VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Passionate enough that we were at Revolution status there for awhile!!!! I had a picture some one took of us around here somewhere, let me see if I can round it up and I will get back to you.

Here we go!!

SleepyDog, our fearless leader is the fellow right in the front in the brown coat. If I remember correctly, it was around this time that said photo was snapped that Sleepy yelled out, "to the nature trail boys"!! It was the shot heard round the World(Disney World that is):D

Fortunately, I haven’t heard anything about banning this particular model yet.....
Plus, we were just going to the target range (‘ol River Country where the deer & the alligators play...)
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Hello WL groupies. Hope you don't mind a post that's long overdue!

Honey I'm home! So my room requests were high floor, lake side. Here's my view.

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Hmmm, that doesn't look like upper floor or lake side! :laughing: I'm on the 2nd floor. At least it's not 1st floor. I would have asked for a different room if it was.

I enjoyed my first stay at VWL in January (that's the "long overdue" part!). The stay was wonderful, but our room karma didn't come through this time. Like horselover, we also requested a lake side, high floor room, but got assigned a 1st floor, bus side room. Okay, I get it. Nearly everyone probably asks for lake view, high floor, and coming from the west coast means a later check-in, so it wasn't meant to be. Perhaps Kat can relate to that.

But to add to the disappointment, this was also an accessible room, which we don't need or want. I asked politely if another room was available, and at least got a 3rd floor room, but it was still bus side and accessible. I didn't waste much energy being upset about the assignment, as this was only a 2-night stay before moving to SS, and I know everyone gets rooms they don't want sometimes. Plus, I was just thrilled to be there! I do think I'd put up more resistance to an accessible room for a longer stay, as the shower flooding was a big annoyance. I ended up just using the tub (we had a 1-bedroom), but my husband's not much of a tub person.

Speaking of tub... I loved that tub! So comfy, and I really like the older DVC rooms that still have the folding blinds to the bedroom. It was great to end a day at the park with a bubble bath to soothe my aching feet, a glass of wine, and the football playoffs on TV. Other things I loved about VWL were the Bambi pillows (so cute!) and best of all was the relaxing peace and serenity. Plus, of course, the Lodge itself. Enough said! Two nights weren't nearly enough, but we'll be back in May for a longer stay. That will be at CCV, a home resort, but I'd be happy to stay again at VWL (BRV) any time! My only "nit" about BRV (aside from this particular room assignment) was the tiny size of the safe. But that's a small complaint, as I'm not insistent that we lock up all valuables, only a few things, which did fit. But the safe size surprised me, and if it was important to lock up laptops or other larger items, it would have been more upsetting.

I know I've heard speculation in the past of Illuminations being replaced but I just read what seemed to be a very strong rumor that the replacement will be coming in the not too distant future.

I think I'm sad. It's never been the top Disney fireworks show for me (that was the old Star Wars fireworks before they moved the launch site at DHS) but at this point I realize it's become an expectation. I did love the show when it had the holiday tag even though I missed the change from Walter Cronkite. So it would appear that December was the last time to see that and our April trip may be the last time for Illuminations.

Kat, I agree with everything you said. I'm also crossing fingers that we'll see it one last time in late April/early May. I'm a bit concerned with that, given that Frozen Ever After dessert party hasn't opened up yet for April, which makes me wonder if it will actually end before we get there. Fingers crossed for one last viewing!! :goodvibes

Sleepy, I'd love to play along and describe the first stay at the lodge, but to be honest they've all been just as wonderful as that first time and tend to blend together. That's a GOOD thing as it means that each time is like the first with the heart stopping reaction to the main lobby, to the music, decor, walkways and relaxing by the fireplaces. The memorable stays tend to be the ones where things have gone wrong, and none have happened (yet) at VWL.

Let's just say I look forward to my next First stay at the villas :D

Twinklebug, the same is true for me. We've been enjoying stays at WL since it opened, but I can't remember my first impressions as the stays do blend together. I will say that my first impression wasn't just the lobby, which is of course the big WOW!, but also the first drive down Timberline Lane. I felt instantly transported before we even got to the lodge, and still feel that way today.

