TV Commercials You Cant Stand

The commercial I hated most of all time was Mr, Whipple for Charmin toilet paper.

Who the heck gets their jollies by squeezing TP in the supermarket?
Mr Whipple of course! The butt whipping bears are borderline obscene. Some of the insurance ads are humorous but I can’t stand the Liberty ads
Health insurance ads made to look like the govt is offering 'secret' benefits you can only get by calling their 800#. Very misleading and made to look like the ad is from Medicare. It is simply an ad trying to sell you whatever health insurance they are peddling. I would imagine a lot of elderly people call those numbers thinking they will be talking to someone associated with the govt or Medicare.
Seriously if my doctor mentions this one I’m going to say no!
You may hate the ad, but the product works. It's brought down my A1C by 1.5 points and lost a few pounds since my doc put me on it in March.
Who the heck gets their jollies by squeezing TP in the supermarket?
Why the kink shaming? If it works for them and doesn't bother anyone else, let them be.

The worst to me are the med ads where the side effect list takes up half the ad and sounds much worse than the condition the med is supposed to treat.
Or the ones where the side effect is obvious, a diabetes med that may lead to low blood sugar. Well duh.
I am DONE with the "Ive got home internet from TMobileeeee" scrubs guys. get outta hereeee
You may hate the ad, but the product works. It's brought down my A1C by 1.5 points and lost a few pounds since my doc put me on it in March.

Why the kink shaming? If it works for them and doesn't bother anyone else, let them be.

The worst to me are the med ads where the side effect list takes up half the ad and sounds much worse than the condition the med is supposed to treat.
Or the ones where the side effect is obvious, a diabetes med that may lead to low blood sugar. Well duh.
Let’s dismiss someone else’s objection but go on to list a multitude of your own?
Let’s dismiss someone else’s objection but go on to list a multitude of your own?
I'm not going to make medical decisions based on that I don't like an advertisement. That was my comment to PP comment. Nowhere do I say that I won't refuse the medication because of the ad.
You can't call yourself a Chicagoan if you can't recite this commercial by heart. It's become a beloved part of our collective identity.

I don't watch television so I don't see ads from there but the podcasts I listen to seem to all have the same commercials. Can't believe how many times I hear the same ones over and over again. Better Health, all those food delivery services and all different kinds of undergarments. Thank heavens for the 15 second advance on my podcast player.
I'm not going to make medical decisions based on that I don't like an advertisement. That was my comment to PP comment. Nowhere do I say that I won't refuse the medication because of the ad.
Your response was to the comment about TP squeezing
My husband and I can’t stand fragrance commercials, and of course, this is the worst season for them. He despises this Dior one featuring Natalie Portman.

For me, pretty much every single Charlize Theron J’Adore commercial makes me crazy. They’ve been around since the mid 2000s, but this one that’s circa 2018 is my nails on a chalkboard.

You may hate the ad, but the product works. It's brought down my A1C by 1.5 points and lost a few pounds since my doc put me on it in March.

Yeah, Jardiance works, but it's sooo expensive, even with insurance, partly because the mfr has to pay for the expensive commercials. And doctors don't need to watch ads of people in tacky clothing, dancing in the streets to decide which medication to prescribe for their patients.

Another ad not mentioned (so far) is the silly Target ad with kids pretending to play musical instruments. You'd think the sponsor could at least show the kids how to hold the instruments correctly so it wouldn't be so obvious that they're faking it.
Medicare ads, medicine ads...bleh.

I do like some, especially Progressive's 'turning into your parents'. Those always make me laugh. I was listening to the TV last night with headphones and the Liberty commercial with the Libbity-Bibbity came on. I thought he said 'Look an Emu!'. Oh no. He says 'Look a bebu!'. Had to scroll back to make sure :laughing:.
I hate the Target holiday commercials this season. They usually have a snip of decent music. But, this time, they are so annoying as they repeat the same ONE musical phrase over and over and over and over. There is even a Reddit thread to how hated this commercial's song is:

"I never knew there was a love like this before. I never knew there was a love like this before. I never knew there was a love like this before. Love like this before. Love like this BEFORE. LOVE LIKE THIS BEFORE!!!!"​
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on a local basis-

twice per year boat show ad that has a jingle that gets stuck in your brain (repetative phrase 'only in a boat, only in a boat, only in a boat boat boat) :crazy:

CONSTANTLY- takes advantage of volume kicking up when commercials are on so it is literaly someone screaming- THIS WEEKEND ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOT TUBS AT FACTORY SELL OUT PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONCE IN A LIFETIME DEALS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS.........:headache:


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