The Widow, Spinster, Missus and her Boy Toy celebrate new beginnings at WDW - Completed! 7/4

I'm not going to bother quoting as I would copy every single pic Alison posted but dinner was exquisite! We were so well taken care of...nothing was fussy but it was all elegant. I think Alison and I agreed on our thoughts of every course. If you enjoy fine dining, definitely try V&A once. It is incredible. Two weeks after we dined there, V&A was awarded its first Michelin Star which is like the Oscar of the fine dining world. It was incredibly well deserved. Can't wait to do it again (after I save up more funds!)

Jill in CO
It was hard to note quote every single picture and comment, but:
The fireplace is so pretty! I don't think of purple as a common colour for those!

Great picture of you two, the dress is just SO en pointe!

But the servers were top notch, the timing was impeccable
So happy to hear this after the last fine dining experience in Napa!

ach table had a set up like this at the end of the table so that the servers had all our glasses at their fingertips.

Now that is just great- how perfect!

These are darling and I loved the close-ups as well!

If you’d have told me I’d be eating potato chips at V&A’s I’d have said you were nuts!
Something I def didn't expect to read, and also that you loved them!

We were both a little disappointed with the bread service
I'm glad everything else hit it out of the park!

What a perfect looking butter egg!

I love all the cutlery rests!
Then the server poured the chili sauce between the two bites. It had a very small kick.

The servers were very involved in the experience it seems!

Rabbit Cappelletti, Sugar Snaps, Saffron.
I'm not sure about this one, as I haven't eaten rabbit much, but sounds like it was a hit!

Our next course was pretty fabulous. It was Wild Boar, Rhubarb, and Broccolini.
That one indeed sounded great!

Another pretty cutlery presentation!

That looks just perfect indeed, thanks for explaining the scale as well!

and it was served in a sauce of Florida Guava and Pine Berries.
Did you enjoy the sauce?
“Candied Carrot, Hazelnut Praline, Cocoa Soil”. I wasn’t sure that I would like this, but it was super good, and I even sopped up the cocoa soil with the carrot filling.

I feel like I would have been a bit weary as well, neat to hear how much you enjoyed it!

Mango Pavlova, Serrano Pepper, Chantilly. These were delightful little puffs of goodness!

I wonder how I would have enjoyed these, given I don't always love mango
Lemon Ganache Square

Now these look just perfect! were they tart?

I could have written much more, but suffice to say this experience is for sure going on my bucket list!

Thank you for the lovely write up, how were the wine pairings overall?
Lovely meal at Victoria & Albert's! I'm so glad they earned their star! It definitely deserves it.
I always love "It's a Small Mexico!"
Yes! And I had not been on it in many years!
Another place I missed! I though they were only at the GF.
Yeah, it was a surprise to us to find them there as well!
You were in it for the long haul!
::yes:: I follow through on what I begin! :laughing:
The food there is excellent!
It sure was! :thumbsup2
I love that Polynesian Pearl.
It is pretty tasty!
Go Alison!!
Oh my gosh, I would be DYING!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Especially in our inebriated state, we were laughing pretty hard!
Makes you wonder where the gators are… better check the hot tub!
No, I'm sure that they can't get through the screen on the patio. :rolleyes1
Pour timing.


On whose part? We sat by the comfy fire all afternoon!

“As well”???

What else did they take??

As well as the pictures Jeanette took of us......

Interesting. I don’t think I skipped a bite. I sure was full after, though!

I've learned not to eat everything, especially if it's not as good as something I had before, or something to come.

Funny how it’s okay when not forced on you.



I need to revisit, then.

Yes, you do! I think it's something that should be done every five years, or when your pocketbook recovers.

Huh. Not sure if I’d be interested in that or not… but I’d definitely be curious.

You would probably like it better than the wine pairings.

No! I’m shocked!! Shocked!



That’s new.

I'm not sure it's new for the Queen Victoria room, this was my first time dining there, but they don't do it for the main dining room. They have a sideboard with all the glasses (or they did).

That sounds so fascinating! Would never have thought they’d go together at all.

We were quite surprised as well.

I don’t even understand how you could do that.

I'm guessing the sunflower seeds were not all the way ripe. They were very crunchy as a risotto.

Is it the dot at about 6 o’clock?
I think that is the same sauce that it at the top of the plate. Maybe that's what the sauce was made of.
One of the few places in North America that serve it.


Another combination that surprised me.