Some of my favorite memories include:

  • Being the "Flag family."
  • Whispering Canyon with a waiter named Chuck Wagon, who pulled all the punches. I have a vague memory of my 8ish-year-old nephew being stood on a chair while Chuck tried to find him a girlfriend. He just went on and on with the teasing, and we all laughed until we cried that night.
  • The old character breakfast at Artist Point, when my son and nephew danced with Meeko.
  • Many amazing meals all around the resort.
  • Having a waiter that made me feel special and remembered at Artist Point.
  • Bike rides, boat rides, just "hanging out" at the peaceful lodge enjoying the views, fireplaces, and waterfalls.
  • Always requesting, and finally getting, a lake-view room at the end of the south wing. That was the best.view.ever, and will now require a grand villa stay, which might be blocked by Geyser Point. We feel so lucky that we got that view at least once!
  • The way we feel now when we're greeted with "Welcome Home!"
Granny, I've also looked through those online images of Catastrophe Canyon in hopes of raising my dislike of the crane but have not been able to find it, so as such, my opinion is that it's still ugly.
If they gave it some function, say for example it sent a fine spray of water over the pool once every 10 minutes, then that could have helped offset the loss of the bubblers. I'd be happy to accept it.

I think in time I'll grow to like it better. The wound is still too fresh, and they popped a rusty band-aid on it.

I don't care what the stupid back story is they created it's still an eye sore.

Passionate enough that we were at Revolution status there for awhile!!!! I had a picture some one took of us around here somewhere, let me see if I can round it up and I will get back to you.

Here we go!!

SleepyDog, our fearless leader is the fellow right in the front in the brown coat. If I remember correctly, it was around this time that said photo was snapped that Sleepy yelled out, "to the nature trail boys"!! It was the shot heard round the World(Disney World that is):D

Now if some talented Photoshopper were to superimpose our faces into this picture that would just be the best thing ever! :rotfl:

Hello WL groupies. Hope you don't mind a post that's long overdue!

I enjoyed my first stay at VWL in January (that's the "long overdue" part!). The stay was wonderful, but our room karma didn't come through this time. Like horselover, we also requested a lake side, high floor room, but got assigned a 1st floor, bus side room. Okay, I get it. Nearly everyone probably asks for lake view, high floor, and coming from the west coast means a later check-in, so it wasn't meant to be. Perhaps Kat can relate to that.

But to add to the disappointment, this was also an accessible room, which we don't need or want. I asked politely if another room was available, and at least got a 3rd floor room, but it was still bus side and accessible. I didn't waste much energy being upset about the assignment, as this was only a 2-night stay before moving to SS, and I know everyone gets rooms they don't want sometimes. Plus, I was just thrilled to be there! I do think I'd put up more resistance to an accessible room for a longer stay, as the shower flooding was a big annoyance. I ended up just using the tub (we had a 1-bedroom), but my husband's not much of a tub person.

Speaking of tub... I loved that tub! So comfy, and I really like the older DVC rooms that still have the folding blinds to the bedroom. It was great to end a day at the park with a bubble bath to soothe my aching feet, a glass of wine, and the football playoffs on TV. Other things I loved about VWL were the Bambi pillows (so cute!) and best of all was the relaxing peace and serenity. Plus, of course, the Lodge itself. Enough said! Two nights weren't nearly enough, but we'll be back in May for a longer stay. That will be at CCV, a home resort, but I'd be happy to stay again at VWL (BRV) any time! My only "nit" about BRV (aside from this particular room assignment) was the tiny size of the safe. But that's a small complaint, as I'm not insistent that we lock up all valuables, only a few things, which did fit. But the safe size surprised me, and if it was important to lock up laptops or other larger items, it would have been more upsetting.

