VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Happy Last Day of 2017 Groupies! Glad to be snuggled warm at home as the temperature is expected to dip down into negative numbers tonight. Kudos to all those who can brave the cold to get out to and celebrate First Night Boston - I'll be home watching livestreams, dreaming of Florida.

Saw this post on twitter - it's from today in the Disney Springs Parking garage

Sorry about your daughter's accident Jen. In my early days driving I had that happen to me before both as the victim and the person who failed to look three times. Have taught my kids to never trust your first look as our vision can be impaired by many things we're not aware of and the brain fills in what it wants to see. Look, look harder, then one last time. Three times. No excuses.

May I ask what color is the car she was driving? My old DOT - Saftey & Security boss did a study and found silver to be the most dangerous of the colors. (My current car is silver, and yup, people can't see me ;) ) The safest were bright orange and yellow.

A white Mazda CX5. She did say there was someone else waiting to pull out of the parking lot directly to the left of the guy who hit her - so that may be why he didn't see her. I agree with you - look, look and look again
I am beyond excited. I booked a trip for Feb/March and my dog tore his LCL and will need surgery and PT. So..I cancelled that trip and booked April/May so that the PT would be done and 3 days later he became deathly ill with an ulcer and had surgery and was in the Vet hospital for 15 days. He is doing well now, so we are planning his knee LCL surgery for January and planning to go to our Wilderness Lodge home FINALLY in early December. Calling on January 1 and so excited to be going back and to start planning our trip. Maybe we will even be there when some other groupies are. :cool1:

So sorry to hear about all of that happening to you dog. I hope he recovers quickly and no more injuries!
Wow three hours to get out of the garage at Disney Springs today :scared1:. I heard they closed MK at 11:30 AM today. Now explain to me again why people want to be at WDW on New Year's Eve?
Our youngest was home from Austin. It was so nice to spend some time with her. I miss her so much. She went back on the 26th. Then that evening Ian got a phone call from her - she had been in a car accident while she was out running errands after getting back. She was/is OK - just shook up. She was in the right hand lane and someone didn't see her as he was pulling out of a parking lot. He hit her front right side between the bumper and tire.

May I ask what color is the car she was driving? My old DOT - Saftey & Security boss did a study and found silver to be the most dangerous of the colors. (My current car is silver, and yup, people can't see me ;) ) The safest were bright orange and yellow.

Glad your daughter was ok Jen! Not at all what you want to have happen over the holidays but everyone safe and sound is good.

Interesting on the color vehicles twinklebug. It doesn't fit that profile but the story reminded me of an accident I was involved in. Several years ago when I was still living up at Tahoe, someone backing out of their driveway which actually ran fairly parallel to the road up until it turned to connect, backed right into me as I was driving by in my black Yukon although it was winter, snow on the ground and morning. The first Sheriff showed up fairly quickly and started taking statements - we had 3 there by the time we were done - way too little for them to do up in that town! So he starts with the woman who was backing out - she ended up catching me starting towards the backside of the front door, crushed the frame support between the doors and crunch the back passenger side door too scraping towards the back fender. Her first sentence was "well, I looked and she wasn't there"! The Sheriff and I just looked at each other and then he replied "well, it seems like she was there". :rolleyes: It all finished up quickly after that.
Wow three hours to get out of the garage at Disney Springs today :scared1:. I heard they closed MK at 11:30 AM today. Now explain to me again why people want to be at WDW on New Year's Eve?

We'll do it sometime. :rotfl: Fireworks freak is all I can say - that's the biggest draw for me.

Two years ago my cousin and I spent New Years at DL and had a blast. I was very, very worried prior to going but our main reason was to attend the Rose Parade and VGC was our hotel so whatever we got in whether it was very little or a lot was just fine. Crowds just grew exponentially thru the day but we had a plan and it worked fine. I think most people come knowing what it will be and everyone was in pretty good moods and just go with the flow. It reached it's height for us after watching the 9PM fireworks. Almost an hour to get out of the park and back to VGC! At one point we were like a giant can of sardines just inching along in Adventure land. So yes, slightly crazy but fun too!
Mid-teens for high today with single digit low tonight. In fact, high temp for the rest of the week likely won't get out of the high 20s and lows in the teens or single digits. While not unusual for other parts of country, being that I live in southwest VA, it's way below typical averages for this time of year. . .heck, for any time of year. Happy 2018, Groupies! We're staying inside tonight and watching stuff on TV. Two minutes after midnight, we'll be in a warm bed. . .
We skipped parks today, but will head to EPCOT soon. Had a breakfast with RRB and his wife, Kathy at Kona....always delicious breakfast, Tom and I share an omelette and Tonga toast! RRB ( Randy) and Kathy have a Poly Bungalow and they took us inside for a tour. How wonderful, with the best view of the castle and MK fireworks.

We headed to Blue Spring SP in Orange City FL, to see my favorite mammal, manatees. There were many at the park, ( I could not find the count board, overheard someone say 200) and we had to wait until cars left before we could enter. It’s a great side trip from WDW, just a bit over an hour each way.



Couldn't agree with you more, Jimmy. But I can't say that any party has the exclusive on idiotic behavior. Last time through HoP, I heard someone boo Obama's robot. They didn't make a big scene, but it did show a level of imbecilic behavior that is increasingly becoming much more common. :sad2:

I heard grumbling too when Obama would speak but never to the degree of a boo or someone being blatant. And I agree both sides of the political realm have their fair share of knuckleheads

OK, so I'm really behind.....
Son moves out
Husband has surgery
Mother moves in
Mother moves out
Wishing all Groupies a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR
2018 resolution: keep up-to-date with our cyber friends
I'm going to get caught-up now......
Hugs to all! :grouphug:
We are just glad to see ya!! Prayers for a healthy happy New Year for you folks!!

Happy Last Day of 2017 Groupies! Glad to be snuggled warm at home as the temperature is expected to dip down into negative numbers tonight. Kudos to all those who can brave the cold to get out to and celebrate First Night Boston - I'll be home watching livestreams, dreaming of Florida.

Saw this post on twitter - it's from today in the Disney Springs Parking garage
3 hrs!!!!!!!! That’s insane!!
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Happy New Year, Groupies!party:

I missed the excitement last night and today, I am in the room with bad backache. Ugg....so glad we saw December 30th MK FIREWORKS. Do things WHEN you can, you just never know. I hope to respond to rest, maybe urgent care tomorrow. We are to board Caribbean Prince for Panama Canal cruise on Wednesday.
Happy New Year, Groupies!party:

I missed the excitement last night and today, I am in the room with bad backache. Ugg....so glad we saw December 30th MK FIREWORKS. Do things WHEN you can, you just never know. I hope to respond to rest, maybe urgent care tomorrow. We are to board Caribbean Prince for Panama Canal cruise on Wednesday.

Ugg - sorry to hear that Bobbi! Hope that the rest takes care of it.
Happy 2018 Groupies!

Anyone else catch Disney's New Year's Livestream from the MK? Disney has really stepped up their game from just a couple of years back when streaming was new and strange to them. I recall one camera pointed down main street in poor resolution, lots of lag. Last year was much better with more cameras, but still lacked in resolution. This year they had predetermined angles and timing down pat with a multitude of cameras. Thankfully I missed the host/hostess advertisement before the fireworks.

I had hoped Disney would also be live-streaming the 3 hour exit from their parking structures in Disney Springs, but alas, no. :( Next year perhaps. Joking aside, I just can't get over the logistics of adults out late drinking followed by up to a 3 hour wait to get the vehicle they are in onto the freeway. Uh... any reports on how the garages smelled this morning?
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