Yes, there were actually lots of surprises, but most were good!
No, I'm sure that they can't get through the screen on the patio. :rolleyes1
Boring! Where’s the fun in that???
On whose part? We sat by the comfy fire all afternoon!
Note I said “pour” timing, not poor timing.
I've learned not to eat everything, especially if it's not as good as something I had before, or something to come.
You is wise.
Yes, you do! I think it's something that should be done every five years, or when your pocketbook recovers.
Which might be longer.
You would probably like it better than the wine pairings.
Maybe so… unless I told them white only?
I'm not sure it's new for the Queen Victoria room, this was my first time dining there, but they don't do it for the main dining room. They have a sideboard with all the glasses (or they did).
Ah! Maybe so?
I'm guessing the sunflower seeds were not all the way ripe. They were very crunchy as a risotto.
Interesting. But then again the whole meal was interesting too
I'm not going to bother quoting as I would copy every single pic Alison posted but dinner was exquisite! We were so well taken care of...nothing was fussy but it was all elegant.

We should wait a while before we do another fine dining experience, maybe 126 days? :scratchin

I think Alison and I agreed on our thoughts of every course. If you enjoy fine dining, definitely try V&A once. It is incredible. Two weeks after we dined there, V&A was awarded its first Michelin Star which is like the Oscar of the fine dining world. It was incredibly well deserved. Can't wait to do it again (after I save up more funds!)

So glad they got their star!
The fireplace is so pretty! I don't think of purple as a common colour for those!
I'm not sure I even noticed that it was purple, and I stayed there all week! :laughing:
Great picture of you two, the dress is just SO en pointe!
So happy to hear this after the last fine dining experience in Napa!
That's why I put that in there! I had just posted comments to the lousy experience and thought I better that out of the way right away.
Now that is just great- how perfect!
Made for a super smooth service!
These are darling and I loved the close-ups as well!
And they were so tasty too!
Something I def didn't expect to read, and also that you loved them!
The servers said that those chips were super off-limits in the kitchen because everyone wanted to eat them!
I'm glad everything else hit it out of the park!
It was definitely a meal to remember!
What a perfect looking butter egg!
I know! How do they make that? I'm sure with a mold.
I love all the cutlery rests!
That's why I took all the pictures!
The servers were very involved in the experience it seems!
Very miuch so. They were right there and very attentive, but not obnoxious and overbearing.
I'm not sure about this one, as I haven't eaten rabbit much, but sounds like it was a hit!
Tastes like chicken! 😂
That one indeed sounded great!
Did I admit that I only took one bite of the broccolini? Too bitter for me.
Another pretty cutlery presentation!
We did NOT need that heavy duty knife, the meat almost cut itself.
That looks just perfect indeed, thanks for explaining the scale as well!
You're welcome! :teeth:
Did you enjoy the sauce?
I think so. I spread it on the cracker.
I feel like I would have been a bit weary as well, neat to hear how much you enjoyed it!
Yeah, they had great pacing with portions and everythings.
I wonder how I would have enjoyed these, given I don't always love mango
They tasted more like pavlova than mango.
Now these look just perfect! were they tart?
Honestly I don't remember. Everything was so tasty and it was all just one bite, except maybe the opera cake. I just remembered that each one was good and they all brought a completely different flavor to the table.
I could have written much more, but suffice to say this experience is for sure going on my bucket list!
It definitely should. Anyone who enjoys a fantastic meal should try and do V&A's, it's such an experience!
Thank you for the lovely write up, how were the wine pairings overall?

They were fantastic! My only complaint is that they weren't larger! :laughing:
On Thursday morning, I woke up at 4:06AM, but I was able to coax myself back to sleep for another hour and half or so, waking up at 6AM. I tried to take a bath in the tub, but even though I filled it up at least two inches like the maintenance guy told me, the bubbles still wouldn't start. I even asked Jill later, once she woke up, to try and it wouldn’t start for her either.

I ended up in the hot tub. When I came out into the main room in my bathing suit, Jenny was sitting on the couch. I guess she couldn’t sleep either. “You’re going in the Hot Tub?” She asked, and totally startled me! I had no idea that anyone else was awake. I didn’t take any pictures while I was in there, I was just living in the moment, but luckily Jenny did, so you get to see the beautiful sunrise.


Now when I woke up this morning, I found a text from one of my tenants that the exterior lights in the building never came on the night before. I thought that was pretty odd, but decided I better call an electrician to check the sensors on the building, since they are operated by an electronic eye. It was still to early to call the West Coast so I put a reminder in my phone to take care of that.

