Question about Dining Before/After Park Hours


Earning My Ears
Jan 13, 2020
I'm not sure how to search for this question, so apologies if this is stated somewhere... :(

I'm going to Magic Kingdom in May. I was able to book breakfast for 8:15am at Crystal Palace and Dinner at 10:05pm for Cinderella's Royal Table because we wanted to go after the fireworks. I'm staying at an All-Star resort, so it says I can get into the park at 8:30am and we have to leave at 10:00pm.

My questions are:
1. Can I get into the park for that 8:15am breakfast? Do they let you in early?
2. Is it ok for us to go to dinner at 10:05pm? Will they let us stay and exit the park after we are done instad of at 10:00pm?

All the sincere thanks from a Disneyland vet who doesn't know Disney World at all.
I wouldn’t worry about park hours at this point. They tend to finalize them stupidly close to the day of (approx 2 weeks out or so). The fact you have reservations I’d imagine means you’re fine.
I'm not sure how to search for this question, so apologies if this is stated somewhere... :(

I'm going to Magic Kingdom in May. I was able to book breakfast for 8:15am at Crystal Palace and Dinner at 10:05pm for Cinderella's Royal Table because we wanted to go after the fireworks. I'm staying at an All-Star resort, so it says I can get into the park at 8:30am and we have to leave at 10:00pm.

My questions are:
1. Can I get into the park for that 8:15am breakfast? Do they let you in early?
Yes, if you get to MK before they’re letting guests in, there will be a gate at one end that will be for guests with dining reservations.
2. Is it ok for us to go to dinner at 10:05pm? Will they let us stay and exit the park after we are done instad of at 10:00pm?
That won’t be a problem at all. You can enjoy your meal (probably won’t be the only guests eating at that time). When the park closes, they don’t rush everyone out - we’ve lingered almost an hour even without a dining reservation. When you finish your meal, you’ll be guided toward the exit.
All the sincere thanks from a Disneyland vet who doesn't know Disney World at all.
Yes, if you get to MK before they’re letting guests in, there will be a gate at one end that will be for guests with dining reservations.

That won’t be a problem at all. You can enjoy your meal (probably won’t be the only guests eating at that time). When the park closes, they don’t rush everyone out - we’ve lingered almost an hour even without a dining reservation. When you finish your meal, you’ll be guided toward the exit.
This is super helpful, thank you so much!
This is super helpful, thank you so much!
We used to book an 8am Crystal Palace breakfast on days when MK opened at 9am (back in the day when only one park at a time opened early). We have some amazing photos of us on an empty Main St 😍
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