Springtime Surprise Weekend 2024 (April 18-21)

Not sure of someone has already asked and my apologies if so, but does anyone have any info on the medical emergency that happened between miles 7 and 9 this morning? Just wondering how the person was as it didn't look good when we went by
Oh man, I didn’t realize those were the Rescuers! I would’ve stopped, my husband loves those movies.
Not sure of someone has already asked and my apologies if so, but does anyone have any info on the medical emergency that happened between miles 7 and 9 this morning? Just wondering how the person was as it didn't look good when we went by
Was that on World Drive? I ran by right as the person went down. It didn’t look like an injury but maybe heat exhaustion. Someone summoned the bike patrol but I’m not sure what happened. I hope they’re okay.
Was that on World Drive? I ran by right as the person went down. It didn’t look like an injury but maybe heat exhaustion. Someone summoned the bike patrol but I’m not sure what happened. I hope they’re okay.
No, this was right before the hairpin to go up the exit ramp from EPCOT. Runners would be heading back into park for last few miles
Was that on World Drive? I ran by right as the person went down. It didn’t look like an injury but maybe heat exhaustion. Someone summoned the bike patrol but I’m not sure what happened. I hope they’re okay.
I have seen social media reports of someone going down at mile 6 and someone at mile 7 (and comments about cpr/aed use and an ambulance.) 🙁
Another Springtime Surprise Weekend in the books! I love SS, but I think I’m ready to try a cooler temperature race at WDW. ::yes:: Next year, the races fall right before my son’s birthday, so it was a little bit of a bummer, knowing I’d be skipping next year’s.

But! Despite the humidity, I managed to PR my 10K and the 10-Miler by a lot! I got a sub 1:55 finish which I was so shocked by. I was hoping for a 2:05.

Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming and friendly at the meetups in the mornings! It made the time pass faster, and I enjoyed the conversations.
Between the plastic bag tip and the bathroom break in the corral chute, you all took my DH’s trepidation away from when he first said, “We’re going over to talk to people you don’t actually know?”:rotfl2:
Was that on World Drive? I ran by right as the person went down. It didn’t look like an injury but maybe heat exhaustion. Someone summoned the bike patrol but I’m not sure what happened. I hope they’re okay.
When I went by they were performing CPR. It was bad. I’m praying they were able to help her. It was incredibly sad and shook a lot of runners up after they went by.


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