After the hot tub, I took a quick shower to get the chlorine off of me, and then got dressed. Today we had a very special experience. An East Coast Club 33 member, whom I was lucky enough to make friends with through a random acquaintance, offered a VIP tour to me. Actually he offered it to Fran and myself several years ago, but with the pandemic and all we were not able to take advantage of it. We were actually supposed to have the tour last year on the trip where she never made it.

After she passed, he told me that the offer still stood, and it was such a generous offer, I was stunned. So with a VIP tour today our plan was to start the tour at 1:30PM in Epcot and finish just in time for the fireworks at MK. After much planning, today was the day!

I didn’t take any pictures, but we had a fun time getting to the parks on this day. Our plan was to start off in France and make Remy our first ride of the day. So in preparation for a long day, I wanted to have lunch at Le Creperie. We had a reservation for 11:50AM and while I was snoozing in bed, I realized that the easiest way to get there and minimize walking would be to take a bus to DHS and take the skyliner to Epcot from there. We could enter through the International Gateway and be just a few steps from France.

Here we are entering from the International Gateway.



We got these pictures of the topianes in France and went to be seated for our lunch reservation.





Both Jill and I, and Jenny and Michael split the Prix Fixe menu, respectively. Jill let me have the vegetable soup.


I let her have the beverage it came with. Neither of us took a pictures of it, so i stole this from the Interwebs.


We split the Savoyarde crepe, which was Raclette Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Bacon, Imported Bayonne Ham. It was delicious!


Jenny and Michael split the Poulet, which contained Chicken, Bechamel Cheese Sauce, Mushrooms. It was also delicious!


For dessert we all decided on the Apple crepe with caramel sauce, and split each one respectively. Also super delicious!


Feeling like we needed additional caffeine, Michael and I each got a Cappuccino from Les Halles, and then we went to meet our VIP tour guide outside the gift shop near the International Gateway. We ended up with a guide named Seth who was just the most fun guy and could not have been a more perfect fit for our group!

Our plan was to start off riding Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure. He took our picture in front of the fountain before we rode the ride, and then we went on Ratatouille. It was the first time for both Jill and Michael and they loved it!


After the ride we took a few photopass photos.



Then we learned the wonder of Seth and a VIP tour at WDW. He knew that we were all Disneyland locals, and he anticipated that we would want to ride all the rides that we don’t have at home. So we walked from France past the UK (where I snapped these pictures of the Pooh and friends topiaries) and out the gates where you get to the building for the Party of the Senses, or other multi use gatherings.



He had parked his van backstage so that we didn’t have to walk all the way over to Future World where we would ride Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind. We boarded the van and drove over to a parking lot right behind that attraction, so we hardly had to walk much at all. It was during this drive that we learned that Seth was a huge fan of Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, was a theater geek, and both he and Michael shared a love for Quasimodo (both of their’s favorite character). At this point, he called us “his people.”

When we got out of the Suburban, we were greeted by the VIP tours interns bearing snacks. I chose a Mickey Head rice krispy treat which I stowed in the car for later. As we came out of backstage, I saw this. I loved this sign, if you’ve been on the Guardians ride you get it.


We were going to try and ride Test Track, but it went down, just as we approached the ride. These VIP guides have a special language of their own, where they alert each other of things like this without actually saying that the ride is down. Another tour guide who was leaving the attraction somehow signaled him, so we didn’t even bother getting into the line. We were able to flee before they started evacuating the queue and beat the hoards looking for a new ride to descend upon.


So we rode Guardians and the song we got was Disco Inferno.


After this ride, we got back into the van and headed over towards Hollywood Studios. We parked backstage, and came out into the courtyard for Rockin’ Roller Coaster, which unfortunately was down for refurbishment this trip.

While everyone else, was choosing from a different array of snacks, I called the electrician and left a message that I needed someone to take a look at the building.

We were going to ride Tower of Terror, but it had a 100 minute wait for the lightning lane. So we headed over to Slinky Dog.






Evidently I don’t know where the camera is on this ride….


By the time we got back to the street where Tower of Terror is, the ride had gone down.


Jenny and I had to pee, which was practically the story of this TR, but I’m just not writing about every time we had to stop. By the time we came out of the potty, the ride was back up and we were able to get on it with a minimal wait!



There is something in the bottom of this sign (I can’t remember what it said), but I tried to take a picture of it. Maybe this will prompt someone to look for themselves when they ride it!