Kat, I agree with everything you said. I'm also crossing fingers that we'll see it one last time in late April/early May. I'm a bit concerned with that, given that Frozen Ever After dessert party hasn't opened up yet for April, which makes me wonder if it will actually end before we get there. Fingers crossed for one last viewing!! :goodvibes

Twinklebug, the same is true for me. We've been enjoying stays at WL since it opened, but I can't remember my first impressions as the stays do blend together. I will say that my first impression wasn't just the lobby, which is of course the big WOW!, but also the first drive down Timberline Lane. I felt instantly transported before we even got to the lodge, and still feel that way today.

Some of my favorite memories include:

  • Being the "Flag family."
  • Whispering Canyon with a waiter named Chuck Wagon, who pulled all the punches. I have a vague memory of my 8ish-year-old nephew being stood on a chair while Chuck tried to find him a girlfriend. He just went on and on with the teasing, and we all laughed until we cried that night.
  • The old character breakfast at Artist Point, when my son and nephew danced with Meeko.
  • Many amazing meals all around the resort.
  • Having a waiter that made me feel special and remembered at Artist Point.
  • Bike rides, boat rides, just "hanging out" at the peaceful lodge enjoying the views, fireplaces, and waterfalls.
  • Always requesting, and finally getting, a lake-view room at the end of the south wing. That was the best.view.ever, and will now require a grand villa stay, which might be blocked by Geyser Point. We feel so lucky that we got that view at least once!
  • The way we feel now when we're greeted with "Welcome Home!"

Sorry your room wasn't what you were hoping for. I've had HA rooms before. Not at VWL but at BCV & BWV. Not a fan & I always feel like I shouldn't be in this room because I don't need these accommodations. I agree with you on the safe. I wasn't too happy to see that little tiny safe especially now that there is someone in your room every day. I couldn't fit my lap top in there even if I tried. I had to leave it in my suitcase. It was fine but I don't like doing that.

Hi groupie friends! :wave2: It's been a few days. I'm at BWV now, but I'm so happy to say I'm officially in love with our home all over again. I really did not want to leave & I love being in the Epcot area during festivals. There is a tranquility there that is just magic. My room turned out to be peaceful & super convenient. I loved my stay so much I'm putting in a wait list for my two nights in May. I doubt they will come through at this point, but you never know.

Strike 2 on the room assignments. I have a standard view at BWV. I requested high floor end of the hall close to parking lot. That light sleeper thing again. I did not want to be anywhere near the front entrance hearing deliveries. I did get 4th floor but I'm pretty close to the front entrance. I can hear buses & trucks starting early & ending late. Sigh. At least the beds are comfy here. Great for tossing & turning all night. :laughing:

I've got two more full days to go. Will spend the majority of it at Epcot. Speaking of Epcot I had a lovely afternoon with @MiaSRN62 & her DH on Thu. We strolled, we ate, we drank. Lots of fun. Overall it's been a really great trip. Not too much park time. I've had to work but that's fine. I need to keep paying for all my trips! :laughing: Food wise I need to find a better solution if I'm going to do these long trips. I've eaten a lot & spent way too much money on food especially considering I'm solo. I thought about cooking in the room, but decided against it (again because I'm solo), but I think next time I'm going to need to do that. I can definitely see I've put on a few lbs since being here, but my wallet sure is a lot lighter! :laughing:

I have more pictures but I can't figure out a way to upload them from my phone so I'll post them when I get home once I've had a chance to transfer them to the laptop.

Lodge memories.

We seem to have a theme going here. I too cried the first time I walked into that lobby & still get teary eyed when I see that tree to the first time at Christmas. The boys were little the first time we stayed on site. 6 & 8. It was the height of the Webkins craze so we had of course brought a few. Every day we'd come back to new towels animals with the Webkins incorporated somehow. They loved it so much. I miss those little touches. I have pictures but I'll have to dig them out. That was before cell phone cameras! :laughing: That was the trip that hooked me on staying on site & secured my love for WL.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend.
I've been loving hearing all your memories. They make me long to be back home. . .which won't be until 2019. . .:crazy2:
I really don't have an issue with the old tank and crane hanging over the pool. I have grown up in an area where strip mines and rock quarries were all over the place. Once abandoned, you can see all sorts of old rust stuff left behind. Then the quarry would fill up with water, and a new swimming hole was created, soon to be designated an attractive nuisance with signs installed saying "No Swimming", that pretty much were ignored.

