they be here?? Thanks Marla
Please don't base your decision on that. We live in central Fl, very close to the parks. The weather changes greatly and you can't expect next year's weather to be the same as this year.
That’s good to know. I just don’t think some of my family can stand weather in the 90’s!
May is a good pick but one big question when do the cheerleaders come in? I know its in May but when?? We are coming next May and I was told about the cheerleaders but which week will they be here?? Thanks Marla
May 1-4.
I have been at both times. As everyone said September will be hot, humid, and chance for bad weather will be higher. There will be lower crowds and food and wine festival and Halloween parties will be happening (which is why we went ) it was so hot I could not enjoy any food or drinks, I just wanted water and shade.

We went in May for flower and garden festival. We did not get the heavy rain but honestly it was hot (90s every day) but not quite as humid as September. It was still too hot for me to really eat and drink and enjoy the festival.

I would pick May over September but I have learned I am more of a winter Disney person. I am from New England so that may be a factor.
Yeah I understand about the high temps. I’m thinking of switching to a cooler month. The problem is higher crowds and higher prices.
We just were there May 13-16 and it was perfect. I wish I could go that time every year. Crowds were decent. Weather was pretty good (lucked into clouds that kept it from feeling too hot) except our last day which was definitely warmer. Only small amount of rain. Of course every year will be different but crowd wise it was very good. Seemed to be in between time for teen crowds too. We didn’t really see any
We are now thinking of the week starting the 4th of May. May4-10. We would arrive the 4th and go to the parks the next day. My concern is the cheer competition ending the 4th. Will those in the cheer competitions stay after it’s over for a vacation 😬🤷🏻‍♀️? Making that week more crowded? We are thinking the earlier we go in May the cooler the temps will be.
I personally prefer September, but I rate short lines over weather. I don't mind humidity, and in September the lines are about half the length of May.
I have been checking the weather this past week since it is the time we will go next year. It’s been in the 90’s all week mostly over 90 ugh! Now I’m second guessing May🤷🏻‍♀️
We’ve visited a week in April that had 3 days hit 90s, and visited mid-March during a snap that was downright cold for WDW (50s in the evening). There’s always a chance you end up with an extreme end of the weather.

Look at the dotted red line below. That’s the average perceived temp, the ‘feels like’ temp. It’s averaging mid90s in Sept. It’s just so wet and sticky in Sept, making the heat feel worse. While the extremes of May can put you in the 90s, the extremes of Sept can put you in the 100s.


Weather is always a roll of the dice. May might be hot and uncomfortable but Sept is very likely to be considerably worse.
Just check the schedule with May first. I think they do a lot of the Cheerleading competitions then and they are busy during those times.
The cheer competition seem to take up lot of every month except summer months. I was wanting to go February and it’s funn of competitions 🙄
We are now thinking of the week starting the 4th of May. May4-10. We would arrive the 4th and go to the parks the next day. My concern is the cheer competition ending the 4th. Will those in the cheer competitions stay after it’s over for a vacation 😬🤷🏻‍♀️? Making that week more crowded? We are thinking the earlier we go in May the cooler the temps will be.

D1 Summit is May 1-4
D2 Summit is May 8-11

Tickets are valid for a few days before and a week after the competition.

Hotels are usually All Stars, Coronado, and D1 gives the option of AKL.
D1 Summit is May 1-4
D2 Summit is May 8-11

Tickets are valid for a few days before and a week after the competition.

Hotels are usually All Stars, Coronado, and D1 gives the option of AKL.
Oh thanks for letting me know! I was looking at the crowd calendar and wondered why crowds were a little higher around that time this year.


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