ROTR compared to Indy - Thrills


Feb 9, 2022
Hey all,

We’re finally here! And I found out my 8 year old son is pretty skidish about some rides. We did BTMR and he did fine, but was a bit cautious. Then we did Indy…and he did not like it! I think he was syking himself up too much even before going on. He found it scary, loud, and too fast (although BTMR was faster, lol). So with that said how does ROTR compare to Indy. Do you think he would get just as scared or is it a lot tamer? He knows Starwars so I don’t think he would be as afraid.

RotR is much tamer than Indy in term of being jostled around. Indy also has a lot of loud things blasting at you from all angles in a chaotic way. RotR is fast paced, but but doesn’t have such a hard to follow chaotic feel as Indy.
Does he like Star Wars? If he is a big Star Wars fan he may like and understand it more than Indy. Indy you have things like bugs, and snakes and poison darts and darkness to contend with- that can be a little more scary I think -especially if someone knows the Star Wars movies, and may not be as familiar with Indy movies.
IMHO there is no comparison be tween the two. IJ jerks you around. I have stopped riding it. ROR is much more calm. I think that he will be fine.
I would never let my wife ride Indy - she’d be a wreck. I think she could do ROTR but, like Carlos, she’s cheekin. 🐓


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