Caution - Old Memories Sharing Ahead . . . . . In my youth, I was an avid scuba diver, and living in the Great Lakes area, there were plenty of rock quarries to submerge into to "play" with all of your expensive equipment. Visibility was never very good (~8 to 10 ft), but you would run into (literally) old machinery underwater; trucks, conveyors, cabling (very dangerous), and sometimes old scale shacks. Luckily, the Imagineers didn't go so far; we can see the bottom of our new pool, and I doubt there are any hidden cables to get tangle up in . . .
In my youth, I was an avid scuba diver
I need to get you together with Capt. D He has wanted to go scuba diving for years.
So I finally consented to go get local lessons. We did the written test, bought the mask, fins and snorkel equip. needed to make the 1st moves. Then into the deep clear pool we go. OK, I grew up water skiing, never had a fear of water(after all, I am an Aquarius)fell my fair share with a life vest on of course, but going under water was natural. No problem. Until I put on a mask, have artificial breathing as my lifeline and bam, I am freaking out. Even treading water, its weird. I come up for air that is already supplied. Something in my mind tells me to gasp for air. Its a mind thing. I finally make a few deep dives, then my ears pop, and I am done. My fault, but I feel bad for Casey as he really wants to go bad.

Now I can go down a double black diamond ski hill like its nothing. :confused3
Hi Groupies! I see that we have several Groupies visiting WDW this month...

horselover 3-7 BWV
wildernessDad 8-11 VWL
DisneyNutzy 8-12 VGF
jimmytammy 16-24 BLT
cheer4bison 17-20 CCVC
rkstocke5609 26-2 Apr VWL
DisneyNutzy 31-7 Apr Offsite

I'm looking forward to more reports of the goings on in WDW and especially our beloved Lodge. We won't be taking our usual Flower & Garden spring trip this year (heading to Hawaii) so I'll have to live vicariously through you folks. Horselover has already done a great job with sharing her experiences on her trip that wraps up today. @wildernessDad and @DisneyNutzy...you're up next! :)
Another snow day here in MA.....I’m in my final two weeks at my old job, so I don’t mind another day off!:rolleyes1

I think I will spend some time today on our May trips plans. I really miss the days when you could book a dining reservation that day, or decide on which park you would like to visit. It’s funny, I went from commando planning when the kids (and adults) were young, to winging it, and now with FP and dining plans/free dining, I have to plan again, albeit a much looser plan. I’m not complaining, just sayin’.

I have a week off between jobs, my sister wanted me to spend some time in Sarasota with her, but the airfare is truly exorbitant, and a think a week home will be a nice luxury!

For those Groupies also experiencing brutal March weather, stay warm and safe.
Granny, I will do my best to get some photos up(you know me, the tech challenged ol man)and will most definitely give reports. Cheer4Bison and I have contacted each other with hopes to catch up with each other.

Hmm...this “tech challenged ol man” sounds like me. Maybe a proficient groupie could give us both a webinar on the whole photo thing.....?
Hmm...this “tech challenged ol man” sounds like me. Maybe a proficient groupie could give us both a webinar on the whole photo thing.....?

I think it has gotten much easier for me with the "Upload a File" button. I just save my pictures onto my laptop, resize them (and/or crop them) in Paint, and then just upload them with the button. With Paint, you can also add text and other simple edits to pictures.

Easy Peasy Mickey.jpg
What if you are on an iPhone?

I use my iPhone to take pictures. But then I have to download them to my laptop or if only one picture, I'll email it to myself so I can open it on the lap top. I don't know how to post directly from the photos in my iPhone to this website. I don't use my iPhone to browse this site as the print is just too small for me to read and enjoy.

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