jazz_escape Earning My Ears Joined Jul 31, 2001 Messages 5 Feb 6, 2002 #1 A little mouse told me there is a Members Only Club located near Flame Tree Barbaque in AK......Really? Julie
A little mouse told me there is a Members Only Club located near Flame Tree Barbaque in AK......Really? Julie
E Ed T DVC Member/OKW 1993 Joined Mar 21, 2000 Messages 696 Feb 6, 2002 #2 I thought this was annual passholders?? Ed
jazz_escape Earning My Ears Joined Jul 31, 2001 Messages 5 Feb 6, 2002 #3 I know the new Lounge at Epcot is for Annuals.......heard AK one from another Member...... Julie
Mrs. Snowgod <font color=red>A <font color=blue>very <font colo Joined Jan 17, 2002 Messages 1,033 Feb 6, 2002 #4 I was told in DEC. that the lounge in AK which was for AP holders is closed.
R Regina <font color=teal>Maybe I’ll “accidentally” drop a Joined Aug 14, 1999 Messages 9,213 Feb 6, 2002 #5 That was an Annual Passholder Lounge. They've opened a new one in the Land Pavilion for the months of Feb-April.
That was an Annual Passholder Lounge. They've opened a new one in the Land Pavilion for the months of Feb-April.
T tripletvan DIS Veteran Joined Aug 11, 2001 Messages 822 Feb 6, 2002 #6 So is there a list of where they are? Is there one in each Park? The other Regina
R Regina <font color=teal>Maybe I’ll “accidentally” drop a Joined Aug 14, 1999 Messages 9,213 Feb 6, 2002 #7 OH NO!! There are 2 Reginas!! These lounges seem to be moving around. It would be nice if they were permanent, but, so far, that hasn't been the case. The latest one is in the Land. It's open from 11:00 to 7:00. You need to show your Annual Pass at the Garden Grill to gain entry. I still haven't heard about a DVC member lounge. There's always those weekly DVC member get togethers (ie, sale presentations) that they schedule. I stopped going to those when they stopped serving Conch Fritters.
OH NO!! There are 2 Reginas!! These lounges seem to be moving around. It would be nice if they were permanent, but, so far, that hasn't been the case. The latest one is in the Land. It's open from 11:00 to 7:00. You need to show your Annual Pass at the Garden Grill to gain entry. I still haven't heard about a DVC member lounge. There's always those weekly DVC member get togethers (ie, sale presentations) that they schedule. I stopped going to those when they stopped serving Conch Fritters.
T tripletvan DIS Veteran Joined Aug 11, 2001 Messages 822 Feb 6, 2002 #8 Can ya imagine 2 Regina's both from NY! Well guess we have to wait closer to going home time to see where it will be next! Thanks.
Can ya imagine 2 Regina's both from NY! Well guess we have to wait closer to going home time to see where it will be next! Thanks.