VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

A practical note, with reference....

See http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/dvc-property-taxes-to-rise.928040/#post-7754592

Regarding our property tax assessment.... if Humphrey is correct, and the VWL was legally "sold" to the developer? This could trigger a complete re-assessment of property taxes. One none of us asked for, and had no vote on.

WATCH your property tax assessments in the coming year - NONE OF US ASKED for any work to be done at the Lodge. I, for one, will complain LOUDLY if the WDW standard business practice of temporary sales to a contractor results in a cost increase to ME. Class action is not out of the question.

Let's see what happens - in the end? "Not my Monkey, NOT my Circus".

Dean I really have no idea where that speculation came from and find it about as unlikely of a rumor as could be. Disney World is not going to sell a tiny piece of property to whomever was speculated - and the developer was DVD who leases the land. Anyone else is just a contractor performing work. We all have real estate deeds to units that do not expire until 2042 so they could not sell the VWL building itself.

But it actually doesn't make a difference. From all accounts the assessor has greatly increased property valuations across WDW theme parks and existing resorts - and many other properties in Orlando saw the same thing including the other theme parks. They are all apparently filing lawsuits now over this.
Thank you so much for that introduction! Around how busy would you say the pool areas get? Does the quick service get busy? Seems like a more relaxed resort, so that is a plus! Thanks!

The main pool IMO has always had a good draw of folks, but not to the point you can't find somewhere to camp out. The former quiet pool nearest to the villas is a lot less crowded. But the unknown is that may change with the new villas opening and a bigger influx of people. But the new pool is larger than the former, so that will help.

Geyser Pt when we went there twice in May, middle of day, was not busy. Granny and DiznyDad experienced crowds in early May. So that may be a short in the dark. Roaring Forks is hit or miss too. After parks close, yes, it can get crowded. Early AM, same. But not unbearable.

Relaxing, yes! We find VWL/WL to be the one resort amongst all DVC resorts is one we can just hang out, rainy days are great there. OKW and Aulani evoke that for us too.
Seems to be a few comments on renting points that we may not be able to use and are past the date to bank them. In looking into the liabilities of renting points, here are a few items to note:

  1. You are ultimately responsible for damages to the facility when someone is using your points, but please read on . .
  2. When going through a broker to rent points, the contract the renter signs usually has a liability clause included making such damages or additional charges the responsibility of the renter;
  3. Additional charges would include such things as stolen items, broken items, etc. that are not covered by the points used. It would never be for additional room charges.
  4. A credit card is always asked for at checking to provide the charge coverages for item #3 above and foods, gift, etc. that would be on their folio.
  5. There is no easy way to find out, but the general consensus of brokers is that they have never experienced any big issues where the owner of the points was being held responsible for charges by Disney.
  6. You are ultimately responsible for the use of the points; use a broker, read the contracts, follow up if necessary.
  7. And watch those pesky relatives that look at you with sad eyes "it must be nice to be able to go to Disney World all the time" :sad1:. . . they may not understand that they just can't take the curtains or the bedding when they leave. :sad2:

I am not trying to dissuade anyone from renting out their points; just a reality check.
...And watch those pesky relatives that look at you with sad eyes "it must be nice to be able to go to Disney World all the time" :sad1:. . . they may not understand that they just can't take the curtains or the bedding when they leave. :sad2:

Um... what?:rotfl2:
I don't seem to have the issue of having too many points, ever. If I did I think I'd go through David's. My son rented through him without an issue and he's a heck of a nice guy who really knows the business.
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Um... what?:rotfl2:
I don't seem to have the issue of having too many points, ever. But if I did I think I'd go through David's. My son rented through him without an issue and he's a heck of a nice guy who really knows the business.
I too have used David's - not so much because I had extra points - more because I needed the extra $$$ to help pay for our daughter's wedding and was willing to forgo one of my trips to WDW...they really are very professional and easy to work with.
Seems to be a few comments on renting points that we may not be able to use and are past the date to bank them. In looking into the liabilities of renting points, here are a few items to note:

  1. You are ultimately responsible for damages to the facility when someone is using your points, but please read on . .
  2. When going through a broker to rent points, the contract the renter signs usually has a liability clause included making such damages or additional charges the responsibility of the renter;
  3. Additional charges would include such things as stolen items, broken items, etc. that are not covered by the points used. It would never be for additional room charges.
  4. A credit card is always asked for at checking to provide the charge coverages for item #3 above and foods, gift, etc. that would be on their folio.
  5. There is no easy way to find out, but the general consensus of brokers is that they have never experienced any big issues where the owner of the points was being held responsible for charges by Disney.
  6. You are ultimately responsible for the use of the points; use a broker, read the contracts, follow up if necessary.
  7. And watch those pesky relatives that look at you with sad eyes "it must be nice to be able to go to Disney World all the time" :sad1:. . . they may not understand that they just can't take the curtains or the bedding when they leave. :sad2:

I am not trying to dissuade anyone from renting out their points; just a reality check.

All good points. I've rented many times & never had any issues. Never used a broker to do it for me. I've always handled it myself.
Julie, your trip sounds amazing! :yay: I guess that means we're not going to have the opportunity of seeing you in the World in October. Another time...

Have a great week-end Groupies!
Julie, that sounds like a great trip coming in Oct. You don't need any bag handlers by chance, do you? :D
All good points. I've rented many times & never had any issues. Never used a broker to do it for me. I've always handled it myself.

I have not rented often, too busy using the points :D, but when I have I've just posted an ad and it's been super easy. I also just enjoy working with the renters - would seem a little sad not to.
My lovely wife just sent this shot to me, and it came from another site, so I've edited it to show only the important stuff. . .it appears as though Billy Bob Bison is back!!

Yes! One of several to be returned. Where are they putting it? I don't recognize this as being the front of the resort.

I believe that is back at the end of the South wing of the main building. Across the walkway from Geyser pt and right at the walkway leading to the new Rock pool.
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My lovely wife just sent this shot to me, and it came from another site, so I've edited it to show only the important stuff. . .it appears as though Billy Bob Bison is back!!

Sad I missed all this stuff. We left Sunday and everything started happening right after we left!
I believe that is back at the end of the South wing of the main building. Across the walkway from Geyser pt and right at the walkway leading to the new Rock pool.
Yep, that's what I thought, too, when Luv first showed me. To the left of the worker walking away from the picture, it appears to be part of the wall poking through the landscaping. Certainly, that's VWL in the background to the left, as well. I'm so happy to see him back! Now, where are the geese?!

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