We exited the park through a secret door in the basement of the tower and were back to our Suburban. Engine running and AC blaring!

Next stop was Animal Kingdom. But I’ll be back with that one later!
Hey Folks! In case you are interested, I started a new Trip Report in my adventures in Germany and Austria. You can read about it here!
Yeah, I wasn't quite sure what to do with that! :laughing:
I wonder if they could do that......
If not, I’ll take the non option.
On Thursday morning, I woke up at 4:06AM, but I was able to coax myself back to sleep for another hour and half or so, waking up at 6AM.
Tooo early!
I tried to take a bath in the tub, but even though I filled it up at least two inches like the maintenance guy told me, the bubbles still wouldn't start. I even asked Jill later, once she woke up, to try and it wouldn’t start for her either.
Not okay. I wonder if he tried it or just assumed that you hadn’t put water in it?
“You’re going in the Hot Tub?” She asked, and totally startled me! I had no idea that anyone else was awake.
you get to see the beautiful sunrise.
Very nice. And from a hot tub? Even better.
An East Coast Club 33 member, whom I was lucky enough to make friends with through a random acquaintance, offered a VIP tour to me.
That’s great!
I wonder if there are Club 33s off continent?
We were actually supposed to have the tour last year on the trip where she never made it.
I wanted to have lunch at Le Creperie.
Never eaten there. Might have to change that.
I realized that the easiest way to get there and minimize walking would be to take a bus to DHS and take the skyliner to Epcot from there. We could enter through the International Gateway and be just a few steps from France.
Oh! Smart. Good idea. I know (before the Skyliner) that I’ve gone to a park and bussed to one of the Boardwalk resorts and walked or boated from there.
We got these pictures of the topianes in France and went to be seated for our lunch reservation.

I just saw that on a completely non-Disney related site. Was surprised. But it is pretty.
Both Jill and I, and Jenny and Michael split the Prix Fixe menu, respectively.
Good idea. Don’t know if I’d think of that.
We split the Savoyarde crepe, which was Raclette Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Bacon, Imported Bayonne Ham. It was delicious!
Sounds good.
Jenny and Michael split the Poulet, which contained Chicken, Bechamel Cheese Sauce, Mushrooms. It was also delicious!
Also sounds good but I like the sound of yours better.
For dessert we all decided on the Apple crepe with caramel sauce, and split each one respectively. Also super delicious!
Now we’re talking!! Yumm!
He took our picture in front of the fountain
Nice shot of the gang. :)
we went on Ratatouille. It was the first time for both Jill and Michael and they loved it!
Good! :)
:laughing: Good shot!
I’ve seen several and they don’t work. But that angle does. Good job PP!
He had parked his van backstage so that we didn’t have to walk all the way over to Future World
Oh! Nice! Hadn’t expected that. Great time (and feet) saver.
It was during this drive that we learned that Seth was a huge fan of Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, was a theater geek, and both he and Michael shared a love for Quasimodo (both of their’s favorite character). At this point, he called us “his people.”
I loved this sign, if you’ve been on the Guardians ride you get it.
We were going to try and ride Test Track, but it went down, just as we approached the ride.
So we rode Guardians and the song we got was Disco Inferno.
Not a bad one for that ride. :)
After this ride, we got back into the van and headed over towards Hollywood Studios.
Park hopping too. Nice. :)
Rockin’ Roller Coaster, which unfortunately was down for refurbishment this trip.
Yup. But coming back online soon I hear. Not that it helps you now.
We were going to ride Tower of Terror, but it had a 100 minute wait for the lightning lane.
:scared: Nope!
Evidently I don’t know where the camera is on this ride….
You’re not back in California, lady.
By the time we got back to the street where Tower of Terror is, the ride had gone down.
Jenny and I had to pee, which was practically the story of this TR,
Heh. Maybe you’re title should be the widow, spinster and princess and the pee
By the time we came out of the potty, the ride was back up and we were able to get on it with a minimal wait!
Nice shot. :thumbsup2
We exited the park through a secret door in the basement of the tower and were back to our Suburban. Engine running and AC blaring!
That’s cool!

Pun both intended and not. ;)
Beauty shot Jenny!

