WDW Pictures #3 A morning at Epcot


<font color=deeppink>There is hope for the helples
Oct 23, 1999
<p><embed src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/outcasts.mid" loop="1" hidden="true" width="128" height="128"><b>This
day found me up very early in the morning to get ready for my very first tour
ever.  I would be taking the Hidden Treasures of World Showcase tour. 
I thought it was a very good one to start with as I had been able to see
backstage at MK several years back.  It was a very neat tour and I do hope
to be able to do another tour the next time I return.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0463.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I just loved this area at Epcot.  Those right there actually reminded
me of the summer when I see many yards covered in dandelions.  Not a very
"Christmassy" though I know, but I love it just the same.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0464.jpg"></b>
<p><b>This tree was beautiful both during the day and at night.  The
ribbons displayed many different languages from around the world.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0466.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Mickey seems to pop up everywhere you look... even on this topiary
ornament :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0468.jpg"></b>
<p><b>First country on the tour was the magnificent Mexico pavilion.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0469.jpg"></b>
<p><b>From both the front and the side it is beautiful to see.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0470.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I just thought this cow was the cutest thing I saw in the cases just
inside the pavilion.  I seriously wished I could have bought one to take
home... and why I liked him so much, I will probably never know. </b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0477.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Inside is one of my favorite places to go and relax.  It is truly
just beautifully themed right down to the smoking volcano in the background.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0482.jpg"></b>
<p><b>This building from Norway is apparently modeled after some very old
churches that exist today.  Unfortunately we were told that out of the many
of thousands that used to be in existence, only a fraction remain.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0483.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Honestly out of all the times I have been in Norway, I had never recalled
seeing this statue until that day.  I always find something new when I go
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0486.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The attention to detail is wonderful.  From the boarded up window
(hidden behind the tree branches) to the extra supports that can be seen on the
outside.  Disney really makes you feel like you are "there"!</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0487.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Every trip I go on, I see these beautiful parasols.  I admit, I was
tempted to buy that lime green one ;)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0488.jpg"></b>
<p><b>To me, China is one of the most amazing pavilions there.  The designs
everywhere are so beautiful and so intricate!  I cannot imagine how much
effort goes into keeping this looking the way it does.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0489.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The water garden is just so calming...</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0492.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I did actually learn something very interesting while on the tour in
China.  I was told how you could distinguish which one of these is a
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0493.jpg"></b>
<p><b>... and which is a female.  This one is the female, and if you look
under its paw, you will see a cub (not too clear in this picture), signifying
that she takes care of the babies.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0495.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I just love this elephant with its trunk lifted towards the sky :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0505.jpg"></b>
<p><b>This fountain at Andalúcia, Spain was so beautiful</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0506.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And even though this is a temporary exhibit, I found it to be
extraordinarily beautiful.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0507.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Something I learned in Germany was a location of another truly neat hidden
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0508.jpg"></b>
<p><b>If you look at the center of his crown, you can see it quite clearly!</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0509.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I just had to get this picture with the Nutcrackers at Germany... I think
they ought to stay there year round :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0513.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The miniature town with the train set is always one of my favorites to
stop and look at.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0515.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Again the attention to detail is amazing.  The partially plowed
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0517.jpg"></b>
<p><b>to the Christmas tree in the town square...</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0520.jpg"></b>
<p><b>to the tiny bows decorating some of the buildings in honor of
Christmas.  All of that is amazing for me to see. </b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0521.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I don't know what it is, but I loved seeing all the Christmas decorations
everywhere, no matter how big or subtle they may be.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0523.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Italy is such a beautiful and quiet place to walk around.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0524.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And this fountain is just wonderful.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0525.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The American Adventure just looked so great all decked out for the
holidays.  And one interesting thing I learned is that they used forced
perspective on this one as well.  But instead of making it look taller as
many of the buildings are created to do, this one is made to look shorter so
that it would not be too over powering to the eye.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0527.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The Japan pavilion is another beautiful and calming pavilion to walk
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0530.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The koi are just so neat to watch.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0532.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And the water garden in general is just so peaceful.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0537.jpg"></b>
<p><b>After two years of Japanese, I was thrilled to know that I still
remembered this: konnichiwa -- hello :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0538.jpg"></b>
<p><b>These little pepper plants along the way were just so cute!</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0544.jpg"></b>
<p><b>It almost feels like you are really there, doesn't it?</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0545.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Even the design of the shrubbery here is just amazing.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0546.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I think this is my favorite thing to see along the bridge from France to
the UK.  I don't know why, but this bike and boat make me smile :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0550.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Such an adorable little cottage filled with wonderful tea!</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0553.jpg"></b>
<p><b>One thing I have to admit, I was truly amazed with how quiet many areas of
Epcot were for this time of day.  I don't think I had ever seen this area
of the UK completely empty before.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0554.jpg"></b>
<p><b>A wonderful Marry Poppins topiary and I loved that little penguin topiary
too :)</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0555.jpg"></b>
<p><b>I had to get this shot after learning that these telephone booths were
authentic and came directly from the UK itself.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0556.jpg"></b>
<p><b>This is such a neat looking fountain! </b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0558.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And these panda topiaries now sit where the entrance to where the
Millennium village used to be.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0559.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Canada, I have to admit, is one of the most beautiful pavilions with all
the lush vegetation everywhere.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0562.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And it even sports a few very cool looking totem poles!</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0565.jpg"></b>
<p><b>The gardens are just so wonderful to walk around</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0570.jpg"></b>
<p><b>They just scream "take my picture"</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0571.jpg"></b>
<p><b>And they are just in a very understated way, so very beautiful.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0575.jpg"></b>
<p><b>This waterfall is just breathtaking to me.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0599.jpg"></b>
<p><b>After the tour, we wandered over to check out the outside of new Mission
Space ride that will be opening.  I had seen pictures of this before, but I
was amazed at how huge this was.  To give you an idea, the person in the
picture is Dan Murphy (who stands 6'6").  When I walked up to that
wall he is next to, it came up to my chin.  This thing is amazing to see in
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0602.jpg"></b>
<p><b>So much time had to be spent on this design, because even the walkways
near the ride were themed wonderfully.</b>
<p><b>And now for just a few more pictures of the outside...</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0604.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0605.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0607.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0611.jpg"></b>
<p><b>Yep... I got him!  It took me three tries on three different
occasions, but I finally got a good and clear picture of Dan exiting the
bathroom :teeth:</b>  
<p><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0585.jpg">
<p><b>And to close this thread, just a few pictures of what I do think has to be
my all time favorite ride at Epcot, Spaceship Earth.</b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0615.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0616.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0617.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0621.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0629.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0632.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0640.jpg"></b>
<p><b><img src="http://www.worldzone.net/web/helenabear/img_0641.jpg"></b>


Amazing! A lot of little details I had never noticed before!:p

I love that little cow too.:)
Perfect Elaine. :) The picture of the boat and bike still reaches out and grabs me... wish I knew why. :)
Very nice, Elaine!

Nice to see you 'got' Dan on a bathroom exit shot too! :)

Thanks for posting these! :)
Beautiful pictures, Elaine! I also like the pic of the bike and boat, there is something comforting about it.:D
Great pictures!! Spaceship Earth is my favorite too, Thanks for sharing!

Great pictures, Elaine, of a great morning tour of World Showcase. Lots of memories.

PS: (That's not really me) :)
Great pics!

Thanks for sharing!

:p I LOVE the one of Dan:p
Just gorgeous photos, Elaine. Thanks!
Great pictures Elaine! I love EPCOT! It's so nice to see it for Christmas.

I have to say, I'm still not used to this cable Internet. I had my volume turned way up for Dan's Candlelight thread and jumped about a foot when your music came on. I'm not used to getting the music to play yet, LOL.

Thanks for posting!
Thanks Elaine! Beautiful pictures and, a beautiful day. :)
Very nice Elaine!!
Thanks !!:)
Oh Elaine what beautiful photos !!!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to post them.
Very very nice Photos! :):)

Thanks for sharing these! I love World Showcase! :):)
Spectacular pictures, Elaine!!!!


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