An East Coast Club 33 member, whom I was lucky enough to make friends with through a random acquaintance, offered a VIP tour to me.
Wow that was so kind of him 💗
So with a VIP tour today our plan was to start the tour at 1:30PM in Epcot and finish just in time for the fireworks at MK.
Park hopping it up!
Looks like you had perfect weather!
We ended up with a guide named Seth who was just the most fun guy and could not have been a more perfect fit for our group!
Wooohoo! Did you benefactor request him?
He had parked his van backstage so that we didn’t have to walk all the way over to Future World where we would ride Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind.
Nice! now that's planning!
both he and Michael shared a love for Quasimodo
I feel like that's one of D's favs as well, I will have to ask him!
we were greeted by the VIP tours interns bearing snacks.
Snacks, as in Free?! snacks!
So we rode Guardians and the song we got was Disco Inferno.
I can't wait to ride this beauty someday
to ride Tower of Terror, but it had a 100 minute wait for the lightning lane.
100 min in the lightning lane, madness!!
You guys kinda make me think "Sunday afternoon drive" in this pic- not sure if that will make sense to you
Michael's arm looks crazy long here!!

Shaping up to be such a fun day!
A 100 minute wait in the LL for tower of terror???? I didn't know that was possible! Did you use the LL entrance for all attractions?
We should wait a while before we do another fine dining experience, maybe 126 days? :scratchin
Hmmm, Let me think about it.....maybe do it a couple of times! :)
I'm not sure I even noticed that it was purple, and I stayed there all week! :laughing:
There was a button on the side that you could change color. I think I played with it and never changed it again!

We were so incredibly spoiled this trip and the ViP Tour was amazing! Seth really made the day incredible. The van rides backstage were amazing!!!

Jill in CO
Last edited:
If not, I’ll take the non option.
I think you might enjoy that. I know when Leonard did it at 21 Royal they did a fabulous job of curating interesting beverages.
Tooo early!
I know, but I seem to have a hard time sleeping now in places that aren't my own bed.
Not okay. I wonder if he tried it or just assumed that you hadn’t put water in it?
I don't know, but it didn't help me when he wasn't there.
Very nice. And from a hot tub? Even better.
Definitely spoiled!
That’s great!
I wonder if there are Club 33s off continent?
There are some in Japan, China, and I think Hong Kong.
Never eaten there. Might have to change that.
Yes you should. Although Jill and I are talking about going back just for the sweet crepes.
Oh! Smart. Good idea. I know (before the Skyliner) that I’ve gone to a park and bussed to one of the Boardwalk resorts and walked or boated from there.
I can get very creative with transportation.
I just saw that on a completely non-Disney related site. Was surprised. But it is pretty.
Huh, that seems odd.
Good idea. Don’t know if I’d think of that.
We were reading the menu for months before-hand trying to figure out what we were going to have.
Sounds good.
Also sounds good but I like the sound of yours better.
They let me try the Bechamel one and it was good. Jill doesn't like mushrooms so we skipped it.
Now we’re talking!! Yumm!
::yes:: As I said we are talking about going back for just the sweet crepes. Maybe we will each get one and share bites.
:laughing: Good shot!
I’ve seen several and they don’t work. But that angle does. Good job PP!
Yes, Fran and I got one and it wasn't nearly as good.
Oh! Nice! Hadn’t expected that. Great time (and feet) saver.
We didn't either!
Not a bad one for that ride. :)
In the end we only got three songs on our four rides.
Park hopping too. Nice. :)
This is just the beginning!
Yup. But coming back online soon I hear. Not that it helps you now.
But it will in December! :teeth:
You’re not back in California, lady.
I know! There I know all the camera! :laughing:
Heh. Maybe you’re title should be the widow, spinster and princess and the pee
Well this is Jenny's last day so it won't be as much of an issue......
That’s cool!

Pun both intended and not. ;)

Ha ha!
Wow that was so kind of him 💗
I was floored with the initial offer and even more so when he kept it after Fran passed.
Park hopping it up!
Oh yeah! Totally!
Looks like you had perfect weather!
It was a very nice day!
Wooohoo! Did you benefactor request him?
Actually I received the suggestion from a different friend.
Nice! now that's planning!
He was a consummate professional!
Snacks, as in Free?! snacks!
Yes! Can you believe it? Free snacks!
I can't wait to ride this beauty someday
You are going to love it!
100 min in the lightning lane, madness!!
He was thinking that the ride went down earlier in the day and that everyone got in line to use their previous lightning lanes.
You guys kinda make me think "Sunday afternoon drive" in this pic- not sure if that will make sense to you
Not sure I do get it. :laughing:
Michael's arm looks crazy long here!!
I didn't notice it until you pointed it out! :lmao:
Shaping up to be such a fun day!

And the rest of that day should be coming shortly!

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